ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 51 News From the Field A C Q U IS IT IO N S • The Sir Henry Irving collection of thea­ ter memorabilia was recently purchased by the University Library at the University of Cali­ fornia, Santa Cruz from the estate of the late Professor Robert McNulty of UC, Berkeley. The collection is now housed primarily in UCSC’s Special Collections for reference use by scholars and other interested individuals. The collection includes books by Irving, photo­ graphs, hand-written letters, biographies, prompt books, and programs. • The University of Montreal libraries have acquired a 700-volume collection of ar­ chitecture books from the estate of Mr. Louis- N. Audet, a Sherbrooke, Quebec architect. This collection consists mainly (80 percent) of books on the History of Architecture ( Gothic and Renaissance); the rest of the collection covers different techniques of architecture. The Audet Collection will be available in the Architecture Library in the fall 1973. • The Manuscript Collection of the Temple University libraries acquired a portion, 10- 15,000 letters and documents, of the archives of the London publisher Constable and Com­ pany, spanning the years 1900-1955. The bulk of the collection consists of the author’s corre­ spondence with two of the directors, Otto Kyll- mann and Michael Sadleir, representing close to 400 authors. Included are Hilaire Belloc, Havelock Ellis, George Santayana, E. M. Fors­ ter, Arthur Rackham, and George Bernard Shaw. The archives makes available extensive bio­ graphical, textual, and bibliographical informa­ tion on the authors and their work. A register of the collection is in preparation. • A 350 item collection of the writings of Richard Aldington has been donated to the Rare Book Collection of Temple University libraries by Mr. Frank G. Harrington. First, limited, and trade editions, proofs, and presen­ tation copies offer a nearly complete biblio­ graphical unit of the English novelist, biogra­ pher, translator, and Imagist poet. Letters and photographs are included, and a typescript of his story At All Costs (1930). A subcollection on American poet Hilda Doolittle is part of the collection and includes a copy of her translation of Euripides’ Choruses from Iphigeneia in Aulis with poetical pencil notations in the hand of Ezra Pound. FELLOWSHIPS AND SCHOLARSHIPS • In memory of Dr. Patricia B. Knapp who passed away November 19, 1972, the Patricia B. Knapp Award was established by Wayne State University, Department of Library Sci­ ence, with contributions from Dr. Knapp’s friends and colleagues. This award will be granted annually to a graduating master’s stu­ dent in library science. The first recipient is Mrs. Irene J. Savage who will complete her MSLS degree requirements in the winter quarter, 1973. G R A N TS • The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation has awarded a grant of $20,000 to the American Association of Community and Junior Col­ leges to support a study of educational tech­ nology in selected community and junior col­ leges. • The Associates of the National Agri­ cultural Library, Inc., a new organization actively dedicated to fostering interest in the national and international programs of the Na­ tional Agricultural Library, USDA, has received a one-year, $5,000 grant from The Rockefeller Foundation to aid foreign agriculturally-orient­ ed scholars, trainees, and students in the library and information sciences studying in the United States. • The Center for Research Libraries has been awarded a $450,000 grant from the Car­ negie Corporation to establish a journal lending library. Over a five-year period, CRL will add approximately 6,000 journal subscriptions to the 7,000 currently received. Details may be obtained on request to CRL, 5721 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, IL 60637. • The National Endowment for the Human­ ities has made a grant of $57,790 to the Com­ mittee for a New England Bibliography Inc., to compile a Bibliography of New En­ gland History, which will bring under control for the first time the vast amount of historical materials dealing with New England. The edi­ torial office will be located at Boston Univer­ sity, and the Harvard University Press will be the publisher. • Grover M. Hermann of California has giv­ en the George Washington University library 52 53 in Washington, D.C., a gift of $50,000 to sup­ plement its budget for the purchase of books. There are no restrictions on the gift as to sub­ ject matter or format. • A one-day “Books by Mail Service” con­ ference on Saturday, June 23, 1973, in Las Vegas, Nevada, is being funded in part by a $1,500 Council on Library Resources grant to Indiana State University. Preceding the Ameri­ can Library Association annual conference of June 24-30 in Las Vegas, the meeting is ex­ pected to bring together approximately 150 public librarians who have had various forms of experience in using the U.S. mails for circu­ lation of books and other library materials. • A Council on Library Resources two-year matching grant of $70,300 to the New En­ gland Interstate Library Compact is assist­ ing that six-state consortium to establish the New England Document Conservation Center. Initially the center will be a workshop where techniques