ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 347 Classified Advertising Classified advertising orders and copy, and cancellations, should be addressed to the Pub­ lications Office, ACRL, 50 East Huron Street, Chicago 60611, and should reach that office before the tenth of the month preceding pub­ lication of issue desired. Copy received after that time may be held for the next issue. Rate for classified advertising is $1.25 per printed line. No additional charge is made for nonmember advertising. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE publi­ cations at G.P.O. prices mailed within 72 hours. Order from Marv Broadbent, 4410 Josephine, Beltsville, Maryland 20705. POSITIONS W A N TE D COLLEGE LIBRARIANSHIP or University Administrative position (Head, Assoc, or Asst. Directorship) sought by male, L.S. and Ph.D. degrees plus substantial university technical services, readers’ services experience. Midwest or Pacific Coast preferred but will consider other. $15,000 min. Box 765, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. POSITIONS OPEN Cataloging HEAD CATALOGER for undergraduate men’s college library, adding 10,000 volumes annual­ ly. Supervise staff of IK professionals, 3-5 clerical. Improved salary range. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. CATALOGER needed immediately for college library adding 7,000 vols./yr. and reclassing to LC. Original cataloging, supervision of non­ professionals, direction of work flow. Right person could advance to technical processes head. Small town and college, $7,000-$9,000 to start, plus excellent fringe benefits. Send resume to Librarian, Denison University, Gran­ ville, Ohio 43023. CATALOGER in rapidly expanding under­ graduate library. Unusual opportunity for be­ ginning cataloger. Salary and benefits advan­ tageous. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron S t, Chicago 60611. NEW YORK CITY. Catalogers for French or German books (or both). Good typing neces­ sary. Salary according to experience. Interest­ ing job with a future. Send replies to Mary S. Rosenberg, Inc., Book Importer, 100 West 72nd Street, New York, N.Y. 10023. STOUT STATE UNIVERSITY, Menomonie, Wisconsin, seeks a candidate for the position of Acting Catalog Librarian (September 1969- August 1971). A cataloger with considerable experience is desired, to direct the work of the department while the regular department head is on leave. All new cataloging is in L.C.; conversion from Dewey is in process. Familiar­ ity with MARC, and an interest in continuing and developing automation in progress, are re­ quired. The candidate must have a Master’s degree in library science. The position carries faculty status and perquisites, including ex­ cellent fringe benefits. The salary is on the academic year basis, with additional compensa­ tion at the same rate for summer session em­ ployment, which is customarily required. The salary will be appropriate to training and ex­ perience. Stout is a Wisconsin State University, specializing in industrial education, industrial technology, home economics, vocational educa­ tion, and related fields. Present enrollment is 4,330. An air-conditioned addition to the pres­ ent building will provide excellent working fa­ cilities. Menomonie is a small city, situated in the heart of beautiful country, with easy free­ way access to Minneapolis-St. Paul, 70 miles to the West. Apply to: Miss Phyllis D. Bentley, Librarian, The Robert L. Pierce Library, Stout State University, Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751. RENSSELAER POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE seeks cataloger for library automating technical processes. Position includes participation in planning, some supervision of clerks, reclassifi­ cation from Dewey to L.C. MLS from ac­ credited school. $7,750, adjustable for experi­ ence. 11 month year, usual benefits. Edward A. Chapman, Director of Libraries, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Libraries, Troy, N.Y. 12181. Miscellaneous HEAD of Art and Design College Library which is planning reorganization and develop­ ment. Requires MLS and experience. Faculty status, social security, TIAA, major medical, group life insurance, one month vacation. Sal­ ary open. Send application and résumé to President, Rhode Island School of Design, 2 College Street, Providence, R.I. 02903. Multiple THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS LIBRARIES invite applications for the following positions: CATALOG LIBRARIAN—Head of central catalog department; staff of 28; current acquisi­ tions 90,000 volumes. Require minimum of four years’ relevant experience including use of LC Classification. Beginning salary $10,000- 12,000. ASSISTANT LAW LIBRARIAN—Re­ sponsibility for serials and public service. Pro­ fessional staff of three, collection of 100,000 volumes. Library degree and academic prepara­ tions in law or social sciences required; relevant experience desirable. Beginning salary $7,400- 9,600 depending upon qualifications. ASSIST­ ANT SCIENCE LIBRARIAN—Responsibilities include reference work in sciences, cataloging, 348 supervision of branch libraries, classroom in­ struction in bibliography. Require library ex­ perience in sciences. Beginning salary $7,400- 8,200. