ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries July/August 1991 / 453 News from the Field Acquisitions • The Popular Culture Library at Bowling G reen State University has recently acquired 335 boxes (more than 400 linear feet) o f original scripts for television soap operas, production docu­ mentation, and commercial materials from the Procter and Gamble Company o f Cincinnati, Ohio. Procter and Gamble was largely responsible for establishing television soap operas. The scripts date from as early as 1954 and include long, consecutive runs o f shows such as Edge o f Night, Another World, Search for Tomorrow, and The Guiding Light. The donation also includes shorter runs of television scripts from the daytime serials For Richer, For Poorer; Young Doctor Malone; The Loretta Young Show; and From these Roots. • The Brandeis University Libraries Special Collections Department has received the personal archives o f the late Professor Nahum N. Glatzer, as a gift from the family. Glatzer, a noted scholar of Jewish history and thought, was the founding chair­ man o f the Judaic Studies Department at Brandeis. His publications included biographies o f the Ger- man-Jewish scholars Leopold Zunz and Franz Rosenweig. The archives include his correspon­ dence, manuscripts o f his published works, lecture notes, and offprints. • The Carnegie M ellon University Archives has acquired the papers o f William Ball, founder and artistic director o f the American Conservatory Theater (ACT). The collection includes posters, videotapes o f ACT performances, programs, pho­ tographs, prompt books, news clippings, and corre­ spondence from many famous and soon-to-be- famous people. Ball, a graduate o f Carnegie Tech (now Carnegie Mellon University), was awarded an honorary doctorate o f fine arts degree by Carnegie Mellon in 1979. • The Hartwick C ollege Archives, Oneonta, New York has acquired the Judge William Cooper papers, which are now available for scholarly re­ search. These papers were donated to the Archives in June 1990 as stipulated in the will o f Dr. Paul Fenimore Cooper Jr. William Cooper (1754- 1809), the founder o f Cooperstown, New York, and the father o f James Fenimore Cooper, was the first judge o f Otsego County and a leading political arbiter o f upstate New York during the 1790s. He was twice elected to Congress as a Federalist. As a major land developor for the region, he not only bought and sold property for himself but was a land agent for numerous other large patents. This col­ lection, containing 5,000 documents, includes William Cooper’s business papers, correspon­ dence, maps and land surveys, business and estate papers o f his heirs, and o f his sons Isaac, William, and Richard. For more information: Archives, Stevens-German Library, Hartwick College, One­ onta, NY 13820; 607-431-4450. • The Bobst Library at New York University has received more than 2,500 jazz LPs from Ber­ nard Brightman, president o f Stash Records. The work o f virtually every major jazz artist is included, and Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Count Ba­ sie, Charlie Parker, Art Tatum, and Fats Waller are particularly well represented in the collection. This is the first major donation o f its kind that NYU has received, and it will serve as the nucleus o f a perma­ nent, comprehensive jazz collection at the library. Brightman, a long-time Greenwich Village resi­ dent, said “I was shocked to discover that there was no research-level jazz collection downtown. It’s im­ possible for me to imagine the Village without jazz and vice versa.... I hope that this collection will con­ tribute to jazz studies, not only in NYU’s curricu­ lum, but at other institutions associated with the University.” The collection will be housed at Bobst Library’s Avery Fisher Center for Music and Media. • The George Arents Research Library o f Syracuse University has recently acquired a major collection o f correspondence between Albert Schweitzer and his wife Helene. The acquisition of 1,324 letters and related materials— from Schweitzer’s daughter Rhena Schweitzer Miller— date from 1900-39 and describe in detail not only Schweitzer but his wife as well. The acquisition was made possible through an anonymous donor, in honor o f Wharton Miller, former director o f Syracuse University Libraries. • The University o f California, San D iego, received o f an archival copy o f the Chinese Charac­ ter Codes for Information Interchange (CCCII) from the Council for Cultural Planning and Devel- 454 / C &RL News opment o f Taiwan. The gift consists o f photocopies o f about 74,000 Chinese character graphemes in four different fonts on paper, their digitized pat­ terns on magnetic tapes; a computer database o f linguistic attributes, indexes, and ten years o f pub­ lications by the Chinese Characters Analysis Group. The Group was formed in 1979 to identify and code a definitive set o f Chinese characters for the purpose o f information exchange. Beginning in 1980 with 4,808 characters, the group reached 74,000 characters in 1991. The project is one o f the largest lexicographic efforts ever undertaken in re­ gard to Chinese characters. • Th e U niversity o f M issouri-C olu m bia Libraries have acquired the papers o f Vincent T. Hamlin and Thomas B. Harris for its Com ic Art Collection. Hamlin created the com ic strip “Alley O op” in 1933. The Hamlin collection includes extensive files o f photographs, correspondence, syndicate-produced promotional material, and original cartoon art. The collection also documents Alley Oop in W