ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries Decem ber 1987 / 733 • A fourth edition of the National Directory o f Educational Programs in Gerontology, edited by David A. Peterson, D avid Bergstone, an d Joy C. Lobenstine (874 pages, 1987), is based on a na­ tional survey conducted by the Association for G er­ ontology in H igher E ducation and the University of Southern California on th e extent of gerontologi­ cal instruction in institutions of higher education in North America. T he book consists of tw o sections: a quick reference guide to gerontology instruction at 3,032 institutions, and full program descriptions of 750 program s on 376 campuses th a t offer four or more cred it courses in gerontology. Copies are available for $40 to individuals at AGHE m em ber institutions ($45 for non-members) from AGH E, 600 M aryland Ave., S .W ., W est W ing 204, W ash­ ington, D C 20024. ISSN 0148-4508. • Nonbook Media: Collection M anagement and User Services, edited by John W . Ellison and P atri­ cia Ann Coty (388 pages, O ctober 1987), is a prac­ tical handbook covering the characteristics, selec­ tion, acquisition, and m anagem ent of all nonbook formats currently collected by libraries and other institutions. Each chapter focuses on a particular type of medium and was w ritten by a practitioner experienced in handling th a t form at. T he tw enty- two formats include: com puter files, films, music scores, pam phlets, phonorecords, slides, video­ disks, videotapes, holographs, models, realia, and simulation m aterials. Copies may be ordered for $35 from the ALA O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H u­ ron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389- 0479-3. • Southscan, a bulletin of South A frican affairs (vol. 1, 1986- ), is a weekly new sletter, pub­ lished in London, th a t contains news and analysis by co rrespondents inside S outh A frica, in th e neighboring n atio n s, a n d in W estern capitals abroad. I t claim s to be free of the restrictions im ­ posed on foreign journalists in th e R epublic of South Africa. An annual institutional subscription is$100inN orth America. C o n ta c t Southscan, P.O. Box 724, London, England N1 7AQ. • Subject Guide to Major United States Govem- m ent Publications, by W iley J. W illiam s (257 pages, 2d ed ., O ctober 1987), provides complete bibliographic inform ation for U.S. inform ation re­ sources on selected topics. SUDOC num bers and cross references are included. T he cost is $21.95, available from th e ALA O rder D epartm ent, 50 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795. ISBN 0-8389- 0475-0. • T w o new T.I.P. K its have been issued by ALA’s O ffice for L ib rary Personnel Resources. “Topics In Personnel” kits are folders containing articles, docum ents, an d bibliographies on specific personnel issues. T .I.P . Kit #8, “H iring Library Staff,” is a guide to the hiring process, w hile T .I.P . Kit #9, “Pay Equity: Issues an d Strategies,” in­ cludes articles on job evaluation, union action, leg­ islation, adm inistrative remedies, and pay equity strategy. T he kits sell for $10 each and are available prepaid from ALA/OLPR, 50 E. H uron S t., C hi­ cago, IL 60611-2795. ■ ■ THE CLASSIFIED ADS Deadlines: O rders fo r regular classified advertisements m ust reach th e ACRL office on or before th e second of the m onth p reced­ ing publication of th e issue (e.g. Septem ber 2 for th e O ctober issue). Late jo b listings will b e accepted on a space-available basis after th e second o f th e month. Rates: Classified advertisem ents are $5.00 pe r line fo r ACRL m em bers, $6.25 fo r others. Late jo b notices are $ 12.00 per line for m em bers, $1 4.00 for others. Organizations subm itting ad s will be cha rge d a cco rding to their m em bership status. Telep h o n e: All tele phone orders s ho uld b e confirm ed b y a w rit­ te n ord er m ailed to AC R L headquarters as soon as possible. Orders sho uld be accom panied by a ty pew ritten c op y o f the ad to be used in proofreading. A n a dditional $ 1 0 w ill be cha rge d fo r ad s taken over th e phone (except late jo b notices o r d isplay ads). G uidelines: For a d s w hich list an application deadline, that date m ust be no sooner than th e 20 th d a y of th e m onth in w hich th e notice appears (e.g ., O cto be r 20 fo r th e O cto be r issue). All jo b announce­ m ents sho uld include a salary figure. J o b announcem ents will be edited to exclu de discrim inatory refe rences. A pplicants s ho uld be aware that the term s faculty rank an d status vary in m eaning am ong institutions. JO BLINE: Call (312) 9 44-6795 fo r late -breaking jo b ads for a ca­ de m ic an d research library positions. A pre-recorded sum m ary of positions listed w ith th e service is revised weekly; each Frid ay a new ta pe in cludes all ad s received by 1:00 p.m . the previo us day. Each listing subm itted w ill be carried o n th e reco rd ing fo r tw o weeks. The c ha rge fo r each tw o-week listing is $3 0 for AC R L m em bers an d $35 for non-members. Fast Job Listing Service: A special newsletter for th ose actively seeking positions. This service lists jo b postings received at ACRL headquarters fo ur w eeks before they ap pe ar in C&RL News, a s well as ad s w hich, because of narrow deadlines, will not ap pe ar in C&RL News. T he c ost o f a s ix-m onth s ubscrip tion is $ 1 0 for ACRL m em ­ bers an d $ 1 5 fo r non-members. C ontact: C lassified A dvertising D ep 't, ACRL, A m erican Library Association, 5 0 E. H uron St., Chicago, IL 60 611; (312) 944-6780. FOR SALE T R Y IN G T O FIL L A PO SIT IO N ? The Vita B ank is a service that helps y ou identify professionals b y education, skills an d experience. For ab ou t th e cost of placing a jo b a d , you will receive brief credential sum m aries an d m ailin g labels fo r each individ ual in th e file m atching your needs. C ontact PIR: The Vita Bank, P.O. Box 248, Buchanan Dam, TX 78609-0248. POSITIONS OPEN A S S IS T A N T A C Q U ISIT IO N S L IB R AR IA N (Assistant or Senior As­ sistant Librarian), John M. Olin Library. U nder general supervision of th e Acquisitions Libraria n, th e Assista nt Acquisitions Libraria n is in­ volved in all phases of the acquisitions process, firm orders, ex­ tended procurem ents, gifts an d exchanges, a s well a s in th e ad m in­ is tra tio n o f th e A c q u is itio n s D e p a rtm e n t. S /h e h e lp s p la n th e transition to local processing using NOTIS. S/he supervises th e Searching and U nit O rde r sectio ns. T he Assista nt Acquisitions Li­ 734 / C & R L N ew s bra ria n is re sp on sib le fo r th e d ire c t sup ervision o f te n sta ff m em be rs in th e S e archin g S ection a n d tw o in th e O rde rs Section. T his inclu de s a s s ig nin g w o rk , train in g, m o n ito rin g p e rfo rm a n c e a n d d o in g annual eva lua tion s. In a d ditio n, th e A ssistant A c q u is itio n s Lib ra ria n pa rtic i­ pa te s in th e d a ily m an a g e m e n t o f th e d e pa rtm e nt, in c lu d in g th e fo r­ m ulatio n o f lon g-te rm plans. A s e x p e rie n c e increa ses a d ditio na l d u ­ tie s a n d re s p o n s ib ilitie s w ill b e a s s ig n e d d e p e n d in g o n h is/h er pa rtic ular a p titu d e s a n d interests, a n d th e n e ed s o f th e de pa rtm e nt. ASSISTANT DEAN OF LIBRARIES AND LEARNING RESOURCES Bowling Green State University Bow ling G reen State University invities nom ina­ tions and applications for the position of Assistant Dean of Libraries and Learning Resources (LLR). The Assistant Dean assists with general adm inistra­ tion of the University Libraries (Main Library and four branch libraries), the C enter for A rchival Col­ lections, the Institute for G reat Lakes Research, and the Instructional M edia Center. Additional responsi­ bilities include the coordination of faculty/staff de­ velopm ent, grantsm anship, pub lic relations, long range planning, and collection developm ent. BGSU is a com prehensive residential university with m ore than 17,000 students and 1,000 faculty, lo cated in Northwest Ohio. A broad range of aca­ dem ic program s are offered by 48 departm ents and schools organized into eight colleges with d o c ­ toral degrees in 45 fields. LLR contains 1.45 million library volumes, plus outstanding research collec­ tio n s in p o p u la r cultu re , p o p u la r m usic, G rea t Lakes history, and regional history. The b ud get is $5.2 million, with a faculty and staff of 120. Q ualifications: A ccredited MLS deg ree o r equiv­ alent required, Ph.D. desirable; at least 5 years rele­ vant adm inistrative experience and proven ability to lead effectively in a collegial setting. A record of re­ search, publication, and professional activities suf­ ficient for appointm ent at the Assistant o r Associate Professor level is required. Salary negotiable with $ 40 ,000 m inim um (excellent fringe benefits). Starting date: July 1, 1988. Applications, in cluding resum e and the names and addresses of at least 3 and no m ore than 5 ref­ erences, should be m ailed to: K a th r y n T h ie d e A s s is ta n t to th e D e a n a n d P e r s o n n e l O ffic e r J e r o m e L ib r a r y B o w lin g G r e e n S ta te U n iv e r s ity B o w lin g G r e e n , O H 4 3 4 0 3 Deadline: The search com m ittee will begin re­ view ing applications on F e b r u a r y 1 5 , 1 9 8 8 , and will continue to d o so until the position is filled. BG SU is a n A A /E O C e m p lo yer. M in im u m q u alifica tion s in c lu d e a n A LA -a c c red ited M L S a s o f J a n u ­ a ry 1988, exc e lle n t ab ility to inte ra c t effectiv e ly w ith all leve ls o f li­ b ra ry staff, a n d th e c a p a b ility to ra p