ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 258 / C&RL News of African Studies, Evanston, Illinois, has received a $150,000 grant from the Lloyd A. Fry Founda­ tion. The grant will support a preservation pro­ gram aimed at ensuring the longevity and useful materials in Africana. A full-time conservation as­ sistant will be hired to carry out the in-house repair of 400 rare books, coordinate a survey of the gen­ eral Africana collection, and microfilm rare books and additional items requiring this treatm ent. News notes • Queens College, New York, laid the corner- stone on April 22 for a new library building named after Benjamin Rosenthal, the late Congressman from Queens who served ten full term s in the House. The Rosenthal Library will be completed in 1987 and will house a Regional Archives and Public Policy center for the collection and study of documents relating to the business of Congress and the New York State Legislature. Benjamin Rosen­ thal’s papers have been deposited at the College and negotiations are now underway with major state and federal figures to give the library their public papers. • The University of Chicago libraries were the subject of three articles in the W inter 1985 issue of the University of Chicago Magazine. The first two describe the collections and services at the new John C rerar Science Library and Chicago’s main facility, the Joseph Regenstein Library. Perhaps of greatest interest is the the third article in the series, “W hat Research Will Be ‘H ot’ in 2084?”, which gives an excellent description of the work of the subject bibliographers, mostly in their own words. • The University of Michigan libraries were sim- ilarly profiled in the University’s Research News for July-September 1984. Produced at the instiga­ tion of the vice president for academic affairs, this special issue highlights many of the library services at the University of Michigan. Emphasizing access over immediate availability, each section of the is­ sue features a book that for some reason was not in its proper location in the stacks and goes on to ex­ plain the work of the library departm ent that could help a puzzled patron find it. In this way the li­ brary’s acquisitions, cataloging, circulation, inter- library loan, storage facility, online search service, and preservation units were profiled. ■ ■ . P E O P L E . Profiles Virginia M. Bowden has been named library di­ rector of the Dolph Briscoe Library of the Univer­ sity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, effective March 8. Bowden joined the Briscoe Li­ brary in 1970 as a library systems analyst and has worked in various capacities there including serv­ ing as associate library director from 1978 and as acting director since September 1984. Bowden received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1960 and worked as a computer programmer before receiving an MLS from the University of Kentucky in 1970. She re­ ceived a Council on Library Resources fellowship in 1978 for a comparative analysis of current mono­ graph acquisitions, and was principal investigator of a 1982-1983 National Library of Medicine grant to evaluate the impact of the TALON Cooperative Acquisitions Program. In 1984 she received a grant from the Council on Library Resources to investi­ gate nursing collections in the Southwest. A member of both ALA and the Medical Library Association, Bowden served as president of MLA’s South Central Regional Group in 1979-1980. She is treasurer of the Council of Research and Aca­ demic Libraries and a member of the Board of D i­ rectors of the San Antonio Public Library Founda­ tion. Susan Ulrich Golden has been appointed assis­ tant director of libraries for technical services at the University of Delaware, Newark. Golden received her bachelor’s degree in Span­ ish from M arietta College, Ohio. She holds an MLS from the University of Kentucky and a master’s de­ gree in linguistics from the University of Illinois, Urbana. Golden comes to Delaware from the University of Illinois where she held the position of assistant director of general services for autom ated systems. She currently is ACRL representative on the LC Cataloging in Publication Advisory Group and was vice-president/president-elect of the ACRL Illinois Chapter. 