orld War II service, the Broadway musical “Alley Oop,” the Alley O op theme park in Iraan, Texas, and a proposed but not produced Alley O op animated cartoon. Harris was the author o f “Boots and Her Buddies” continuities in the 1950s. The com ic strip “ Boots and Her Buddies” was created in 1924 by Edgar Everett (Abe) Mar­ tin, who continued it for more than 30 years. The Harris papers contain continuities, correspon­ dence between Harris and Martin and between Harris and the syndicate, clippings o f the strips, and original cartoons from 1945-1959. • T h e U niversity o f Pittsburgh is the recipi­ ent o f a gift collection from the Polish National Alliance (PNA), a fraternal organization headquar­ tered in Chicago. PNA has selected Hillman Li­ brary as the new home o f the Polish Collection formerly housed in the library o f Alliance College in Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania, which was closed recently. The 45,000 items with strong his­ torical, political, and cultural emphases, will strengthen the Polish Collection that has already been developed in Hillman Library, enhancing the resources o f the Center for Russian and East Euro­ pean Studies and the Department o f Slavic Lan­ guages and Literatures. The Alliance College Pol­ ish Collection will also serve as a resource for the regional and national Polish-American commu­ nity. The books, journals, newspapers, pamphlets, clippings, records, and music scores in this collec­ tion were gathered together over a long period o f time for the purpose o f educating Polish-Ameri- cans about their historical and cultural heritage. • Alex Haley has announced that he is donat­ ing his personal papers to the U niversity o f T e n ­ n essee, Knoxville. These include the manuscripts o f Roots and The Autobiography o f Malcolm X. The papers will be housed in the Special Collections Section o f Hoskins Library and will be available for use after Haley’s death. “ H e’s a major literary figure who has made his home in Tennessee,” said library dean Paula Kaufman. “ It’s appropriate that his papers are housed here at a major research in­ stitution.” An adjunct professor o f communications at the University o f Tennessee, Knoxville, Haley has won the Pulizter Prize for Literature and the National Book Award. • The Special Collections Division o f Th e University o f Texas at A rlington Libraries has acquired three major collections relating to the history o f Mexico in the 19th century. They in­ clude: “The Peón Family Papers,” which date from 1833-1933 and consist o f 30 boxes o f material con­ cerning the business and personal correspondence o f Simon Peón Cano (1808-1869) and his family, and the administrative records o f the haciendas and other commercial establishments owned by the family; “The Manuel González Papers” date from 1866-1892 and include six boxes o f materia] reflecting the political, military, and business ca­ reer o f González. Bom in 1833, González was a prominent liberal who fought beside Benito Juárez to expel the French in the late 1860s and joined Porfirio Diaz to overthrow the conservative na­ tional government in the 1870s. H e was elected president in 1880; he died in 1893. These papers include military records for some o f the key cam­ paigns the liberal forces waged against the conser­ vative elements in the country. “The José Salazar Ilarregi Papers” date from November 1866-July 1867 and include two boxes o f material document­ ing Salazar’s second term as Emperor Maximil- lian’s Imperial Commissioner for Yucatán and his unsuccessful attempts to hold Mérida, Yucatán’s capital, against the attacks o f the Republican Army under General Manuel Cepeda Peraza. • T h e University o f Virginia has been given the remainder o f the personal library o f Clifton Waller Barrett, which has been housed at the Uni­ versity since 1960. Estimated at $25 million, the Barrett Library is the largest gift in University o f Virginia history. The library consists o f 112,000 manuscripts and 35,000 books o f American litera­ ture, including the handwritten originals o f The Red Badge o f Courage, Walt Whitman’s Leaves o f Grass, and the only known copy o f a fiction manu­ script by novelist Willa Cather. By all accounts, the library is strikingly complete. Barrett, who turned 90 June 1,1991, began building his library at a time when American literature was not taught at major universities. He has said that his goal was to obtain the first editions and major manuscripts o f Ameri­ can authors since the Revolutionary War. Univer­ sity o f Virginia librarian Ray W. Frantz Jr. said the Barrett Library contains virtually all the fiction, poetry, drama, and essays published by an Ameri­ can in book form from 1775 to 1876, as well as a July/August 1991 / 455 very nearly complete collection o f the printed works o f every major American writer to 1950. In addition to first editions, it includes correspon­ dence, translations, drafts, annotated proof copies, and other literary materials. Barrett, who is a Char­ lottesville resident and a University o f Virginia alumnus, began donating materials from his collec­ tion to University o f Virginia Alderman Libraiy in the 1950s. He has been president o f the Biblio­ graphical Society o f America and the American Antiquarian Society, and has chaired libraiy groups at Columbia University, Brown University, and the Pierpont Morgan Library. • W ellesley C o lle g e ’s Special Collections announces the gift o f over 3,000 books from the personal co lle ctio n o f Isabel and Charles Goodman. Encompassing