of documentation, preservation, re­ pair, and restoration will be applied to materi­ als submitted for treatment by institutions in the six states. • A five thousand dollar grant from the Zel- lerbach Family Fund of San Francisco has been received by the Women’s History Research Center of Berkeley, California for the continu­ ation of the Women’s History Library, a unique archive of the present women’s movement. This is the first grant the center has received from a major foundation, and it comes at a time when the library’s lack of funds threatens its ex­ istence. M E E T IN G S March 26-27: Florida Atlantic University will host the International Conference on Man­ agement Problems in Serial Work on March 26-27, 1973. Among the topics explored will be: subscription agency services, periodical banks, computer applications, copyright prob­ lems, the future of scholarly journals, and many others. The speakers represent experts from major trend-setting institutions. Major subscrip­ tion agencies and dealers will be represented from the United States and abroad. Early res­ ervations are suggested. For brochure and reg­ istration form write to: Mr. Peter Spyers-Duran, Director of Libraries, Florida Atlantic Univer­ sity, Boca Raton, FL 33432. (305) 395-5100, ext. 2448. March 30-31: Hawaii Library Associa­ tion. The Spring Conference of the Hawaii Li­ brary Association will be held on Friday and Saturday, March 30 and 31, 1973 at the Ha­ waiian Regent Hotel in Honolulu. April 9-10: Machine-Readable Informa­ tion Systems. The problems of selection, uti­ lization, and especially integration of the avail­ able machine-readable information services into individual systems and libraries are to be ex­ plored in the two-day seminar organized by the National Federation of Abstracting and Index­ ing Services and the Graduate School of Li­ brary Science, Drexel University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The seminar will be held at Drexel Activities Center on April 9 and 10, 1973. Full details from the National Federation of Abstracting and Indexing Services, 3401 Market St., Philadelphia, PA 19104; and from Dr. Barbara Flood, Graduate School of Library Science, Drexel University, Rush Building, Phil­ adelphia, PA 19104. Consult the January News for further information. April 9-10: Management Education. The University of Chicago Graduate Library School will present its 36th annual conference on Man­ agement Education: Implications for Libraries and Library Schools. The structure of the con­ ference is based upon an initial examination of recent and projected trends in graduate educa­ tion in management, the problems of incor­ porating new and changing concepts into pro­ fessional education in management, the needs and approaches in two nonprofit institutional areas including librarianship, and the general problems of transferability of management skills from one institutional environment to another. The papers of the conference will be published in the Library Quarterly and in bound form as part of the Graduate Library School’s mono­ graphic series The University of Chicago Stud­ ies in Library Science. April 11-12: Resource Sharing in Li­ braries. Presidents and librarians from Pennsyl­ vania colleges and universities will meet in a unique conference on “Resource Sharing in Li­ braries” at the University of Pittsburgh. Sponsored by the Pennsylvania Association of Colleges and Universities, the Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education, and the Pitts­ burgh Regional Library Center, the program is being coordinated by Pitt’s Office of Commu­ nications Programs under a grant from the Buhl Foundation. The conference is a novel oppor­ tunity for top administrators to compare notes with librarians on developing plans for institu­ tions of higher education to cut the cost of li­ brary services by sharing resources. Four topics will be discussed: reasons for sharing library resources; opportunities for co­ operation in the areas of acquisition, processing, storage, and delivery of services; current co­ operative programs in other states; and ways of establishing successful, lower cost coopera­ tive services. Further information, and registra­ tions, are available from Professor Allen Kent, 54 Director, Office of Communications Programs, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. April 16-17; Censorship. Pressure groups and would be censors who try to tell libraries what books and other library materials are fit for public consumption will be put in the spot­ light at a national meeting in Chicago, April 16 and 17, 1973. A representative group of librarians and re­ source persons will participate in a national prototype workshop on intellectual freedom sponsored by the Intellectual Freedom Commit­ tee of the American Library Association. The workshop is funded by the annual J. Morris Jones-World Book Encyclopedia-ALA Goals Award, of which the International Freedom Committee was a winner this year. Consult the January News for further details. April 18: A Legal Bibliography Institute, sponsored by the Southwestern Chapter of the American Association of Law Libraries will be held on Wednesday, April 18, 1973, at the La Fonda Hotel, Santa Fe, New Mexico. The Southwestern Chapter covers the