ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries March 1983 / 91 PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED (Selected items will be reviewed in future issues of C o lleg e & Research L ibraries.) •The Bibliographic Control o f O fficial Publica­ tions‚ edited by Jo h n E . Pem berton (Pergamon, 1982, $2 5 ), contains eleven articles concerned with the establishm ent of a comprehensive system for classifying and arranging official government pub­ lications. T h e em phasis is on British Com m on­ wealth countries, but other foreign documents are covered as well as U .S. and international publica­ tions. •Those who catalog cartographic m aterials deal w ith a wide assortment of inform ation, authority problem s, and m aterials o f unusual shape. Carto­ graphic Materials: A M anual o f Interpretation f o r AACR2 was prepared by the Anglo-American C a t­ aloguing Com m ittee for C artographic M aterials and is a vailable from the Am erican L ib rary Associ­ ation (1982, $40). T his book includes all necessary rules for description, either repeated from AACR2 or elaborating on rules from it. It indicates prefer­ red ap p lica tio n s o f A A C R 2, to g eth er w ith th e practices o f the national libraries and archives of A ustralia, C an ada, New Zealand, G reat Britain, an d th e U n ite d S t a te s . All ru les a re cro ss- referenced with A ACR2. Nine appendices cover topics ranging from determ ining the scale o f a map to treating m ap series and geographical atlases. • C om puting in LASER: Regional L ibrary C o­ operation‚ by Jean M. Plaister (Oryx, 1983, $15), is not about laser printing, but is an account o f the co­ operative services of libraries in the southeast of England (London and South Eastern L ib rary R e­ gion). This publication describes L A S E R ’S devel­ opment and their projects to “take advantage of com puter technology as it becam e a realistic tool for the library user.” •Managing the Serials Explosion: The Issues f o r P ublishers an d L ibraries, by D av id C . T a y lo r (Knowledge Industry, 1982, $ 3 4 .5 0 cloth , $27.50 paper), examines some questions of serials m anage­ m ent, why they are considered difficu lt, and some of the choices librarians have in dealing with serials as a form o f com m unication. •Online Search Strategies, edited by Ryan E . Hoover (Knowledge Industry, 1982, $ 3 7 .5 0 cloth, $ 2 9 .5 0 paper) contains practical tips and hints on the effective use o f bibliographic databases and search systems, written by a collection o f sixteen authors experienced in the search techniques of various disciplines. T he book does not claim to be a text on the basics o f searching and assumes th at the reader is fam iliar with the topic and has a back­ ground in library or inform ation science. I t focuses on the publicly available databases o f four m ajor A m erican services— B R S, D IA L O G , M E D L A R S , and SD C . Sam ple searches illustrate database and search system features. • O ptions f o r the 80s‚ ed ited by M ich a el D . K a th m a n and V irg il F . M assm an (JA I, 1 9 8 2 , $ 1 2 5 ), is a tw o-volume set containing the proceed­ ings o f A C R L ’s Second N ational C on feren ce in M inneapolis, O ctober 1 -4 , 1981. T h e five them e papers by Thom as Patrick M elady, Robert M. Ro­ senzw eig, D aniel Sullivan, Paul A. L a cey , and Beverly Lynch are printed in full, as well as the 56 contributed papers and the concluding panel dis­ cussion. Abstracts of the contributed papers ap­ peared in C &R L N ew s, July/August 198 1 , pp. 2 2 9 -2 4 1 . •Planning the Library Instruction Program, by P atricia Senn Breivik (American L ibrary Associa­ tion, 1982, $10 paper), offers step-by-step proce­ dures designed to articu late and support a program of library instruction appropriate for academ ic, school, or p u blic lib raries. Stressing the im por­ tance of shaping the instructional program to fit the needs of the groups to be served, the author de­ tails methods for quality instruction that are easily accessible. •Reference Service and Library Education, com ­ piled by Edw in S. Gleaves and Jo h n M ark Tucker (Lexington Books, 1982, $ 2 9 .9 5 ), is a festschrift in honor o f Frances Neel Cheney. P art I of the book is devoted to personal perspectives o f Cheney’s life; Part II deals with current trends in reference ser­ vices; Part III is a history of library education; and P a rt IV c o n ta in s an extensive