ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1984 / 87 sette players, slide-tape machines, etc. These statis­ tics do not have to be kept after each use, but per­ haps on an annual basis. V . M i s c e l l a n e o u s S t a t i s t i c s f o r C o n s i d e r a t i o n A. Faculty-initiated vs. librarian-initiated. B. Types of promotion and advertising (e.g., poster, memo, personal contact). C. Classes in library vs. out of library. D . T im e of day classes meet (im portant for scheduling reasons). The ACRL BIS research committee has gathered this inform ation from many BI practitioners. There may be other areas that you are using or of which you are aware. The committee would wel­ come your comments. Please address your com­ ments to: Virginia Tiefel, Chair, Bibliographic In ­ struction Section Research Committee, Ohio State University Libraries, 1858 Neil Avenue Mall, Co­ lumbus, OH 43210; (614) 422-6151. ■ ■ How to Participate in ACRL I n f o r m a t i o n f o r N e w M e m b e r s a n d P o t e n t i a l M e m b e r s To Join W rite or call the Association of College and Re­ search Libraries for application forms and infor­ mation: ACRL Office, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611; (312) 944-6780. To Learn about A C R L’s Current Programs, O ffi­ cers, and Units Check the ALA H andbook o f Organization and read College & Research Libraries News regularly (as a member of A CRL, you will receive both pub­ lications). To Attend Conference Programs, A CRL Board Meetings, or Committee Meetings For information on time, places and general pro­ gram content, consult C &RL News, American L i­ braries, and the official conference programs and schedules. For additional information, contact the ACRL office. To Attend Preconference Institutes For information about time, place, and precon­ ference theme, check C&RL News and American Libraries. For additional information and registra­ tion materials, write to the ACRL office. To Establish a Local Chapter of ACRL Check the procedures listed in “Guidelines for A CRL Chapters” (available from the ACRL of­ fice). Send a petition with the signatures of at least twenty-five ACRL members to the ACRL office for approval by the Board of Directors. To Serve on A C R L’s Committees or to Participate in A C R L’s Sections and Discussion Groups Familiarize yourself with the work of the unit— check the ALA H andbook o f Organization for the unit’s statement of responsibility, read about the work of the unit as reported in C &RL News and American L ibraries, attend the meetings of the unit during ALA conferences. Submit a completed ACRL committee volunteer form (published in the November issue of C &RL News and available at ALA conferences). Communicate your interest to the ACRL Appointments and Nominations Com­ mittee, to any of the A CRL officers, to the chair of an ACRL unit whose work interests you, or to the ACRL office. To Be a Candidate for an ACRL Office W rite to the ACRL Appointments and Nomina­ tions Committee or to an ACRL section nominat­ ing committee. Submit a petition to have your name added to the list of candidates. To Provide Suggestions for New Projects, Services, or Policies W rite to the ACRL office, to any of the ACRL officers, or to the chair of a unit whose work relates to the matter. Respond to requests published in C &RL News for suggestions from the membership. Attend open hearings scheduled at ALA confer­ ences. To Receive Information, Assistance, or Advice on Professional Problems Contact the ACRL office, any of the ACRL offi­ cers, or the chair of an ACRL unit whose work re­ lates to the matter. To Obtain ACRL Publications, Policy Statements, or Reprints of Articles For information about the availability of mate­ rials, check C&RL News, A C R L’s “List of Materi­ als Available,” and the ALA Publications Catalog. (The second is available free of charge from the ACRL office and at ALA conferences.) To order materials, write to the ACRL office. To Submit a Manuscript for Publication Contact the editor of the publication. For Col­ lege & Research Libraries, send manuscripts to C. James Schmidt, c/o Research Libraries Group, Jo r­ dan Quadrangle, Stanford, CA 94305. Instructions for authors are printed in each issue of the journal. For the ACRL Publications in Librarianship series, send manuscripts to Arthur P. Young, Dean of L i­ braries, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881. To Submit a Nonprint Item for Publication Contact the editor of the ACRL Nonprint Media ( 88 / C &RL News Publication series, Jean W . Farrington, Assistant Circulation Librarian, Van