ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1999 / 965 P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Young W ilda N e w m a n , of the Business and Infor­ mation Services Department at Johns Hopkins University’s A pplied Physics Laboratory, has been aw arded the Lawrence Hafstad Fellow­ ship for the 1999-2000 academic year. She will use the fellowship to research knowl­ edge management and end-user work envi­ ronments for 2010 at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library’s Digital Knowledge Center on the Homew ood Campus. C a ro ly n A. S h e e h y , Clare and Lucy Oesterle director o f library services at North Central College (NCC), in Naperville, Illinois, has been selected the 1999 recipient of the Illi­ nois Library Association’s Illinois Academic Librarian of the Year Award. Sheehy has been d ir e c to r o f NCC’s Oesterle Library since 1990; in 1992, she re­ ceived the title Clare and Lucy O esterle di­ rector o f Library Ser­ vices, becom ing only the third person in the country to hold an en ­ dow ed library director­ ship at a small college Carolyn A. Sheehy at that time, and the first in Illin o is. She w as president of the Illinois Association o f Col­ lege and Research Libraries (1995-96); presi­ dent o f LIBRAS, a consortium of 18 private academic libraries in the metro-Chicago area (1993-94); and secretary of the Illinois Board of Higher Education/Illinois Association of College and Research Libraries Liaison Com­ mittee (1994-95). She recently served as chair of ACRL’s College Libraries Section and cur­ rently is a mem ber of the C&RL News Edito­ rial Board. G ary L. S traw n , Northwestern University Li­ brary authorities librarian, was recognized by the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (for his contributions in automating technical ser­ vice functions for librarians nationwide) with the 1999 Distinguished Service Award for Outstanding Achievements in Automation. O ne o f Strawn’s most notable achievements was his creation o f the Cataloger’s Toolkit for the library m anagem ent system NOTIS (N orthw estern’s O nline Totally Integrated System). A p p o i n t m e n t s W. B ed e M itch ell, has been appointed uni­ versity librarian at Georgia Southern Univer­ sity in Statesboro, Georgia. He had been as­ sociate university librar­ ian at Appalachian State U n iv ersity (ASU) in North Carolina for nine years. Prior to his posi­ tion at ASU, Mitchell was circulation librarian at th e U n iv ersity o f N o rth C a ro lin a in G r e e n s b o r o a n d at Montana State Univer­ sity in Bozem an. He W. Bede M itc h e ll has published several articles on issues related to faculty status for librarians and held num erous ACRL appoint­ ments, including chairing the ACRL Academic Status Committee (now the Committee on the Status o f Academic Librarians) and the task force that p ro d u ced the report A cadem ic Librarianship a n d the Redefining Scholarship Project. J o h n E. U lm s c h n e id e r is the new execu­ tive director o f Univer­ sity Library Services at V irg in ia C o m m o n ­ w ealth University. He previously served as the associate director for In­ form ation Technology at North Carolina State University, w h ere he was a m em ber o f the se n io r ad m in istrativ e John E. Ulmschneider 966 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1999 team since 1989. He began his tenure at that institution in 1986, as head o f Library Sys­ tems. His earlier positions include the sys­ tems m anager at the College o f William and Mary, visiting lecturer at the School of Library and Information Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and systems librarian at the National Library o f Medicine. He is widely published, is a frequent speaker at library and education conferences, and is actively involved in regional, state, and na­ tional professional organizations. J o r d a n a A d am s has been appointed in­ formation services librarian at Vanderbilt Uni­ versity. D a v id A le x a n d e r has been appointed ref­ erence librarian at South Dakota State Uni­ versity. Mark A. A lle n is now head o f the refer­ ence departm ent at Angelo State University. P atricia “P a tsy ” A lle n is visiting assistant librarian at Indiana University Purdue Uni­ versity at Indianapolis. C a r o ly n D . A rg en ta ti has been nam ed the Donald E. Moreland associate director for Public Services at North Carolina State Uni­ versity. T rev o r B o n d is now special collections librarian at Washington State University. P o lly B o ru ff-J o n es has been appointed assistant librarian at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis University. B ra n d o n B u rn ette is now reference li­ brarian at Murray State University. A m a n d a C ain has b een appointed user education/reference librarian at Washington State University. A n g e lic a S. C a r p e n te r has joined the Arne Nixon Center for the Study o f Children’s Literature at California State University at Fresno. B ryan C a rso n has been nam ed coordi­ nator, reference and instruction services at Western Kentucky University. E ile e n C h a lfo u n has been appointed li­ brary director at Prescott College in Prescott, Arizona. L inda K. C o ld in g is now assistant uni­ versity librarian in the reference departm ent at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. S te r lin g C o le m a n has been appointed library resident at Auburn University. A lan C o r n is h has b een nam ed assistant systems librarian at Washington State University. Eda M. C o rrea has b een appointed assis­ tant university librarian in th e cataloging d e p a rtm e n t at th e U niversity o f C entral Florida in Orlando. K arla D a v is has been nam ed reference librarian/archivist at Auburn University. R e n e e D a v is has been appointed science and technology reference librarian at Old Do­ minion University. T h a d E. D ic k in s o n is temporary refer­ ence librarian at the University o f Texas at Austin. C a r m e n L. D o c u r r o has been nam ed in­ structor librarian at the University of Central Florida, Brevard campus. M ary E lle n D u c e y is now Special Collec- tions/Archives librarian at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. K a th el D u n n has been appointed asso­ ciate director for Library Services at the New York Academy o f Medicine Library. C arol E y ler has joined Carleton College as head o f technical services. S u sa n M. F lin t is now assistant librarian at the Dewey G raduate Library at the Univer­ sity o f Albany, SUNY. S an d ra F u en tes has been appointed pub­ lic services librarian at Vanderbilt University. D o n n a R. G od a is now instructor librar­ ian in the reference departm ent at the Uni­ versity o f Central Florida in Orlando. M ich a el J. G orzk a has been nam ed in­ structor librarian in the reference departm ent at the University of Central Florida in Orlando. M alaika G rant has been appointed assis­ tant librarian at the University of Minnesota. N a n c y V. G r e e n has b een appointed ref­ erence librarian at Linda Hall Library. J o H a ll is library resident at Auburn Uni­ versity. Laura H e in z has been nam ed user instruc­ tion/reference librarian at Texas Tech Uni­ versity.’ G rah am H o w a r d has joined the Univer­ sity of Massachusetts, Amherst, as temporary social sciences selector/reference librarian. C a th e r in e H o y t has been appointed cu­ rator o f the Eileen Wallace Children’s Litera­ ture Collection at th e University o f New Brunswick at Fredericton in New Brunswick, Canada. F r a n c e s H u e h ls is now visiting assistant librarian at Indiana University Purdue Uni­ versity at Indianapolis University. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1999 / 967 R o b e r t B. H u l s h o f has b e e n nam ed OCLC services m anager at SOLINET. J im J e n k in s has been appointed social sciences reference librarian at Auburn Uni­ versity. R yan J o h n s o n is now social sciences ref­ erence and electronic resources librarian at Washington State University. C yn th ia K aag has been appointed librar­ ian; head of education and agricultural science libraries at Washington State University. E li s a b e t h K a p la n is n o w arch iv ist, Charles Babbage Institute at the Center for the History of Information Processing at the University of Minnesota. A p ril K a rb o w sk y is now research library resident at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. A lliso n O. K in g is now assistant univer­ sity librarian at the University o f Central Florida, Brevard campus. E lizab eth K ocevar-W eid in ger has been appointed instruction librarian at Longwood College in Virginia. J im J e n k in s is now social sciences refer­ ence librarian at Auburn University. Lee A n n L a n n o m J o h s t has been ap­ p o in te d inform ation services librarian at Vanderbilt University. J e n n if e r L ew is has joined the University of California, Berkeley, as archivist assistant. V ictor L ieb erm a n has been nam ed ref­ erence librarian/bibliographer at the Univer­ sity o f North Dakota. R ich ard H. F. L in d em a n n has been ap­ pointed director of special collections and archives at Bowdoin College. J o y c e L in d s t r o m is now G overnm ent