id ly learn a n d p e rform large qu an tities o f d e ta ile d w ork. D esirab le q u alifica tion s in c lu d e rea d in g k n o w le d g e o f a m o d e rn fo re ig n lan gu ag e, pre fe ra b ly G e rm an or Russian, e x p e rie n c e w ith b ib lio g ra p h ic databases, w o rk e x p erien c e in a la rg e rese arch lib ra ry a n d k n o w le d g e of th e fo re ig n a n d d o m e s ­ tic b o o k trad e. E x p erien c e w ith th e NO TIS a n d /o r R LIN syste m s is h ig h ly de sira ble . Salary: A p p o in tm e n t a t ra n k o f A ssistant o r S enior Assistant L ib ra ria n, d e p e n d in g o n q ualifica tion s. M in im u m $ 1 8 ,7 5 0 fo r A s sista nt Lib ra ria n. C losing Date : A p p lic a tio n s a p p re c ia te d by N o v e m b e r 2 0 ,1 9 8 7 ; h o w eve r, a p plic a tion s w ill b e a c c e p te d until th e po sition is filled. A p p ly to: M ic h ele Draiss, A c tin g P ersonnel D irector, C o rn ell U n iv e rs ity Librarie s, 201 O lin Lib ra ry, Ithaca, N Y 14853- 53 01 . (Please s e n d co v e r le tter, resu m e a n d list o f th re e references.) C orne ll U nive rsity is a n Affirm ative A ctio n, Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ­ ployer. A S S IS T A N T C O O R D IN A T O R O F T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S . As­ sists in p la nn ing , c o o rd in a tin g a n d s up erv is ing p e rson ne l a n d ac tiv i­ ties n e e d e d fo r m ate ria ls ac q uis itio n, c atalog ing , s erials con tro l, a n d im p lem en ta tion o f LS 20 00 in J o y n e r Lib ra ry a n d th e b ra n c h M usic Lib ra ry. D ep a rtm e n t sta ff o f 31 in c lu d e s s eve n librarians. Q u alifica­ tions: M LS from A L A -a c c re d ite d library s cho ol; m in im u m o f th re e ye a rs ’ successful e x p e rie n c e in an a c a d e m ic o r o th e r la rg e library, in c lu d in g a stron g b a c k g ro u n d in orig in a l c a ta lo g in g a n d L C classifi­ c atio n, A A C R 2 , s u b je c t analysis, LC s u b je c t h e ad ing s, a n d M AR C ta g g in g ; k n o w le d g e o f issues a n d tren ds relatin g to th e au tom ation o f library p ro cessing ; a d m in istrative e x p e rie n c e in c lu d in g th e s u p e r­ vision a n d tra in in g of library staff; w illing ne ss to a c c e p t resp on sib ility a n d ab ility to w o rk h a rm o nio usly w ith o th e r professionals, s u p p o rt staff, a n d stu d e n t assista nts; a n d g o o d w ritten a n d ora l c o m m u n ic a ­ tion skills. S e c on d m aste r’s de g re e a n d e v id e n c e o f professional a c ­ tivities a t s tate a n d national level p re ferred . 12 m on th, te nu re trac k fa c u lty ap po in tm e n t. Salary: $ 2 6 ,0 0 0 m in im u m , d e p e n d in g o n quali- fic aton s a n d e x p erien ce. R esearch a n d p u b lic a tio n e x p e c te d fo r te n ­ u re a n d p ro m o tion . S u bm it letter o f ap p lic a tio n , resum e, o fficia l tra n ­ sc rip ts a n d th e n a m es o f th re e c u rre n t r eferences to: R uth M . Katz, D ire c tor o f A c a d e m ic Lib ra ry S e rvices, East C aro lin a U n iv e rs ity , G reenville, N C 27 85 8-4 35 3. A p p lic a tio n s m ust b e po s tm a rk e d o n or b e fo re D e c e m b e r 31, 1987. Federal law r eq uires p ro p e r d o c u m e n ­ ta tion o f id e n tity a n d e m p lo yab ility p rio r to final c on s id e ra tio n fo r this position. ECU is a n A A /E E O e m p lo yer. A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R A N D H E A D O F P U B L IC S E R V IC E S , St. M a ry ’s C o lle g e o f M arylan d. St. M a ry 's is a p u b lic ly s u p p o rte d liberal arts c o lle g e ( 1,3 00 FTE students). It is lo c a te d in beautiful tide w ate r c o u n try 7 5 m ile s sou th ea st of W ashin gto n, D.C. P la nn in g fo r a m a jo r lib ra ry ex p a n s io n is in its final s ta ge s a n d c on structio n w ill b e g in d u r ­ in g th e s p rin g o f 1988. D uties: C oo rd ina tes th e activitie s o f tw o p ro ­ fe ss io na ls , tw o p a ra p ro fe s s io n a ls , se v e ra l s tu d e n t w o rk e rs . A s ­ s u m e s D ire c to r ’ s d u tie s d u r in g la tt e r ’s a b s e n c e . A s s is ts w ith R eference D esk c o v e ra g e , on lin e s ea rching , b ib lio g ra p h ic instru c­ tion. S o m e e v e n in g a n d w ee k en d w o rk . Q u alifications: M LS fro m an A L A -a c c re d ite d lib ra ry s c ho ol p lus five yea rs’ releva nt lib ra ry e x p e ri­ en ce. Salary: Starting sala ry $ 2 6 ,0 0 0 + , d e p e n d in g o n q u a lific a ­ tions; T IA A /C R E F o r M ary lan d State Retirem ent; 2 5 d a y s p a id leave; B lue C ro s s /B lu e S hield plus othe r benefits. A p p lic a tio n s a c c e p te d until po s itio n filled , w ith initial s c re e n in g to co m m e n c e o n 1 5 J a n u a ry 1988. Position a va ilab le im m e diately. S e nd resu m e listing th re e ref­ e re nce s to: J o h n G. W illiam son, D ire c tor o f th e Lib ra ry, S t. M a r y ’s C o lle g e o f M a ry la n d , St. M a ry 's C ity, M D 2 0 68 6; (301) 862-0256. W om en a n d m in ority g ro u p c a n d id a te s a re e s p ecia lly e n c o u ra g e d to a p p ly a n d to s o id e n tify th em selve s in th eir a p plic a tion s . A A/EO E. A S S IS T A N T D IR E C T O R F O R A U T O M A T IO N A N D T E C H N IC A L S E R V IC E S . L o y ola U n ive rsity of C h ic a g o is see k in g a librarian to ad m in is te r te c h n ic a l s e rvices o p era tion s a n d th e lib ra ry a u to m a tion p ro g ra m . T he p o sition is re sp on sib le fo r th e ad m in istratio n o f te c hn i­ cal s e rvices fo r th e C u d a h y a n d Le w is T ow e rs libraries in C h ic a g o a n d th e R om e C e n te r L ib ra ry in R om e, Italy. T he A s sista nt D ire ctor also a d m in isters th e au to m a tion p ro g ra m fo r all fo u r o f L o y o la ’s area libraries. R ep orts to th e A sso ciate D ire c tor o f Lib ra rie s. Q ualifications inclu de : A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS a n d 5 ye a rs ’ s ucce ssfu l e x p erien c e m an a g in g a m a jo r te c hn ic a l s erv ic es d e p a rtm e n t in a n a c a d e m ic li­ bra ry; e x p e rie n c e in s up erv is ing bo th professional a n d n o np rofe s­ sional staff; e x p e rie n c e w ith inte g ra te d a u to m a te d lib ra ry system s; ex c e llen t co m m u n ic a tio n skills; k n o w le d g e o f b u d g e tin g , s ta ff de vel­ o p m e n t, a n d p ro je c t p la nn ing . T h e L o y o la U nive rsity o f C h ic a g o Li­ b ra ry System c o n tin u e s to e x p a n d its s taff, bu dg et, colle ction , an d D ecem ber 1987 / 735 services. The N O TIS catalog ing a n d a cq uisitio ns system a re c ur­ rently b e ing installed. T he O P AC a n d c ircu latio n m od ules w ill follow in e arly 1988. T he libraries w ill a d d their o n e m illionth v o lu m e in FY ’89. Salary from $3 4,00 0. Libra ria ns at Loyola ha v e lim ited faculty status, earn 2 0 da y s ’ vacation, a n d ha v e a s ta nd ard pa c k a g e of fringe benefits . Q ualified a p plica nts s ho uld s en d a letter o f ap p lic a ­ tion, resum e, a n d nam es, addresses, a n d ph o n e nu m b e rs o f 3 refe r­ ences to: Ellen J . W aite, D ire ctor o f U niversity Librarie s, C u d a h y Li­ brary. L o yo la U n ive rsity o f C h ica g o , 6 5 25 N orth S heridan R oad, C hicago, IL 6 0 62 6. A p plic atio ns r ece ive d p rio r to J a n u a ry 8, 1988, will receiv e first con side ra tion . L o y ola U niversity o f C h ic a g o is a n af­ firm ative actio n, equa l o p p o rtu n ity e d uc a to r a n d e m plo yer. A S S IS T A N T S E R IA L S L IB R A R IA N (Search Reopened). T he U ni­ versity o f N evada, Las V egas, a n no un c es n e w p osition o f A ssista nt Serials Libraria n. P artic ipates in all activities related to serials acq uisi­ tion, pro cessing , pre servatio n o f m ate rials; da ta ba se m aintenance an d rep o rt g e ne ratio n fo r b ib lio grap hica l a n d financial reco rd s; o r­ ganization, m ainten an ce a n d p u b lic service o f perio dicals /m icro- form s collections; retrosp ective c atalog ing /classificatio n o f serial an d perio dica l rec o rd s p rior to im p lem en ta tion o f a n o nline a cquisi- tions/serials c on trol subsystem ; particip ates in p o lic y m aking d e c i­ sions; d o c um e nta tion o f n e w p ro c e d u re s ; s erve s o n university a n d library com m ittees; a n d assists w ith a n d /o r coo rd in a te s special pro j­ ects. Tw elve-m onth, te nure-track, n ew fa culty position; r ep orts to th e Serials Libraria n. R equired: M LS from an A L A -ac c red ited library school; k no w led ge o f A A CR 2, M AR C serials form at, LC classifica­ tion a n d s u b je c t he ad ing s; e x p erien c e w ith O C LC o r othe r bib lio­ g ra p h ic utility; have a p titu de fo r analytical an d deta ile d w ork; user o rien te d p h iloso ph y; effec tiv e com m un icatio n an d interpersonal skills; flexibility; ab ility to c o p e w ith rap id cha ng e. P referred: Previous e x p erien c e in m an ag em en t of serials in a n a c a d e m ic library. S alary range: $ 1 9 ,8 7 8 -$ 2 3 ,0 0 0 , d e p e n d in g o n e x p erien c e a n d qu alifica­ tions. Excelle nt b enefits , in c lu d in g T IAA/C REF, no state in c o m e ta x. Send ap plic a tion letter, resum e, nam es, a ddresses a n d ph on e n um ­ bers of th re e references to: M ary D ale D eacon, D ire ctor o f Librarie s, U n ive rsity o f N ev ad a , L as V e g a s , La s Vegas, N V 89 154. A p p lic a ­ tions m us t b e rece ive d b y J a n ua ry 19, 1988, to b e con side re d. U N LV is an A A /E E O Institution. A S S O C IA T E U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N FO R T E