Pelt Library, Univer­ sity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104. To Submit News Items for Publication in College & Research Libraries News Send materials to the editor of C &RL News, George M. Eberhart, ACRL/ALA, 50 E. Huron S t., Chicago, IL 60611. Consult the guidelines for submission of news items in the January issue of C &RL News. To Subscribe to A CRL Periodicals For a subscription to Choice, write to Subscrip­ tions Department, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, C T 06457. For a subscription to C &RL and C &RL News, write to Subscription D e­ partment, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. To Order Works from the A CRL Publications in Librarianship Series For a listing of the works in this series, write to the ACRL office. For a list of in-print titles, check the “List of Materials Available,” featured in this issue. To place a standing order or to order individ­ ual titles, write to Order Department, American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. To order copies of out-of-print titles, con­ tact University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. To Advertise in A CRL Publications To place display ads in C ò R L , C &RL News, or C hoice, contact Art Beck, Marketing D irector, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457. To place classified ads in C &RL News, or job listings in the Fast Jo b Listing Service or the telephone JO B L IN E , contact A CRL headquar­ ters, (312) 944-6780, ext. 286. ■ ■ ACRL List of Materials Available Unless otherwise noted, single copies of ACRL materials are available to members of the Associa­ tion of College and Research Libraries free of charge and to non-members for $2 each from: ACRL Publications, ACRL 50 E. Huron St., Chi­ cago, IL 60611; (312)944-6780. All orders must in­ clude a self-addressed mailing label. All materials sent outside the U.S. will be mailed surface rates unless airmail postage is prepaid. Only payment in U.S. funds will be accepted. Payment must accompany orders. Make checks payable to ACRL/ALA. S t a n d a r d s a n d G u i d e l i n e s Standards fo r University Libraries. (C ò R L News, April 1979). ACRL/ARL. Standards fo r C ollege Libraries. (C ò R L News, October 1975). C o l l e g e L i b r a r y S t a n d a r d s : Question and Answers. (C &RL News, November 1974). The Use and Effectiveness o f the 1975 Standards fo r College Libraries (1981). Larry Hardesty, C hair, Ad Hoc Com mittee on Standards and Guidelines, College Libraries Section, ACRL. An Evaluative Checklist fo r Reviewing a College Library Program, Based on the 1975 Standards fo r College Libraries. (C&RL News, November 1979). Guidelines fo r Two-Year C ollege Learning R e­ sources Programs. (C&RL News, January and February 1982). ACRL/AECT. Statement on Quantitative Standards fo r Two- Year L earn in g R esources Program s (1979) € (Draft available in C &RL News, March 1979). Guidelines fo r Bibliographic Instruction in Aca­ dem ic Libraries. (C &RL News, April 1977). Access Policy Guidelines. (C &RL News, Novem­ ber 1975). G u i d e t o M e t h o d s o f L i b r a r y E v a l u a t i o n ( C & R L N e w s , O c t o b e r 1 9 6 8 Guidelines fo r Branch Libraries in Colleges and Universities. (C ò R L News, October 1975). Guidelines fo r Extended Campus Library Services. (C ò R L News, March 1982). The Mission o f an Undergraduate Library (Model Statement). (C ò R L News, November 1979). Guidelines fo r Audio-Visual Services in Academ ic Libraries (1968). $1.50. Order from ACRL of­ fice. Payment must accompany order. B i b l i o g r a p h i c I n s t r u c t i o n Back to the Books: Bibliographic Instruction and the Theory o f Information Sources (1983). Pa­ pers presented at the Bibliographic Instruction Section program at the 1982 ALA annual confer­ ence. Edited by Ross Atkinson. $12 for ACRL members, $15 for non-members. Order from ACRL office. Payment must accompany order. B ibliographic C om petencies fo r Education Stu­ dents (1981). Prepared by the Education and Be­ havioral Sciences Section Bibliographic Instruc­ tion for E d u ca to rs C o m m ittee. Provides examples of a wide range of educational biblio­ graphic sources, and presents a basic rationale for the use of the given examples. (C &RL News, July/August 1981, in non-tabular form). Bibliographic Instruction H andbook (1979). Pre­ pared by the ACRL Bibliographic Instruction Task Force (1971-77) and the Policy and Plan­ ning Committee of the ACRL Bibliographic In­ struction Section (1977-79). $7 for ACRL mem­ bers, $10 for non-members. Order from ACRL . )