ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 89 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. FOR SALE FINE & APPLIED ARTS REFERENCE COLLECTION, ca 500 titles. Checklist and particulars sent to institutions upon applica­ tion. C. Verbeke, North Salem, N.H. 03073. BOOKS INTERNATIONAL CONGRESSES is one of our specialties. Foreign books and periodicals, current and out of print. Albert J. Phiebig, Box 532, White Plains, N.Y. OVT OF PRINT COLONIAL BOOK SERVICE—Specialists in supplying the out-of-print books as listed in all library indices. (Granger poetry: Essay and General Literature; Shaw; Standard; Fiction; Biography; Lamont; Speech; etc.) Catalogues on request. Want lists invited. 23 East 4th St., New York 3, N.Y. WANT LISTS get prompt attention, wide search, reasonable prices from International Bookfinders, Box 3003-CRL, Beverly Hills, California. PERIODICALS PERIODICALS—sets, files, numbers—bought, sold, exchanged. Microcard reprints of rare files. J. S. Canner Inc., 49-65 Lansdowne St., Bos­ ton, Mass. 02215. POSITIONS W ANTED CATALOGER, man, subject and LS Master’s degrees, years of experience with LC (many as dept. head). Desires position as dept. head east or southeast in small or medium-sized col­ lege library. Box 750, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ___________ POSITIONS OPEN___________ Administration ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN with varied duties. NYSHA library presently involved with State University of New York (Cooperative pro­ grams). Beginning salary of $7500-9000 de­ pending on experience. Exceptional fringe benefits. Prefer recent graduate (history back­ ground) of ALA library school. Write Dr. Paul Z. DuBois, Librarian, N.Y. State Historical Association, Cooperstown, N.Y. 13326. LIBRARIAN for the Behrend Campus of the Pennsylvania State University. Campus has de­ Apply to Stephen Ford, Librarian, Grand Val­ lightful rural setting seven miles from down­ town Erie, about 600 full-time students, bac­ calaureate and associate degree programs. Part of a rapidly expanding and innovative system. Requires: 5th year library degree, several years experience, service orientation, and creative ability. Academic status, liberal benefits, rural setting, salary commensurate with qualifica­ tions. Send resume to Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University, University Li­ braries, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. All qualified applicants will receive considera­ tion without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. MCGILL UNIVERSITY has an opening for the position of Associate Librarian—a member of the senior administrative staff who will par­ ticipate in library policy making, coordinate the development of departmental libraries in the sciences and other fields ( staff totalling 60), and carry additional responsibilities. Pre­ fer a background in the sciences with sub­ stantial professional and administrative experi­ ence. Salary open and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Address letter of application and résumé of education and experience to: Director, McGill University Li­ braries, 3459 McTavish Street, Montreal, Can­ ada. DIRECTOR of Library at Augustana College (Sioux Falls). Liberal arts college with en­ rollment of 2,000. Rapidly growing library, 90,000 volumes, 1,100 serials. Staff of 8 full­ time. Three departments: Technical Services, Public Services, Audio-Visual, each headed by a professional librarian. Candidate with at least MLS; additional graduate work preferred. Salary and faculty rank dependent upon qual­ ifications and experience. Fine opportunity for person interested in development of multi- media approach to learning resources. Write to William R. Matthews, Vice President for Academic Affairs, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57102. Automation LIBRARY SYSTEMS Analyst position sought by male librarian with EDP exposure. Prefer the East. MLS, 3 yrs. exp. Box 749. LIVE IN SOUTH FLORIDA. Looking for per­ sonnel experienced in automation of learning resources services at metropolitan area multi­ campus college which has its own third genera­ tion computer system. Master’s degree in li­ brary services required. Salary range $8,640- $12,000. Apply to H. E. Wine, 104 Street, Miami, Florida 33156. Cataloging CATALOG LIBRARIAN—New Liberal arts college library, half way between Grand Rap­ ids, and Lake Michigan. 