C H N IC A L A N D A U T O M A T E D S E R V IC E S . Syracuse U niversity L ib ra ry. R esponsi­ b le fo r th e lea de rsh ip a n d a d m in istratio n o f the te chn ica l a n d au to­ m ate d s ervice division in c lu d in g 9 librarians an d 5 2 sta ff in th e A c q u i­ sitions, C ata lo g a n d In form ation S ystem s d epartm ents. A s o n e o f 3 Asso ciate U niversity Libraria ns, re p o rts to th e U nive rsity Libraria n B ingham ton STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Invites A p plica tio n s and N om inations for the Position of D IR E C T O R O F L IB R A R IE S T H E U N IV E R S IT Y : The State U n iversity of New York at Bingham ton, w ith an enrollm ent of 12,300 students, is one of the four com prehensive doctoral- granting University Centers of the 64-cam pus State University of New York System. The academ ic program s of the University are organized into six Schools — A rts and S ciences (H arpur College); Nursing; M anagem ent; Education and Hum an Development; the W atson School of E ngineering, A p plied Science, and Technology; the G raduate School (which oversees all graduate program s) — and a Departm ent of Physical Education and Athletics. In addition, the U n iversity supp orts ten specialized research centers. The Library and a la rge -cap acity Com puter Center supp ort research and teaching. The greater Bingham ton area has a pop ulation of over 250,000 and is lo cated in New York’s Southern Tier, w ith easy a cce ss to Philadelphia and New York City. T H E L IB R A R Y : SUNY–Bingham ton’s library system com prises the G lenn G. B a rtle Library, w h ich co n ­ tains the m ajor portion of the University’s holdings, the Fine Arts Library, the Science Library, and several satellite libraries lo cated in the University’s residential colleges. The Library is a m em ber of the Research Libraries G roup and its Research Libra ries Inform ation N etw ork. The Lib ra ry’s staffing cu rre n tly co n ­ sists of 101 FTE positions, w ith several active searches underway. The Library's book collection s stand at m ore than 1,300,000 volum es, and are grow ing in excess of 40,000 volum es annually. It presently subscribes to 13,300 scholarly journals and serials, and has substantial document, m icroform , phonodisc, map, and m anuscript holdings as w ell. The GEAC C irculation and On-Line Catalogue System are cu r­ rently in place, and th e Libra ry is investigating th e possib ility of other system s such as NOTIS. R E S P O N S IB IL IT IE S : The Director of Libraries has overall responsibility for the operation of the University Library system in supp ort of the in stitu tio n ’s m ission of research and teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Am ong the D irector’s duties are to plan and oversee the Library’s budget; to oversee all aspects of the personnel process, including the renewal and perm anent appointm ent of library faculty and professional em ployees; to con su lt on areas of co lle ctio n developm ent; to take a leading role in the planning for autom ated services, resource sharing, and netw orking; and to represent th e Library as an in stitutio nal resource in th e co m m u n ity and in th e various conso rtial affilia tio n s undertaken by the in stitutio n. The D ire cto r reports to the Vice President for A ca dem ic A ffa irs & Provost. Q U A L IF IC A T IO N S : Candidates and nom inees should have at a m inim um the MLS degree from an ALA-accredited institution, or the equivalent experience; should have a record of increasing administrative responsibility and su cce ss — e spe cially in th e areas of budget and planning, autom ated system s, and human resource m anagem ent — in an aca d e m ic research library; and should have an understanding of and clear com m itm ent to affirm ative action. Salary is com mensurate with qualifications and experience. A P P L IC A T IO N S A N D N O M IN A T IO N S should be sent to Prof. David M urrish, Chair, S earch Com m it­ tee for D irector of Libraries, O ffice of th e Vice President for A ca dem ic A ffa irs & Provost, State U niver­ sity of New York at Bingham ton, Bingham ton, NY 13901. The Search C o m m itte e w ill begin the form al screening of dossiers after D e cem b er 18, 1987, and hopes to a rrive at a list of final cand idates by M atch 31, 1988. A n Equal O pportunity/A ffirm ative A ctio n Em ployer 736 / C &R L N ew s a n d pa rticip ates in library-w ide p la nn ing a n d po licy-m akin g. Pro­ v id e s lea de rsh ip in th e c on tin u in g evaluation a n d e n ha nce m en t of th e L ib ra ry 's au tom ated syste m s an d serves as a resource fo r te c hn i­ c a l s ervice a n d library au to m a tion m atters th ro u g h o u t th e ac a de m ic com m un ity. R equirem ents inclu de : a gra d u a te de g re e from an ALA- a c c re d ite d library school; s ubstantial adm in istrative e x p erien c e in te chn ica l s ervices or au to m a te d library services; d e m on stra te d ab il­ ity to lea d library sta ff an d w o rk effectiv e ly w ith o the r m em be rs o f an a c a d e m ic com m un ity; exce llen t oral a n d w ritten com m un icatio n skills; u n d e rs tan din g of national issues a n d de v elo pm en ts in areas relatin g to te chn ica l services, in c lu d in g preservation, a n d exp eri­ e n ce a n d expertise in au to m a te d library system s. S alary com m en su­ rate w ith e x p erien c e a n d qualifications (m in im um $45,000). Send let­ te r o f a p p lic a tio n , res u m e , a n d n a m e s o f th re e re fe re n c e s by J a n u a ry 1 5 ,1 9 8 8 , to: S earch C om m ittee fo r A ssociate U niversity L i­ brarian fo r Tech nica l a n d A u to m a ted S ervices, O ffice o f H um an Re­ so u rc e s , S k y to p O ffice s, S y ra c u s e U n iv e rs ity , S y rac u s e, NY 13 244. Syracuse U nive rsity is a n affirm ativ e a ctio n, equa l o p p o rtu ­ nity em p lo yer. B IB L IO G R A P H IC IN S T R U C T IO N /R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N . E a rlh a m C o lle g e w ill n e e d a te m p o r a r y B ib lio g r a p h ic In struction/R eference Lib ra ria n to fill in fo r sta ff m e m b e r o n leave, la te A u g u s t to late N ove m b er, 1988. O p p o rtu n ity fo r e x p erien c ed li­ brarian to fu lly pa rticip ate in a d e v e lo p e d , inte gra ted bib lio g ra p h ic instru ction pro gram . W rite to: Evan Farber, Lilly Lib ra ry, E a rlh a m C o lle g e , R ichm on d, IN 47374. B IO L O G IC A L A N D A G R IC U L T U R A L SC IE N C E S L IB R A R IA N , U n iv e rs ity o f C a lifo rn ia , D a v is , L ib ra r y . A s s is ta n t L ib ra r ia n ($ 2 5 ,3 8 0 -$ 3 2 ,4 7 2 ) based on qualifications a n d e x p erien ce. O pen im m ediately. R es p on s iblefor colle ction d e v elo pm en t activ ities in viti­ culture, e n o lo g y (the w o rld ’s m os t exten sive collection) a n d fo o d sci­ en c e a n d te chn olog y; online d a ta ba s e s earching; b ib lio g ra p h ic in­ s tructio n; a n d in-de pth refe re nce service. W ith othe r librarian s in de pa rtm e nt, shares biolog ica l a n d agricu ltura l s cien ces reference service, in c lu d in g s om e nig ht a n d w ee k en d hours. M aintains c lose liaison w ith a c a d e m ic d e pa rtm e nts in a b o v e areas. Q ualifications: A L A -ac c red ited M LS o r equivalent, p re fe ra b ly w ith em p ha s is o n a c ­ ad e m ic librarianship; inte gra ted c olle ction d e v e lo p m e n t/p u b lic s er­ vic es orientation; de m on stra te d initiative an d lea de rsh ip skills; exce l­ len t w ritin g, spe akin g an d interpersonal skills. A c a d e m ic d e g re e o r relevant e x p erien c e in biolog ica l o r a gricu ltura l s cien ces a n d w ork­ in g k no w led ge o f F rench a n d /o r G e rm an p re ferred . T o ap ply : S end letter o f applica tion , resu m e an d th e nam es, a d dre sses a n d te le­ ph on e nu rnb ers o f th re e references to: J a n e E . M arsha ll, 108 S hields Lib ra ry, U n ive rsity of C alifo rn ia , D av is, C A 95 61 6; (916) 752- 21 12 . A p plic atio ns rece iv e d b y 1 2 /3 1/8 7 w ill b e a ssu red con s id e r­ atio n. T he U niversity o f C alifornia , Davis, is com m itted to a po lic y of affirm ative a c tio n a n d spe cifically invites inquirie s a n d ap plica tion s fro m w o m e n a n d e thn ic m in orities. B U S IN E S S S U B JE C T S P E C IA L IS T . This p osition s up p o rts a r ap­ idly g ro w in g u n de rg ra d u a te a n d M B A pro g ra m at a large urb a n u ni­ versity. R esponsibilitie s: b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction, c olle c tion de vel­ op m en t, da ta ba s e sea rching a n d general reference. Q ualifications: M aste r's de g re e in L ib ra ry a n d /o r Inform ation Scie nce from a re c o g ­ nize d institution o f h ig h e r e d uca tion ; u n de rg ra d u a te o r gra d u a te d e ­ gre e in business h ig hly d esira ble . Professional refe re nce a n d d a ta ­ base s ea rc hing e x p erien c e pre ferred ; instructional skills essential. T en ure-track position w ith fa c ulty rank, 12-m on th c on tract, excellent frin g e b e ne fit pa c k ag e. Salary to $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 d e p e n d in g u p o n qu alifica­ tions a n d exp erien ce. Position ava ilab le J an ua ry, 1988. Send re­ sum e a n d nam es of at least three references b y D ec e m b e r 2 0 ,1 9 8 7 , CATALOG LIBRARIAN/MONOGRAPHS Trinity University Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, invites applications for a faculty appointm ent in a rapidly grow ing niversity library. Trinity, with 2,362 undergraduate and 200 graduate students, is strongly com m itted to xcellence in the