ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1988 / 107 Profiles James Rettig, head reference librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago since 1983, has been appointed assistant university librarian for reference and inform a­ tion services at the Col­ lege of W illiam an d M ary, W illia m sb u rg , V irg in ia , effectiv e in January, P rio r to serv in g at UIC, Rettig was refer­ ence lib r a r ia n a t th e U niv ersity of D a y to n (1978-1983), and head re fe re n c e lib r a r ia n (1977-1978) and assis­ tan t reference librarian James Rettig(1976-1977) at Murray State University in Ken­ tucky. He holds bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English from M arquette University and an MLS from the University of Wisconsin at Madison, Rettig has edited numerous publications and has w ritten for ALA publications including Reference Quarterly and the ALA Yearbook of Library and Information Services. He has been author and edi­ tor of the “Current Reference Books” column in the Wilson Library Bulletin since 1981 and is editor of Bibliographic Guides in the Humanities, published by Libraries Unlimited, Inc. A m e m b er of th e G o v ern m en t D o cu m en ts Round Table, the L ibrary Adm inistration and Management Association, and the Reference and Adult Services Division as well as ACRL, Rettig has served on numerous committees since 1982. He has been ACRL Publications Com m ittee intern (1983-1984) and served as the ACRL representa­ tive to the Freedom to Read Foundation during 1983-1985. Since 1984 Rettig has served as chair of the C‹&RL News Editorial Board, and is currently on the Reference Services Review Editorial Board after serving as its associate editor since 1980. A member of Beta Phi Mu, Rettig has presented papers at several regional and national confer­ ences. Bartley M. Harloe has been appointed head of collection management at New Mexico State Uni­ • P E O P L E • versity, Las Cruces, effective September 1, 1987. Harloe received bach­ elor’s and m aster’s de­ grees in political theory from San F ran cisco State University and an MLS from the Univer­ sity of P ittsb u rg h . He served most recently as acting dean of libraries at the University of the Pacific, w here he was previously chair of the In fo rm a tio n Services D epartm ent and head of Bartley M. Harloecollection development. Active in ACRL, H ar­ loe is also a member of the Resources and Technical Services Division and the Reference and Adult Ser­ vices Division. W ithin California he has served as chair of a Distinguished Research Collections Task Force which, under the auspices of the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universi­ ties, is now publishing a directory of the outstand­ ing research collections available in the state’s pri­ vate academic libraries. In addition to serving as a consultant on collec­ tion development, Harloe has published articles and book reviews on academic libraries. Richard C. Pollard, assistant director for tech­ nical services at the University of Chicago since 1981, has been named university librarian at Cali­ fornia State University, Fullerton. F ro m 1966 to 1977 Pollard held several po­ sitions in the Cataloging D epartm ent at Stanford U n iv ersity , an d from 1977 to 1981 was associ­ ate director for technical services at the Univer­ sity of Tennessee, Knox­ ville. A native of C ali­ fornia, he holds bache­ lo r’s and m a ste r’s d e ­ Richard C. Pollardgrees from Stanford and an MLS from the Uni­ versity of Southern California. 108 / C&RL News Pollard has most recently served as chair of the Technical Services Directors of Large Research Li­ braries Discussion Group as well as on other RTSD committees, and has been the ACRL representa­ tive to th e L ib rary of Congress’ C IP Advisory Group. GLoriana St. Clair has been appointed assis­ ta n t director of technical, autom ation and adm in­ istrative services at Oregon State University, C or­ v allis. St. C la ir w as formerly head of the Ac­ q u isitio n s D iv isio n a t Texas A&M University. St. C la ir ’s p re v io u s positions at Texas A&M have included head of p e rso n n e l o p e ra tio n s and humanities bibliog­ r a p h e r . She has also been supervising lib rar­ ian of technical services at the San Antonio Pub­ lic L ib r a r y a n d c a ta - Gloriana St. Clairloger at the University of Oklahoma. St. Clair has taught courses in English and communications at several institutions. In addition to service on the editorial board of L ib ra ry A d m in istra tio n and M anagem ent, St. Clair is a member of the RTSD Legislative Com­ m ittee and is the Library Research Round Table’s liaison to the Standing Comm ittee on Library E du­ cation. She has served as acting editor