260 / C&RL News Kent H endrickson, associate university librar­ ian at the University of Arizona, has been a p ­ pointed dean of libraries at the University of Ne­ braska, Lincoln, effective in June. Hendrickson began his library career as associate director of library technical services at UNL in 1964. He held his most recent post since 1981. Prior to joining the Arizona faculty he worked in the p ri­ vate sector as vice president of Blackwell North America, In c ., and as m anager of West Coast oper­ ations for the Richard Able Corporation, a firm specializing in books and bibliographic support ser­ vices to academic and research libraries. H endrickson holds a b ach elo r’s degree from Iowa State University and an MLS from the Uni­ versity of Michigan. Rodney Henshaw has been appointed associate librarian and chief of the new Access Services D e­ partm ent of the Pennsylvania State University Li­ braries. In this position he will adm inister the lending services and in­ terlibrary loan divisions a n d p la n for system - w id e c irc u la tio n and docum ent delivery ac­ tivities. Henshaw received his bachelor’s degree in his­ tory in 1974 and an MLS in 1975 from N o rth Texas State University. He was m edia consul­ Rodney Henshawtan t and head of interli­ brary services at San An­ tonio Public Library and since 1981 has been head of interlibrary services at Iowa State University. Henshaw currently serves on the ASCLA Re­ search C om m ittee and th e RASD In te rlib ra ry Loan Committee. J oan Kunselman has been appointed head of the Fine Arts Libraries at the University of California, Los Angeles, effective April 8. She was formerly co­ ordinator of the Periodi­ cals Section and chair of the T echnical Services D epartm ent at Califor­ n ia S ta te U n iv ersity , Fullerton. K unselm an received her bachelor’s degree in music from Vassar and earned her MLS at Loui­ siana State University in 1974. She also holds a m aster’s degree in music from the University of Joan KunselmanM aryland and a Ph.D. in music history and lit­ erature from Louisiana State University. Since settling in California in 1976, Kunselman has been active in professional associations, in p a r­ ticular the Southern California chapter of the M u­ sic L ib rary Association, w hich she ch aired in 1983-1984. She is currently a mem ber of the ACRL Publications Committee. C arol Parke has been appointed assistant direc­ tor of libraries for public services at the University of D elaw are. She holds a bachelor’s in English from Connecticut College and an MLS from Co­ lum bia University. She was previously adm inistrative services li­ brarian at Virginia Com monwealth University L i­ brary in Richmond and head of government docu­ ments at Yale. Karen W ittenborg has been appointed assis­ ta n t university lib rarian for collection develop­ m ent at the University of California, Los Angeles, effective March 4. Prior to this appointm ent she was coordinator of the collection developm ent activities of th e social science bibliographers, curator of the Social Sci­ ences C ollections, and most recently, chief li­ b rarian in the General Reference D epartm ent at Stanford University. She spent the 1981– 1982 a c a d e m ic y ear as a Karen W ittenborgCouncil on Library Re­ sources a c a d e m ic li ­ brary management intern at the MIT Libraries. W ittenborg holds a m aster’s degree in anthro­ pology from Brown University and an MLS from the State University of New York at Buffalo. Currently serving on ACRL’s Planning Com m it­ tee and the RASD/MARS Nonbibliographic D ata­ bases and D ata Files Com mittee, W ittenborg has also chaired the ACRL Anthropology and Sociol­ ogy Section’s Nom inating Com mittee (1979) and th e C o n s titu tio n an d B ylaw s C o m m itte e (1982-1984). People in the news Susan V. C raig, art librarian at the University of Kansas, has been elected vice chairm an/chair-elect of the Art Libraries Society of North America. She assumed her office at the 13th annual ARLIS/NA conference in Los Angeles, February 8-14. J ean-Jacques L ev iv e, lib rarian w ith the L i­ brary of the University of Paris North, joined the Ohio University Libraries, Athens, on January 7 for a seven-month stay as an exchange librarian. Levive, who is working in the Reference D epart­ ment until July, is sponsored by the National Direc­ torate of Libraries of the French Ministry of E d u­ cation and the Franco–American Commission for Educational Exchanges. May 1985 / 261 L inda Resnick has been appointed executive di­ rector of the American Society for Inform ation Sci­ ence, effective March 1. Most recently Resnick was with the Public Broadcasting Service in W ashing­ ton where she directed a planning effort tow ard the creation of the National N arrow cast Service, a m ulti-channel television program ming service for the distribution of professional and continuing ed­ ucation courses and programs to workplaces. D avid Stam, Andrew W. Mellon director of the N ew York P u b lic R esearch L ib ra rie s , and Mildred O ’C onnell, field service director for the Northeast Docum ent Conservation Center, were elected chairperson and vice chairperson of the New York State Advisory Council on Conservation and Preservation of Library Research Materials. The five-member committee, which held its first meeting in February, will advise on the develop­ m ent of the Statewide