2,300 students, 100,- 000 volumes, staff of 18, new buiding. Gradu­ ate degree in library science and ability to read French, German or Spanish required. $8,400 higher for appropriate experience and additional degrees. Faculty status, TIAA, etc. 90 ley State College, Allendale, Michigan 49401, Tel. 616-895-6611. HEAD CATALOGER. Northern Illinois Uni­ versity, where growth means opportunity, is looking for a librarian to lead and direct the more than 30 full time members of the cata­ loging department. This position is challenging and offers major opportunities for professional fulfillment and growth, including participation in planning an entirely new library system. The responsibilities of the position demand a Mas­ ters Degree in Library Science and a mini­ mum of 5 years of cataloging experience, in­ cluding not less than 2 years of administrative work. Minimum salary $13,200 for 12 months contract, Illinois Retirement System benefits, academic status, one month vacation. Appli­ cants should write to George M. Nenonen, Personnel Director, University Library, North­ ern Illinois University, De Kalb, Illinois 60115. HEAD CATALOG DEPT. Salary range $9,108- $11,628 per annum. Immediate opening. One month vacation plus state holidays. Good re­ tirement plan, choice of health plans. College offering masters’ degrees in 33 fields. Student body over 27,000. Library Building addition of 200,000 sq. ft. now under construction. M.L.S. and cataloging experience required. Send resumes to Chas. J. tíoorkman, College Librarian, California State College at Long Beach, Calif. 90801. CATALOGUING LIBRARIANS. Applicants must have at least a year’s experience with LC classification. Applicants with a background in Classics, including ability to read Greek, OR with competence in at least two European languages OR extensive experience with corpo­ rate entry will be given preference. Besides cataloguing, cataloguing librarians must train and revise the work of junior cataloguers. Sal­ ary will be commensurate with qualifications. Full faculty fringe benefits. Apply with re­ sumé and references to D. W. Halliwell, Uni­ versity Librarian, University of Victoria, Vic­ toria, B.C. CATALOGERS. The University of Akron needs two experienced catalogers and one with­ out prior experience. MLS, knowledge of LC necessary. Background in serials or music or science helpful. Salary $8,000 and up, depend­ ing on experience. Fringe benefits excellent. Apply H. P. Schrank, Jr., University Librarian, The University of Akron, Akron, Ohio 44304. ACTING CATALOG LIBRARIAN (September 1969-August 1971) wanted by Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin. A cata- loger with considerable cataloging experience is desired, to direct the work of the depart­ ment while the regular department head is on leave. Applicants should be willing to work both the 1969 and the 1970 summer sessions (8 weeks each). A very aggressive collection­ building program is underway. All new cata­ loging is in L.C.; conversion from Dewey is in progress. Familiarity with MARC and an interest in continuing and developing auto­ mation are essential. The position carries fac­ ulty status and perquisites, including excellent fringe benefits. Salaries are on academic year basis, with additional compensation at the same rate for summer session employment. Sal­ ary is open and appropriate to training and experience. Stout is a Wisconsin State Uni­ versity, specializing in industrial education, industrial technology, home economics, voca­ tional education, and related fields. Present enrollment is 4,330. An addition to the present building (ready in the summer of 1969) will provide excellent working facilities. Menomonie is a small city, situated in the heart of beauti­ ful country, with easy freeway access to Minne­ apolis-St. Paul, 70 miles to the West. Apply to: Miss Phyllis D. Bentley, Librarian, The Robert L. Pierce Library, Stout State Univer­ sity, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751. TRENT UNIVERSITY, unique among Canadi­ an educational centres, requires an experienced general cataloguer immediately. We have a magnificent new riverside building opening in May, and a rapidly growing collection to put in it. This position arose due to internal pro­ motion. Salary open. Apply to the Librarian, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Can­ ada. CATALOGER for an expanding collection. M.L.S. required. Will train recent graduate but experience preferred. Excellent benefits includ­ ing T.I.A.A., 4 weeks vacation, relocation ex­ penses. New building. Salary open. Contact A. G. Anderson, Jr., Head Librarian, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. 