of the Texas Library Journal, for which she received a com men­ dation from the Texas Library Association, and has received other university honors. C urrently, St. C lair is co-recipient of a grant from the Council on L ibrary Resources to investigate u n dergraduate use of library collections in the preparation of term papers. St. Clair holds a bachelor’s degree and a Ph.D . in literature from the University of Oklahom a, an MR A in m anagem ent from the University of Texas, and an MLS from the University of California, Berkeley. Carol M. Spawn has been prom oted to librarian of the Academy of N atural Sciences, Philadelphia, effective December 1987. Spawn had been m anu­ script and archives li­ brarian since 1978. Spawn earned a bach­ elor’s degree in interna­ tio n a l re la tio n s from B row n U n iv e rsity in 1946 and an MLS from Colum bia University in 1957. Before joining the A cadem y she h e ld l i ­ b r a r y p o sitio n s a t B ro w n , th e F re e L i­ b ra ry of P h ila d e lp h ia and Pennsylvania Hos­ Carol M. Spawnpital. Spawn is a m em ­ b e r of th e S ociety of American Archivists, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Archivists Conference, and the D elaw are Valley Archivists, and has been active as a library consul­ ta n t and as a member of various regional library committees. C u rre n tly Spaw n serves as ch a irm a n of the workshops program for a m ajor 1988 exhibit, “Legacies of G enius,” w hich will highlight the treasures of the Academy library and 15 other member organizations of the Philadelphia Area ACRL’S FAST JOB LISTING Looking for a job? O ur Fast Job Listing will send you job postings received at ACRL headquarters fo u r weeks before they appear in C &R L News. The Fast Job Listing Service also contains advertisements which, because of narrow application deadlines, will not appear in C& RL News. The ACRL office prepares a Fast Job Listing circular at the beginning of each m onth and mails it to subscribers first class. The circular contains all job announcements received during the previous four weeks. The cost of a six-month subscription is $10 for ACRL members and $15 for nonmembers. You may enter your subscription below. February 1988 / 109 Consortium of Special Collections Libraries. W ith her husband W illm an Spawn, a book and paper conservator, she has co-authored a num ber of articles for several library publications. People in the news George L. Abbott, head of the M edia Services D e p a rtm e n t at Syracuse U niversity, New York, was presented w ith the W atson Davis A w ard at the Annual M eeting of the A m erican Society for Infor­ m ation Science in Boston in O ctober, 1987. The aw a rd , established in 1975, com m em orates the fo u n d in g of ASIS. A b b o tt is also a m em b er of ACRL. Mohammed M. Aman, dean of the School of L i­ brary and Inform ation Science at the University of W isconsin-M ilwaukee, was aw arded the “C ertifi­ cate of A ppreciation” by the Links, a national or­ ganization of black professional wom en, at a No­ vem ber 21, 1987, reception in Milwaukee. Aman was honored for outstanding contributions to pro­ m oting international cooperation and understand­ ing. He was most recently selected to be p a rt of an international team to advise the E gyptian govern­ m ent on the rebuilding of the ancient library at Al­ exandria. Miles Jackson, dean of the School of L ibrary and Inform ation Studies at the University of H a­ w aii since 1982, has been elected vice-president/ president-elect of the Association of L ibrary and Inform ation Science E ducation. Jackson is chair of ALA’s In tern atio n al Relations Round Table and at H aw aii is chair of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in C om m unication and Inform ation Sci­ ences. He has served as a consultant for the U.S. In ­ form ation Agency in 1984 and 1985 in India and Pakistan and for the Asia Foundation in Papua New G uinea in 1983. Margaret A. Leary, director of the Law L i­ brary at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, has been elected president of the American Associa­ tion of L aw Libraries. Leary became director in 1984 after serving as assistant and associate direc­ tor. She has tau g h t classes in sources of legal infor­ m atio n and in law lib rary ad m in istratio n since 1975, and has authored articles about the validity of international executive agreements, microforms in law libraries, and the use of com puterized d a ta ­ bases in legal research. Kathleen Price, director of the L aw L ibrary and professor of law at the University of M inne­ sota, M inneapolis, has received a Distinguished Alumni A w ard from the Florida State University School of L ibrary and Inform ation Studies. Elaine F. Sloan, dean of