Conservation/Preservation Program authorized by the New York Legislature in 1984. Appointments (Appointm ent notices are taken from library newsletters, letters from personnel offices and ap­ pointees, and other sources. To ensure th at your appointm ent appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Ann B. Abid has been named head librarian at the Cleveland Museum of Art. Van B. AFES has been appointed archivist and as­ sistant cataloger of the Medical-Dental Center Li­ braries, New York University Medical Center. T eresa Anderson is now circulation/informa- tion technology librarian at Steenbock Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison. Susan S. Baughman has been named university librarian at Clark University, Worcester, Massa­ chusetts. Rosann Bazirjian has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the University of West Florida, Pensacola. Rita Berk has been appointed catalog librarian at Moravian College, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Barrara Best-N ichols has been a p p o in te d head of the School of Textiles Library, North C aro­ lina State University, Raleigh. Michael Bilhorn has been appointed librarian at the Yorktown Heights Branch Campus of the Mercy College Libraries, W estchester County, New York. Ann C amprell has been appointed project li­ brarian for the State Historical Society of Wiscon­ sin’s U.S. Newspaper Project. G abrielle C arr is now reference librarian at Indiana University Southeast, New Albany. Pamela C arver has been appointed coordinator of copy cataloging at the University of Delaware 262 / C&RL News Library, Newark. J oseph I –H siung C hang is a new reference li­ brarian at the East Asian Library, Columbia Uni­ versity, New York. L ucie C hen has joined the staff of the National Library of Medicine’s Bibliographic Services Divi­ sion, Bethesda, Maryland. Stephen C lark has been appointed acquisitions librarian at W inthrop College, Bock Hill, South Carolina. Marian D avis is the new technical services li­ brarian at St. Louis University Medical Library, Missouri. Noor F. D in is now Urdu language specialist at the H arvard College Library. Barrara D oyle has been appointed director of the Loretto Heights College Library/Learning Re- source Center, Denver, Colorado. Gorman L. Duffett has been appointed assis­ tant reference librarian at Hiram College, Ohio. M arie Kathryn E rickson is now associate li­ brarian at Loyola Law School Library, Los An­ geles. Suzanne F edunok has been promoted to assis­ tan t director for resources at Columbia University, New York. T eresa A. F ehlig has been appointed architec­ tu re lib ra ria n at O klahom a S tate U niversity, Stillwater. J onquil F eldman is now reference librarian in H arvard’s Countway Library of Medicine. Marilyn P. F letcher has been appointed head of the Serial D epartm ent at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. J eanne F ondrie has been appointed project li­ brarian for the State Historical Society of Wiscon­ sin’s U.S. Newspaper Project. Sharon D. Galperin has been appointed archi­ vist in the Special Collections D ep artm en t at G eorge W ashington U niversity, W ashington, D.C. Barbara Glendenning has been appointed ref­ erence librarian in the Biology Library, University of California, Berkeley. R obert G oehlert has been appointed acting head of the Interlibrary Services D epartm ent, In ­ diana University, Bloomington. Peter Graham has been promoted to assistant director for bibliographic control at Colum bia University, New York. Patricia Greig has been named associate direc­ tor at York University Library, Downsview, O n­ tario. Karen K. Griffith has been appointed person­ nel librarian at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland. Alice H all has been appointed reference librar­ ian in the Marine Studies Library, University of Delaware, Newark. Bonnie S. H ardwick has been appointed head of the Manuscripts Division of the Bancroft Li­ brary, University of California, Berkeley. Matt 1985 / 263 Sandra H offman has been appointed librarian at the Hazleton Laboratories, Madison, Wiscon­ sin. L isa J ohnson has been appointed assistant refer­ ence librarian at Hiram College, Ohio. Maralyn J ones has been appointed conserva­ tion education project coordinator at the Univer­ sity of California, Berkeley. Ron Karr has been appointed reference librar­ ian at the University of Lowell, Massachusetts. Richard McE lroy is now art librarian at W el­ lesley College, Massachusetts. E llen McGrath has been promoted to head of cataloging at the New York Law School Library. R obert Malinowsky has been appointed sci­ ence and engineering bibliographer at the Univer­ sity of Illinois, Urbana. H. Spencer Means has been named coordinator of reference services at Baruch College, City Uni­ versity of New