01609. Telephone (617) 753-1411, Ext. 412. Multiple BOWLING GREEN State University Library invites applications for the following positions: Head of Cataloging Department; Cataloger; Head of Serials Department; Serials Librarian; Assistant Systems Librarian; Science Reference Librarian; Business and Economics Librarian; Humanities Librarian. Head of Serials open now. Others July 1 (or Sept. 1). Faculty rank. New (1967) air-conditioned building. Equal opportunity employer. Applications and in­ quiries should be sent to: Dr. A. Robert Rogers, Director of Library, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43402. MAJOR ART MUSEUM LIBRARY Midwest: two new positions (1) assistant cataloger of slides, BA art history and MLS or MA art history; (2) acquisitions assistant MLS or varied library, bookstore or publishing experience. Write Box 748, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. ADELPHI UNIVERSITY LIBRARY has tire following positions: (1) Head of Music/Fine Arts Library to administer departmental library, develop collections and services. MLS degree, academic study in field and appropriate experi­ ence. Appointment at Assistant Professor level. (2) Serials Librarian to take charge of serials and work with Faculty in building collection. Interest in application of computer techniques. 91 MLS degree and appropriate experience. (3) Reference Librarian. Active interest in organiz­ ing classes for students in subject bibliography and search techniques. MLS degree. Experi­ ence not mandatory. Salaries on the above de­ pend on qualifications and experience. Full Faculty status, including tenure and sabbat­ icals. TIAA/CREF, 22 days vacation. Thirty- five minutes to New York City. Award-winning air-conditioned building. Immediate openings. Apply to Miss D. Nora Gallagher, Director of Libraries, Adelphi University, Garden City, New York 11530. UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK LI­ BRARY, FREDERICTON, NEW BRUNS­ WICK invites applications for positions open July 1 or September 1, 1969. Accredited de­ gree in Library Science required. Salaries com­ petitive and depending upon qualifications. Li­ brary staff presently 111 of whom 20 are pro­ fessional; enrollment about 5,000; book stock 230,000 vols.; book budget about half million dollars. ( 1) Assistant to the Librarian. Appli­ cant should have background of progressive professional experience in libraries, and in ad­ ministration, personnel, finances and statistics. Position will include areas of delegated re­ sponsibility and of administrative assistance to the Librarian. Challenging opportunity to per­ son with excellent references, ready to make a move. (2) Head of Technical Services to take responsibility for coordinating of ordering and processing; requires a background of progres­ sive responsibility and initiative, interest in the study and rationalization of systems preparatory to automation. (3) Reference Librarian with at least two years experience for general ref­ erence dept. with staff of 11, of whom 5 are professional. Varied responsibilities in refer­ ence, book selection, microform service and student orientation; for flexible, articulate energetic person. (4) Experienced and keen Cataloger with duties primarily in recatalog­ ing and revision (D C ). Aptitude, thorough­ ness and responsibility are the characteristics we look for. (5) Beginning Cataloger with background or interest in handling books in the sciences and applied sciences. Reasonable standard of typing is desirable; reading knowl­ edge of other languages an asset, also period of relevant pre-professional experience. (6) A third librarian for recently established Collec­ tions Dept. which is responsible for the planned growth of collections. Suitable for new grad­ uate interested in all aspects of librarianship and in putting theory into practice. Flexibility essential; foreign languages desirable; typing helpful. (7) Librarian for Forestry Library to undertake reorganization and supervision; ref­ erence work; maintenance and the classification of a major and expanding pamphlet collection. Responsible experience in a library or other situation or relevant background in forestry or biology would be desirable; new graduate considered. Branch is under Main Library, works closely with Forestry Faculty. Apply A b in g d o n P b e s s ” THE WORD” books THE THE INTERPRETER'S INTERPRETER’S BIBLE D IC T IO N A R Y O F THE BIBLE Each volume, $8.75 Four-volume set, $45 Twelve-volume set, $89.50 Deluxe leather edition (sets only), $199.50 NASHVILLE • NEW YORK 92 with full resumé of education, experience and list of referees to Dr. Gertrude E. Gunn, Li­ brarian, University of New Brunswick, Freder­ icton, New Brunswick, Canada. LAFAYETTE COLLEGE, EASTON, PA. Two Positions: (1) Reference Assistant (2) Serials Cataloger. Excellent salaries and fringe bene­ fits. Apply: Clyde L. Haselden, Librarian, La­ fayette College, Easton, Pa. 18042. QUALIFIED LIBRARIANS in all specialties needed for college and university positions listed with us throughout the year by academic institutions seeking faculty and staff