ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries D ecem ber 1987 / 725 tutions to w hich UMI extended the offer. T h e L i­ brary plans to o rder com plete sets of m any titles now partially held as well as runs of som e 250 new titles and additional view ing equipm ent. • T he University of U tah, Salt Lake City, has re- ceived a $41,340 g ran t from th e U.S. D ep artm en t of E ducation to m ake its social sciences d a ta files accessib le to o th e r in s ti tu ti o n s in th e I n t e r ­ university C onsortium for Political an d Social Re­ search. Established in 1962, th e ICPSR collection includes m ore th a n 1,300 tapes on topics ranging from elections to geographic m obility of workers. A code book describes the contents of each file. W ith the gran t, U tah plans to purchase all ICPSR code books, collect existing O C L C catalog entries, iden­ tifying d a ta files for w hich no catalog record exists and crea ting records for them . News note • N orthern Illinois University, D eK alb, hosted six representatives of th e Jap an L ib rary Association on O ctober 12 as p a rt of th e ir nationw ide study to u r. T h e Japanese librarians w ere in th e U nited States as guests of the U.S. Inform ation Agency in order to study advanced library com puter netw ork systems an d services. T he NIU visitors included M asaharu Itoga, from the School of L ibrary and Inform ation Science at Keio University; H ajim e M ori, d ire cto r of th e Y am agata P refectu ral L i­ brary; H ajim e Nishio, chief of the Acquisition and Processing Section of the T ottori P refectural Civic L ibrary; Toshihiko O gaw a, deputy secretary gen­ eral of the Jap an L ibrary Association; Akira Toda, chief of the C om puter P lanning O ffice a t the Seta- gaya W a rd L ibrary in Tokyo; an d Shinji Tomie, associate professor at Tsukuba University. ■ ■ . P E OPLE . Profiles Peter G. W atson, assistant university librarian at C alifornia S tate U niversity, Chico, since 1985, has been nam ed university lib rarian at Idaho State University, Pocatello. W a tso n , a n a tiv e of O ldham , E n g lan d , re ­ ceived his MLS w ith dis­ tinction from th e U ni­ v e rs ity o f C a l if o r n ia , Los A ngeles, in 1969. His u n d ergraduate w ork was done in English and philosophy a t th e U ni­ versity of M anchester, and he holds a m aster’s degree in English from the U niversity o f C a li­ Peter G. W atsonfornia, S anta Barbara. W atson w orked a t the UCLA L ib rary from 1969 to 1976, w hen he joined the M eriam L ib rary at C alifornia State University, Chico, as reference lib rarian an d d a ta services co­ ordinator. In 1984 he w as nam ed head of the Ac­ cess Services D ivision, a n d o n e y ea r la te r w as nam ed assistant university lib rarian for program s and services. A m em ber of th e Id ah o L ib rary Association and ALA, W atson has been active in A CRL, LAMA, LIT A , LRRT, RTSD, an d RASD, w here he cu r­ rently chairs the Steering Com m ittee of th e Collec­ tion D evelopm ent and E valuation Section. H e has to his credit 16 m onographs, 34 articles, an d 16 book reviews. C harles Palm, head lib rarian and archivist at Stanford University’s H oover Institution, has been appointed associate director of the Hoover Institu­ tion. H e succeeds John B. D unlop, w ho will de­ vote his tim e to research an d w riting. A g r a d u a te of S ta n ­ fo rd U n iv e rsity , P alm w as appointed archivist in 1984 an d hea d lib ra r­ ia n in 1986, a n d has bee n a m e m b er of th e I n s titu tio n s ta f f since 1971. He holds graduate degrees in history an d li­ b ra ry science from th e Charles Palm University of W yom ing a n d th e U n iv e rs ity of O regon. He was an archivist in tern a t th e U.S. N a­ tional Archives from 1970 to 1971. Palm has played a leading role in both national an d state professional associations. A past president of th e Society of California Archivists (SAA), he has 726 / C & RL News served as chairm an of the Society of American Ar­ chivists Com m ittee on Goals and Priorities an d as chairm an of its Awards Comm ittee. As a m em ber of the SAA Task Force on N ational Inform ation Systems, he helped set national bibliographic and form at standards for archival inform ation. Palm is co-author of the G uide to the Hoover In ­ stitution Archives and Herbert Hoover: A Register o f His Papers at the Hoover Institution. People in the news Brenda Bailey, public services librarian at F ort Lewis College, D urango, Colorado, has been se­ lected to serve as editor of Colorado Libraries be­ ginning in January. Colorado Libraries is a q u ar­ terly journal published by the Colorado L ibrary Association th a t features articles of interest to li­ brarians throughout the United States. R ichard D . J ohnson, d ire ctor of