York. Nadine M iller has been appointed assistant public services and reference librarian at Gonzaga University, Spokane, Washington. Marilyn K. Moody has been promoted to head of in te rlib ra ry loan at Iow a State University, Ames. Arlene E. Moore has been appointed govern­ ment documents librarian at W ichita State Univer­ sity, Kansas. R ita N eri has been a p p o in te d ca ta lo g e r at Baruch College, City University of New York. Susan Newton has been appointed fine arts and humanities reference librarian at L am ar Unives- rity, Beaumont, Texas. L ori L. O smus has been promoted to head of se­ rials cataloging at Iowa State University, Ames. Roberta Pike has been appointed cataloger at Baruch College, City University of New York. T imothy D . Pyatt has been named conservator at the M oravian Music F o u n d atio n , W inston- Salem, North Carolina. E lizabeth Quinn is now public services librar­ ian at the George Washington University Law Li­ brary, W ashington, D.C. L ynn Randall has been appointed director of the L ib ra ry /L e a rn in g Resources C enter at the Berkeley School, G arret Mountain Campus, Little Falls, New Jeresy. P atricia G lueck R ee lin g has been nam ed chair of the D epartm ent of Library and Inform a­ tion Studies at the Rutgers University School of Communication, Inform ation and Library Stud­ ies. J udith Rieke has been appointed serials librar­ ian at the V anderbilt Medical C enter L ibrary, Nashville. Rasma Rugelis has been named associate direc­ tor at York University Libraries, Downsview, O n­ tario. M arion N. Sabella has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at H arvard’s Countway Library of Medicine. L orraine Sebo has been appointed head of the Public Affairs Service at the University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles. Virginia Seiser has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of New Mexico, Albu­ querque. M ichael I an Stevenson has been appointed business information analyst in the Baker Library, H arvard University. Barbara Sullivan is now librarian of the Bronx Extension Center of the Mercy College Libraries, New York. R. Christopher T empleton has been appointed media librarian at Albertus Magnus College, New Haven, Connecticut. Victoria K. T rotta is now assistant director and head of public services at the University of Southern California Law Library, Los Angeles. Alison Verbeck has been appointed science/ engineering librarian at W ashington University, St. Louis. J effery W anser has been appointed reference librarian at Hiram College, Ohio. J ennifer W are has been appointed head of card catalog reference at California State University, Sacramento. Susan W ay has been appointed outreach and user education librarian at the Vanderbilt Medical Center Library, Nashville. R. C harles W ittenberg is now Southeastern regional sales m anager for Blackwell North Amer­ ica, Atlanta. Ross W ood has been appointed music librarian at Wellesley College, Massachusetts. G reg W ool has been appointed serials c a ta­ loger at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. D aniel Zoll has joined the staff of the Techni­ cal Services Division of the National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, Maryland. Retirements W inifred C ampbell, cataloger at the Andover- H arvard Theological Library, will retire early this summer. She has also held positions at the H arvard College Library and Swarthmore and Haverford Colleges. Robert E. McC ollum, section head of the Phys­ ical Sciences Section in the Subject Cataloging Di­ vision at the Library of Congress, retired on Janu­ ary 9 after more than 35 years of Federal service. Richard O lson, conservation officer at N orth­ western University, retired on January 31 after 26 years of service. Olson came to Northwestern in 1958 as a reference lib rarian after receiving an MLS at the University of Chicago. In 1962 he be­ came rare book librarian and in 1969 humanities bibliographer. In 1980 he was asked to become the library’s first art librarian, and in 1982 he became the first conservation officer. E leanor Pedersen, assistant circulation librar­ ian at Northwestern University, retired on January 264 / C&RL News 31. She had been at Northwestern since 1956. E miko Samard, associate librarian at the Univer­ sity of California, Irvine, retired M arch 31. Deaths Ruth G. F ourier, head of the Humanities D e­ p artm ent at the Auburn University L ibrary until 1981, died on November 5. Seid Karic, Slavic cataloger in the Main Library at Indiana University, died after, a short illness on M arch 13. He had been a m em ber of the library faculty since 1963. Miriam H awkins L ibbey, form er director of the A.W . C alhoun Medical Library at Em ory Univer­ sity, died on December 5. Libbey had served as di­ rector of the Southeastern Regional