members. Enrollment includes notices of up-to-date va­ cancies, storage of your credentials for your use at any time, and other features. Write for enrollment information. AMERICAN COL­ LEGE BUREAU and UNIVERSITY AND COLLEGE STAFFING CENTER, 28 East Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 60604, Phone A.C. 312-427-6662. LIBRARIAN POSITIONS OPEN at all levels: technical service, reference and bibliographic, administrative. All backgrounds needed in di­ visional libraries: humanities, social sciences, sciences. Excellent opportunities to participate in the development and growth of an unusual academic library system at a forward-looking university located in a fast-growing city. Initial salary for lib sch graduate with no experience: $7,000. Other salaries depend upon experience, background, training. Faculty status, other fringe benefits, 1 month’s vacation, sick leave, TIAA, OASI. Send résumé to Dr. G. Donald Smith, Director of Libraries, Washington State University Libraries, Pullman, Washington 99163. Public Services INFORMATION SPECIALIST to serve needs of Colorado industry under State Technical Services Act. Provide reference, literature search and photocopy services with staff of one sub-professional plus student assistants. Participate in promotional activities including newsletters, displays, some local travel. Must be able to work with literature of sciences, business and technology in serving technical clientele. Initially under general direction of Business Librarian, position offers opportunity to assume increasing responsibilities for entire operation. Annual salary to $9,500.00 depend­ ing on qualifications. Faculty rank with all perquisites; eligibility for TIAA; 22 days vaca­ tion; transportation to one professional meet­ ing each year. Candidates must have MLS from ALA accredited library school. Position available approximately August 1, 1969. Send complete resumes to Leo W. Cabell, Assistant Director for Public Services, University of Colorado Libraries, Boulder, Colorado 80302. CIRCULATION LÏBR A R IA N—Accredited M.L.S. required, experience desired. Position available now. Salary dependent upon qualifica­ tions. New library building, attractive fringe benefits, faculty status, 12 month position with 1 month vacation plus legal holidays. Library Michigan 48063. participating in the Ohio College Library Center. Located in Northwest Ohio, 1% hours from Toledo, Dayton and Columbus and 3 hours from Cleveland and Cincinnati. Apply: J. Wayne Baker, Librarian, Ohio Northern University, Ada, Ohio 45810. Reference Services DOCUMENTS LIBRARIAN; equivalent rank of Assistant Professor; $8,000-$8,900 offered; position open now, can hold until July 1, if necessary. Required: MLS from accredited li­ brary school, at least one year relevant experi­ ence. Exceptional fringe benefits, good work­ ing conditions, rapidly growing collection. New building in planning stage. Lovely recrea­ tion area; break away from big city problems. Career possibilities good. Send 3 references and library school dossier, if interested, to Eli M. Oboler, Idaho State University Library, Pocatello, 83201. HEAD OF ARTS REFERENCE Department required July 1, 1969, by the University of Waterloo. Minimum qualifications are gradua­ tion from an accredited library school and six years’ experience in reference work, preferably in an academic library. Minimum salary $9,500 and excellent fringe benefits. Special considera­ tion will be given to applicants with an ad­ vanced degree or additional relevant experi­ ence and training. Assistance will be given with moving expenses. The Art Library serves primarily the Arts faculty, which presently has 2,000 students including 300 graduate students. The Arts Library has some 200,000 volumes of books and periodicals and is growing by 45,000 volumes per year. The Arts Reference collection is 5,000 volumes and the department has a staff of nine, including five librarians. The library’s collection of approximately 280,- 000 volumes is being expanded at the rate of 60,000 volumes per annum. The staff numbers 135 including 27 librarians and serves 7,700 undergraduate students and 1,100 graduate students, in addition to 1,800 members of faculty and administrative staff. The twin cities of Kitchener-Waterloo have a population of 130,000 and are located within an hour’s drive of Toronto, London, and Hamilton in a pros­ perous and attractive area of southern Ontario. Please address inquiries to Mrs. Doris Lewis, University Librarian, University of Waterloo, WATERLOO, Ontario, Canada. HEAD, REFERENCE DEPARTMENT: Oak­ land University requires an experienced refer­ ence librarian to supervise its Reference De­ partment. Librarian will be responsible for general reference, building