ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 80 / C &RL News ACRL’s 1984 National Conference: Call for Participation Myths and realities: have the academ ic and re­ search libraries o f the 80s exchanged new myths for old myths? Has advanced technology produced its own m yths? Planning for academ ic libraries should be based on realities, but how m any myths exist in the guise o f reality? T h e 1984 A C R L National C on ­ ference in Seattle will explore these issues. C o n trib ­ uted papers are a m ajo r feature o f the C onference. A lternative form ats such as symposia or panels will be considered. Papers or proposals for alternative form at presentations are w elcom e on issues sur­ rounding the theme. T h e following are examples o f possible topics and some related myths/realities. •Inform ation and the E lectro n ic Age: cost is a b a rrier to library autom ation; the book is obsolete; inform ation is free; collection developm ent policies are useful. •Libraries: the library is the h eart o f the univer­ sity ; consultants solve your p roblem s; lib raries share resources. • Library Users and Services: professional refer­ ence service is required by users; only librarians can do online searching; bibliographic instruction is in­ effective. •Bibliographic C ontrol and Access: Controlled vocabulary is necessary; all elements in the M ARC record are needed fo r effective access; subject a c ­ cess is unnecessary. •The Profession: Facu lty status assures profes­ sionalism; continuing education is essential; burn­ out is a cop-out. E a ch paper subm itted will be reviewed by at least two referees as part of the selection process. C riteria for selection include clarity, originality, relevance to the them e, and suitability for oral p re­ sentation. Papers should be a maximum length of 2 ,5 0 0 words. Papers accepted by the referees and the Contributed Papers C om m ittee will be returned to a u th o r s fo r fin a l e d itin g an d p r e p a r a t io n o f cam era-ready copy to be included in the confer­ ence proceedings. Proposals for presentation in al­ ternative form ats will be reviewed by the C o n trib ­ uted P a p e rs and C o n fe r e n c e E x e c u tiv e Com m ittees. Those selected will not be included in the conference proceedings. Papers m ay be scheduled for presentation more than once. E ach presentation will last 20 minutes. Presenters must attend the conference at th eir own expense. Additional instructions to authors will be m ailed upon receipt o f the N otice o f Intention to Subm it a Paper. Schedule for submission: Ju n e 1, 1983— N otice of Intention to Subm it a Paper. O ctober 1, 1983— Papers due. D ec em b er 1, 1 9 8 3 — N o tific a tio n o f a c c e p t­ ance. ■ ■ Seattle ’84 A cen tral feature o f A C R L ’s third national co n feren ce to be held in S e a ttle, April 4 - 7 , 1984, w ill be the contributed papers. T h e call fo r papers, published in this issue of C &R L N ews, suggests some issues th at m ight serve as the germ of an idea for papers or th at might lead to other ideas and issues. T h e conference them e, “A cadem ic L ib raries: Myths and R eali­ ties,” is to be the focus of the contributed p a ­ pers, as well as o f the other sessions at the con­ ference. L ib rarians from all types o f academ ic and research libraries a re encouraged to subm it papers. T h e Contributed Papers C om m ittee w ill se­ lect referees whom it will ask to review papers w ritten in th eir p articu lar field o f expertise. Follow ing the review by the referees, the C om ­ m ittee w ill m ake the final determ ination o f the papers to be given at the conference. T h e ano­ nym ity o f th e au tho rs w ill be scrupulously m aintained throughout the process o f review and final selection by removing from the papers all names o r other things th at m ight possibly serve to identify an author or his/her library. Abstracts o f the papers to be given at the con­ ference will be published in the Jan u ary 1984 is­ sue of C &R L News. T h e Contributed Papers C om m m ittee will be responsible for issuing the conference pro­ ceedings, which will include only the them e ses­ sion talks and the papers. In order to speed the issuance o f the proceedings and reduce their cost, the authors o f the papers will be required to edit their papers follow ing the review by the referees and selection by the com m ittee, and then prepare cam era-ready copy for inclusion in the proceedings. Full conference registration will include a copy o f the proceedings. Seattle’s skyline show s the city ’s mixture o f m odern architectu re an d unique historical buildings. M ajes­ tic Mt. Rainier, 60 m iles fro m Seattle, soars 1 4 ,000f e e t a b o v e th e skyline. Notice of Intention to Submit a Paper I intend to submit a paper for the A C R L 1984 N ational C onference in Seattle. Nam e, M ailing Address_________________________ M ail this form before Ju n e 1, 1983 to: A C R L C ontributed Papers Chairm an ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sarah C . M ichalak Suzzallo L ib rary, FM -25 University o f W ashington Libraries Seattle, W ashington 98195 (206) 543-5071 W ork phone n u m b er___________________________ Home phone n u m b er________________________ T en tative paper ti t le __________________________________________________________________________ A ttach a b rief description o f the proposed paper (no more than 200 words). March 1983 / 81