Medical Li­ brary Program from 1969 to 1982. G ladys J. Rohde, associate university librarian em erita at California State University, Fullerton, died on January 2. Mary T rillich, librarian em erita at the Univer­ sity of Kansas, died in F ebruary in the state of W ashington. She had been a fine arts cataloger at the university from 1961 until her retirem ent in 1978. ■ ■ Office of Preservation established The National E ndow m ent for the Humanities has established an Office of Preservation to provide national leadership and grant support for efforts to preserve rapidly deteriorating research materials. The announcem ent was m ade M arch 27 by NEH acting chairm an John Agresto, who called for a na­ tional partnership of government and the private sector “to halt the deterioration of our irreplace­ able research m aterials in the hum anities.” The new office will support grants for problem solving, hum anities docum entation, cooperative efforts, the preparation of inform ational m aterials, institutional preservation needs, and research and development. Form al guidelines, including appli­ cation forms, are available from NEH. The first deadline for grant applications is June 1, 1985; a second annual deadline of December 1,1985, is an ­ ticipated. Potential applicants should first contact the Office of Preservation for further inform ation on eligibility and the preparation of a proposal. Over $900,000 in grants to six national hum ani­ ties organizations were also announced. The recip­ ient institutions are: •T h e Research Libraries G roup, which will re­ ceive $625,011 for the second phase of a project to preserve on microfilm approxim ately 45,000 titles, including books and periodicals published between 1870 and 1920, essential to the study of American history and literature. Five institutions th a t p artic­ ipated in the project’s first phase, funded by NEH in 1983, will continue their participation in phase two. These institutions are Colum bia University, New York Public Library, University of Michigan, University of Minnesota, and Yale University. New participants will be Cornell University, New York Historical Society, Princeton University, and Stan­ ford University. •T h e Northeast Docum ent Conservation C en­ ter will receive $27,000 for a conference on re­ gional conservation centers to be held in Andover, Massachusetts, in the fall of 1985. • T h e University of D elaw are, Newark, will re­ ceive $49,181 to fund th at state’s participation in the N E H –supported U.S. N ew spaper Program , which aims to catalog over 300,000 newspaper ti­ tles and preserve a significant portion of them. For further inform ation, contact the Office of Preservation, National E ndow m ent for the H u­ manities, Room 802, 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, N .W ., W a s h in g to n , D C 20506; (202) 786- 0570. ■ ■ New ACRL journal The Association of College & Research Libraries will soon be publishing a new journal devoted to special collections, Rare Books and Manuscripts Librarianship. Each issue will contain three or four articles totaling approximately 30 pages, 10 pages of book reviews and books received, and two to three pages of news notes. The emphasis will be on the theory and practice of special collections lib rar­ ianship. Among the topics to be included are: acquisition and collection development of rare books and m an ­ uscripts; security, access and use of special collec­ tions; conservation; cataloging of special m ateri­ als; com puter applications; fund raising, donor relations and friends groups; exhibits; and the his­ torical development of various special collections. Two trial issues of the journal will be published in 1985-86. Articles to be included in the second is­ sue, scheduled for June 1986, should be subm itted no later th an December 2, 1985, to the Editorial Board, c/o Ann Gwyn, Editor, R B M L , Milton S. Eisenhower Library, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218. Inform ation about subscriptions m ay be ob­ tained from Sandy W hiteley, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ■ ■ HOW TO READ THE JAPANESE. It’s actually quite simple. You can nology and business in which Japan acquire the most current, vital findings is prominent are covered, including of Japanese research—in a way that’s far microelectronics, computer technology, easier than reading them in Japanese. biotechnology, aerospace engineering, Because now there’s the Japanese quality control, business management, Technical Information Service, and it's finance, ceramics, defense, and more. available from UMI, a Xerox information Now you can finally learn about the company. latest Japanese advances in technology When your organization subscribes and business—without spending years to JTIS, you receive monthly abstracts in learning how to read Japanese. English from more than 750 Japanese For more information about JTIS, publications. All areas of applied tech­ call UMI toll-free at 1-800-521-0600. University 300 North Zeeb Road M icrofilm s Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 (313) 761-4700International Why should your library use EBSCO Subscription Services? Because we’re always searching for better ways to make your job easier, like these unique, time-saving services … 1 16 regional offices with The most complete serials • complete account service 4• listing available.capabilities, for responsive local service. 