ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries February 1988 / 113 Management and Publication Division of the Li­ brary of Congress, Washington, D .C ., retired Au­ gust 21, 1987. Poole served in the government for 34 years, including 30 at the Library. He joined the Library in 1957 as a searcher in the Exchange and Gift Division, and was prom oted the following year to translator in the Air Inform ation Division. Thereafter he was research analyst with the De­ fense Research Division (later the Federal Research Division). In FRD Poole was promoted to unit su­ pervisor and in 1967 was made head of the Refer­ ence and Control Section. In February 1972, he joined the Catalog Publication Division as project manager of the 1968-1972 NUC Quinquennial, and became assistant head of the NUC Publication Section in March 1975. In December 1977 he was prom oted to project m anager of the 1973-1977 NUC Q uinquennial, a massive editorial undertak­ ing th at appeared in 128 volumes. Poole became assistant head of the Editorial Section II in 1982. A native of Beaumont, Texas, he received a bache­ lor’s degree from the University of St. Thomas (1952), a m aster’s degree in Russian from George­ town University (1957) and an MLS from the Uni­ versity of M aryland (1973). Poole served four years in the U.S. Army and was trained in the Russian language for military intelligence work. Diane M. Priestly, librarian in the Law School Library at the University of Victoria, British Co­ lumbia, retired June 27, 1987. Friends and col­ leagues gathered to celebrate the naming of the li­ brary in her honor. Marion Rioth, longtime library director at O t­ taw a University, Kansas, has announced plans to retire this spring. Daisy Shenholm, director of the Mabel Smith Douglass L ib rary at Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey, for the past 18 years, re­ tired July 1, 1987. Shenholm served as chairperson of the University Senate during 1986-1987. Doris T. Shockley, assistant head of the News­ papers and Microforms D epartm ent at Duke Uni­ versity, D urham , North Carolina, retired effective December 31, 1987, after 30 years of service. Death Marion L. Mullen, head of the Reference De­ partm ent at Syracuse University, New York, since 1973, died December 13,1987, after a long illness. Mullen was born in Syracuse and was a Syracuse graduate, having received her MLS there. Mullen was a member of ALA’s Government Documents Round Table and served on the Reference and Adult Services Division’s Committee on Bibliogra­ phy. She was also a member of the New York Li­ brary Association and a former member of its Ref­ erence and A dult Services Section Reference Committee. A member of the Syracuse Alumni As­ sociation, Mullen was past president of the L i­ braries’ Staff Association and was a life member of the School of Inform ation Studies Alumni Associa­ tion. Mullen was also a member of the Beta Phi Mu, having served as president of the Pi Lam bda Sigma C hapter and as a member of the National Assembly and Executive Board. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS • A ctivism in American Librarianship, 1962-1973, edited by Mary Lee Bundy and Fre­ derick J. Stielow (207 pages, October 1987), is a collection of essays th at examine the involvement of activ ist lib ra ria n s in shaping in stitu tio n a l change w ithin their profession and the overall ef­ fect this social movement has had on the outlook of a new generation of librarians. Topics of particular interest include: the civil rights movement and American librarianship, the w ar and librarian- ship, intellectual freedom activism, academic li­ braries in the Sixties, the ALA Black Caucus, and a photographic essay of the era. Copies may be or­ dered for $37.95 from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, W estport, CT 06881. ISBN 0-313-24602-5. • Building Women’s Studies Collections: A Re- source Guide, edited by Joan Ariel (48 pages, 1987), has been published as num ber 8 in the Choice Bibliographical Essay series. The guide contains 18 categories of published materials or sources for women’s studies including print, audio­ visual, and electronic media. The sources are p ri­ marily located in the United States, although a handful of other English-language materials are m entioned. In addition to full bibliographic or contact information, entries include short descrip­ tions and cost information where available. Copies may be ordered for $12 from Choice, 100 River­ view C enter, M iddletown, CT 06457. ISBN 0- 