b ib lio g ra p h y of works by and about Frances Neel Cheney. •W hat books and m aterials should a novice li­ b rarian select for purchase? Selecting Materials f o r Libraries‚ second edition, by Robert N. Broadus (H .W . W ilson, 1981, $16), focuses on collection development in the small to medium-sized library, and provides basic inform ation on how to evaluate and select materials. •Access to inform ation services has changed d ramatically 92 / C &RL News with the introduction o f com puter hard­ w a re and s o ftw a re and new c o m m u n ic a tio n s equipm ent. T h e fifteen articles contained in Strate­ gies f o r Meeting the Inform ation Needs o f Society in the Y ear 2 0 0 0 ‚ com p iled by M a rth a Boaz ( L i ­ b ra rie s U n lim ite d , 1 9 8 1 , $ 2 2 .5 0 ), address th e problems of changing technology and suggest plans for supplying inform ation to an increasingly com ­ plex society. • The W elco m in g Address in Women an d L i­ b r a r y M a n a g em en t, e d ite d by D a r le n e E . W eingand (Pierian Press, 1982, $1 6 .9 5 ) is a salute to participants at a conference on library m anage­ ment held at the University o f Wisconsin-Madison campus. T h e address, presented by Joy ce M. E rd ­ m an, points out findings o f the Task F o rce on the Status of W om en that clearly indicate th at women have not been fully integrated into the academ ic structure. T h e purpose of the conference was to ex­ plore the benefits that women can bring to the field of acad em ic lib rarian sh ip and lib ra ry m anage­ ment. Peter G . Hamon spoke on the m ale point of v iew , w h ile th e o th er featu red speakers w ere women. ■ ■ M arch 3 1 — A cadem ic Libraries: “Partners in Education: New Roles for the A cadem ic L ib r a r ia n ,” the 1983 Spring Institute o f the L ibrary Association of the C ity University o f New York, to be held at Bronx Com m unity C ollege. T h e program in­ cludes presentations on bibliographic instruction and library-classroom faculty cooperation in the establishm ent of a local history archive. C on ­ ta c t: Ju lie Skurdenis, U niversity Avenue and W est 181st S t ., Bronx, NY 1 0 4 5 3 ; (212) 220- 6076. April 7 — Maps: “Maps and Atlases in Libraries: An In ­ trodu ction ,” a workshop sponsored by the New York M etropolitan Reference and Research L i­ brary Agency at the W ilkie M em orial Building, New York C ity. C on tact: M E T R O , 2 0 9 W est 23d S t., New York, NY 10011. 1 1 - 1 2 — F e d e ra l G ra n ts : T h e 2 7 th In s titu te on F e d era l F u n d in g sponsored by th e N atio n al G raduate University, W ashington, D .C . A spe­ cial session is scheduled for discussion of the new F e d e r a l A c q u is itio n R e g u la tio n . C o n ta c t: Donna Sm ith, N ational G raduate University, 1101 N orth H igh land S tre e t, A rlin gton , VA 22 2 0 1 ; (703) 527-4800. 1 2 — N e tw o rk s : “ N e tw o rk in g — W h e re fro m H ere?” , a symposium to be held at the R am ada Inn Convention C enter, Cham paign, Illinois. Speakers include Jim Ed gar, Illinois secretary of state; Frank Grisham , executive director o f S O ­ L IN E T ; B a rb a ra Markuson, executive director o f IN C O L SA ; Laim a Mockus, executive director o f N E L I N E T ; R ich a rd M cC o y, p resid en t of R L G ; Rowland Brow n, president o f O C L C ; and T o n i C a r b o B e a rm a n , execu tive d irec to r o f N C L IS . Fees: $25 for Illinois residents; $40 for non-Illinois residents; $20 for library and information LIBRARY PRESERVATION T h e A d m in is tra tiv e C h a lle n g e April 29, 1983 Library of Congress Sponsored by the A LA Resources and Technical Services Division with the cooperation of the Library of Congress National Preservation Program. This program is specifically designed to provide an administrative overview of the preservation of li­ brary m aterials and is aim ed at top level library management. The program will define and deline­ ate the field of library preservation; explore possibil­ ities for fitting preservation into the library organiza­ tio n ; assess lib ra ry p re s e rv a tio n c h a lle n g e s ; suggest approaches and priorities; and discuss fis­ cal realities and possibilities. Fee: $ 1 9 8 RTSD m em­ bers, $ 2 1 3 A LA members, $ 2 2 8 non-ALA mem­ bers. To reserve space or obtain information, please contact Bill D rewett, A LA /R TSD , 50 East Huron St. ‚ Chicago, IL 60611 ‚ or phone (312) 9 4 4 -6 7 8 0 , ext. 3 1 1 .