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN— Responsibilities include cataloging and super­ visory aspects of the acquisitions process, in a department actively working toward an auto­ mated system of serials control. Beginning sal­ ary $7,400-8,200. ASSISTANT CIRCULA­ TION LIBRARIAN—Computer-controlled cir­ culation system operational for three years. Li­ brary degree required, some EDP experience or training preferred. Beginning salary $7,400- 8,200. Academic status, good fringe benefits. Exceptionally pleasant small university town, good schools and other services, close to Kan­ sas City. Further information from David W. Heron, Director of Libraries, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66044. Phone 913- 864-3601. CAREERS for young and ambitious library school graduates in a major university library in an attractive Midwestern town. Vacancies in circulation ( bookstacks), serials, and spe­ cial collections (manuscripts) departments, and in the departmental libraries for business ad­ ministration, education-psychology, music, and pharmacy. Minimum starting salary, $8,100; faculty status; superior fringe benefits. Apply; Director, The University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. McGILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL, CANA­ DA has openings for ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN, TECHNICAL SERVICES; reports to the Di­ rector, and directs technical services (acquisi­ tions, cataloguing and serials) of McLennan Library which serves, as well, four of the branch libraries; and for providing advice and consultation on technical services to other li­ braries in the system. Challenging position; output 1968-69, 28,000 volumes, an increase of 12,000 over previous year. An able staff, ready to work toward improved methods and service. ASSOCIATE LIBRARIAN, CAMPUS LIBRARIES; reports to the Director and is responsible for coordinating the work and de­ velopment of the college, faculty, departmental and institute libraries of the system. Will con­ sult closely with the librarians of these libraries, and their faculty advisory committees. There are two major library planning projects com­ ing up in the Associate’s area of responsibility. The staff in this group of libraries numbers over sixty. Science background preferred. These are senior library posts requiring as qualifica­ tions, at least an accredited library degree, or equivalent; substantial experience of which 3-4 years should have involved significant ad­ ministrative and supervisory duties. The Asso­ ciates will contribute to the development of library policies for the system. Salary open, and commensurate with qualifications and ex­ perience. Send letter of application, and ré­ sumé of education and experience to: Director of Libraries, McGill University, 3459 McTavish Street, Montreal, Canada. ORIGINAL CATALOGER; SERIALS CATA- LOGER. Oakland University will have posi­ tions open on September 1, 1969 for librarians with several years of L.C. cataloging experi­ ence to do original cataloging, either mono­ graphic or serials, in a department of 6 profes­ sionals, 9 clericals, and student assistants. The Department is being reorganized and super­ visory duties may be made a part of these positions. The Cataloging Department staff is young and engaging. Salaries are $9,000, plus substantial fringe benefits. An M.L.S. from an accredited library school is required. Oakland is a rapidly expanding state university, set in beautiful surroundings twenty-five miles north of Detroit. Send résumé to: Philip Howard, Technical Services, Oakland University, Roch­ ester, Michigan 48063. FIVE POSITIONS OPEN (3 N EW ) New (1965) 2,600 acre campus, 20 minutes down­ town St. Louis. Enrollment 12,000. Subject divisional library growing at rate of 50,000 yearly. Masters degree programs in most areas. Faculty rank, one month vacation, eligi­ bility for sabbatical leave and participation in outstanding Illinois University Retirement System. Lovejoy Library, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, Illinois 62025. Phone collect: AC618-692-2711. Assistant Education Librarian. Curriculum materials acquisitions and reference. School and library experience needed. Salary $8,700-$10,200, depending upon quali­ fications. Apply: Ollie Mae Williams, Education Librarian. Serials Librarian. Responsibilities in­ clude bibliography, acquisitions, and cataloging. Supervisory ability essential. Salary $9,300- $12,000 depending upon qualifications. Apply: Eugene Herscher, Associate Director for Tech­ nical Services. Library Instruction Librarian. Work with Social Science faculty and library staff to develop library and bibliographic in­ struction in appropriate courses at all levels. Strong Social Science background essential. Salary $9,600-$13,200, depending upon quali­ fications. Apply: Mrs. Millicent Palmer, Library Instruction Librarian. Research Collections L i­ brarian. Unusual opportunity to organize and assist in the acquisition of a growing research collection. Library degree preferred b ut waived in lieu of solid background and experience in manuscript and archival methods and relevant graduate work. Salary $9,600+, depending upon qualifications. Apply: Barry Booth, Acting Asst. Director of Collections Development. Health Sciences Librarian. Administer collection for Nursing School, Dental School and general health Sciences curriculum. Substantial relevant experience and training required. Salary $10,200, or more, depending upon qualifications. Apply: Robert Gerhardt, Science Librarian. VIRGINIA, University of, Charlottesville. Due to an expanding library system opportunities now exist. Instructor rank, salary range $9,120- $11,520: Head, Documents Section, M.L.S. plus previous professional documents experi­ ence; Assistant Acquisitions Librarian, M.L.S. 349 plus 2 or more years professional experience in college acquisitions, to assume responsibilities for major orders. Jr. Instructor rank, salary range $7,680-$9,480: Slavic Language Cata­ loged M.L.S. and knowledge of Slavic Lan­ guages, to catalog Russian and East European serials; Reserve Books Librarian, M.L.S., col­ lege level experience preferred, supervise re­ serve books and develop undergraduate collec­ tion; Music Librarian and Cataloger, M.L.S., college level experience preferred, to provide half-time public service in Music Library and catalog music and other general materials; Sci­ ence Information Specialist, M.L.S. or M.S. (Physical Science or Math) to help develop S.D.I. program and automated systems for Science Library. Apply to Kenneth Peterson, Assoc. Lib., Alderman Lib. An Equal Oppor­ tunity Employer. HEAD CATALOGER, Assistant Cataloger, and Assistant Acquisitions Librarian needed. M.L.S. required. Salary dependent on qualifications. 20 days vacation, sick leave, health and life insurance, TIAA or public school retirement. Apply Helvi Walkonen, Head Librarian, North­ ern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan 49855. WASHINGTON, D.C., GEORGETOWN UNIV. Library invites applications for these new posi­ tions avail, upon opening of new building in Dec. ’69: Chief of Public Services; Head of Special Collections; Archivist/Mss Lib’n; Head of A/V Dept.; Bibliographer (social sciences); Arabic Materials Specialist; Oriental Materials Specialist; Ass’t Acquisitions Lib’n; Ass’t Seri­ als Lib’n; Cataloger (experienced). Write Jo­ seph Jeffs, Librarian, Georgetown Univ., 37th & O Sts., N.W., Wash., D.C. 20007. UNIVERSITY OF DENVER. Positions im­ mediately available. Faculty rank. T.I.A.A. Liberal benefits. Salary: open, dependent on experience. ( 1 ) Assistant Director, Technical Services. Challenging position. Responsible for overall administration and organization of cata­ loging and acquisition departments. Will par­ ticipate in planning new building. Opportu­ nity to develop computer programs. Experi­ ence in all phases of processing desirable. (2) Monograph Cataloger. Two to three years experience. Knowledge of L.C. essential. Ger­ man and one other language desirable. ( 3) Serials Cataloger. Expected to organize and administer a Serials Department. Cataloging experience essential and experience in Serials acquisitions desirable. Applicant should send a résumé with at least 3 references to: MOR­ RIS SCHERTZ, DIRECTOR OF LIBRARIES, UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES, UNIVERSITY OF DENVER, DENVER, COLORADO 80210. Public Services CHIEF SCIENCE LIBRARIAN, to supervise public reference services and assume respon­ sibility for the selection, organization and use of extensive reference and bibliographic col­ lections in a large Science/Engineering library. Qualifications: MLS, minimum of undergradu­ ate major in science or engineering, acceptable experience in reference and information work, some supervisory experience. Salary $11,520 and up, depending on qualifications; fringe benefits. Apply to: William S. Budington, Ex­ ecutive Director and Librarian, The John Crerar Library, 35 West 33rd Street, Chicago, Illi­ nois 60616. Reference Services THE UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR invites qualified applicants to apply for the position of REFERENCE LIBRARIAN (Grade III) to assume responsibility for certain aspects of collections development, and to provide refer­ ence and bibliographic services in the humani­ ties and social sciences. MLS degree or equiv­ alent, substantial subject knowledge and a minimum of four years experience in an aca­ demic or research library required. Expanding medium-sized university situated across in­ ternational boundary from Detroit; air-condi­ tioned building. Addition tripling present building capacity in the final stage. Salary range for Grade III position is Can. $9,600- $13,500. Fringe benefits include one month’s vacation, sick leave, medical, hospital, dis­ ability and group insurance, pension plan. Ap- 350 plications, including curriculum vitae, should be directed to: William F. Dollar, University Librarian, UNIVERSITY OF WINDSOR, WINDSOR, ONTARIO, CANADA. Technical Services ADMINISTRATOR: Head of technical services. To direct acquisitions, cataloging, serials, etc., in a rapidly developing college library. Ma­ turity, library degree, and relevant experience required. Minimum starting salary $12,000; excellent fringe benefits. Send résumé to, or request job description from, George W. Cornell, Director, Drake