liberal arts and sciences tradition. Scholarly achievem ent is recognized through Phi Beta appa and other national honor societies. Selective admissions, highly qualified faculty, and outstanding aching program s place Trinity am ong the excellent liberal arts and sciences universities in the nation. The brary has undertaken an accelerated program of collection developm ent; presently the collection has al­ ost 600 ,000 volumes of books and bound periodicals (com pared with 300,000 in 1980), plus sizable oldings of governm ent docum ents, m icroform s, and non-print items. The Catalog Librarian/M onographsw ill report to the Head of Cataloging. Prim ary responsibilities include riginal cataloging of m onographic materials, including some foreign language m onographs; assigning C classification and subject headings to in com plete OCLC copy; cataloging of special collections and pecial form ats as assigned. The in cum bent will be responsible for the daily operations of OCLC, including upervision and training of OCLC staff. Q ualifications include an appreciation for and com m itm ent to undergraduate liberal arts and sciences ducation, initiative and creativity, interpersonal skills, the ability to function effectively in a com plex organi­ ation, strong professional com mitm ent, interest in research and publishing, and an ALA-accredited MLS. n addition, the applicant must possess know ledge of current cataloging rules, Library of Congress Classifi­ ation System, and subject headings; reading know ledge of at least one foreign language, preferably Ger­ an or French; and basic know ledge of the OCLC system. Desirable qualifications are cataloging experi­ nce in an academ ic library; experience with OCLC; a reading know ledge of Russian, Greek, or Latin; and second graduate degree. Instructor o r Assistant Professor rank with fa cu lty status, in cluding tenure-track. Salary m inim um 20,500, higher dependin g on experience or other qualifications; twelve-m onth appointm ent; and TIAA/ REF. Send letter of application; detailed resume; placem ent file if available; and names, addresses, and hone num bers of three references to: R ic h a rd H u m e W e r k in g , D ir e c to r o f L ib r a r ie s , M a d d u x L i­ r a r y , T r in ity U n iv e r s ity , 7 1 5 S ta d iu m D riv e , S a n A n t o n io , T X 7 8 2 8 4 . Deadline for applications is a n u a r y 2 2 , 1988; however, receipt of applications by D ecem ber 31, 1987, will facilitate interviewing at e A L A M idw inter meeting in San Antonio, January 9 -1 4 , 1988. T rin ity U nive rsity is a n equal op po rtu n ity , a ffirm ative a ctio n em plo yer. u e K te li m h o L s s e z I c m e a $ C p b J th December 1987 / 737 to: M ary K. Cary, C hairperson of Search Com m ittee, C arlson Li­ brary, The U niversity o f T o led o , Toledo, OH 43606. The University of Toledo is an Equal O pportunity, A ffirm ative Actio n Employer. CATALO G LIB R ARIA N (Search Reopened). C ataloging and Rec­ ords M aintenance Division. Full-time, tenure-track position. Duties: Responsibilities include catalog m aintenance; authority w ork; spe­ cial projects; an d original a nd c om ple x c op y cataloging in assigned subject disciplines using AACR2, OCLC, and LC classification. Qual­ ifications: Required: M LS from an ALA-accredited school; in-depth knowledge of LC classification and subject headings; cataloging ex­ perience applying AACR2 an d MARC ta gg in g via a m ajor biblio­ graphic utility; proven organizational a bility an d analytical/problem - solving skills; reading know ledge o f a t least one foreign language; and th e ability to w ork in a changing environm ent. H ighly Desirable: A t least five years o f c ataloging experience in an academ ic or re­ search library. Supervisory and online records m aintenance experi­ ence. Know ledge of serials cataloging a n d auto mation technology. Tenure-track position: Second m aster's in a subject discipline, CAS, or considerable progress toward doctorate. Salary: $2 1,00 0 mini­ mum, bu t negotiable de pe nd ing upon qualifications. Benefits: State retirement plan required; gro u p m edical, dental an d life insurance; 24 w orking d ays vacation; liberal sick policy. U niversity and Library: Illinois State U niversity is a m ultipurpose institution w ith o ver 20,0 00 students located in a rapid ly expanding urban area of 90 ,000 + . The Library h olds over 1 m illion v olumes a n d has a m aterials budget of 1.3 m illion dollars. Beginning Date: M arch 1,1988. T o Ap ply: Submit resume an d th e nam es an d addresses o f 3 references to: D onna Goehner, A ssociate U niversity Libraria n for Technical a n d Adminis­ trative Services, Milner Library, Illinois S tate University, Normal, IL 61761. A pplicatio n Deadline: Applicatio ns w ill be a ccepted until the position is filled, bu t fo r m axim um consideration, applications should be received no later than January 18 ,1988. Illinois State U ni­ versity is an Equal O pportunity, A ffirm ative Actio n Employer. CATALOG L IB R AR IA N . Tem porary 18 month appointm ent. To en­ gage in a w ide range o f c ataloging a ctivities fo r m onographs in an auto mate d environm ent using OCLC an d an online catalog. Will par­ ticipate in retrospective conversion and reclassification projects. Will be responsib le for som e supervision an d trainin g o f technical assis­ tants a n d s tudent w orkers. An A LA-accredited MLS, know ledge of OCLC, AACR 2 an d LC classifications an d subject headings re­ quired. Previous c ataloging experience, familiarity w ith m icrocom ­ pute rs, an d k no w led ge o f fo re ig n lan gu ag es pre ferred . Salary $2 0 ,0 0 0 + com m ensurate w ith e xperience an d qualifications. Sub­ mit letter, resume an d nam es of 3 refe rences by D ecem ber 3 1 ,1 9 8 7 to: Phyllis Cutler, C ollege Librarian, W illiam s C ollege Library, Wil­ liamstown, M A 01267. CATALO G LIB R ARIA N. The C atalog Libraria n is responsib le for cataloging m onographs, serials, an d nonprin t m ate rials using OCLC and the local integrated online system. The librarian also assists th e Head o f Technical Services in the supervision o f the c om bin ed ac- quisitions/cata login g departm ent in maintaining w orkflow , catalog maintenance, retrospective conversion, staff trainin g, creation and maintenance of departm ental manuals, and enhancem ents to the online system. The position requires a non-traditional w ork schedule inclu ding ho urs at a p u b lic service desk. Q u alifications: ALA- accredited M LS. It is p referred that applicants have k now ledge and use of AACR2, LC classification, LCSH, an d OCLC; plus experience in original cataloging an d in cataloging m onographs, serials, and nonprint materials. Strong interpersonal an d com m unication skills are desired. Salary $ 1 7,98 8-$2 3,40 0, de pendent on qualifications and experience; 12-m onth a ppointm ent; position available im m edi­ ately. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts an d list of th ree references, including addresses an d tele phone num bers to: Melba Harvill, Director of Libraries, M offett Library, M id w estern State Uni­ versity, W ichita Falls, TX 76308. Review o f applications w ill begin immediately a n d w ill continue until th e position is filled. Midwestern State University is an AA/EO Employer. CATALO G ER, Libraria n II, a t N orth D akota State U niversity, a land grant university library serving 8,500 undergraduates, 1,000 gradu­ ate stu dents an d 700 faculty. Responsible fo r original c ataloging o f m onographs an d AV materials, including state docum ents, a n d also regional histories a n d a uth ors fo r the North D akota Institute fo r R e­ gional Studies. Participate s in refe rence services, com m ittee assign­ ments, an d other duties as assigned. Reports to H ead of th e C atalog Departm ent. Qualifications: Required: M LS from an A LA-accredited program ; th orough know ledge o f AACR2, LC subject headings, MARC form ats; 2 or more years of cataloging experience. Preferred: Experience w ith OCLC; experience w ith CD-ROM, database search­ ing, or database m anagem ent; know ledge o f a W estern European language, preferably G erm an; AV cataloging experience. Desir­ able: Evidence o f interest in new developm ents in librarianship. The NDSU Library is a m em ber of Tri-College University, a successful consortium (NDSU, M oorhead State U niversity, C oncordia College) w ith an online union catalog, cooperative collection developm ent an d resource sharin g. T he fu lly integrated online circulation system an d catalog are linked to the Min nesota State University System ’s PALS netw ork. NDSU is located in Fargo, an educational, cultural an d m edical center for the U pper Plains. Population o f th e m etropoli­ tan area, including M oorhead, Minnesota, exceeds 145,000. The area is within a short drive o f th e Min nesota lake country and 4 hours from M in neapolis an d W innipeg. Salary: $22,000 m in im um , d e pen­ de n t u p on qualifica tion s a n d e x p erien ce. TIAAZCREF an d Blue Cross/B lue Shield/HM O options. A p plicatio ns should be received no later than January 15, 1988. Send letter o f application, current re­ sume, and names, addresses and phone num bers of th ree refer­ ences to: Personnel Office, N orth D akota State University, P.O. Box 5227, Fargo, ND 58105. NDSU is an equal o pportunity institu­ tion. C IR C ULA TIO N LIB R A R IA N /A SS IST A N T A U DIO -V ISU A L SER­ VICES C O O R D IN A TO R. G ettysburg C ollege invites nominations DIRECTOR OF LIBRARY SERVICES Mars Hill College Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Director of Library Services at Mars Hill College. Appointment Date: June 1, 1988. Duties: Mars Hill College seeks a director to be chief administrator of Memorial Library (main col­ lection), Harris Media Center, Biggers Music Li­ brary, and Appalachian Room (special collections). The Director will assist in a library renovation pro­ gram and will lead in library automation, including reclassification and retrospective conversion. Qualifications: MLS from an ALA-accredited insti­ tution plus a second master’s degree required; doctorate preferred. Five years experience in li­ braries with a minimum of three years in an adminis­ trative position. Experience with automation is re­ quired. Rank and salary: Position includes faculty status (non-tenure track). Rank is dependent on qualifica­ tions and experience. Salary range is $25,000 to $30,000. The C o lle ge: M ars Hill C o lle ge is a private, church-related (Baptist) liberal arts college with an enrollment of 1,000 students. The college is located in the Blue Ridge mountains of North Carolina eigh­ teen miles north of Asheville. Application deadline: J a n u a ry 1 5 , 1 98 8. Application process: Nominations, applications, and resum e shou ld be add re sse d to: W a y n e P re s s le y , C h a ir, S e a rc h C o m m itte e fo r D ire c ­ to r o f L ib ra ry S e rv ic e s , M a rs H ill C o lle g e , M ars H ill, N C 2 8 7 5 4 . M ars H ill C ollege is an equal o pportunity employer. 