Inform ation librarian at Iow a State Univer­ sity. R ich ard L le w e lly n has joined Iowa State University as life sciences librarian. M atth ew M a rsteller is the new physics/ math librarian at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. J u lia M artin is now reference librarian at Murray State University. S h a r o n M cC aslin has joined Longwood College in Virginia as serials librarian. M artha M cC orm ick has been appointed assistant librarian at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis University. R ob ert M cD o n a ld is now social sciences reference librarian at Auburn University. P atricia M cW illiam s is visiting assistant librarian at Indiana University Purdue Uni­ versity at Indianapolis University. O b ian u ju M o lle l is now assistant librar­ ian at the University of Minnesota. T o n i M o o re has been nam ed assistant team leader at Eastern Kentucky University. Meg M ou gh an is now the assistant manu­ scripts librarian at the University of South Carolina in Columbia. R ich ard M urray is now catalog librarian at Vanderbilt University. S u sa n O n ly has joined the American Theological Library Association as coordina­ tor of professional development. A n d rew O s m o n d has been named re­ search library resident at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. E dw ard O w u su -A n sah is now reference librarian at Murray State University. J a n e tta K. P a sc h a l has joined Angelo State University as government docum ents/ reference librarian. K ev in P e tsc h e is visiting assistant librar­ ian at Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis University. J a n e t P in e has been named physical sci­ ences librarian at Iowa State University. M ary R ader is now south Asia bibliogra­ pher at the University of Michigan, Ann Ar­ bor. A d v e r t is e r in d e x ALIBRIS 908 ATLA 961 Archival Products 894 Bibliocentre 969 Blackwell’s Book Services 898 Blackwell Info. Services 955 CHOICE 952, 960 EBSCO 970 Endeavor Info. Systems Cover 3 ESRI Cover 4 Gale Group Cover 2 InfoUSA 962 IEEE 914 Johns Hopkins IJniv. Press 911 OCLC 903 R. R. Bowker 958 SPARC 891 9 6 8 / C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1999 K a th r y n R a tte n b o r g is now distance learning instructional librarian at the Univer­ sity of Minnesota. M argaret K. S c h a r f has b een appointed associate director for public services at the University of Central Florida, Orlando. E m ily S h e k e to f f has joined ALA’s Wash­ ington Office as associate executive director. K a th leen A. S in n e m a is now catalog li­ brarian/reference librarian at Duke University. Lisa C. Stark has b een appointed archi- vist/manuscript cataloger at Duke University. C h ristie S te p h e n s o n has been named assistant head of digital library production services at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. W illia m E. S u d d eth III has joined the University o f South Carolina, Columbia, as head of the G overnment Documents/Micro- forms department. C arole S v e n s s o n is now business/refer­ ence librarian at Elon College. C h r istin e E rn st Taft has been appointed reference librarian at Linda Hall Library. B arbara T aylor is now distance learning reference librarian at the University of Min­ nesota. L isa T erranova has been appointed library personnel officer at Vanderbilt University. K a th y E. T ezla has b een nam ed head of collection developm ent at Carleton College in Minnesota. C h a rles T h o m a s is special collections/ archives technical services librarian at the University of Minnesota. M arc T ruitt is now head of the Systems Office at the Linda Hall Library. C h r istin e T u r n e r is now librarian for statewide business and economic develop­ m ent at th e University o f M assachusetts, Amherst. C a th erin e T w eed ie has been appointed libraries analysis officer at the University of Minnesota. S te p h e n H. U rg o la has joined Duke Uni­ versity as national historical publications and records commission fellow in archival admin­ istration. C e lia W a g n e r has b e e n ap p o in ted new titles m anager for Blackw ell’s B ook Ser­ vices. A n d r e w B. W e r th e im e r has b een ap ­ pointed research assistant professor at the University o f Nebraska in Lincoln. K aren W etzel is now research library resi­ d en t at th e University o f M assachusetts, Amherst. R e t i r e m e n t s E ile e n D u b in has retired from Rock Valley College after five years of service as the di­ rector o f the Educational Resources Center. Prior to her position at Rock Valley, she was the assistant university librarian for