reference collection, supervising two librarians and student assist­ ants, and other duties as assigned. Prefer liber­ al arts major with minimum three years experi­ ence. MLS from accredited library school re­ quired. Salary $10,000 with usual fringe bene­ fits. Send resume, transcripts, and letter of application to: W. Royce Butler, University Librarian, Oakland University, Rochester, 93 Technical Services ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN to assist in the development and maintenance of excellence in library collections at the Commonwealth Campuses of the Pennsylvania State University. Duties: evaluation of collections; development of acquisitions guidelines and policies; and in­ volvement in interpreting and making avail­ able the bibliographic resources of the main collection at University Park. Requirements: 5th year library degree, 3 years experience in acquisitions, or collection development activi­ ties, imagination and creative ability. Academic status, liberal benefits, rural setting, salary commensurate with qualifications. Send re­ sumé to Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University, University Libraries, Univer­ sity Park, Pennsylvania 16802. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. ORDER LIBRARIAN works closely with Ac­ quisitions Librarian in coordinating activities of an Acquisitions Department of 10 librarians and 33 clericals with a budget of $1,200,000. Establishes priorities in searching and process­ ing in conjunction with Bibliographic Control Librarian. In addition to major responsibility for monographic acquisisions, special assign­ ments may be available in a particular subject field. Requirements: 5th year library degree, 2 years experience in acquisitions, imagination and creative ability. Academic status, liberal benefits, rural setting, salary commensurate with qualifications. Send resume to Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University, University Libraries, University Park, Penn­ sylvania 16802. All qualified applicants will re­ ceive consideration without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. ASSISTANT TECHNICAL LIBRARIAN for the Library Information System of the Penn­ sylvania Technical Assistance Program, admin­ istered by The Pennsylvania State University Libraries. Requires: 5th-year library degree. Desirable: experience with technical literature searching and a background in science or technology. Academic status, liberal benefits, rural setting, salary commensurate with qualifi­ cations. Send resume to Personnel Librarian, The Pennsylvania State University, University Libraries, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802. All qualified applicants will receive considera­ tion without regard to race, color, religion, sex or national origin. ORDER LIBRARIAN, responsible for research and preparation of orders, faculty liaison and related work. Four year liberal arts college, 1200 enrollment, in attractive medium size city on 1-75, one hour South of Toledo; usual fringe benefits. Competitive salary depends up­ on qualifications. Opportunity to help build collection in new and expanding library. Open Sept. 1, 1969. Apply to S. A. Stiffler, Librarian, Findlay College, Findlay, Ohio 45840. BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICES. Catalogers, ac­ quisitions librarians, and public services spe­ cialist. Experience, one year administrative. M. L.S. Three year old state college library in formative stages in south Los Angeles County. Desire to be part of a dynamic academic en­ vironment is important. Salary $9,100-$10,000, depending on qualifications. Benefits include one month vacation and California state retire­ ment. Contact: B. Gallo, California State Col­ lege, Dominguez Hills-Library, 809 E. Victoria Street, Dominguez Hills, California 90247. TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN to con­ duct the acquisitions program and supervise two catalogers. Assistant Librarian with Aca­ demic Rank. Experience in acquisitions desired. Salary Range: $8,750-$10,380 with $326 annual increments, 21 days annual leave, holidays, liberal retirement and health benefits. Position available now. Send application to Dr. Joseph N. Whitten, SUNY Maritime College, Fort Schuyler, Bronx, New York 10465. TY 2-3000. ACQUISITION LIBRARIAN to replace woman whose husband has been transferred. M.L.S. required with some experience. Expanding col­ lection. Excellent benefits including T.I.A.A., 4 weeks vacation, relocation expenses. New building. Salary open. Contact A. G. Anderson, Jr., Head Librarian, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Mass. 01609. Telephone (617) 753-1411, Ext. 412. CHIEF LIBRARIAN Immediate opening at