university libraries at In d ian a University, Bloomington, took office as president of the Association of Research Libraries at its annual M embership Meeting in W ashington, D .C ., O ctober 21-22, 1987. Charles E. Miller, d i­ rector of the library at Florida State University, was elected vice president/president-eleet. Joan Zenan of the University of Nevada, Reno, was designated president-elect of the Association of Academic H ealth Sciences L ibrary Directors at its annual m eeting in W ashington, D .C ., in Novem­ ber 1987. Appointments (Appointments are taken from library new slet­ ters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appoint­ m ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Margaret K. Alexander is the new microforms and docum ents reference librarian at A uburn Uni­ versity, Alabam a. Barbara S. Anderson has been appointed assis­ ta n t lib ra ria n in reference a t B aptist C ollege, Charleston, South C arolina. Alan Armstrong is now autom ation services li­ b rarian at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg. Ruth Carter Armstrong has been appointed assistant director of th e L aw School L ib rary at Hofstra University, H em pstead, New York. Margaret Maes Axtmann, acquisitions lib ra r­ ian in th e L aw L ib rary at C ornell U niversity, Ithaca, New York, has assumed additional respon­ sibility as foreign and international law bibliogra­ pher. Julie Beamer has been appointed user services lib ra ria n at V irginia Polytechnic In stitu te and State University, Blacksburg. Ceres Birkhead has been appointed reference/ instruction librarian at the University of U tah, Salt Lake City. Larry Blazer is now librarian at C entral Bap­ tist Theological Seminary, Kansas City, Kansas. Cheryl Boettgher has been appointed cata- loger for East Asian m aterials at the C enter for Re­ search Libraries, Chicago, Illinois. Sharon Bostick has been appointed head of ref­ erence at W ichita State University, Kansas. Larry M. Boyer is now assistant head of the Main Reading Room at the L ibrary of Congress, W ashington, D .C . Janice Brandon has been appointed head of ac­ cess services at A rizona State U niversity, W est Cam pus, Phoenix. Paul J . Bredderman is now science reference li­ b rarian at A uburn University, Alabam a. Deborah Broadwater has been appointed spe­ cial projects cataloger in the Medical L ibrary at V anderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Sally A. Buchanan is the new associate director for preservation services and cooperative planning at the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Sue W . Burkhart has been appointed catalog li­ b rarian in the L aw L ibrary at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. 110 / C&RL News Carol Burroughs has been appointed head of inform ation and research support services at Ar­ izona State University, West Campus, Phoenix. Katherine Button is now reader services lib rar­ ian in the Science Library at Brandeis University, W altham , Massachusetts. David E. Carpenter has been appointed bibli­ ographer at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Ten­ nessee. Susan Case has joined the staff of the History of Medicine Library at the University of Kansas Med­ ical Center, Kansas City. Sylvia E. Castano is now assistant director of the L aw L ibrary at the University of Houston, Texas. Julie Czisny has been appointed associate li­ brarian in the G raduate School of Library and In ­ form ation Science at the University of California, Los Angeles. Elinor Davey has been appointed head of the Catalog D epartm ent at W estern Carolina Univer­ sity, Cullowhee, North Carolina. Randall Dick is th e n ew li b r a r ia n of th e Y orktow n B ran ch C am p u s of M ercy C ollege, Westchester County, New York. Hikmet Dogu has been appointed reference/ fine arts librarian at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Gene Elliott has been nam ed director of li­ b rary services at G reenville Technical College, South Carolina. Kevin Freeman has been appointed music cata- loger at Stanford University, California. Kip Gobin has joined the cataloging staff of the L a w L ib r a r y a t th e U n iv e rsity of V irg in ia , Charlottesville. Barbara Greever is now catalog librarian at the University of Idaho, Moscow. Richard Guajardo has been appointed assistant cataloger in the Law L ibrary at the University of Houston, Texas. Timothy J. Hammond has been appointed refer­ ence librarian in the L aw L ibrary at Cornell Uni­ versity, Ithaca, New York. Fred Hay has been appointed social science ref­ erence librarian at Kansas State University, M an­ hattan. Thomas Hecker has been appointed business reference lib rarian at Kansas State University, M anhattan. David Hornbeck has been