Public Services at Case Western Reserve University. Dubin also spent close to four years as direc­ tor o f Stockton State College in Pomona, New Jersey, and a similar am ount of time as di­ rector o f Library Services at William Rainey Harper College in Palatine, Illinois. Prior to these appointments, she w orked at Northern Illinois University in a variety of capacities within the library for nearly 15 years. Dubin is a past mem ber of the ACRL Board o f Di­ rectors and past-chair of ACRL’s Community and Junior College Librarians Section. She has started a small business that specializes in teleconferencing. P au l Z. D u B o is retired from Winthrop Uni­ versity in Rock Hill, South Carolina, after eight years as dean of Library Services. Previously Du Bois was librarian at the New York State Historical Association in Cooperstown, New York; assistant director o f Kent State Univer­ sity Libraries; and director o f Trenton State College Library (now the College o f New Jer­ sey). He is the author of num erous profes­ sional articles and reviews and a biography of the American novelist and bookm an Paul Leicester Ford. He now resides in Yardley, Pennsylvania, w here he will be doing con­ sulting work and renewing a previously es­ tablished rare book business. E v ely n Hu, research librarian and periodi­ cals bibliographer in the Jackson Library, has retired from Stanford after 31 years o f ser­ vice. She started her career at Stanford as as- E d . n o t e : To e n su re t h a t y o u r p e rs o n n e l n e w s is c o n s id e re d f o r p u b lic a t io n , w r it e to A n n -C h ris te Young, P ro d u c tio n E ditor, C&RL News, 50 E. H uro n St., C hicago, IL 60611-2795; e -m a il: a you n g @ ala .o rg ; fa x: 312-280-2520. C&RL News ■ D ecem ber 1999 / 969 sistant librarian in the Food Research Insti­ tute. Between 1969 and 1973 she took a break from work to be with her family. In 1973, she returned to Stanford and worked as a mail clerk in the Jackson Library. Shortly thereafter, Hu received an appointment to cataloging librarian, and served in that ca­ pacity until 1989, w hen she was promoted to librarian and became the head periodicals librarian in the Jackson Library. D e a t h s C a ro lin e A rd en , a former member of the ALA Council representing the Virginia Library Association (1979-87), has died. During her years as councilor, she was appointed to sev­ eral ALA Committees. She worked to orga­ nize and establish ALA’s Chapter Caucus. From 1965 to 1978 she worked in the public library systems in Arlington, Virginia, and Prince George’s, Maryland. She was also an assistant professor in the School of Library and Information Science at the Catholic Uni­ versity of America. In 1997 she retired from the faculty of George Washington University, w here she had held the positions of lecturer and assistant professor in the Department of Political Science. Arden published Getting the Donkey Out o f the Ditch: The Democratic Party in Search o f Itself (Greenwood Press, 1987), which described what the party needed to do to regain national trust and prominence. K a th leen “K ate” C o n ah an , serials and fac­ ulty services librarian at Hunter College Li­ brary, CUNY, d ied on A ugust 20, 1999. Conahan joined Hunter College in 1988 and served as evening/w eekend supervisor and head of Access Services before taking on responsibilities as serials and faculty services librarian. She was active within LACUNY, w here she served on the steering committee of LACUNY Institute for several years. She was also chair of LACUNY’s Professional Sta­ tus and Grants Committee. A m em ber of LACUNY’s Executive Committee, Conahan served as vice president (1998-99) and was the incoming president. S tan ley D. N ash, head of reference and the Anglo-American History Selector at Rutgers University’s Archibald S. Alexander Library, died on September 7, 1999, after a long illness. Nash began his Rutgers’ career in 1986, after previously w o rk in g a t W illiam Paterson College and New York University. At Rutgers, he served for many years as instruction Stanley D. Nash coordinator at Alexander Library. He was an active member of ALA and the New jersey Library Association (NJLA), and was awarded the NJLA College and University Section’s Distinguished Service Award in 1994. Nash also published widely in diverse areas, including the history of crime and the police in the United Kingdom, historical bibliogra­ phy, library instruction, and the impact on and use of electronic technology in reference and instruction. He was the principal creator of an award-winning Web page on British and Ameri­ can History. ■