Knoxville, Tennes­ see. Supervise the Tennessee Valley Author­ ity’s modern automated Technical Library System, headquartered at Knoxville with additional libraries at Chattanooga, Ten­ nessee, and Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Quality staff . . . excellent facilities . . . work with subjects as up to date as nu­ clear energy and as timeless as nature’s re­ sources. Requires degree in Library Science, plus supervisory experience. Starting salary $15,000 to $18,000, de­ pending on qualifications. Excellent benefits, including retirement and savings plans, broad insurance coverage, liberal vacation and sick leave. Send résumé, call, or write: Employment Branch (Dept. C-2) TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY Knoxville, Tennessee 37902 Telephone: Area Code 615, 522-7181 Extension 2764 An Equal Opportunity Employer 94 For n e w c o n v e n ie n c e in using CHOICE . . . W ith the firs t issue o f Volum e 5, M a rch 1968, CHOICE began an a d d itio n a l service long requested b y subscribers — CHOICE Reviews-on-Cards. If you w ere not am ong the service's ch a rte r subscribers, you m ay w a n t to consider it now. CHOICE Reviews-on-Cards can b rin g to y o u r acquisitions system a new convenience as versatile as you w a n t to make it. C ards m ake it easy to separate an d d is trib u te reviews sim ultaneously to o th e r lib ra ria n s an d fa c u lty — no m ore te a rin g up copies o r w a itin g fo re v e r fo r circ u la tin g copies to re turn . Cards can save c lerica l steps in o rd e rin g and checking holdings (am ple space fo r no tation s on both fro n t an d back o f each c a rd ). They are a c a ta lo g in g a id , and they are easy to locate in y o u r desiderata file . You can p ro b a b ly th in k o f dozens o f oth er uses in y o u r ow n system. DESCRIPTION OF CARD REVIEWS As each re g u la r issue o f CHOICE goes to press, a ll reviews in the issue are re prin te d sep a ra te ly on 3 x 5 cards. Each is id e n tifie d by subject he ading an d issue da te . C o lla te d in the o rd e r fo llo w e d in the m a gazine, the y are boxed an d m ailed to you via Fourth Class m a il, S pecial H a n d lin g . DELIVERY OF CARDS Fourth Class, S pecial H and lin g means y o u r b o x o f cards is ca rrie d fro m o u r post office to yours w ith re g u la r First Class m a il, b u t de live red acco rding to y o u r local Parcel Rost d e live ry schedule. You should receive cards a t a b o u t the same tim e as y o u r re g u la r issue by Second Class m ail.' SUBSCRIPTION TO REVIEWS-ON-CARDS C ards are a v a ila b le by y e a rly subscription a t a cost o f $8 0. W ith c u rre n t p u b lic a tio n o f m ore tha n 5 ,5 0 0 reviews pe r y e a r, the cost o f the c ard service is less than 1 cents pe r re view . C ards are a v a il­ a b le o n ly to re g u la r CHOICE subscribers, HOW TO ORDER Subscriptions to R eview s-on-C ards should be o r­ d e red fro m S ubscription D ep a rtm e n t, A m erica n L ib ra ry A ssociation , 5 0 E. H uron Street, C hica g o , Illin o is 6 0 6 1 1 . They are n o t a v a ila b le th ro u g h agencies. An o rd e r fo rm is p ro v id e d b e lo w f o r y o u r convenience. N ew subscriptions are started w ith th e next a v a ila b le issue fo llo w in g re ceipt o f orders. For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n re g a rd in g Reviews-on- C ards, please w rite C HO ICE E d ito ria l O ffices, 100 Riverview C enter, M id d le to w n , C onn. 0 6 4 5 7 . TO: Subscription D epartm ent American Library Association 5 0 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611 Institution: ----- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- -------- Please consider this my order fo r a 1-year subscription to Address: ____________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------- - CHOICE Reviews-on-Cards at (Street) $80 per year to begin with --------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- — the next available issue. (City) Authorized b y : --------------------— ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ——----- (Signature) (Title) 95 B A L L ADS & F OLKSONGS A Century of Ballads, Illustrative of Each of these titles is a standard reference that deals with ballads and songs. Taken together they provide a wealth of information from which character and origin may be examined, and rela­ tionships between analogous ballads and songs of different countries may be studied. From an historical point of view, ballads and songs are especially valuable as they record the feelings, usages, and modes of life of a particular people at a particular time. Most of these titles were widely acclaimed at the time of their original publication; today, they will have broad appeal to the growing number of persons who have become cognizant of the original, simple, and elemental forms of the traditional ballad and song. the Life, Manners and Habits of the English Nation During the Seventeenth Century b y John A sh ton A collection o f eighty English ballads o f the seventeenth century. Arranged under nine headings, the subjects covered include social ballads, supernatural ballads, historical bal­ lads, love ballads, drin kin g ballads, sea ballads, etc. O f special value are the de­ lig h tfu l illustrations in facsim ile o f the originals. 