738 / C &R L N ew s a n d ap plic a tion s fo r th e position o f C ircu la tion Libraria n/Assistant A u dio-V isual Services C oo rd ina tor. A p p o in tm e n t to be gin sum m er, 1988. T he library ha s a colle ction o f o v e r 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 v olu m e s ho u s e d in a n a w a rd -w in n in g b u ild in g c o m p le te d in 19 81 ; is a m e m b e r of O C LC ; ha s an O P AC w ith Le Pac b a ck-up ; a n d is m o v in g to w a rd a fu lly inte gra ted library system . G e tty s b urg is a residentia l colle ge w h ic h lim its its e n rollm e nt to 1,850 s tudents. R esponsibilitie s: T he p e rson ho ld in g th is p o sition is r e sp on sib le to th e R ea de rs' Services Lib ra ria n fo r m a n a g in g a n d eva lua ting c ircu latio n s e rvices a n d for th e im p lem en ta tion of th e c ircu latio n m od u le of th e inte gra ted library system . T his p e rson is also res p on s ib le fo r assisting th e Audio-V isual Services C o o rd in a to r in p la n n in g a n d im p lem en ting p ro g ra m s for th e d a ily o p era tion o f library audio -visu al facilities w ith em p ha s is in no n -p ro d u c tio n areas. In a d ditio n, th is librarian is re sp on sib le for sha rin g in s ch e d u le d gene ral r e fe re nc e assistance, s e rv in g as a c o l­ lection de ve lo p m e n t liaison, a n d p ro v id in g ac tiv e lea de rsh ip an d staff d e v e lo p m e n t op po rtu n itie s fo r his/her staff. Q u alifications: Posi­ tion offers o p p o rtu n ity fo r professional g ro w th a n d increa sing re­ s po ns ib ility fo r an individ ua l w ith th e fo llo w in g qu alifications: 1) Expe­ rie nce a n d /o r tra in in g in audio -visu al services; 2) O rganizational ab ility w ith a s ystem atic a p p ro a c h to w ork; 3 ) A n aly tic a n d p ro b le m ­ solvin g skills an d a c rea tiv e m in d ; 4) S tro ng oral an d w ritten c o m ­ m un ic a tion skills; 5) A b ility to w o rk w ell w ith p e op le; 6) S o m e su p e rv i­ so ry e x p erien ce; a n d 7) M LS from an A L A -a c c re d ite d institu tion. Salary: $ 2 1 ,0 0 0 m in im u m . F ull jo b de s c rip tion a n d sta tem e nt o f be n­ efits sen t u p on request. Prelim in ary inte rvie w s m a y b e s che du led d u rin g A L A M id w in te r C o n fere nce v ia P lacem ent C en ter o r b y p rior a p p o in tm e n t. F o r fu lle s t c o n s id e ra tio n , s u b m it g r a d u a te tr a n ­ s c rip ts ), vita, a n d nam es o f 3 references be fo re F e b ru a ry 5, 1988, to : W illis M. H u b b a rd , C olleg e Libraria n, M usselm an Lib ra ry, G e t­ tys b u rg C o lle g e , G e ttysb urg, PA 17325-1493; (717) 33 7-7 00 2. G e tty s b urg C olleg e is a selective libe ra l a rts c olle ge . It is a n a ffirm a­ tiv e actio n, eq u a l op p o rtu n ity e m p lo yer. W om en a n d m in ority c a n d i­ da te s a re e n c o u ra g e d to a p ply. C O L L E C T IO N D E V E L O P M E N T L IB R A R IA N . N orth ern M ich iga n U n ive rsity is a p u b lic regio nal sta te un iversity o f 7 ,5 0 0 s tudents a n d 9 0 0 e m p lo y e e s lo c a te d in M ic h ig a n 's U p p e r P eninsula o n th e shore o f La k e S u pe rio r. O lson L ib ra ry c o n ta in s ov e r 4 4 0 ,0 0 0 volum es, sub s c rib es to o v e r 2 ,8 0 0 serials, a n d ho use s b o th A -V an d d e p o s i­ to ry d o c u m e n ts c ollections. This n e w p o sition is resp on sib le fo r im ­ ple m e ntin g, m on itoring , coo rd in a tin g , a n d e va lua ting th e c ollection d e v e lo p m e n t pro g ra m , w h ic h e n c om p as s e s prin t m ate rials, both m o n o g ra p h ic a n d serial, a n d n o n-p rin t m aterials. M aterials selection du tie s in c lu d e m an a g e m e n t o f a n ap p ro v a l plan. R eports to th e D i­ recto r o f th e Lib ra ry. Q ualifications: A L A -ac c red ited M LS; at least tw o y e a rs substantial c olle c tion d e ve lo p m e n t e x p erien c e in a n a c a­ d e m ic library; th oro u g h k n o w le d g e o f tre n d s a n d issues in a c a d e m ic c olle c tion d e v e lo p m e n t an d b o o k selection; e ffective ora l a n d w ritten c o m m u n ic a tio n skills; ab ility to w o rk effectiv e ly w ith fa culty, stu dents, a n d c olle ag ue s; skill in a nalyzin g a n d inte rpretin g statistical d a ta ; fa­ m iliarity w ith a u to m a te d library s ystem s de sira ble ; s e c o n d m aste r’s d e g r e e h ig h ly d e s ira b le . F a c u lty s ta tu s , te n u re -t ra c k . S a la ry : $ 2 7 ,0 0 0 m in im u m ; de p e n d s u p on e x p erien c e a n d qualifications. S u b m it no m in atio ns or letter o f a p plic a tion w ith resum e, th re e letters o f r e c o m m en da tion , c o p ie s o f c red en tials a n d tran scrip ts to: D irec­ to r’s O ffic e, O lson Library, N o rth e rn M ich ig a n U n iv e rs ity , M ar­ qu ette, M l 4 9 8 5 5-5 37 6. A p p lic a tio n rev iew w ill b e g in after: J an ua ry 15, 1988. Starting date: M arc h 1, 1988. An A A /E O e m p lo yer. C O O R D IN A T O R O F P U B L IC S E R V IC E S , H o u g h to n C olleg e, N ew Y ork. C om p e titiv e libe ra l arts c o lle g e (1,2 00 students) d ire c te d by th e W esleyan C hu rc h . 1 6 5,00 0 volu m e s, 6 5 0 jou rn al subscrip tions, O C LC , VTLS, D IA LO G , BRS. R ep orting to Lib ra ry D ire ctor, su p e r­ vises s taff o f four, in c lu d in g on e professional librarian. R esp on sible fo r all p u b lic s ervice functions, in c lu d in g refe re nce , circu latio n, o n ­ line s ea rching , inte rlib ra ry loan, a n d b ib lio g ra p h ic instru ction . 10- m on th c on tract, fa c ulty status a n d rank. Salary c om m en surate w ith e x p e rie n c e w ithin ra n g e o f $ 2 2 ,0 0 0 to $2 7,00 0. E xcelle nt benefits in c lu d in g T IAA /C R EF a n d fu lly-pa id pro fessio na l lib ra ry exp erien ce. U nd e rs ta n d in g o f a n d c om m itm e nt to C hristian libe ra l arts ed uca tion essentia l. D ire c t letter a n d resum e, listing th re e o r m o re references b y J a n u a ry 8, 1988, to: J on atha n D. Lauer, D ire ctor, W illard J. H o u g h to n Lib ra ry, H o u gh to n C o lle g e , H ou g h to n , N Y 14744. D A T A S E R V IC E S C O O R D IN A T O R . The Lib ra ry at th e U nive rsity o f C alifornia , Irvine, invites ap plic a tion s fo r th e p o sition o f D ata Ser­ v ic e s C oo rd ina tor. A p p o in tm e n t w ill b e at th e Assistant Lib ra ria n, As­ s o c ia te L ib r a r ia n , o r L ib r a r ia n r a n k w ith a s a la ry r a n g e o f $ 2 5 ,3 8 0 -$ 5 7 ,8 1 6. A p p lic a tio n s rece ive d b y J a n u a ry 1 ,1 9 8 8 , w ill re­ c eive first c on side ra tion , bu t ap plic a tion s w ill co n tin u e to b e a c ­ c e p te d until th e p o sition is filled. R esponsibilitie s: Serves as c o o rd i­ na to r of library -w ide da ta s ervices, in c lu d in g th e M ain Lib ra ry, th e Bio m e dica l Lib ra ry, th e P hysical S cie nce s L ib ra ry, a n d th e M edical C en ter L ib ra ry. A s coo rd in a to r o f library -w ide d a ta services, reports to th e Assistant U nive rsity L ib ra ria n fo r P u blic Services; fo r da ta se r­ v ic e s in th e R eference D ep a rtm e n t to th e H ea d o f R eference. In c o ­ o p e ra tio n w ith o th e r librarians, has resp on sib ility fo r th e library-w ide C o m pu te r-A ssiste d R eference S e rvice (CARS) policie s, pla nn ing , im p lem en ta tion , p u b lic relatio ns, tra in in g p ro gram s, a n d rec o rd s m an ag em en t. T he coo rd in a to r is th e p rim a ry liaison w ith o ff-cam pus da ta ba s e p ro d u c e rs a n d v en do rs. T h e re a re op p o rtu n itie s to d e ­ v e lo p n e w service pro g ra m s a n d to e x p a n d existin g p ro g ra m s in th e are as of en d-u ser s ea rc hing an d a c c e s s to d a ta ba ses ava ilab le in alternative fo rm ats, e.g., C D -R O M . W ill b e sign ifican tly in v o lv e d in p la n n in g fo r da ta serv ic es in th e n ew Scie nce L ib ra ry. Q ualifications: R equired: A L A -a c c re d ite d M LS d e gre e; e x p e rie n c e w ith online da ta ba s e s ea rching ; de m on s tra te d c om m itm e nt to p u b lic service; ex c e llen t oral a n d w ritten c om m un ic atio n skills; ab ility to w o rk effec ­ tively, ind e p e n d e n tly , a n d c o o pe rative ly w ith all e lem ents o f th e ac