libraries at S tate University College, O neonta, New York, is serving as th e college’s loaned executive to the United W ay of G reater O neonta during Fall Se­ mester 1987. Pat Molholt, associate director of libraries at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, has taken a sab­ batical leave to spend five months w orking w ith Anne M athews, director of the U.S. D epartm ent of E ducation’s Office of L ibrary Programs. Molholt will w ork w ith the N ational Science Foundation, ED U COM , regional networks, and state library personnel on the role of libraries in regional and na­ tional netw ork environments, especially w ith re­ gard to issues of standards, governance, and access. Appointments (Appointments are taken from library new slet­ ters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure th a t your appoint­ m ent appears, w rite to the E ditor, ACRL, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Susan M. Agent has been appointed retrospec­ tive conversion librarian in the Bibliographic Con­ trol D epartm ent a t th e University of D elaw are, Newark. Barbara Alexander has been ap p ointed h u ­ manities reference librarian at Texas A&M Univer­ sity, College Station. F rances O tt Allen is the new G erm an cata- loger a t th e University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Patti Ashby has joined the serials staff in the Sci­ ence L ibrary at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. J udy Avery is the new head of the Reference Ser­ vice D epartm ent in the G raduate L ibrary at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Carolyn Baber has been appointed humanities reference librarian in the General Reference D ivi­ sion at San Diego State University, California. L eeta Bailey has been appointed interlibrary loan/assistant reference librarian at Amherst Col­ lege, Massachusetts. D eborah Barlow has been appointed a r t lib rar­ ian at Queens College, Flushing, New York. Ann Bekins has been appointed serials catalog li­ b rarian at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. C andace Benefiel has been appointed hum ani­ ties reference lib rarian at Texas A&M University, College Station. Sidney E. Berger is the new cu rato r of printed books a t the American A ntiquarian Society, W or­ cester, Massachusetts. Molly S. Bernard has been appointed inform a­ tion services librarian in the H ealth Sciences L i­ b rary an d Inform ation C enter a t the University of W ashington, Seattle. G ary Bertchume has been prom oted to biblio­ graphic analyst in the L ibrary Systems Office at Colum bia University, New York City. Shirley A. Bigna is the new assistant director of the library at the University of Indianapolis, Indi­ ana. H si-C hu H uang Bolick has been appointed ca t­ alog librarian at W abash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Laura Boyer has been appointed reference li­ b rarian at California State University-Stanislaus, Turlock. Alice Brendel has been appointed shared re­ sources coordinator at Brown University, Provi­ dence, Rhode Island. Bruce Brinkley is now reference librarian at W abash College, Crawfordsville, Indiana. Lisa Browar has been appointed assistant direc­ tor for rare books and manuscripts at the New York Public L ibrary, M anhattan. J . Michael Bruer has been appointed associate director for p reparation services at the Research Libraries, N ew York Public Library. N ancy Butkovich is now science reference li­ b rarian at Texas A&M University, College Station. Linda Beaupre C ain has been nam ed university librarian a t the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. J o Calk is now authorities librarian in the C ata­ log M anagem ent D epartm ent at Cornell Univer­ sity, Ithaca, New York. Robert C arande has been appointed science reference librarian in the Science Division a t San Diego State University, California. Sherry J. C arrillo is the new assistant director for reader services a t F lorida International Univer­ sity, Miami. Susan C ase has joined the staff of the Clenden- ning History of M edicine L ibrary at the University of Kansas M edical Center, Kansas City. Susan C harles has been appointed science and technology reference librarian at Texas A&M Uni­ versity, College Station. M ichele C loonan has been appointed preser­ vation lib rarian at Brown University. Catherine L. C rohan has been appointed seri­ December 1987 / 727 als librarian at Siena College, Loudonville, New York. T ony Cucchiara is now archivist and head of special collections at Brooklyn College, New York. L ori N. C urtis has been appointed assistant cu­ rator of special collections at th e University of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Kathy D arcy has been nam ed director of the li­ brary at Donnelly