Memorial Library, SUNY College, Brockport, N.Y. 14420. ASSISTANT SERIALS LIBRARIAN. Librarian II, step 4, $9,156. Open July 1, 1969. Assist in serials acquisition and resources develop­ ment in the humanities and social sciences in a rapidly growing Serials Department, and head the bibliographic searching section of the department. Some reference work will be possible. The Serials Department is organized to provide all services relating to serials. A good technical-bibliographic background in serials, experience in acquisitions, and a sub­ ject specialty in one of the humanities or so­ cial sciences are highly desirable. This position offers an excellent opportunity both to spe­ cialize in or gain mastery over technical-bibli­ ographic work along academic subject lines and to be involved in readers’ service. “WE ARE AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY­ ER.” University of California, Riverside, Cali­ fornia 92502. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Sir George Wil­ liams University requires an Acquisitions Li­ brarian to assume responsibility for directing the establishment of main entries and to im­ plement a new out-of-print program. Acquisi­ tions rate is over 50,000 volumes annually. De­ partment staff includes 3 librarians and 14 as­ sistants. Qualifications include graduation from an accredited library school, cataloging experi­ ence of at least 2 years, plenty of initiative, and innovative approach. Salary range $7,500- $9,500 with allowance for experience; 35-hour week; good opportunity for advancement. Send application with curriculum vitae to University Librarian, Sir George Williams University, 1435 Drummond Street, Montreal, Quebec. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Highly re­ sponsible position in undergraduate men’s col­ lege library. Budget nearing $90,000 annually. Supervise staff of 3-4 nonprofessionals. At­ tractive salary range. Box 758, CRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago 60611. 351 If routine work takes too much of your tim e… Bro–Dart can relieve you of much of the tedious, mechanical work that keeps you from more professionally demanding responsibilities. Bro–Dart provides books from all publishers and can also supply, on the same order, Library of Congress cards, or the book completely cataloged and processed to your specifications. Bro–Dart provides your choice of cataloging as follows: Unabridged Dewey Classification Numbers with Library of Congress Headings; Abridged Dewey Classification Numbers with Sears Headings; or, Library of Congress Classification Numbers and Headings. Now you can concentrate on building and servicing great collections and developing new programs. If routine chores are keeping you from the professional work you could be doing, ask how our professional acquisition, cataloging and processing services can help: LIBRARY OF CONGRESS AND NATIONAL UNION CATALOG AUTHOR LISTS, 1942-1962: A twenty-one year supplement to A Catalog of Books Represented by Library of Congress Printed Cards, bringing together in one alphabet material from the following Library of Congress quinquennial printed catalogs: ■ Catalog of Books Represented by Library o f Congress Printed Cards—Supplement (1942 1947) ■ The Library of Congress Author Catalog, 1948-1952 ■ The National Union Catalog: A Cumulative Author List, 1953-1957 ■ The National Union Catalog: A Cumulative Author List, 1958-1962 A M aster Cumulation ■ With about twenty-five percent of Gale’s 152-volume Library o f Congress and National Union Catalog Author Lists, 1942-1962: A Master Cumulation completed, user response to the first volumes is unanimously enthusiastic. The consensus is that Gale’s cumulation of the four supplements to A Catalog o f Books Represented by Library o f Congress Printed Cards (published 1942) will be one of the most conveniently useful bibliographical and cataloging tools in the library. The set will cumulate the Library of Congress cataloging represented by printed cards issued during the twenty-one years, 1942-1962, and cataloging for the National Union Catalog by other North American libraries from 1956 through 1962, a total of about 2,600,000 entries. The standard of excellence established with the first volume of LC–NUC Author Lists, 1942-1962, and sustained through subsequent volumes, reflects the experience and professionalism of Gale’s skilled staff of librarians, linguists, specialists, and technicians. Their proficiency in making logical, consistent, and practical editorial judgments, based on modern rules, has per­ mitted them to plan the organization of entries to most effectively meet the needs of the library. The savings in search time alone for anyone who uses LC printed catalogs frequently is an eco­ nomic factor of major consequence. LC–NUC Author Lists, 1942-1962, merits your serious con­ sideration. Order and use the published volumes free for thirty days. Let us know when you have decided to keep them and we’ll bill you as volumes are delivered at $19.00 each. The total cost is $2,888.00. If, for any reason, they don’t work for you, return the volumes to us and you will be under no further obligation. GALE RESEAR CH COMPANY BOOK TOWER DETROIT, MICHIGAN 4 8 2 2 6