ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1991 / 421 ACRL President’s report B y B a r b a r a J . F o rd A C R L’s 52nd President Diversity and excellence characterize 1990-91. D iversity and excellence are words that can be used to describe the past year for ACRL. Most of the work of ACRL is carried out sections, com m ittees, discussion groups, and chapters. Members and staff work together to ac­ complish ACR L ’s goals o f contributing to the professional develop­ ment o f librarians; en­ hancing the capability of libraries to serve the needs of users; promot­ ing and speaking for the interest of academic and research librarianship; B arbara J. F ordand promoting study, re­ search, and publications relevant to academic and research librarianship. This year two topics have taken much more time and energy than could have been anticipated. With considerable staff turnover, recruiting and training new staff has been an important activity. The 1992 conference, with a change of site from Phoenix to Salt Lake City, has involved considerable time and emotional energy for staff and officers. Our values and priorities were put to the test as we attempted to balance a number of concerns and issues. In order to highlight the relation of ACRL activities to its goals, this report is organized according to the four goals of ACRL. P ro fe ss io n a l d ev e lo p m e n t o f lib r a ria n s ACRL offered a number of preconferences before the ALA Annual Conference. Topics in- eluded accommodating change, financial and cost accounting, time management, cultural diversity in by tthhee acade mic library, library performance, cultural diversity and higher education, keeping the facts in artifacts, preparing for accreditation, and new technologies and new services, ACRL provided the largest-ever funding for section and committee conference programs. ACRL and ALA funds were allocated by the Con­ ference Program Planning Committee. Some pro­ gram topics included: Glasnost and Perestroika; Folk Cultures of the Modem South; Video Collec­ tions and Copyright and Public Performance; Technology as a Barrier to Information Literacy; Staff Development; European Unification-1992: Impact on Information and Libraries; Initiating Performance Measures; Empowering the Public: Information Literacy for Environmental Issues; Accreditation Trends and Their Impact on Aca­ demic Libraries; Canceling Serials Titles; Excel­ lence Through Cultural Diversity; Women’s Stud­ ies and Ethnic Diversity; WPA and the Arts; Black Families and Literacy; Institutionalizing Informa­ tion Literacy in Higher Education; Information Literacy Issues in the African and Asian Context; Teaching Study Skills: The High School to College Experience; Alternative Sources of Revenue; Co­ operation Between Academic and Special Librar­ ies; Promoting Scientific Literacy and Education. Planning for the ACRL 6th National Confer­ ence to be held in 1992 continued. “Academic Libraries: Achieving Excellence in Higher Educa­ tion," will be the theme of the conference to be held in Salt Lake City, April 12-14, 1992. Joseph A. Boissé (University of California, Santa Barbara) is the chair of this important committee. The College Libraries Section developed a mentoring program for new library directors and 422 / C&RL News training for consultants for college libraries. Some ACRL award winners are Richard De Gennaro (Harvard College), Academic or Research Librar­ ian o f the Year; Donald E. Riggs (University of Michigan), interdivisional ACRL, ALCTS, LAMA, LITA Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award; and Carla J. Stoffle (University of Michigan), Miriam D u d ley Bibliographic In stru ctio n Librarian Award. Enhance capability to serve needs o f users Information literacy products and activities have been emphasized this year in support of the ALA President’s focus on literacy. Activities included publishing articles in C ollege & R esearch Libraries News; developing posters, pamphlets, and folders that are available from ALA graphics; presenting programs at ACRL chapter meetings; identifying advisors on information literacy; joining approxi­ mately 50 educational organizations affiliated with the National Forum on Information Literacy; and planning programs for the Atlanta conference. The President’s Program Planning Committee Chair is Mary Reichel (University of Arizona). The Final Report of the study of “Alternative Sources o f Revenue for Academic Libraries,” funded by H.W. Wilson Foundation, was pub­ lished and a program on its findings was presented at the annual conference. Pilot projects for linking C hoice reviews to on­ line public access catalogs at Carnegie Mellon University and the Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries were initiated. Members of the Afro-American Studies Librar­ ian Section are studying indexing terms used by indexing services to identify trends to providing access to periodical literature in this area. A bibliography project between A CRL and other ALA divisions was begun with the Modem Language Association. In recognition o f the importance of world issues to academic and research libraries and librarian- ship, the ACRL International Relations Commit­ tee was established. Maureen Pastine chairs this committee. Advisory boards were established to prepare directories o f academic library advisors on accreditation, information literacy, and managing academic libraries. ACRL worked with the Coalition for Networked Information to promote the National Research and Education Network (NREN), which will intercon­ nect colleges, universities, and research organiza­ tions. The Historically Black College and University Library Project (chaired by Beverly P. Lynch, University o f California, Los Angeles) completed its final year with a variety o f programs and activi­ ties. Projects have included a statistics project, ac­ creditation workshops, and an NEH program grant for the humanities. P rom ote and speak fo r interests o f librarianship A Racial and Ethnic Diversity Committee was established in response to the recommendations of the Task Force on the Recruitment o f Underrepre- sented Minorities. The ACRL Executive Commit­ tee approved a resolution on racial and ethnic diversity. The Racial and Ethnic Diversity Com­ mittee began a column on diversity in C ollege ir R esearch L ib raries News and a survey