ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries College & Research Li No.8,September 1973 ACRL b New r s I a ssu r e ( i A) e of s Co n lleg e e & w Rese s arc h Libraries, Vol. 34, No. 5 ACRL Officers for 1973/74 Norman E. Tanis, director of university li­ braries at California State University in North­ ridge, is president of the Association of College and Research Libraries for 1973/74. As presi­ dent of ACRL, Tanis serves as chairman of the ACRL Executive Committee, of the ACRL Board of Directors, and of the ACRL Confer­ ence Program Planning Committee for the 1974 Annual Conference in New York. He also serves Norman Tanis as a member of the Choice Editorial Board and as an ex-officio member of the ACRL Planning Committee and of all units of ACRL. Tanis has been active in ACRL affairs for many years. In the past, he has served as chair­ man of the Committee on Standards and Ac­ creditation and as chairman of the Junior Col­ lege Libraries Section. He has been a member of the ACRL/ARL Joint Committee on Univer­ sity Library Standards and of the CRL Edito­ rial Board. He has also served on several ALA committees and as an ALA representative to other educational and professional organiza­ tions. The newly elected vice-president and presi­ dent-elect of ACRL is H. William Axford, Uni­ versity of Oregon librarian. In the elections held late this spring, Axford received a total of 1,567 votes. Jane G. Flener, associate universi­ ty librarian for public services at the Universi­ ty of California in Berkeley, received 1,524 votes. William Axford Axford’s service to ACRL and ALA has also been long and varied. This has included chair­ College & Research Libraries is published by the Association of. College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 17 times yearly—6 bimonthly Journal issues and II monthly, combining July- August, News issues at 1201-05 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 65251. Subscription, $15.00 a year or, to members of the division, $5.00, included in dues. Circulation and advertising office: American Library Association, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, III. 60611. Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri 65251. News editor: Allan Dyson, Moffitt Undergraduate Library, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. Associate News editor: Susana Hinojosa, Assistant Librarian, Reference Department, Moffitt Undergraduate Library. Editor: Richard M. Dougherty, University Library, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. President, ACRL: Russell Shank. Executive Secretary, ACRL: Beverly Lynch, ALA. 190 manship of the ACRL Committee on Standards and Accreditation, and membership on the CRL Editorial Board and on the University Li­ braries Section Urban Universities Library Committee. In ALA’s Resources and Technical Services Division, Axford has served as a mem­ ber of the Committee on Preservation of Li­ brary Materials, as a member of the Policy and Research Committee of the Acquisitions Sec­ tion, and as a member-at-large on the Execu­ tive Committee of the Reproduction of Library Materials Section. As vice-president of ACRL, Axford serves as a member of the ACRL Executive Committee and as an officer on the ACRL Board of Direc­ tors. He will chair the ACRL Planning Com­ mittee and the ACRL Conference Program Planning Committee for the 1975 Annual Con­ ference in San Francisco. Axford will represent ACRL on the ALA Budget Assembly and on the ALA San Francisco Conference Planning Committee. At the close of the 1974 conference in New York, Axford will become ACRL’s thir­ ty-sixth president. To fill the two openings for director-at-large on the ACRL Board of Directors, ACRL mem­ bers elected C. Donald Cook, associated in­ structor on the faculty of library science at the University of Toronto (1,736 votes), and George S. Bobinski, dean and professor in the School of Information and Library Sciences at the State University of New York at Buffalo (1,477 votes). Cook and Bobinski will each serve a four-year term as director-at-large. The two remaining candidates for director-at-large, Bernard Kreissman, chief librarian at the City College in New York, and R. Dean Galloway, director of the library at California State Col­ lege in Stanislaus, received 1,358 votes and 1,336 votes respectively. The results of the section elections follow. For each position, the elected candidate is list­ ed first. AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: A n n E. Ker­ ker, Professor of Library Science and Veteri­ nary Medical Librarian, Purdue University, La­ fayette, Indiana (144); Lyle R. Schreiner, As­ sistant Director of Libraries for Science and Technology, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska (4 3 ). Secretary: Barbara B. Gordon, Librarian, Forest Resources Library, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (105); Michele A. Huntley, Serials Librarian, Love Library, University of Nebraska—Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska (7 8 ). ANTHROPOLOGY SECTION Chairman: Hans E. Panofsky, Curator, Mel­ ville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (54); Antonio M. Rodriguez—Buckingham, As­ sociate Librarian, Peabody Museum Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts (4 0 ). Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Eliza­ beth Krakauer, Head Librarian, Goddard Col­ lege Library, Plainfield, Vermont (49); Lee Ash, Library Consultant, 31 Alden Road, New Haven, Connecticut (4 7 ). Secretary: Robert E. Pfeiffer, Head, Graduate Social Science Libraries, University of California, Berkeley, California (49); Barton M. Clark, Head, So­ cial Studies and Humanities Division, Uni­ versity of Nebraska Library, Lincoln, Ne­ braska (4 2 ). Member-at-Large ( 1 year): Carol V. Ruppé, Reference Librarian, Hay­ den Library, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona (59); Ruby V. Martz, Subject Spe­ cialist, Learning Resources Center, Waubonsee Community College, Sugar Grove, Illinois (2 1 ). Member-at-Large (2 years): Marilyn L. Haas, Reference Librarian, Lockwood Memorial L i­ brary, State University of N ew York at Buffalo, Buffalo, N ew York (54); Rinehart S. Potts, Assistant Professor, Department of Library Sci­ ence, Glassboro State College, Glassboro, New Jersey (2 7 ). ART SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Alice N. Loranth, Head, John G. W h ite Department of Folklore, Orientalia and Chess, Cleveland Pub­ lic Library, Cleveland, Ohio (146); Lucija Skuja, Art Librarian, Grand Rapids Public Li­ brary, Grand Rapids, Michigan (8 0 ). Secre­ tary: Mary Ivy Bayard, Fine Arts Librarian, Tyler School of Art, Temple University, Phila­ delphia, Pennsylvania (133); Susan V. Craig, Indexer, Art Index, H. W. Wilson Company, Bronx, New York (9 6 ). ASIAN AND AFRICAN SECTION* Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Henry Schol- berg, Librarian, Ames Library of South Asia, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, M inne­ sota (80); Lee S. Dutton, Librarian, South­ east Asia Collection, Northern Illinois Univer­ sity, De Kalb, Illinois (5 0 ). Secretary: Elizabeth A. Widenmann, Cataloger and African Bibliog­ rapher, Columbia University Libraries, New York, New York (84); Adrian Jones, Director of Libraries, Roosevelt University, Chicago, Il­ linois (4 6 ). Member-at-Large: Frank M. M c­ Gowan, Chief, Overseas Operations Division, * On Thursday, June 28, by action of the ACRL Board of Directors, the name of the Asian and North African Section was changed to “Asian and African Section.” 191 Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. (96); David Wilder, Executive Director, Long Island Library Resources Council, Bellport, New York (36). COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Sister Lau­ retta McCusker, Dean, Graduate School of Li­ brary Science, Rosary College, River Forest, Il­ linois (455); James A. Riddles, Director of Libraries, University of the Pacific, Stockton, California (344). Secretary: Mary Louise B. Cobb, Head, Cataloging Department, E. G. Swem Library, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia (538); Virginia N. Cesario, Assistant Chief Librarian, Public Ser­ vices, City College Library, City University of New York, New York, New York (241). COMMUNITY AND JUNIOR COLLEGE LIBRARIES SECTION” Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Anabel R. Sproat, Head Librarian, Moraine Valley Com­ munity College, Palos Hills, Illinois (180); Marjorie C. Dennin, Director, Learning Re­ sources, Northern Virginia Community College, Central Campus, Annandale, Virginia (157). Secretary: Leah K. Nekritz, Director of Learn­ ing Resources, Prince George’s Community Col­ lege, Largo, Maryland (223); Hubert E. Da­ vis, Director, Learning Resource Center, South­ west College, Chicago, Illinois (114). EDUCATION AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Toyo S. Kawakami, Assistant Head, Education Library, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (207); Phyllis L. Rearden, Assistant Cataloger, Booth Library, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, Illinois (125). Secretary: Victoria E. Hargrave, Librarian, Henry Pfeiffer Library, MacMurray College, Jacksonville, Illinois (193); Carolyn S. Tyler, Librarian, Education Library, Univer­ sity of South Carolina, Columbia, South Caro­ lina (136). LAW AND POLITICAL SCIENCE SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Dan F. Henke, Professor of Law and Law Librarian, University of California, Hastings, San Fran­ cisco, California (132); Margaret A. Otto, As- * * On Thursday, June 28, by action of the ACRL Board of Directors, the name of the Jun­ ior College Libraries Section was changed to “Community and Junior College Libraries Sec­ tion.” sistant Director for Library Services, The Li­ braries, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts (87). Secretary: Joan L. Chambers, Government Publications Librarian, University of Nevada Library, Re­ no, Nevada (122); Frances B. Woods, Head, Catalog Department, Yale Law Library, New Haven, Connecticut (96). Member-at-Large: Silvia A. Gonzalez, Head, Documents Depart­ ment, University of California Law Library, Davis, California (133); Ann K. Randall, Lec­ turer and D.L.S. Fellow, School of Library Ser­ vice, Columbia University, New York, New York (87). RARE BOOKS AND MANUSCRIPTS SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Hendrik Ed­ elman, Assistant Director for Development of Collections, Cornell University Libraries, Ithaca, New Fork (244); Willis Van Devanter, Oak Spring, Upperville, Virginia (174). Secre­ tary: Gloria A. Francis, Chief, Gifts and Rare Books Division, Detroit Public Library, Detroit, Michigan (224); Clive E. Driver, Director, The Philip H. and A. S. W. Rosenbach Foun­ dation Museum, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (193). Member-at-Large: Clyde C. Walton, Director of Libraries, Northern Illinois Univer­ sity, DeKalb, Illinois (216); Alexander P. Clark, Curator of Manuscripts, Princeton Uni­ versity, Princeton, New Jersey (202). SLAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Katherine Cveljo, Associate Professor, College of Librari- anship, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina (61); Andrew Turchyn, Li­ brarian for Slavic Studies, Indiana University Library, Bloomington, Indiana (55). Member- at-Large: Gary D. Wiggins, Slavic Acquisitions Librarian, University of Illinois Library, Ur­ bana, Illinois (88); Keith Westover, Assistant Acquisitions Librarian, Indiana University Li­ brary, Bloomington, Indiana (24). UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SECTION Vice-Chairman/Chairman-Elect: Eldred R. Smith, Director of University Libraries, State University of New Fork at Buffalo, Buffalo, New Fork (832); Donald E. Oehlerts, Direc­ tor of Libraries, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio (682). Secretary: Margaret K. Norden, Acquisitions Librarian, Falk Library of the Health Professions, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (833); Donald L. Bosseau, Director of Libraries, The University of Texas at El Paso, El Paso, Texas (662). ■■