188 7/374p./$ 13.50 A Collection of Seventy-Nine Black- Letter Ballads and Broadsides, Printed in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, Between the Years 1559 and 1597 S ixteenth-century broadside ballads fro m Henry H u th Libra ry. Social, historical, and topical subjects. In tro d u ctio n and illustrative notes. 1867/355p./$ 16.50 An American Garland; Being a Collec­ tion of Ballads Relating to America b y S ir Charles Harding F irth British ballads (including broadsides) on American and Canadian themes. 1915/91p./$7.50 Ancient Songs and Ballads from the Reign of King Henry II to the Revolu­ tion. 3rd ed. b y Joseph Ritson Best edition of basic collection o f ballads and fo lk songs, including additional ballads from Ritson's A Select Collection o f E n­ glish Songs, 1783. Im po rtant essays on minstrelsy, songs, and music. 1877/526p./$16.50 Bishop Percy’s Folio Manuscript, Bal­ lads & Romances N ew in tro d u c tio n b y Leslie Shepard From the seventeenth-century m anuscript upon w h ich Bishop Percy based his famous Reliques, this is the d e fin itiv e scholarly e dition o f the most im p o rta n t docum ent of B ritish balladry. 1867-68/4 vols. in 3/1880p ./$87.50 Early Ballads Illustrative of History, Traditions, and Customs; Also Ballads and Songs of the Peasantry of England, Taken Down from Oral Recitation and Transcribed from Private Manu­ scripts, Rare Broadsides, and Scarce Publications by R o bert B ell Im p o rta n t early collection o f traditional British fo lk songs and ballads, w ith notes. Combines J. H. D ixon's A n c ie n t Poems, Ballads and Songs w ith additional material. 1877/480p./$16.50 Folk-Songs of the Upper Thames; With an Essay on Folk-Song Activ­ ity in the UpperThamesNeighborhood. b y A I f red Williams Basic area collection o f British fo lk songs and ballads from oral trad ition. 1923/306p./$ 14.00 Minstrelsy Ancient and Modern b y W illiam M otherw ell Im p o rta n t early collection o f Scottish bal­ lads and songs; appendix contains musical notation o f 33 tunes. Long in tro d u cto ry study o f ballad literature and sources fo r other versions o f ballads. 1873/531p./$16.50 Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border b y S ir W alter S co tt Best e dition o f the classic standard collection o f historical and rom antic ballads collected in the southern counties o f Scotland. Since the firs t e d itio n appeared over a hundred and s ix ty years ago, the M instrelsy has had an incalculable influence on all subsequent ballad lite rature. Appendixes, notes, index. 1902/4 vols./1766p./$64.50 Modern Street Ballads b y John Ashton One hundred thirty-e ig h t typical street bal­ lads o f the nineteenth century, illustrating period interests and popular feelings. Fac­ sim ile woodcuts, in troductio n and classi­ fied contents. 1 88 8/421p./$ 14.00 Singing Soldiers b y John Jacob Niles Songs w ith music and anecdotes o f A m eri­ can Negro soldiers in W orld War I. 1927/171 P./S6.00 WRITE FOR COMPLETE CATALOG A D IV IS IO N OF GALE RESEARCH COMPANY BOOK TOWER - DETRO IT, M ICH IGAN 48226 FIVE NEW REFERENCE WORKS PUBLISHED BY GALE THE IN TE R N A TIO N A L PORTRAIT G A LLER Y This new resource in visual aids brings schools and libraries a con­ venient source fo r more than 750 portraits o f famous authors, ex­ plorers, statesmen, scientists, and other international figures. Each portrait is sharply reproduced in black and white, size 814" x 11", w ith captions which give name, vocation, nationality, and date of birth and death. Included are f ifty alphabetically-tabbed file folders and a four-part Master Index iden­ tifyin g portraits by name, major field of activity, year o f birth and year o f death. $75.00 AN O 'N E IL L CONCORDANCE By J. Russell Reaver, The Florida State University This is a three-volume computer- compiled concordance based on the Random House collected edition of O'Neill's works, plus several Yale University Press editions o f other plays, including all o f the O'Neill plays published since 1924 and re­ presentative early plays, w ith only the very early apprenticeship work entirely omitted. 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