of involve­ ment in ACRL. This new committee is chaired by Susana H in ojosa (U niversity o f C alifornia, Berkeley). An ACRL Task Force on the White House Conference on Library and Information Services produced “Academic Libraries: A Source of Na­ tional Strength,” prepared a series o f articles for C ollege ir R esearch L ib raries News‚ and worked with academic delegates to the Conference as well as other parts of ALA. Patricia A. Wand (American University) has chaired this very active committee. The ACRL Legislative Network became opera­ tional this year through the efforts of the ACRL Government Relations Committee (formerly the Legislation Committee) and the Chapters Council. Hiram L. Davis (Michigan State University) chaired the Legislation Committee and Victoria A. Montavon (Rider College) chaired the Chapters Council. The Professional Association Liaison Commit­ tee (chaired by Melvin R. George, Oregon State University) continued its efforts to promote strong relationships between libraries and other appropri­ ate units. Programs were presented for the Ameri­ can Association for Higher Education and the As­ sociation of American Colleges. ACRL participated with other ALA units in preparing “Libraries as Partners in Meeting Basic Learning Needs,” in response to the World Confer­ ence on Education for All. ACRL cooperated with other ALA divisions in preparing “Implementing the National Goals for Education through Library Services,” in response to the National Education Goals from the Gover­ nor’s Conference. ACRL President-elect Anne K. Beaubien (Uni­ versity of Michigan) announced that she has tar­ geted recruitment as her theme for 1991-92. Prom ote study, re search , and publication ACRL continues to publish C ollege & R esearch L ib ra r ies‚ C ollege & R esearch L ib raries News, July/August 1991 / 423 Choice, a monthly collection development journal, and the twice-yearly Rare B ooks an d Manuscripts Librarianship. Beginning in 1991, R are B ooks & Manuscripts Librarianship was indexed in Library Literature and the MLA International Bibliogra­ phy. The Research Committee (chaired by Charles T. Townley, Pennsylvania State University) began a mentoring project for new researchers using Bit- net. The Bibliography Instruction Section’s R ead Me First: An O w ner’s Guide to the B I M odel Statement was published this summer. The Rare Books and Manuscripts Section com­ pleted and published a second edition of the popular Genre Terms: A Thesaurus f o r Use in Rare B ook an d Special Collections Cataloguing. Audiovisual Policies in College Libraries, CLIP Notes #14, prepared under the direction of the College Libraries Section, was published this year. An ACRL liaison effort with the American Asso­ ciation for Higher Education (AAHE) resulted in the publication of the book Recruiting the Aca­ dem ic L ib ra ry D irector: A C om panion to the Search C om m ittee Handbook. The companion piece, written by Ruth J. Person (University of Missouri-St. Louis) and Sharon J. Rogers (George Washington University) is packaged with AAHE’s Search Comm ittee H andbook and is available from ACRL. With Gloriana St. Clair (Pennsylvania State Uni­ versity) as its first female editor, College & Re­ search L ib raries has worked to increase the num­ ber of book reviews and articles by college and minority librarians. O rganizational activities Many staff changes took place at ACRL this year. A new ACRL executive director, Althea Jen­ kins, was selected; Mary Ellen Davis became the new editor and publisher of College & Research Libraries News; and Mattye Nelson served as pro­ fessional development officer. During this time of change and flux, Cathleen Bourdon served very effectively as acting executive director. Chapters Council’s quarterly newsletter, Chapters Topics, has been expanded and reports in a timely manner about the wide variety of activities in each of the 41 chapters. Ray E. Metz (Case Western Reserve University) and Gail Junion-Metz edit the newslet­ ter. The Special Grants Committee (chaired by Natalie M. Schatz, Tufts University) reviewed pro­ posals for ACRL funding and awarded grants to five ACRL chapter projects. ACRL Board members were available to talk with members in an informal setting during poster sessions following the President’s Program. After discussion of recommendations from the Appointments and Nominations Com mittee (chaired by Pat Rom, College of Wooster), the Ex­ ecutive Committee voted to increase the size of ACRL Committees to expand opportunities for in­ volvement by ACRL members. The Membership Committee and Chapters Council presented a workshop on membership recruitment. A survey of former members was also completed. Vicki R. Kreimeyer (Washington State Library) chaired the Membership Committee. A Task Force on Organizational Members (chaired by Maxine H. Reneker, Stanford Univer­ sity) was established to address the needs o f organ­ izational members. The Planning Committee simplified some its procedures and began reviewing the strategic plan. Michael D. Kathman (Saint Johns University) served very ably as chair. The ACRL Board adopted an ACRL endow­ ment policy and separate C hoice endowment pol­ icy. The Budget and Finance Committee monitored the 1991 budget performance to ensure that ACRL By working together, we have been able to accomplish many important activities. ends the year in good fiscal shape. Leslie A. Man­ ning (University o f Colorado) was a very effective chair of this important Committee. Conclusion This report includes only a small number of the many important activities carried out by ACRL’s more than 11,000 members, 16 sections, 48 com­ mittees, 21 discussion groups, and 41 chapters. I have found it rewarding and stimulating to be ACRL’s president and to work with so many tal­ ented and enthusiastic academic and research li­ brarians. The association staff is excellent and with­ out them the many important ACRL activities could not continue. Members and staff working together have contributed their time and energies to make ACRL a very successful organization. It has been an honor and a pleasure to work with you as president. Cooperating with other ALA divisions and committees on activities to advance librarianship has also been an important focus of the past year. By working together, we have been able to accom­ plish many important activities. ■ ■