September 2019 425 C&RL News Welcome to the September 2019 issue of C&RL News. In this month’s Scholarly Com- muncation column, Yasmeen Shorish and Nathan Hall give an overview of the pro- cess that went into “Creating the ACRL re- search agenda for scholarly communication.” Among other topics, the agenda looks at the scholarly communciation system through the lens of equity, diversity, and inclusion. At the University of Tennessee, librar- ians encourage underserved students to consider careers in STEM fields through their Big Orange STEM Saturday program. Thura Mack and Savanna Draper write about the project in their article “Assessment and social change.” The latest installment of our International Insights column features a variety of per- spectives on “Gender inclusivity and equity in academic libraries” from around the globe. Lisa N. Johnston provides a historical per- spective on LGBTQ digital history collections in this month’s Internet Resources article. Erin Passehl-Stoddard and Ashlyn Velte discuss ways in which the University of Idaho Libraries Special Collections and Ar- chives took advantage of their acquisition of a prominent alumni science fiction collection in “Capitalizing on short-term collaborative project.” We also look back at the 2019 ALA An- nual Conference in Washington, D.C., with our annual roundup of ACRL programs and Board of Directors’ actions. Many thanks to all the reporters who volunteered to write program summaries. Make sure to check out the other features and departments this month, including a The Way I See It essay on using improv to im- prove performance in the library classroom by Allison Hosier. —David Free, editor-in-chief, The MIT Press Direct DRM-free . Unlimited simultaneous users . Tiered pricing based on library budget and FTE . Subscription and perpetual options . OCLC MARC records and KBART files . COUNTER usage statistics and SUSHI reports . No ongoing maintenance fees . Consortia discounts available . Full and subject collections eBook Collections Visit for additional details, updates, and information about free trials.