a­ d e m ic com m u n ity . D esirable : E x p erien c e in pla nn ing a n d im p le­ m en ting se rv ic e p ro gram s, d e v e lo p in g train in g pro g ra m s fo r online da ta ba se sea rche rs, a n d p ro m o tion o f s ervice p ro gram s. T he U ni­ v ersity Lib ra ry is pa rticularly inte reste d in ind ivid ua ls w ith e x p erien c e in d e v e lo p in g e n d-u ser p ro gram s a n d e x p e rie n c e w ith n e w er te c h ­ nologies, e .g ., C D -R O M . S e nd letter o f a p p lic a tio n w ith 1) a com p le te sta tem e nt o f q u alifications; 2) resu m e o f e d u c a tio n a n d releva nt ex­ pe rie nc e ; a n d 3 ) th e nam es, addresses, a n d te le p h o n e n u m b e rs o f th re e refe re nce s to: A n n e R im m e r, L ib ra ry Personnel O ffice, U n iv e r­ sity of C a lifo rn ia , Irv in e , P.O. Bo x 19 557, Irvine, C A 9 2 71 3. Tele­ p h on e. (714) 8 5 6-5 40 8. A n Affirm ative A ctio n, Equal O p p o rtu n ity Em ployer. D IR E C T O R O F L E A R N IN G R E S O U R C E S . International e d uc a tion o rg an iza tion in south V e rm o nt is curre n tly see king ind ivid ua l w h o ho lds a M as te r's de g re e in Lib ra ry S cience, E d ucational M e d ia or eq u iv a le n t to m a n a g e th e activ ities a n d personnel o f th e Lib ra ry, P ro­ fe ssio nal D ev e lop m e nt R esource C enter, A u dio-V isual D ep artm en t, a n d stu d e n t c o m p u te r fa cility. D ire c tor will p ro v id e lea de rsh ip a n d d irectio n in th e s ele ction o f le a rn ing re s o urces o n c a m p u s a n d assist in g ra nt-see king efforts to im p ro v e th ese reso urces. Salary: $2 0,85 6. S e nd resu m e a n d co v e r letter to: Personnel, S c h o o l fo r In te r n a ­ tio n a l T r a in in g , Brattleb oro, VT 0 5 30 1. A A/EO E. D IR E C T O R O F T H E L IB R A R Y . S u squ eh an na U nive rsity see ks an e x p e rie n c e d ind iv id ua l w ith vision a n d p ro ven ab ility to le a d a m ajor lib ra ry d e v e lo p m e n t pro g ra m e m p ha s iz in g d ire c t inte gra tion o f li­ b ra ry serv ic es w ith th e c urric ulum ; fu rth e r au to m a tion o f library fu n c ­ tions; facilities e n ha nce m en t; a n d d y n a m ic rep re sen tatio n o f th e li­ b ra ry ’s p ro g ra m s a n d interests bo th o n a n d o ff c am p us. T he D ire ctor ho lds th e title o f U nive rsity L ib ra ria n a n d , w ith th e D eans o f Schools, rep orts to th e V ic e P resident fo r A c a d e m ic Affairs. A p p lic a n ts m ust possess a n A L A /M L S de gre e; P h.D . o r o th e r a d v a n c e d d e g re e in an a c a d e m ic d is c ip lin e hig h ly de sira ble . A d ditio na l q u alifica tion s in­ c lu d e th e ab ility to w o rk w ithin a close ly knit c a m p u s com m un ity; e vi­ d e n c e o f sustaine d professional de v e lo p m e n t a n d b ro a d profes­ s io n a l c o n ta c ts ; a n d d e m o n s tra te d c o m m u n ic a tio n a n d m an a g e m e n t skills. S u squ eh an na is a selective, residentia l un d e r­ g ra d u a te un iversity w h ic h seeks to lim it en ro llm e n t to 1,400 stu dents. It is org a n iz e d as th re e Schools: th e S chool o f A rts a n d S ciences; the S chool o f Fine A rts a n d C om m un ica tion s; a n d th e S ig m u n d W eis S chool o f Business. T h e library c olle c tion inclu de s ap pro x im a tely 1 4 0,00 0 b o u n d v olu m e s a n d s u b scrip tion s to 1,15 0 pe rio dica ls, w ith pro visio n fo r inte rlib ra ry loa n an d da ta ba s e s ea rching . A c a d e m ic a n d a d m in istrative op era tion s o f th e U nive rsity are s u p p o rte d b y ex­ te nsive c o m p u te r facilities a n d a cam p u s -w id e te le com m un icatio n system . L o c ated 5 0 m ile s north o f H arris b urg, P e nnsylvania , Selin s­ g ro v e is a cce ssible v ia Interstates 8 0 a n d 7 6 (P ennsylvania T urn­ pike). N e w Y o rk, P h ila delphia , W ashin gto n a n d Baltim ore a re w ithin easy d riv in g d ista nce . Position b e g in s J u ly 1, 1988; sala ry $ 3 8,00 0 a n d u p w a rd , d e p e n d in g u p o n c re d e n tia ls a n d e x p e rie n c e . R e­ sum es w ith a t least th re e r efe re nce s a n d o th e r s u p p o rtin g m aterials s ho uld b e sen t to: J ea n n e N eff, Vice P resid en t fo r A c a d e m ic Affairs, S u s q u e h a n n a U n iv e rs ity , S e lin sgrove, P A 1 7870. R eview of a p p li­ catio ns w ill b e g in D ec e m b e r 1 5 ,1 9 8 7 . W om en a n d m in ority c a n d i­ da te s a re e s p e c ia lly e n c ou rag ed . E N G IN E E R IN G L IB R A R IA N . The U nive rsity o f N eva da -R e no Li­ b ra ry see ks a n energ etic, creative, flexib le librarian to m an ag e th e E n gin ee rin g Lib ra ry (30 ,00 0 volum es). A d ditio na l assig nm en ts in- D ecem ber 1987 / 739 elude refe rence, c ollection de velo pm en t an d o n line s ea rc hing for credentials, transcripts, a n d list o f references sho uld b e p ostm arked b y J a n ua ry 3 ,1 9 8 8 . A d d re s s c o rres p on de nc e to: C ynth ia J ohnson, A d m inistrative C lerk, U niversity Library, W este rn Illin o is U n ive r­ sity , M acom b, IL 61455. W IU is a n Equal O p po rtun ity, Affirm ative A ctio n Em ployer. W om en, M in orities, a n d H an d ic a p p e d individ uals a re e specially e n cou rag ed to ap ply. G E O R G IA C EN T ER FO R C O N T IN U IN G E D U C A T IO N L IB R A R ­ IA N . U niversity o f G e orgia Librarie s. T he G eorgia C enter is a resi­ dentia l con fe re nce center loca ted on th e U niversity o f G e orgia C am ­ pu s w hich offers pro gram s an d c re d it classes to ne arly 100,000 adults annually. (Salary m in im um $1 8,00 0.) T he successful Candi­ da te m a y h ave the o p po rtun ity to pa rticip ate in an intensive p rofes­ sional d e v elo pm en t p rogram . Duties: T he G e orgia C enter L ibraria n rep orts to th e E d ucational R esources Libraria n, E ducation D epart­ m en t (M ain Library), a n d is resp on sib le fo r th e d e v elo pm en t and m an ag em en t of s ervices a n d collections of th e G eorgia C en ter for C ontinuing Educa tion Library. This inclu de s pro v id ing reference ser­ vice, pe rform in g c ollection d e v elo pm en t a n d m anagem ent, plan­ nin g a n d c o n d u c tin g orientation to urs a n d b ib lio g ra p h ic instruction, p re p a rin g b ib lio g ra p h ie s , p e rfo rm in g c o m p u te riz e d da ta ba s e searches, a n d sup ervising o n e s u p p o rt staff. Q ualifications: Re­ q u ire d: A L A -accred ited M LS; ability to establish a n d m aintain effec­ tive c o o pe rative relatio nships w ith c olleagues, fa c ulty a n d library us­ e rs; inte re s t in lib ra ry orie n ta tio n a n d b ib lio g ra p h ic ins tru c tion ; effective oral an d w ritten com m un icatio n skills. P referred: W orkin g kno w led ge o f ba sic reference sources; stron g pu b lic service orienta­ tion: creativity a n d flexib ility in p la nn ing an d im p lem en ting library pro gram s. D esired: In terest in a c a d e m ic librarianship; k no w led ge of c om p ute rize d da ta ba se s earching; interest in a n d c om m itm e nt to th e c o n c e p t o f a d u lt learning th ro ug h con tinu ing ed ucation. A p p lic a ­ tion P rocedure: Send letter o f a p plica tion b y J a n u a ry 20, 1988, in­ clud ing resum e a n d nam es o f th re e references to: F lorence E. King, Personnel Libraria n, U n ive rsity o f G e o rg ia Librarie s, Athens, GA 30 602. T his position will b e filled only if suitable a p plica nts are fo und. A n Equal O p po rtun ity, A ffirm ative A ctio n Institution. H EA D , A C C E SS A N D S U P P O R T S E R V IC E S , A v e ry a n d Fine Arts Librarie s. This position reports directly to th e A ve ry Libraria n a n d has engineering p ro gram s in th e M in es Library. Responsibilitie s: Refer­ ence; online s earching; c ollection develo pm en t; s u p p o rt sta ff sup er­ vision; b ib lio grap hic a n d end-user instruction. A c ts as liaison with College of Engineering. Reports to H ea d o f Branch Librarie s. Re­ quired Q ualifications: A L A -accred ited s cien ce/e ng ine ering b a ck­ ground a n d/or exp erien ce; p u b lic s ervice e xp erien ce in a ca de m ic/ special library; a d v an c ed c om p ute r s ea rching s kills an d substa ntial m icrocom puter experience; s trong com m un icatio n, in terpersonal, supervisory skills. Faculty status req uires librarians to m ee t faculty sta ndards fo r ap pointm ent, pro m o tion a n d tenure. Preferred Q ualifi­ cations: Experience w ith bib lio g ra p h ic instruction, library autom a­ tion and other te chn olog ical innovations an d spa ce a n d new facilities planning; c ollection d e v elo pm en t exp erien ce in en gin ee rin g. Salary open de pe n d in g u p on qualifications a n d exp erien ce (m inim um : $28,435). 