appointed head of the Original Cataloging Section at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Martha Hsu is now head of the Collection De­ velopm ent D ep artm en t at Cornell University’s Olin Library, Ithaca, New York. Barbara Jenkins is now biological sciences li­ brarian in the Reference D epartm ent at the Uni­ versity of California, Irvine. Geraldine Kaye has been appointed botany li­ brarian of H arvard University, Cam bridge, Mas­ sachusetts. Jackie Sue Kinder is now assistant librarian at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. Marcie Stevenson Kingsley has been a p ­ pointed head of the Technical Services Division in the L aw L ibrary of George Mason University, Arlington, Virginia. Amy Loucks-DiMatteo has been appointed m i­ crocom puter coordinator at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Patricia Sayre McCoy has been appointed cat­ aloging supervisor at the University of Chicago Law Library. Gary Mayhood has been appointed serials cata­ loger at Kansas State University, M anhattan. Mohammed Mirfakhrai has been ap p o in ted reference/business librarian at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. Nancy Mitchell has been appointed NCCP cataloger at Indiana University, Bloomington. Jack G. Montgomery is now monographs li­ brarian in the Law Library at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville. Marilyn Myers has been appointed head of col­ lection development and bibliographic services at Arizona State University, West Campus, Phoenix. Janet Lee Nelson is now circulation librarian in the Law Library at the University of Southern C al­ ifornia, Los Angeles. Patricia Norcott has been appointed assistant law librarian in the Law Library at the University of Illinois, U rbana, Cham paign. Elizabeth H. O’Brien has been appointed head of public services at M errimack College, North An­ dover, Massachusetts. Laura J. Orr is now research librarian in the Law L ibrary at the University of M aryland, Col­ lege Park. Charles Eliot Pierce Jr. has been nam ed di­ rector of the Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City. Carol Resco has been nam ed head of the Physi­ cal Sciences Library at the University of Califor­ nia, Riverside. Frank Roberts has been appointed readers ser­ vices librarian at Mobile College, Alabama. John H. Roberts is the new head of the Music L ibrary at the University of California, Berkeley. Catherine Rod has joined the staff at Grinnell College, Iowa. Sandra Sadow is now acquisitions librarian at D elaw are Law School, W ilmington. Edwin J. Saeger is now rare book and art of the book librarian at the Phoenix Public Library, Ar­ izona. Kathy Scardellato has been appointed libra- rian/analyst in the Systems Division at the Univer­ sity of British Colum bia, Vancouver. Roberta B. Schwartz has been appointed head of Technical Services at Merrimack College, North Andover, Massachusetts. Charles A, Skewis is now acquisitions librarian at the University of Alabam a, Tuscaloosa. IT WOULD TAKE YOU AROUND fo u r minutes to boil this egg IT WOULD TAKE YOU AROUND s ix ty seconds to access our million title database via our LIBTEL system So w hy make a m eal o u t o f acquiring B ritish academic books? John Menzies has the perfect recipe. We’re based in England and have a database of over 1,000,000 British titles. It takes just 60 seconds to access this database via our LIBTEL system which is available 24 hours a day for the cost of a local telephone call. LIBTEL provides: □ Enquiry and pre-order verification on over 1,000,000 British titles. □ On-line ordering. □ Hard copy order confirmation and reporting. We believe that we’re faster, more competitive and more reliable than whoever you’re currently dealing with and our complete range of Library MENZIES Services includes: John Menzies □ Comprehensive new title forms service. Library Services □Subject listings - new and back list titles from our database. 24 Gamble Street □ Fully automated Periodicals and Continuations subscription service. Nottingham John Menzies have been active in book selling since 1833. Today we’re part NG7 4FJ of an international Library Supply Network. Our associates include Coutts England Library Services and Readmore in North America as well as Bennetts in PH: 602 708021 Australia. TWX: 37577 We’re well established, efficient, fast and dependable. We don’t just deliver JMLSNG G the goods. We deliver the goods quickly. Check us out and see. FAX: 602 787718 To obtain your LIBTEL access code or more information get in touch with Electronic mail Mike Dyche or Jo Buxton in Nottingham now - by phone (collect), Telex, Fax OCLC DX: MNZ or Electronic Mail. W.L.N: MENZ 112 / C&RL News Donna E. Smith has been appointed social sci­ ence cataloger at