states of Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisi­ ana, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas. The 1972 institute on the Library of Congress Classification Scheme drew partici­ pants from the nine member states, California, the District of Columbia, Iowa, and Kentucky. The 1973 institute has two aims: to act as a refresher course for experienced practicing li­ brarians and as an introduction to the standard information tools and their use for either li­ brarians beginning in the legal field or those in the legal field wanting to improve their infor­ mation and research skills, for example, legal researchers and legal secretaries. The institute includes both federal and state materials. For registration or further information con­ tact: Mrs. Isabella Hopkins, Criminal Justice Reference Library, 2500 Red River, Austin, TX 78705. (512) 471-3238. April 19: Media Integration in Academic Libraries is the subject of the 1973 Institute of the Library Association of the City Univer­ sity of New York. To be held at the Statler Hil­ ton Hotel in New York City on April 19, the Institute, open to librarians, interested students, faculty, and administrators, will feature presen­ tations by James F. Holly, dean of library ser­ vices, the Evergreen State College, Olympia, Washington; Dr. Estelle Jussim, assistant pro­ fessor of library services, Simmons College, School of Library Science; Mrs. Shirley Lewis, director of library services, Cooperative Book Centre of Canada, Ltd., Toronto, Canada; and Richard L. Ducote, dean of learning resources, Learning Resources Center, College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, Illinois. For further information, please get in touch with Betty Seifert, City College Library, 135th St. and Convent Ave., New York, NY 10031. Phone: (212) 621-2268. April 24-25: D ewey 18. The Eighteenth Edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification will be the focus of the 1973 Colloquium of the School of Library and Information Science at the State University of New York at Albany. Directed by Gordon Stevenson of the Albany faculty, the Colloquium, fifth in an annual se­ ries, will feature invited papers dealing with theoretical and practical problems in the use of the DC both as a system for organizing clas­ sified catalogs and as a shelving system. John P. Comaromi of Western Michigan Uni­ versity will present a paper on the historical evolution of the system, and a paper by David Batty of McGill University will examine the system in the light of present problems of gen­ eral classification. Joel C. Downing will discuss the experience of the British National Bibliogra­ phy with the Decimal Classification. Other pa­ pers and panel discussions will deal with the new DC index and its potential use in com­ puterized retrieval systems and with methods of evaluating the effectiveness of the Dewey Classification. Details on the Colloquium can be obtained from Professor Gordon Stevenson, School of Li­ brary and Information Science, State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY 12222. April 26-27: The Rio Grande Chapter of the Special Libraries Association will sponsor a re­ gional workshop on the subject of dealing with translations in libraries. The workshop will be held in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on April 26-27, 1973. Topics to be covered will include the use of bibliographic tools in locating exist­ ing translations, ordering procedures for both translated material and foreign language source material, and procedures for having original translations performed. Emphasis will be on the subject areas of science and technology. Addi­ tional information may be obtained from: Mrs. Ann H. Beyer, Reference Librarian, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, P. O. Box 1663, Los Ala­ mos, NM 87544. (505) 667-4175. April 26-27: ASIS Mid-Year Conference. The Second Mid-Year Regional Conference of the American Society for Information will be held April 26-27, 1973, at the Sheraton Motor Inn in Bloomington, Minnesota. The conference will be combined with the Fourth Symposium sponsored by the Minnesota Chapters of ASIS and the Special Libraries Association. The theme of the joint meeting will be “Forecast for Information Service: a colloquium surveying the state-of-the-art, research, and educational 55 implications for library-information systems specialists.” The tentative registration fee for the joint meeting is $45. For further information, contact Jack King, Library, Hamline University, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101. Phone: (612) 641- 2373. April 26-28: Junior College Librarians. The 8th Annual Conference, Junior College Li­ braries, will be held on April 26-28, 1973 at Rock Valley College, Rockford, Illinois. The theme will be: “The Junior College Library Reaches Out.” April 28: Ethnic Studies Research. On Saturday, April 28, 1973, a conference with the theme “Ethnic Studies: Sources for Research” will be held on the Lincoln Park campus of De Paul University, 2323 North Seminary Street, Chicago. It is being sponsored by the Society of American Archivists, National Ar­ chives and Records Service, and De Paul Uni­ versity. A registration fee of $5.00 will be charged for lunch and program