College, Kansas City, Kansas. Patrick D awson is now cataloger at the Univer­ sity of California, Riverside. Miriam D eutch has been appointed substitute access services librarian at Brooklyn College, New York. D iane D iMartino has been appointed reference librarian at Baruch College, New York City. Ann M organ D odge has been appointed conser­ vator of library m aterials at Brow n University, Providence, Rhode Island. Patricia A. F itzG erald is now assistant direc­ tor for public services at Carnegie-Mellon Univer­ sity, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Charlotte B. F ord is now government docu­ ments librarian at the N orth Miami Cam pus of Florida International University. D enise F ox has been appointed substitute se- rials/reference librarian a t L aG uardia Com m u­ nity College, Long Island City, New York. Sally Ann F ry has been appointed inform ation services librarian at Iow a State University, Ames. Monica F usich has been a p p o in te d b ib lio ­ graphic instruction coordinator and reference li­ brarian at the University of California, Riverside. J oni G om ez is now m onographs cataloger at Texas A&M University, College Station. Suzanne G riffiths is now assistant director of departm ental library services for hum anities li­ braries a t th e U niversity of Illin o is, U rb an a- Champaign. E laine G riner is now technical services/serials control librarian at Brenau College, Gainesville, Georgia. Christine H . G uyonneau has been appointed reference librarian/head of circulation and interli­ brary loan a t the University of Indianapolis, Indi­ ana. John H aar has been appointed head of collec­ tion m anagem ent a t V irginia C om m onw ealth University, Richmond. Gordon H endrickson is the new Iow a State Ar­ chivist a t the State Historical Society of Iow a, Iow a City. Kate H erzog is the new head of the Engineer­ ing and M athematical Sciences Library at the Uni­ versity of California, Los Angeles. G retchen H olten has joined the staff of the Central Reference Services D epartm ent at the Uni­ versity of Nebraska, Lincoln. Michael J ohnson has been appointed assistant to the director for library systems a t Brooklyn Col­ lege, New York. Nancy Rucker J ohnson is now special programs librarian at the Houston Academy of Medicine, Texas. Kay Jones has been appointed assistant univer­ sity librarian for adm inistration at California State University, Sacramento. J oanna Katsune has been appointed catalog li­ brarian at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island. L inda J. Kimsey is the new assistant catalog li­ brarian at West Texas State University, Canyon. Jackie Sue Kinder is now assistant reference li­ brarian at the University of South Carolina, Co­ lum bia. Jennifer Kolmes is the new music cataloger in the Sound Recording Archives at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. F lorence L andon has been appointed associate librarian for adm inistrative services at George Ma­ son University, Fairfax, Virginia. Roman L egedza has been appointed to the C at­ aloging D epartm ent at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Linda L eger has been appointed coordinator of user education at the University of W aterloo, O n­ tario. L isa L ivin gston is now chief of th e Audio- Visual Division a t City College, City University of New York, M anhattan. Sean P. M aloney has been appointed interli­ brary loan librarian at Siena College, Loudonville, New York. Jonathan Marner has been appointed cataloger for th e G oldsmiths’–Kress microfilm project at Texas A&M University, College Station. Susan Martin has been appointed education ref­ erence librarian at Texas A&M University, College Station. Paul Mastrangelo has been appointed techni­ cal services coord in ato r a t th e N ew York Law School, New York City. L awrence Maxted is now head of the Periodi­ cals D e p a rtm e n t at G annon U niversity, E rie, Pennsylvania. Pamela D . Morgan has been appointed serials librarian at Old Dominion University, Norfolk, Virginia. C harles O wusu has bee n a p p o in te d evening/weekend reference librarian at LaG uar­ dia Com m unity College, Long Island City, New York. Bernardine Pachta is now circulation and re­ serves librarian in the Lam ont Library of H arvard University, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. D onald P ady has been ap p ointed history of medicine librarian at the Mayo Foundation, Roch­ ester, Minnesota. Sally Patrick has been nam ed director of the li­ brary at the Peabody Institute, Danvers, Massa­ chusetts. Richard T. Paustenbaugh has been appointed assistant librarian for reference in the Business/ SPEA L i b r a r y a t I n d ia n a U n iv ersity , 728 / C& RL N ews Bloomington. Martha N. Payne has been appointed coordina­ tor of technical