all aspects o f American and European book arts, including artists’ books, limited and first editions, fine press books, and illustrated books, the Goodman Collection com­ plements the library’s existing focus on the book arts and history o f printing. In addition to the gift o f the books, the Goodman family has established the Isabel and Charles Goodman Book Fund to sup­ port the purchase o f fine press editions and illus­ trated books, matching the collecting interests o f Isable Ehrlich Goodman, class o f 1933. Grants • California State University, Los Angeles, has received a grant o f $14,220 from the United States Institute o f Peace to create a comprehensive bibliography which will permit researchers to lo­ cate basic literature on contemporary and histori­ cal events dealing with arms control and disarma­ ment issues. • C olgate University received $100,000 from the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations to assist the university in completing the final phase o f a multi­ year plan to automate Case and Cooley Libraries. • The C olum bia University Libraries have been awarded the second o f two grants by the U.S. Department o f Education to catalog 5,825 rare books from the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library. The $122,000 grant is also being used to preserve 655 books in fragile condition. While most o f the 150,000 volumes in Avery’s Architectural Collection are internationally accessible either through the catalog published in 1968 by G.K. Hall or bibliographic records in RLIN, two collections o f rare works remain uncataloged. This two-year, $375,000 project will make these rare— and in some cases, unique— works known to scholars worldwide. • The Human Sexuality Collection at C ornell University Library has been awarded a grant from the Documentary Heritage Program in New York State. The award provides for hiring a one-year processing archivist who will assist in the arrange­ ment, preservation, and description o f 23 manu­ script collections o f source material documenting aspects o f lesbian and gay politics, publishing, and business in N ew York and nationally over the last 40 years. • The LaGuardia and Wagner Archives at LaGuardia Com m unity C ollege, NewYo0rkCity, has received a $100,000 grant from the New York City Council. This grant will cover the costs of preserving the collection and developing various programs for the recently acquired Wagner family papers. The collection contains the private and public papers, speeches, oral history transcripts, and personal memorabilia o f three generations o f Wagners— Sen. Robert F. Wagner, congressional leader during the New Deal; three-term mayor o f New York City Robert F. Wagner; and Robert F. Wagner Jr., who was deputy mayor in the Koch administration and the former president o f the New York City Board o f Education. • TheO hioS tateU niversity’ sLibraryofthe Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee Theater Re­ search Institute has received a U.S. Department of Education grant o f $87,143 for the first year o f a project to preserve and provide online biblio­ graphic access to its extensive collection o f histori­ cal theatrical documents (15th- through 20th-cen­ tury) in microform. The project, supported by the Title II-C Strengthening Research Library Re­ sources Program, is expected to take two years to complete. The microform collection o f 5,100 items on 481 reels represents a unique body o f theatrical book and manuscript materials. The preservation portion o f the project involves cleaning and copy­ ing the microfilm, created mostly in the 1950s, to provide three generations o f archival master film, and printing and service copies for usage. The bibliographic control aspect o f the project involves creating full-level catalog records for the items in the collection on OCLC. • Rutgers University’ s Alexander Library will receive a Minolta Integrated Information and Image Management System 3000 from Minolta U.S.A. as part o f the library’s forthcoming expan­ sion and renovation project. The system, valued at $50,000, is Minolta’s premier electronic image management product. It is capable o f accepting data in multiple formats, indexing and storing, and providing a variety o f means for retrieval. • The University o f Iow a has received a grant o f $752,432 from the Roy J. Carver Chari­ table Trust to establish the Interactive Information Learning Center (IILC). “The goal o f the Center is to bring new information technologies into the teaching and research process o f the UI campus, using the library as the primary focus in order to 456 / C &RL News link traditional print materials to the electronic information resources,” says university librarian Shelia D. Creth. The center will be located in the Main Library on the Iowa City Campus and will consist o f a classroom equipped with 26 worksta­ tions, and another 56 workstations for individual and group activities for a total o f 80. There will be access to bibliographic and full-text databases, a variety o f software to support computer-assisted instruction, and access to communication networks for classroom teaching and individual projects. The proposal was developed as a collaborative effort by librarians, faculty, and technologists on the cam­ pus. • T h e University o f N orth D ak ota, G rand Forks, has received an $80,000 matching grant for establishing a U.S. Patent and Trademark Deposi­ tory Library to be housed and maintained by the University’s Chester Fritz Library. The grant from the 3M Foundation