914492-07-1. • Financial Aid for Veterans, Military Personnel 114 / C&RL News and Their Dependents, 1988-1989, by Gail Ann Schlachter and R. David W eber (240 pages, De­ cember 1987), is a guide to the nearly $1 billion in financial aid set aside for these groups by public and private agencies. More than 600 references are provided to programs sponsored by professional groups, foundations, educational associations, mi- litary /v eteran s organizations, and governm ent agencies. Indexes cover program titles, sponsoring organizations, geographic coverage, subjects, and deadline dates. The volume may be ordered for $32.50 (plus $2.50 handling) from Reference Ser­ vice Press, 10 Twin Dolphin Drive, Suite B-308, Redwood City, GA 94065. ISBN 0-918276-07-X. • The Invasion of the Giant Spore, by Sandra Ny­ berg (19 pages, November 1987), published as SO- LINE T ’s Preservation Leaflet number 5, answers frequently asked questions about mold in libraries and archives. Common treatm ents for controlling mold are described and evaluated, and prevention tips are enumerated. SOLINET members may ob­ tain the leaflet free of charge; others should send a self-addressed, 56¢-stamped envelope with their request to: SOLINET, Plaza Level, 400 Colony Square, 1201 Peachtree Street, N .E ., Atlanta, GA 30361. • Retrospective Conversion Guidelines fo r Li­ braries is a new pam phlet published by OCLC that offers planning tips, explains record conversion op­ tions, and provides a bibliography of recent publi­ cations on the topic. The pam phlet inlcudes a sum­ m ary of five conversion options and a special section of questions to ask prospective vendors. A free copy may be ordered from OCLC, Inc., 6565 Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017-0702. • Stress M anagement in Work Settings (200 pages, 1987) is a collection of original contributions th a t address current issues and problems. Part I deals w ith organizational stress and its assessment; Part II describes aspects of stress management in the work setting; and Part III lists resources for training materials, products, and equipment. Cop­ ies may be ordered for $9.50 from Dept. 36-ZE, Su­ p erin ten d en t of D ocum ents, W ashington, DC 20402-9325. Stock no. 017-033-00428-5. • A Union List o f Montana Newspapers in Mon­ tana Repositories (270 pages, 1987) is the end prod­ uct of M ontana’s participation in the U.S. Newspa­ per Program of the National Endowm ent for the Humanities. It lists the 1,121 M ontana newspaper titles the project found extant, with holdings and form at information, from the first territorial in 1864 to the present. Copies may be ordered for $10 (postpaid), from the M ontana Historical Society L ib ra ry , 225 N. R o b erts S t., H e le n a , MT 59620. ■ ■ C A L E N D A R March 6 -1 1 —R are Books: F lo rid a A n tiquarian Book Sem inar, U niversity of F lorida, Gainesville. Sponsored by Book Seminars, Inc., in coopera­ tion with AB Bookman's W eekly, the program will include a survey of the antiquarian book trade, a profile of the general dealer, the book from the perspective of the bibliographer, de­ scriptive cataloging, pricing, authentification and forgery, acquisition sources, and libraries and collectors. Fee: $425. CEUs: 3.0. Contact: Book Sem inars, In c ., 4024 N .W . 15th St., Gainesville, FL 32605; (904) 378-8144. 17-19—Composition: 39th Annual Convention of the Conference on College Composition and C o m m u n icatio n , C la rio n H otel, St. Louis. Theme: “Language, Self, and Society.” Con­ tact: CCCC Convention Information, National Council of Teachers of English, 1111 Kenyon Road, Urbana, IL 61801; (217) 328-3870. 25—Preservation: “The Well-Tempered Collec­ tion: Environmental Protection of Library and Archival M aterials,” continuing education semi­ nar, G raduate School of Library and Inform a­ tion Science, University of Texas at Austin. Speaker: Paul Banks. Fee: $35. Contact: Contin­ uing Education, GSLIS, EDB 564, University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712-1276; (512) 471-3821. April 14-16—Africana: Archives-Libraries Committee (African Studies Association), Spring Meeting, Boston University. Contact: Vicki Evalds or Gretchen Walsh, African Studies Library, Bos­ ton University, 771 Commonwealth Ave., Bos­ ton, MA 02215; (617) 353-3726. 19-23—Texas: Texas L ibrary Association, 75th annual conference, Corpus Christi. Keynote speaker w ill be Liz C a rp e n te r, a u th o r and former press secretary to Lady Bird Johnson. Contact: Patricia Smith, Texas Library Associa-