Auburn University, Alabama. Karen Snure has been appointed reference li­ b ra ria n /database coordinator in the Inform ation Services D epartm ent at the University of the P a­ cific, Stockton, California. Mark Spivey has been appointed reference/on- line librarian at the University of U tah, Salt Lake City. Marcia Sprules has been appointed library ser­ vices coordinator at University Press Books, Mid­ dletown, New York. Delsie A. Stayner has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian in the L aw Library at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. Virginia Steel has been appointed head of the Access Services D epartm ent at the University of California, San Diego. Richard W . Stephenson is now specialist in car­ tographic history in the Geography and Map Divi­ sion of the Library of Congress, W ashington, D .C . Oscar Strothers has been nam ed head of the U.S. D epartm ent of Energy’s new Congressional L ibrary, W ashington, D .C . Joy Tennison has been appointed reference li­ b rarian in the L aw L ibrary at Golden G ate Uni­ versity, San Francisco, California. John Tessner is the new head of public services in the School of Law L ibrary at H am line Univer­ sity, St. Paul, Minnesota. D ouglas Trabert has been n am ed dean of learn in g resources at G reenville Technical Col­ lege, South Carolina. Carolyn Stewart Tynan has joined the staff of the U ndergraduate L ibrary Services D epartm ent at Indiana University, Bloomington. Katherine I. Tynan is now head of reference and public services at the H artford G raduate Cen­ ter L ibrary, H artford, Connecticut. Barbara J. Weir has been appointed serials cat­ aloger at Swarthm ore College, Pennsylvania. Earl Weisbaum is the new foreign & interna­ tional law librarian in the L aw Library at the Uni­ versity of Houston, Texas. Julia Wentz has been appointed reference li­ b rarian at the W illiam Mitchell College of Law , St. Paul, Minnesota. Peggy Westlake has rejoined the staff of Refer­ ence and Research Services in the Medical Library at V anderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, on a part-tim e basis. Jan Westrum has been appointed reference li­ b rarian at O ttaw a University, Kansas. Pamela White has been appointed reference li­ b rarian in the Biomedical L ibrary at the University of California, Los Angeles. Susan Whitmore is the new head of the District of Colum bia Reference C enter of the National Ag­ ricultural L ibrary, Beltsville, Maryland. Janet Wright is the new head of the C irculation and Inform ation Desk services at the National Ag­ ricultural L ibrary, Beltsville, Maryland. Gregory Zuck is now librarian at Southwestern College, W infield, Kansas. Retirements Russell Davis, U tah’s first and only state lib rar­ ian since 1957, retired last summer. Fannie S. Fishlyn, circulation librarian in the Law L ibrary at the University of Southern Califor­ nia, Los Angeles, retired at the end of the Fall 1987 semester. A graduate of the University of Califor­ nia, Los Angeles, and the USC G raduate School of L ib ra ry an d In fo rm a tio n Service, Fishlyn has served as circulation librarian since 1972. Stuart Forth, dean of libraries at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, has announced his retirem ent effective September 30, 1988. Forth a c c e p te d th e n ew ly - created position in 1973 following service as di­ rector of libraries at the University of Kentucky. D uring his ten u re at P en n S ta te , F o rth has overseen the com puter­ ization of the library sys­ tem and a series of major fu n d -raisin g efforts. A n a tiv e of M a n iste e , M ic h ig a n , F o rth has served as a lib rary a d ­ Stuart Forthm inistrator for nearly 35 years and is a scholar- librarian in American history and architecture and English literature. In addition to service as president of the Pennsyl­ vania L ibrary Association in 1979 and 1980, Forth is a m em ber of the board of governors of the Re­ search Libraries G roup and the board of directors of th e Jan e A usten Society of N orth A m erica, w hich studies the author’s works. Fie is a m em ber of numerous professional associations including the M anuscript Society and ACRL. Forth was appointed to his position at Kentucky in 1965 and also served (1968-1970) as interim vice president for student affairs. Prior to then he served at the University of Kansas (1959-1965), first as head of the undergraduate library and later as asso­ ciate and acting director of libraries. Forth began his library career in 1950 as a m em ­ ber of the staff at Oregon State University, becom­ ing reference librarian at the Seattle Public Library in 1955. He holds bachelor’s and m aster’s degrees in library science from the University of Michigan and a P h.D . in