12 m onth ap pointm ent; TIAA/C REF; 24 da y s vacation. Open imm ediately. M ountains, desert, lakes, 5 ho urs b y c ar from San Francisco. Send letter o f a pplica tion , resum e a n d nam es a n d addresses of three references to: Ruth H. D onovan, A sso ciate D ire c­ tor, U n iversity of N ev ad a -R e no Library, Reno, N V 89 55 7 b y J a n u ­ ary 15, 1988, o r until th e p osition is filled. A n A A /E E O em plo yer. GENERAL R E F E R E N C E /G O V E R N M E N T P U B L IC A T IO N S LI­ BR AR IA N . Search e xten de d. 12-month te nure-track position a s In­ structor o r A s s is ta nt P rofes s o r a v a ila b le M a rc h 1, 1988. Salary range: $2 5,14 0 -S 2 7 ,90 0 d e p e n d in g o n qualifications an d experi­ ence. R eference duties inclu de refe re nce d e s k assignm ent, bib lio­ graphic instruction, da ta ba se sea rching , a n d colle ction d e v elo p­ ment. G o vernm en t publications du ties in c lu d e ad m in istration of federal an d sta te d o c um e nts collections, reference a n d legal refe r­ ence service, a n d b ib lio grap hic instruction. M in im um requirem ents: A LA-accredited M LS a n d e xp erien ce in reference a n d govern m e nt publications. D esired qualifications: c og na te m aster’s, scien ce or social scien ce b a ckgro un d, O C LC e xp erien ce, e x p erien c e in legal reference, exp erien ce w ith m ic ro c om pu ters a n d online retrieval sys­ tems, research o r pu blica tion record. Lib ra ry fa c ulty m em be rs w ork under a union n e go tiated contract. E valuations fo r retentio n, p ro m o­ tion, an d te nu re are ba sed u p on pe rform an ce in areas o f prim ary d u ­ ties, research, a n d service. Letters o f applications, resum es, c urrent DIRECTOR OF THE TODD WEHR LIBRARY St. Norbert College St. Norbert College invites applications for the position of Director of the Todd Wehr Library. The Director reports to the Associate Dean for Instructional Services and is responsible for providing quality library ser­ vice to the entire college com m unity through innovative program s and prudent management. Specific re­ sponsibilities include, but are not limited to: directing the professional supp ort and student staff; preparing the library budget; developing policies in conjunction with the Library Advisory Committee; overseeing all library operations; preparing grant proposals; and other duties as college needs dictate. The successful candidate will have the following qualifications: an MLS from an accredited library school, with a second m aster’s or Ph.D. desirable; academ ic library experience, including at least four years of administrative experience; and a dem onstrated know ledge of autom ated library systems. In addition, the person selected will have strong interpersonal skills and be able to interact with the various college constitu­ encies. St. Norbert College is a private, selective, residential, coeducational liberal arts institution. It has an enroll­ ment of 1,750 undergraduates and is the most “ applied-to” private college in Wisconsin. It is located in the beautiful U pper Fox River Valley at De Pere, adjacent to Green Bay, Wisconsin. The College was estab­ lished in 1898 and has a reputation for quality in all it undertakes. The position will be available July 1,1988. Salary is in the m id-$30s range with excellent benefits. A p pli­ cations will be accepted through J a n u a r y 1 5 , 1988. To apply, send resume and names, addresses, and telephone num bers of at least three references to: E ile e n F in n e rty D ir e c to r o f P e rs o n n e l S e rv ic e s S t. N o r b e r t C o lle g e D e P e re , W l 5 4 1 1 5 A n A ffirm ative A ctio n, Equal O p po rtun ity E m ployer. 740 / C & R L News prim ary responsib ility fo r th e a d m in istration of access an d sup po rt services, inc lu d in g c oordination o f general reference service to fac­ ulty a n d s tudents a n d m aintenance a n d preservation of library c ol­ lections. T he incu m b en t has supervisory responsib ility fo r 8 full-time an d 3 5 - 4 0 part-tim e staff m em bers a n d w ork s in c lose consultation w ith the s pecial s ub ject b iblio graphers. In a dditio n to a n a ccredited M LS, requirem ents a re previo us relevant experience, evidence of creativity a n d initiative, an d the a b ility to c om m unicate a n d w o rk ef­ fe ctively w ith s tu de nts an d faculty. Preferential c onsideration w ill be give n to a p plica nts w ith relevant ac a de m ic trainin g a n d/or exp eri­ e n c e in a rt a n d a rc h ite c tu re . S a la ry ra n g e s a re : L ib ra ria n I: $ 2 4 ,5 0 0 -$ 3 1 ,8 50; Libraria n II: $ 2 6 ,5 0 0 -$ 3 5 ,7 7 5 . E xcelle nt benefits inclu de tu itio n exem ption fo r self a n d fa m ily an d assista nce w ith U ni­ versity housing. Send resum e, listing three references, to: Kathleen M. Wiltshire, D irector of Personnel, Box 3 5 Butler L ibrary, C olu m b ia U n ive rsity , 535 W est 1 14th Street, N ew York, NY 10027. Deadline fo r a pplications is D ecem ber 21, 1987. An Equal O pportunity, Af­ firm ative A c tio n E m ployer. H EA D , IN F O R M A T IO N SE RV IC ES D E P A R T M E N T (search ex­ te nded). A d m inisters op erations o f un it in th e M ain Library c o m ­ prised of reference services, au tom ated search services, g o vern­ m ent p ublications, m icroform s, c urren t p erio dicals, an d inform ation desk. Staff includes 12 FTE librarians, 7 s u p p o rt staff, 5.2 FTE stu­ d e n t em plo yees, a n d a half-time g ra du ate assistant. W orks c losely w ith all areas o f pu blic an d technic al services to pro vid e effective ser­ vice to users, w ith particular em phasis on fu rthe r de velo pm en t o f au­ to m a te d search services an d to th e Librarie s’ com m itm e nt to a bro ad -b ase d instructional p ro gram . R eports to Assista nt D ire ctor for M ain L ib ra ry Pu blic Services. Libraria ns have faculty rank an d re­ sponsibilities, inclu ding research, publication an d service. R equired: M LS from A L A -accred ited p ro gram ; increa sing ly responsib le ex p e­ rie nce in reference, on line sea rching an d b ib lio grap hic instruction in a large a c a de m ic o r research library, inclu ding substantial supervi­ s o ry experience; ability to com m un icate effectively an d to w ork p ro ­ d u ctively w ith diverse groups; com m itm e nt to client-centered ser­ vices. Preferred: dem onstrated ability to pro v id e effective leadership in c lim ate o f c ha ng e; exp erien ce in s ta ff trainin g an d developm ent a n d in reference collection developm ent; form al trainin g in m an ag e­ m ent; experience w ith m ic ro com pu ters. Salary: $ 3 2,04 0-53 7,08 0. A p plicatio ns receiv ed b y 31 D ecem ber 1987 w ill receiv e first c on s id­ eration. A p p ly to: Sharon A . Sullivan, Personnel Libraria n, O hio S t a te U n iv e rs ity Lib ra rie s, 1 8 58 N eil A v e nu e, C olu m b us , OH 43210. Inclu de nam es, addresses a n d tele phone num bers o f th ree references. Q ualified w om en, m in orities a n d h a nd ic ap pe d persons are e n cou rag ed to apply. HEA D , IN F O R M A T IO N T E C H N O L O G Y S E R V IC ES . The Health Sciences Lib ra ry at th e U niversity o f N orth C arolina at C hapel H ill in­ vites ap plica tion s fo r Head, In form ation T ech no log y Services. Re­ po rting to th e D irector, this p osition supervises tw o professional sys­ tems librarians, an d plays a key role in planning an d s up po rting in form ation te c hn olog y ap plica tion s in th e library. T he position also particip ates in a library strategic pla nn ing process now underway, an d lea din g to th e de velo pm en t a n d e xpansion o f c om puter-based in form ation a n d k no w led ge systems. C urren t library applications in­ clud e e xtensive use o f IBM m icrocom puters, PERLIN E/BO O KLIN E acquisitions/serials control system running o n m inicom puter, O C LC an d other rem ote in form ation services, an d inte gra ted library system (TRLN) be ing join tly de velo pe d b y U N C C H a n d tw o othe r institu tions (developm ent is d o n e b y dedica ted proje ct staff). The library is im ­ plem entin g an IBM T oken-R ing LA N an d a de s k to p pu blish in g op e r­ atio n. T he d e pa rtm e nt also p ro vid es in-house c om p ute r train in g for staff a n d technical sup po rt fo r inform ation m anagem ent c ourse d e ­ velopm ent. T he H ead o f In form ation T ech no log y Services w orks closely w ith other library de partm ents a n d a cts a s a liaison to cam ­ pus c om p ute r services, library autom ation sta ff at other libraries, and vendors. R equired: AL A -accred ited M LS or equivalent g ra du ate d e ­ gre e in in form ation s cien ce o r inform ation resources m anagem ent; m inim um of five y ears library o r autom ation experience, som e in a m anagerial capacity; an d extensive kno w led ge of com puter/tele- c o m m u n ic a tio n s te c h n o lo g y a n d lib ra ry au to m a tion . D esirab le ba c k gro un d includes experience pro vid ing in -depth sup po rt fo r IBM PCs pre ferab ly in a LAN e nvironm ent, p ro gram m in g exp erien ce in a high-level lan gu ag e (dBASE, C O B O L o r M UM PS desirable), e xp eri­ en c e spe c ify ing a n d w riting contracts fo r c om p ute r systems, an d for­ mal c om p ute r s cien ce course w ork. Q ualities s ou gh t inclu de e xcel­ le n t inte rp e rs o n a l a n d c o m m u n ic a tio n skills, an aly tic a l ability, innovative attitude, initiative, flexibility, interest in professional in­ volvem ents, a n d c om m itm e nt to serving health p rofessionals. Salary based on exp erien ce a n d othe r factors; m in im um sala ry $30,000. T he H ealth Sciences Lib ra ry has a professional sta ff of 24; it serves 5 professional scho ols an d N orth C arolina M em orial H ospital. Send letter of applica tion , c urriculum vitae, an d n am es of 3 references to: C arol G . Jenkins, D irector, Health S ciences L ibrary C B # 7585, Uni­ ve rs ity o f N o rth Carolina at C h ap el H ill, C hapel Hill, NC 27599. T o b e assured o f consideration, ap plica tion s sho uld be rece iv e d b y D ecem ber 31, 1987. A n A ffirm ative A ctio n, Equal O p po rtun ity Em­ ployer. H EA D O F B IB LIO G R A PH IC C O N T R O L , Law S chool Lib ra ry (PC II). This p osition is responsib le fo r all c atalog ing activities in the Law School L ibrary (750,000 volumes) inclu ding adm in istrative responsi­ bilities for th re e p rofessional an d six s up po rting staff; planning and im p lem en ting online systems, inclu ding PEGASUS, th e In no pa c o n ­ line c atalog; particip atin