expenses. The morning session will consist of two pa­ pers on the ethnic studies resources deposited in the National Archives in Washington, D.C. and on the documentation available in the Chi­ cago Federal Archives and Records Center. In the afternoon, a panel of several representatives from institutions in the North Central states will describe their holdings and facilities and comment on the use researchers have made of them. For a copy of the printed program, write to the Federal Archives and Records Center, 7201 S. Leamington Ave., Chicago, IL 60638 or call 312-353-1123. April 29-May 3, 1973: Port-of-Spain, Trin­ idad, West Indies will be the site of the Eighteenth Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials, April 29-May 3, 1973. The Library Association of Trinidad and Tobago and the University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus, will be cohosts for the seminar. Registration in the Eighteenth Seminar is $15.00 for members of SALALM and $25.00 for nonmembers. The conference coordinator is Ms. Irma Hannays, Librarian, Industrial De­ velopment Corporation, Salvatori Building, P.O. Box 949, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad. Information on the content of the program and working pa­ pers may be procured from Donald F. Wisdom, Serial Division, Library of Congress, Washing­ ton, DC 20540. For other information, refer to the Executive Secretary, Ms. Marietta Daniels Shepard, Organization of American States, Washington, DC 20006. Consult the November News for further details. May 3-4, 1973: Changing Patterns in In­ formation Retrieval will be the theme of the tenth annual National Information Retrieval Colloquium, to be held May 3 and 4, 1973, at the Independence Mall Holiday Inn, 400 Arch St., Philadelphia, PA 19106. Chairwoman of the tenth NIRC is Carol Fe- nichel, Auerbach Associates. For program and registration information, contact Susan Nick- leach, P.O. Box 15847, Philadelphia, PA 19103, (215) 561-4100. The December News con­ tains further details. May 3-4: Library Orientation will be the central theme for the Third Annual Conference on Library Orientation for Academic Libraries to be held on Thursday and Friday, May 3 and 4, 1973, at Eastern Michigan University. The program will have a workshop format with group discussions of topics such as: beginning a new program, developing faculty cooperation, designing new methods and materials, and eval­ uating library instruction. Librarians, administrators, faculty, and stu­ dents are encouraged to attend. For further in­ formation, contact: Sul H. Lee, Acting Director of the Library, Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI 48197. May 10-12: The fourth annual seminar on Management Concepts for Librarians, spon- sored by the graduate School of Business Ad­ ministration and Washington University li­ braries will be held May 10, 11, 12, 1973, at Bromwoods, the residential conference center of Washington University, located sixty miles southwest of the St. Louis Metropolitan area. Registration is limited to thirty-five on a first- come first-served basis. The $145 fee covers all instructional costs, materials, meals, and lodg­ ing while at Bromwoods. For information please telephone William H. Kurth, Washing­ ton University Librarian, 314-863-0100, exten­ sion 4523 or Mrs. Marilyn Pryor, The School of Continuing Education, Washington Univer­ sity, extension 4261. Consult the January News for further details. May 18-19, 1973: The Midwest Academic Librarians Conference ( MALC) will hold its eighteenth annual meeting on May 18 and 19 at Luther College, Decorah, Iowa. The theme for the conference is, “The Library’s Role in the Teaching Process,” and will include discussion meetings on the college and university settings for AV materials, archives, museums, coopera- tional activities, etc. MALC is a nonstructured and informal gath­ ering of professional academic librarians who meet annually on the site of a newly construct­ ed building without dues or membership fees. All librarians are welcome. Conference local arrangements chairman is Mr. Oivind Hovde, Librarian, Luther College, ecorah, IA 52101. July 11-13: Pharmacy Librarians. The Li­ rarians Section will meet with the Teachers eminar of the American Associations of Col­ eges of Pharmacy at the University of Georgia enter for Continuing Education, Athens, eorgia. Contact Dr. Albert Jowdy, University f Georgia School of Pharmacy for reservation orms. July 15-27: Administrative D evelopment. he School of Library and Information Ser­ ices, University of Maryland, is planning the eventh annual Library Administrators De­ elopment Program to be held July 15-27, 973. Dr. John Rizzo, professor of management t Western Michigan University, will serve as he director. Consult the December News for ore complete information. The editors of the News wish to ex­ press their sorrow over the death of Pa­ tricia Knapp on November 19 and of Arthur McAnally on December 1. We are all lessened by the passing of these two leading philosophers of academic librari- anship. D b S l C G o f T v s v 1 a t m 56 57 1 5 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l i n c r e a s e n o w . 