American history from the Univer­ sity of W ashington. Olga Ignon, associate university librarian at the University of California, Santa B arbara, has re­ tired. James E. Poole, assistant head of the National Union C atalog E ditorial Section II in the Catalog February 1988 / 113 Management and Publication Division of the Li­ brary of Congress, Washington, D .C ., retired Au­ gust 21, 1987. Poole served in the government for 34 years, including 30 at the Library. He joined the Library in 1957 as a searcher in the Exchange and Gift Division, and was prom oted the following year to translator in the Air Inform ation Division. Thereafter he was research analyst with the De­ fense Research Division (later the Federal Research Division). In FRD Poole was promoted to unit su­ pervisor and in 1967 was made head of the Refer­ ence and Control Section. In February 1972, he joined the Catalog Publication Division as project manager of the 1968-1972 NUC Quinquennial, and became assistant head of the NUC Publication Section in March 1975. In December 1977 he was prom oted to project m anager of the 1973-1977 NUC Q uinquennial, a massive editorial undertak­ ing th at appeared in 128 volumes. Poole became assistant head of the Editorial Section II in 1982. A native of Beaumont, Texas, he received a bache­ lor’s degree from the University of St. Thomas (1952), a m aster’s degree in Russian from George­ town University (1957) and an MLS from the Uni­ versity of M aryland (1973). Poole served four years in the U.S. Army and was trained in the Russian language for military intelligence work. Diane M. Priestly, librarian in the Law School Library at the University of Victoria, British Co­ lumbia, retired June 27, 1987. Friends and col­ leagues gathered to celebrate the naming of the li­ brary in her honor. Marion Rioth, longtime library director at O t­ taw a University, Kansas, has announced plans to retire this spring. Daisy Shenholm, director of the Mabel Smith Douglass L ib rary at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, for the past 18 years, re­ tired July 1, 1987. Shenholm served as chairperson of the University Senate during 1986-1987. Doris T. Shockley, assistant head of the News­ papers and Microforms D epartm ent at Duke Uni­ versity, D urham , North Carolina, retired effective December 31, 1987, after 30 years of service. Death Marion L. Mullen, head of the Reference De­ partm ent at Syracuse University, New York, since 1973, died December 13,1987, after a long illness. Mullen was born in Syracuse and was a Syracuse graduate, having received her MLS there. Mullen was a member of ALA’s Government Documents Round Table and served on the Reference and Adult Services Division’s Committee on Bibliogra­ phy. She was also a member of the New York Li­ brary Association and a former member of its Ref­ erence and A dult Services Section Reference Committee. A member of the Syracuse Alumni As­ sociation, Mullen was past president of the L i­ braries’ Staff Association and was a life member of the School of Inform ation Studies Alumni Associa­ tion. Mullen was also a member of the Beta Phi Mu, having served as president of the Pi Lam bda Sigma C hapter and as a member of the National Assembly and Executive Board. ■ ■ • A ctivism in American Librarianship, 1962-1973, edited by Mary Lee Bundy and Fre­ derick J. Stielow (207 pages, October 1987), is a collection of essays th at examine the involvement of activ ist lib ra ria n s in shaping in stitu tio n a l change w ithin their profession and the overall ef­ fect this social movement has had on the outlook of a new generation of librarians. Topics of particular interest include: the civil rights movement and American librarianship, the w ar and librarian- ship, intellectual freedom activism, academic li­ braries in the Sixties, the ALA Black Caucus, and a photographic essay of the era. Copies may be or­ dered for $37.95 from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, W estport, CT 06881. ISBN 0-313-24602-5. PUBLICATIONS • Building Women’s Studies Collections: A Re- source Guide, edited by Joan Ariel (48 pages, 1987), has been published as num ber 8 in the Choice Bibliographical Essay series. The guide contains 18 categories of published materials or sources for women’s studies including print, audio­ visual, and electronic media. The sources are p ri­ marily located in the United States, although a handful of other English-language materials are m entioned. In addition to full bibliographic or contact information, entries include short descrip­ tions and cost information where available. Copies may be ordered for $12 from Choice, 100 River­ view C enter, M iddletown, CT 06457. ISBN 0- 914492-07-1. • Financial Aid for Veterans, Military Personnel