2 A monthly claim checker, a Customized reports, for 5. computer report to keep all 3 • better serials management. active claims available for you to review. Your own customer service EBSCONET, the easy-to-use representative who is always 6. online system for serials available to give you transactions. immediate, knowledgeable service. Sound good? There’s more. Contact EBSCO—Let’s talk service. P. O. Box 1943 Birmingham, AL 35201-1943 (205) 991–6600 May 1985 / 267 RBMS Exhibition Catalogue Awards Three annual aw ards for the best catalogue p u b ­ lished by A m erican or C an ad ian institutions in conjunction w ith exhibitions of books and/or m an ­ uscripts will be granted for the first tim e in the Spring of 1986. Catalogues published between Jan ­ uary 1, 1983, and August 31, 1985, are eligible and must be subm itted by September 30, 1985, to the ACRL Rare Rooks and M anuscripts Section’s C om ­ m ittee for Awards for Exhibition Catalogues. The entries will be divided into three budget cat­ egories: expensive, m oderately expensive, and in­ expensive, based upon the production costs of the catalogue, thereby allowing institutions of similar publishing resources to compete w ithin the same category. Catalogues m ay be of varying form ats, styles, and scope, but each must represent, either com pre­ hensively or selectively, an exhibition which has taken place. C riteria for selecting the winners will include the level of accuracy and consistency of presentation in the catalogue, its clarity, quality of design and usefulness to the intended audience. The aw ards will take the form of printed citations to the institutions organizing the exhibitions. For further inform ation and entry forms, con­ tact Sally Leach, C hair of the RRMS C om m ittee for Awards for Exhibition Catalogues, H arry R an­ som Hum anities Research C enter, P.O . D raw er 7219, Austin, TX 78713. ■ ■ CALENDAR May 15- 17—User Instruction: “Reaching Out: New D i­ rections in L ibrary Instruction” is the them e of the 14th Annual Workshop on Instruction in Li­ brary Use, London, O ntario, sponsored by the University of W estern O ntario and Fanshawe College. Registration is lim ited to 100. Fee: $83 C anadian. Accommodation for tw o evenings is $52 C anadian. C ontact: M artin Ship, Reference D epartm ent, D.R. W eldon L ibrary, University of W estern O ntario, London, O ntario N6A3K7; (519) 679-6195. 16- 17—Conversion: Ribliographic D ata Conver­ sion Institute, sponsored by the Rutgers Univer­ sity D ep a rtm en t of L ib rary and Inform ation Studies, New Rrunswick, New Jersey. Institute director is D onald King. Fee: $105. Contact: J a n a V arleijs, R utgers L IS /S C IL S , 4 H u n ­ tingdon St., New Brunswick, NJ 08903; (201) 932-7169. 21-24—Publishing: 7th Annual Meeting of the So­ ciety for Scholarly Publishing, Hotel C ontinen­ tal, Chicago. Them e: “Scholarly Publishing: M anaging Today and Planning for T om orrow .” Speakers will include: Patricia Sabosik, editor of Choice, and Hendrik Edelm an, library director at Rutgers University. Registration fee: $150 for SSP members; $185 for non-members. Contact: SSP, Annual Meeting Registration, 2000 Florida Ave., N .W ., W ashington, DC 20009; (202) 328 3555. 29-30—Networking: “Co–oping in ’85,” the Mid west Academic Library Conference, St. N orber College, De Pere, Wisconsin. Keynote speakei will be Brooke Sheldon, Texas W om en’s Univer sity, on “H andling the Urge to Co-op”; othei speakers include Kaye G apen, Lee Lebbin, anc Kathy Schneider. Fee: $45 after May 10. Con tact: Conference C oordinator, Sensenbrennei Memorial Union, St. N orbert College, De Pere W I 54115; (414) 337-3140. United Nations exhibits T his y ear is th e 4 0 th a n n iv e rs a ry of th e U nited Nations. N um erous celebrations and special exhibitions are planned throughout the world in depository and other libraries of Mem­ ber States, as well as in bookstores and at inter­ national conferences and trade shows. Most of the exhibits will be held in October, as October 24 is United Nations Day. Those in­ terested in organizing a special publications ex­ hibit should contact: Nina Lenem an, D eputy Chief, Sales Section, Publications Division, United Nations, New York, NY 10017.