2 0a n n u, a l0 i n c r0e a s e0 i n t h e n e x t 3 0 y e a r s . That's a conserv­ative estimate of the rate of increase in new that libraricope have to Consult Serial Publications Their Place and Treatment in Libraries Second Edition, Revised Andrew D. Osborn The most comprehensive guide to the acquisition, processing, cataloging, and servicing of serial publications. In the present revised edition of serial publications. In the present revised edition the author has given particular emphasis to the implications of developments new to the profession of all phases of serial work. $15.50 American Library Association 50 E. Huron Street, Chicago 60611 Overwhelmed? M IS C E L L A N Y • To make those federal agency record having research value more available for use b scholars, students, and other researchers, th National Archives and Records Service o the General Services Administration has estab lished eleven Archives Branches in Federa Records Centers throughout the nation. Th Chicago FRC serves the states of Illinois, In diana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, and Wiscon sin, and is open from 8 a.m . until 4:30 p.m Monday through Friday. The record holdings of the Chicago FR from ninety federal agencies date from th 1790s to the 1960s. Most of the records ar available for research use, but some requir prior agreement of the agency of origin. For de tails on a specific agency or topic, write to th Chief, Archives Branch, Federal Records Cen ter, 7201 S. Leamington Ave., Chicago, IL 60638. A reply will be sent giving informatio on the relevant holdings in Chicago and othe facilities of the National Archives and Record Service. The Archives Branch has accessioned ove 25,000 cubic feet of U.S. District Court record dating from the early 1800s until the mi 1940s. Contained in these files is informatio on most social and economic events of the day CONFERENCE ON MANAGEMENT PROBLEMS IN SERIALS W ORK, MARCH 2 6 -2 7 , 1973 Sponsored by F lo rid a A tla n tic U n ive rsity and In te rn a tio n a l C onferences Among the Topics • Subscription Agency Services • Copyright Problems • Periodical Banks • Interlibrary Loan Networks • The Budget Dilemma • Computer Applications • Future of Scholarly Journals The speakers re p re se n t a u th o ritie s from m ajor tre n d -s e ttin g in s titu tio n s . M a jo r su b scrip tio n agencies and dealers from th e U n ite d States and a b ro a d w ill be represented . F lorida A tla n tic U n ive rsity is lo c a te d near th e b e a u tifu l Palm Beaches, m inutes from W e s t Palm Beach and Fort L auderdale a irp o rts. For brochure and registration form w rite to: Mr. Peter Spyers-Duran, Director of Libraries, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 or telephone (305) 395-5100, ext. 2448. s y e f ­ l e ­ ­ . C e e e ­ e ­ n r s r s d n . Over 800 cubic feet of material from the In­ dian agencies in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa are also available and relate to lumbering operations, BIA administration, schools and hospitals, and tribal affairs. • The American Society for Information Science announces the second annual “ASIS Student Member Paper Contest,” designed to encourage information-science students to pre­ pare reports of their work for appraisal by in­ formation scientists in terms of technical com­ petence, significance of findings, originality, and clarity of exposition. Sponsored by the ASIS Education Commit­ tee and supported by the ASIS Scholarship Fund, it is limited to any ASIS member who is a student member for the current calendar year (1973), or was a student member during the previous year (1972). The paper may be on any topic of interest to information scien­ tists. The contest winner will receive round-trip travel expenses and full registration for the 1973 ASIS Annual Meeting (to be held in Los Angeles, California, October 21-25), and will be given a certificate for the Best ASIS Student Member Paper at the Annual Awards presenta­ tion. The award-winning paper will be pub­ lished in the Journal of the American Society for Information Science. A panel of judges appointed by the chairman of the Education Committee and made up of information-science educators and members of the referee staff of the Journal will evaluate the papers. The deadline for submission of papers is May 1, 1973. Four copies of the contest papers should be sent to the ASIS Education Commit­ tee, ASIS, 1140 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Wash­ ington, DC 20036. For further information and a copy of the contest rules, contact Robert Mc­ Afee, Jr., at ASIS Headquarters (phone: 202/ 659-3644). Reprints of “Guidelines for Two-Year College Learning Resources Programs,” which appeared in the December 1972 issue of CRL News, are available from ACRL, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 60611. Single copies are free of charge. Multiple copies are twenty cents ( 20ø) each. ACRL Membership January 31, 1971 .............. 12,101 January 31, 1972 .............. .............. 12,309 January 31, 1973 ............. .............. 