services and autom ation at Haver- ford College, Pennsylvania. L aurie A. Potter has been nam ed public ser­ vices and science reference librarian at Le Moyne College, Syracuse, New York. M ary F ranklin Johnson Raisch has been ap­ pointed la w y e r/lib ra rian at th e New York Law School, New York City. H onora R aphael is now music lib ra ria n at Brooklyn College, New York. Alice Rhoades has been appointed reclassifica­ tion cataloger at Amherst College, Massachusetts. Katherine Robie is now cataloger at Amherst College, Massachusetts. Charlotte Ross is now Texas state documents librarian at Texas A&M University, College Sta­ tion. T racy C. Russell has been appointed inform a­ tion services librarian at Iow a State University, Ames. Ann Schaffner has been appointed assistant di­ rector of th e Science L ibrary at Brandeis Univer­ sity, W altham , Massachusetts. C e c il ia Schm itz has been appointed m icro­ forms cataloger at Texas A&M University, College Station. M artin M ax Schre in e r is now hea d of th e Morse Music L ibrary in the Hilles Library at H ar­ vard University, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. J ean Shady has been appointed serials project li­ brarian in the Law School L ibrary of H arvard Uni­ versity, Cam bridge, Massachusetts. L inda S. Shaw has been appointed head of the Cataloging D epartm ent at the University of Indi­ anapolis, Indiana. Bradley Short has been appointed assistant creative arts librarian at Brandeis University, W al­ tham , Massachusetts. Sandra Shropshire has been appointed catalog librarian at Idaho State University, Pocatello. Althea M. Silvera has been appointed univer­ sity archivist and head of special collections at the University P ark Cam pus of F lorida International University, Miami. Robert Strauss has been nam ed executive di­ rector of the Conservation Center for Art and His­ toric Artifacts, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Jean-Jacques Strayer has been appointed inter- library loan librarian at H unter College, New York City. Gwo–hwa Nancy Sun has been appointed cata- loger/system s coord in ato r a t th e N orth M iam i Cam pus of Florida International University. V itus T ang has been ap p o in ted head of the Copy Cataloging Section at Stanford University, California. L orelei T anji has been appointed reference li­ brarian a t the University of California, Riverside. Carol M. T obin has been appointed head of the Reference D epartm ent at the University of South Carolina, Columbia. Sandra T ucker has been appointed social sci­ ences reference librarian at Texas A&M Univer­ sity, College Station. Mary Anne Uitto has been appointed hum ani­ ties reference librarian at the University of D ela­ w are, Newark. Michael W alker has been appointed reference librarian for university library services a t Virginia Comm onwealth University, Richmond. Sigrid N. W ells has been appointed reference librarian for social sciences at Old Dominion Uni­ versity, Norfolk, Virginia. D eborah W est has been appointed gift books li­ b rarian at G annon University, Erie, Pennsylvania. Craig A. W ilson is the new assistant director of libraries for collection developm ent at Oregon State University, Corvallis. Christina W oo has been appointed head of the G eneral Reference Division at San D iego State University, California. Robert W olven is now assistant director of bib­ liographic control at Colum bia University Law L i­ brary, New York City. J o e l Z ucker has been appointed government docum ents/reference librarian at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Retirements Jeanne Briner, acquisitions librarian at the Uni­ versity of Arizona, will retire in F ebruary 1988. Briner completed her MLS at Colum bia University and then worked for New York University and the American Museum of N atural History. She first worked at the University of Arizona in the early 1960s w hen she came to Tucson to pursue graduate studies, and worked as head catalog librarian at W ittenberg University in 1966-1967 before assum­ ing her present position a t Arizona. Mary Anna Krause retired in September after 26 years of service in the H arvard Law School Li­ brary. She first held the title of acquisitions lib rar­ ia n , th e n from 1981, w as sele ctor fo r Anglo- A m erican la w . She w as a n a c tiv e m e m b e r of professional law librarian associations and served on the University L ibrary’s Communications and O rientation Comm ittee. Robert J. Starring, head of the D epartm ent of Rare Books a nd Special Collections at the Univer­ sity of Michigan since 1984, has retired after more than 20 years of service. Starring has held a variety of adm inistrative posts at the University of Michi­ g an : h e a d of book p u r c h a s in g a n d re ce iv in g (1967-1969), assistant head of circulation at the G raduate L ibrary (1969-1972), assistant head of the G raduate Library (1972-1975), acting head of the G raduate Library (1975-1976), assistant to the associate director for public services (1976-1981), and coordinator of the Social Sciences and H um an­ ities L ib raries (1981-1984). Before com ing to 730 / C&R L News Michigan, Starring was district manager for Dou­ bleday Book Shops in the D etroit area. E lizabeth T hompson, non-print materials spe­ cialist at the University of the District of Columbia, retired at the end of September. A graduate of Douglass College w ith an MLS from the Catholic University of America, she had been on the UDC library and media staff for 16 years. Thompson joined the staff as a librarian at the D .C . Teachers College in 1971 and moved into the Media Services D e p a rtm e n t of th e U niversity’s L e a rn in g Re­ sources system in 1978. Deaths H oward W . Cordell, form er director of li­ braries at Florida International University, died on October 21 in Gainesville. H ans Moldenhauer, honorary curator of 20th- century music in the H arvard College L ibrary since 1984, died at his home in Spokane, Washing­ ton, the week of October 19th. Moldenhauer was the founder and director of the M oldenhauer Ar­ chives, a collection of prim ary musical sources from the Renaissance to the present. In addition to his achievements as a collector, he was noted as a concert pianist, teacher, author, and lecturer. ■ ■ PUBLICATIONS • The Academic Library Director: Management searching, collection developm ent, interlibrary loan, telefacsimile, public computing, adm inistra­ tive, database conversion, and reference. N arra­ tive comments from 58 of the 115 ARL libraries surveyed are included. Copies may be ordered for $40 (prepaid) from SPEC, OMS/ARL, 1527 New Hampshire Ave., N .W ., Washington, DC 20036. • A Bibliography o f Latin American and Carib- bean Bibliographies, 1986-1987, by Lionel V. Lorona (64 pages, October 1987), has been pub­ lished as num ber 20 in the SALALM Bibliography and Reference Series. This fifth annual edition cov­ ers relevant monographic and periodical bibliogra­ phies in all topics from agriculture to urbanization. Copies are available for $13 (plus $2 shipping) from the SALALM Secretariat, 728 State Street, Madison, W I 53706. • A Check-list o f Publications o f H.H. Bancroft and C o m pany, 1857 to 1 870, by H e n ry R. W agner, Eleanor Bancroft, and Ruth Frey Axe (52 pages, October 1987), documents the output of the publishing com pany founded by H ubert Howe Bancroft (1832-1918), collector of Western and Latin Americana and the founder of the Bancroft Library. D uring its 14-year existence, Bancroft’s company issued 212 titles. Henry W agner’s check­ list of Bancroft publications was left unfinished at his death in 1957, and his collaborator, Eleanor Ashby Bancroft, then assistant to the director of the Bancroft Library, also died in th a t year. W agner’s long-time associate, Ruth Frey Axe, has now com­ pleted the work, which has been published jointly by the Friends of The Bancroft Library and the Friends of the UCLA Library. A copy may be or­ Activities and Effectiveness, by Joanne R. Euster (168 pages, November 1987), analyzes the contri­ bution of the director’s personal leadership style and management skills to the successful operation of a college, university, or research library. Euster develops a model of the leadership role that takes account of management literature regarding orga­ nizational leadership, open systems theories, and organizational effectiveness. Proposing a typology of library leaders, she presents detailed profiles of four prim ary leadership types—the “Energizer,” the “Sustainer,” the “Politician,” and the “Re­ tiree.” Appendices contain study questionnaires and methodological notes. A copy may be ordered for $35 from Greenwood Press, 88 Post Road West, Box 5007, W e stp o rt, C T 06881. ISBN 0-313- 25789-2. • The third annual Automation Inventory o f Re- search Libraries (160 pages, O ctober 1987) has been published by the Association of Research Li­ braries’ Systems and Procedures Exchange Center. The inventory explores 18 autom ated functions ac­ cording to six descriptive elements: operating sta­ tus (planned, operating or modifying), extent of system (library only, branches, campus-wide, or multi-institution), com puter ownership/use (dedi­ cated or shared), public access (onsite, dial-up or local area network), number of workstations, and name of vendor or network. T he 18 functions cov­ ered this year are: acquisitions, serials check/claim, seria ls/u n io n list, a u th o rity co n tro l, ca talog- ing/utility, cataloging/local, circulation, reserve room , COM catalog, online catalog, database