will be used to acquire and process a 26-year backfile o f U.S. Utility patents, a 20-year backfile o f U.S. Design and Reissue pat­ ents, as well as a backfile o f plant patents dating back to 1931. • Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, has received a grant for $25,000 from the United States Institute o f Peace for the acquisition and processing o f new materials from Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union on democratization and peace. News notes • A database o f third-world women’s literary works is being compiled at Gustavus A dolphu s C o lle g e . The database lists over 600 novels, collec­ tions o f short stories, plays, poetry collections, and personal narratives written by women o f the third world. Many o f the entries are annotated. The da­ tabase can be searched by author, title, region, country, and to some extent genre and thematic keyword. Information about new publications is welcome. If you would like to have the database searched and a printout prepared contact: Barbara Fister, Folke Bemadotte Memorial Library, Gus­ tavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN 56082; phone (507) 933-7553; internet fister@gacvxl. • The In ternational F e d e ra tio n o f L ib ra ry Associations an d Institutions, the Library Asso­ ciation o f Latvia, and the Latvian State Library will hold a three-day seminar called “Library Services in a Multicultural Environment— East and West” in Riga, Latvia, August 13-16, 1991. Registration information is available from Charles Townley, dean, University Library, New Mexico State Uni­ versity, Box 30006, Dept. 3475, Las Cruces, NM 88003-0006; (505) 646-1509; fax (505) 646-4335. • R o b e r t M orris C o lle g e president Edward A. Nicholson and director o f libraries Mary Celine Miller participated in an April 15 ribbon-cutting ceremony marking the opening o f ROBCAT, an integrated library system for the College. ROB­ CAT is based on KeyNOTIS, a turnkey product from NOTIS Systems, Inc. Partial funding for the system was made through a grant from the Buhl Foundation, located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. The new system will serve both the main library at the Robert Morris College M oon Township Cam­ pus and the branch library at the college’s Pitts- The University o f California, Santa Barbara's, two-millionth acquisition: A 15th-century French illuminated manuscript. burgh Center. The library holds 115,000 volumes and serves 5,500 students. • The U n ited States A gricultural In form a ­ tion N etw ork Conference, “ Electronic Informa­ tion in the Agricultural Sciences,” will be held O c­ tober 14-16, 1991, at the Humphrey Institute Conference Center, University o f Minnesota, Min­ neapolis. For information contact: Program Chair, July/August 1991 / 457 Susan Barnes, Mann Library, Cornell University, P.O. Box D., Ithaca, NY 14853; Phone (607) 255- 7957; e-mail: SJB@Cornellc.bitnet or SJB@ • The University o f California, Santa Bar­ bara, celebrated the addition o f its two millionth volume with a week o f festivities entitled “The UCSB Library: Two Million Reasons to Cele­ brate.” A 15th-century Book o f Hours, the two- millionth volume is a French illuminated manu­ script which was located when a local family con­ tacted the library for advice on its preservation. The Friends o f the UCSB Library are raising funds for purchase o f the book which has been appraised at $35,000. Other events include lectures from au­ thor and political activist Amiri Baraka (LeRoi Jones) and critic, novelist, and filmmaker Susan Sontag, a talk to local librarians from ALA execu­ tive director Linda Crismond, a symposium on freedom o f information featuring ALA’s president­ elect Patricia Glass Schuman, and the dedication o f the new UCSB online catalog Pegasus. • The University o f Idaho, Moscow, has announced that renovation and addition to its li­ brary will begin in August 1990. The 66,000 square foot addition will provide needed space for the growing collection as well as doubling the number o f seats for students. After the addition is com­ pleted, the interior o f the original building will be remodeled to bring the building up to current stan­ dards for safety and handicapped access. The nearly $13 million project is expected to be com­ pleted in August 1993. • A set o f rare gold coins minted at one o f the first private mints in the U.S. and given to the Uni­ versity o f North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1979 has gone on permanent display in the North Caro­ lina Collection Gallery in UNC’s Wilson Library. The 24 coins, minted in Rutherfordton, N.C., be­ tween 1831 and 1842 by German immigrant Chris­ topher Bechtler and his family, were the gift o f Mr. and Mrs. Herman W. Bernard o f High Point. The coins represent an important part o f North Caro­ lina and the nation’s history, because Rutherford County was the principal source o f America’s gold supply from 1790-1840. • Washington and L ee University, Lexing­ ton, Virginia, has signed a contract with Innovative Interfaces, Inc., o f Berkeley, California, to pur­ chase an integrated automated library system. The system will be installed in both the University and Law Libraries. Access to the catalog will be possible from 83 staff and public stations in the University Library, its branches, and the Law Library. It will also be available to any workstation that is ulti­ mately connected to the campus network, enabling faculty to search the catalog from their offices. Dial access will also be possible from off-campus. ■ ■