12,472 60 61 PARNASSUS REVISITED M odern Criticism and t he Epic Tradition Anthony C. Yu, editor In this vital and stim ulating anthology, eighteen distinguished critics, rep resen tin g the b est of m odern scholarship, exam ine the n a tu re of the epic. A m ong the co n trib u to rs are C. S. Lewis, E. M. W . T illyard, N o rth ro p Frye, Erich A uerbach, Simone W eil, C. M. Bowra, and G eorge Steiner. P rofessor Yu’s selections from their w orks focus u p o n the im p o rtan t analytical tools w hich these critics have devised to study and clarify the epic poetry of the W estern world. C om ing S u m m er 1973 American Library Association 50 East H u ro n Street, Chicago, Illinois 6 0 6 1 1 62 P U B L IC A T IO N S • A report on Stanford’s Project BALLOTS (Bibliographic Automation of Large Library Operations using a Timesharing System) is available free from Allen Veaner, assistant di­ rector for Bibliographic Operations, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305. • The Graduate School of Library and In­ formation Sciences, University of Pittsburgh, announces publication of three additional pa­ pers in its series The Pittsburgh Studies in Li­ brary and Information Sciences. Newest in the series of occasional papers are “A Study in the Syndetic Structure of the Library of Congress List of Subject Headings,” by George M. Sin- kankas; “An Overview of Microforms: A Re­ port on the Role of Microforms in the Univer­ sity of Pittsburgh Libraries,” by Homer I. Bernhardt; and “The Rolling Stones: An Anno­ tated Bibliography,” by Mary L. Dimmick. They are available at $3.00 a copy from the University of Pittsburgh Book Center, 4000 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213 on a prepaid basis only. Overseas orders require an addi­ tional $1.00 charge for postage and handling. • The Graduate School of Library Science of the University of Illinois at Urbana has be­ gun publication of a Newsletter on Library Re­ search, announces Dr. Herbert Goldhor, direc­ tor of the school. The first issue of the News­ letter appeared in September 1972; it consists of four pages, is multilithed, and will be pub­ lished quarterly. The Newsletter is being dis­ tributed without charge, and future issues will be sent to anyone who requests to be put on the mailing list. Write to Newsletter on Library Research, c/o Graduate School of Library Sci­ ence, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801. The Newsletter is designed to be of help to all who are doing research in regard to library problems. It will emphasize news notes and suggestions on research methodology relevant to librarianship. It seeks not to duplicate ser­ vices offered by other publications. Suggestions of recent items of interest are welcome from any source. • The Pennsylvania State Library has an­ nounced the availability of Pennsylvania Im ­ prints 1689-1789. It is a catalog/bibliography of our earliest Pennsylvania imprints and in­ cludes bibliographic descriptions of the most notable titles as well as the minor items. This catalog is available free upon request to any in­ stitution or individual. Book dealers, collectors, and librarians have reported that they find it helpful in differentiating between and among editions and states of editions, as well as dis­ covering other “points” useful in antiquarian book work. • Stanford University library has announced the availability of the following publications produced by them during the previous year. A Survey of Library Material Expenditures at Stanford University Libraries, prepared by Fred Lynden, of the acquisition department, focuses on two important objectives: the extent to which the cost of obtaining scholarly publi­ cations has been increasing and the degree to which the volume of scholarly publications grows annually. Because of the general impor­ tance of this type of study, it is being made available to other libraries at a cost of $6.00. A second major report prepared by the direc­ tor of the Stanford University libraries, entitled Working Paper on the Future of Library Auto­ mation at Stanford, issued last year, was a full review of the Stanford Library automation sys­ tem, including background, design, and appli­ cation of the system, cost implications, sum­ mary of benefits, limitations, and disadvantages, and general assessment of the system. Because of outside interest it is being made available at a price of $9.00. A catalog of the Kolb collection of portrait prints at Stanford has been published by the Stanford University libraries. The catalog cov­ ering 1,647 portrait prints of famous subjects including rulers, statesmen, authors, scholars, and other personages from ancient times to the nineteenth century is an important resource for general historical studies. The 373-page catalog is available at price of $18.00. The fifth edition of the Audio Catalog of the . J. Henry Meyer Memorial Library has just been printed. The catalog, listing over 4,000 discs and tapes, is designed to be an up-to-date, well-balanced collection of spoken word and music recordings to meet the instructional needs of an undergraduate library. The two volume set (author-title, subject volumes) is available at a price of $150.00. The Supplement to the Book Catalog of the J. Henry Meyer Memorial Library which up­ dates the 1971 edition of the Book Catalog lists by author-title and subject over 6,000 titles added to the catalog since April 1971. Price of the Supplement is $30.00. Address inquiries or orders to Financial Of­ fice, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, CA 94305.