g in interdepartm ental c oordination, inclu d­ in g c oo rdina tion o f an integrated au tom ated system fo r acquisitions, serials control, an d circulation; an d form ulating catalog ing policy. U nit p ro vid es c o p y an d o riginal c atalog ing fo r serials, m onographs, a n d other b ib lio grap hic form ats. In ad ditio n to a n a ccre dite d MLS, requirem ents a re a th orou gh com m an d o f c atalog ing te chniq ues an d principle s, dem onstrated adm in istrative abilities, an d a p p ro p ri­ ate experience. P reference will b e give n to can did ate s w ith substan­ tial autom ated catalog ing e xperience in a large a c a de m ic library or th e equivalent; a w orking kno w led ge of at least tw o m od ern la n ­ guages, a n d th e ability to w ork w ith a bro ad ran ge o f la nguages; an d a second M aster’s de gre e a n d/or postgraduate w ork in legal studies or related fields such as political s cience or inte rnational affairs. Seri­ als catalog ing a n d /o r law catalog ing experience helpful. Salary r a n g e s a re : L ib ra r ia n II: $ 2 6 , 5 0 0 - 5 3 5 , 7 7 5 ; L ib ra r ia n III: $2 9 ,5 0 0 -5 4 2 ,7 7 5 . S ubm it resum e to: Box 3 5 Butler Library, C o lu m ­ bia U n ive rsity Librarie s, 53 5 W est 114th Street, N ew York, NY 10027. Deadline fo r ap plica tion s is D ece m b er 31, 1987. A n Equal O p po rtun ity, Affirm ative A ctio n Em ployer. H EA D O F C A TA L O G IN G . C olg ate U niversity, located in rural u p ­ sta te N ew York, is seeking a librarian to direct c atalog ing op erations fo r a d e pa rtm e nt o f 4 .5 FTE, con trac t a n d student staff, to d evelo p pla ns a n d policie s w ith special attention to th e a pplication of com ­ pu te r technology, an d to catalog c om p le x an d original m ate rial. Du­ ties will in c lu d e coordina ting online catalog system tasks, serving as a technic al a dvisor fo r the library an d s ub ject liaison responsib ilities w ith ac a de m ic de partm ents o r divisional com m ittees. Required: AL A -accred ited MLS; 3 - 5 yea rs professional catalog ing exp eri­ ence, exp erien ce w ith O C LC , a kno w led ge of A A C R 2 a n d pre- AA C R 2 c od es, LC classification a n d s ub ject h eadings, library au to­ m ated systems, dem onstrated supervisory skills a n d an ability to plan an d im plem ent cha ng e. D esirable : authority control experience in an online catalog e nvironm ent. A p plicatio n deadline: J an ua ry 15, 1988. Salary: $ 2 4 ,0 0 0 + de pe n d in g on experience. S end letter of ap plication, resum e an d th re e sou rces fo r c urren t references to: J u d y G ibson G reen, U niversity Libraria n, Case Library, C o lg a te U n ive rsity , H am ilton, NY 13346. W om en an d m in orities e n cou r­ a g e d to ap p ly . EO E/A A. H EA D O F L IB R A R Y B R AN C H O P E R A T IO N S , U niversity of South A la ba m a Branch C am pus. Faculty, tenure-track position available in U niversity Library on th e A la ba m a G u lf Coast. R eports to both th e D ire ctor o f U niversity Librarie s an d th e D irector o f U niversity Branch. Prim ary responsib ilities: m aintenance o f library s ervices to s tu dents m atriculating at branch locations. Provides Public Services to stu­ dents at rem ote s ites (in cludes e xtensive d rive a n d eve nin g hours) a n d em phasizes th e use of electronic te c hn olog y fo r access to refe r­ ence s ervices a n d library c ollections a t th e m ain c am pus. R equire­ m ents: ALA -accred ited M LS an d m in im um o f 2 years professional library experience. Tw elve m onth ap po intm e nt at Assista nt Libraria n rank. $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 + de pe n d in g o n e duca tion a n d e xperience. 2 0 d ays vacation, university-subsid ized insurance, sta te retirem ent, TIAA- /C R EF option. A p plicatio ns will b e review ed b e gin nin g D ecem ber 1, 1987; po s itio n w ill rem ain o p e n until fille d . S u b m it re s u m e an d nam es o f 3 references to: C hairm an, U niversity Lib ra ry Search C om ­ m ittee, Lib ra ry Adm inistration, U n ive rsity o f S o u th A lab a m a, M o­ bile, A L 36688. An Equal O p po rtun ity, A ffirm ative Actio n E m ployer. H EA D O F P U B LIC S E R V IC ES . Phila delphia C olleg e o f P harm acy a n d S cience. O versees fo r circulation, reference, online s earching. Participate s in c ollection de velo pm en t an d instruction. Q ualifica­ tions: A L A -accred ited M LS, m in im um 3 yea rs e xperience, science ba c k gro un d a n d/or exp erien ce hig hly desirable. Position carries faculty rank a n d responsib ilities. 12 m onths, c om p etitive salary, ex­ Decem ber 1987 / 741 cellent fringe benefits. Specialized c ollege serving 1,450 stu dents in undergraduate a n d graduate program s in pharm acy, science, and health professions. Close p roxim ity to all cultural institutions o f city. Reply w ith vita a n d nam es o f three refe rences to: M ig non Adam s, Director, Joseph W. England Library, P hiladelphia C o lle ge of Pharm acy and S cience, 42nd Street an d W oodland A venue, Phil­ adelphia, PA 19104-4491. C losing date D ecem ber 29, 1987. EOE M/F/H/V. H IS TO RY B IB LIO G R A PH ER . (Salary m in imum $18,000.) The suc­ cessful c andidate m ay have th e opportunity to particip ate in an inte n­ sive professional developm ent program . Duties: The H istory Bibliog­ ra p h e r r e p o rts to th e H e a d o f th e H is to ry a n d H u m a n itie s Departm ent an d is responsib le fo r developm ent a n d m anagem ent of the Librarie s' general collections in history, fo r fa cilita ting access to these collections, an d fo r serving a s liaison to faculty in appropriate academic departm ents. This in cludes perform in g collection devel­ opm ent and collection m anagem ent activities, serving as liaison to University fa culty, provid ing a variety o f reference services to pa­ trons, and keeping abreast of current literature an d trends in the field. The D epartm ent is com posed o f fo ur bib lio graphers an d th ree support staff. Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS; advanced de­ gree in a historical discipline; w orking k now ledge of a variety of mod- ern European languages; effective oral a n d w ritten com m unication skills; ability to establish and m aintain effective w orking relationships with colleagues, fa culty, and library users; ap pro priate experience in an academ ic library preferred; dem onstrated interest in academ ic li- b ra ria n s h ip p re fe rre d ; k n o w le d g e o f c o m p u te riz e d d a ta b a s e searching desired. A pplicatio n Procedure: Send letter of application by January 20, 1988, including resume an d nam es of three refer­ ences to: Florence E. King, Personnel Libraria n, U niversity of G e orgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602. This position will be filled only if suitable applicants are found. A n Equal O pportunity, Affirm ative Action Institution. LIBRARIA N FOR THE B O TA N Y /C H EM ISTR Y A N D THE B IO L­ OGY LIB R AR IE S, the U niversity of Iowa, Iowa City. U nder the direc­ tion of th e Assistant University Libraria n fo r R eader Services, the in­ cum b e n t is re s p o n s ib le fo r th e m a n a g e m e n t o f tw o sep a ra te libraries. Principal duties are the s upervision o f tw o full tim e library assistants an d several student assistants, th e provision o f reference services an d biblio graphic instruction prim arily for graduate stu­ dents an d fa culty, and, u n de r th e directio n of th e Assistant University Librarian for C ollectio n M anagem ent, s election w ork in the areas of chemistry, chem ical engineering, botany, and biology. T he B otany/ Chemistry Library of 3,00 0 volum es serves 4 0 faculty an d 150 gra d ­ uate students, an d th e B iolo gy Library, holding 34 ,0 00 volumes, serves 2 6 faculty an d 80 graduate students. Requirements: A n ALA- accredite d g raduate library degree; an educational backgro un d in either th e life or physical sciences; a m in imum o f three years of pro­ fessional experience w hich includes som e science refe rence an d/or science selection w ork an d experience in staff m anagem ent an d su­ pervision; a basic reading know ledge o f at least on e W estern Euro­ pean language other th an English; g o od c om m unication skills. De­ s ira b le c h a r a c te ris tic s in c lu d e s ig n ific a n t re s e a rc h lib r a r y experience, a degree in th e life or physical sciences, an d experience in electronic bib lio grap hic searching. Salary: Ap po intm en t will be made at the Libraria n II rank. Salary will b e in th e mid - to upper twenty thousand dollar range; salary determ ination based on a com ­ bination o f educational b ackgro un d an d experience. T he U niversity offers an attractive package of additional benefits, including 25 days paid vacation per year, TIAA/C REF retirement, Social Security, dis­ ability and medical/dental insurance. Applicatio n procedure: A p pli­ cations received b y 1 February 1988 will receive first consideration. Qualified individ uals should subm it a letter o f application, vita info r­ mation, a nd th e names, addresses, an d tele phone num bers of th ree references to: W illiam Sayre, Assistant U niversity Libraria n for A d ­ ministrative Services, The U niversity of Io w a Libraries, Iowa City, IA 52242. The University of Iowa is an Equal Opportunity, Affirm ative Action Employer. LIB RARY D IR EC TO R , University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Search extended. Position reports to th e Vice Chancello r/Provost. Require­ ments are an ALA-accredited M LS plus an additional a dvanced d e­ gree (preferably the docto rate ); familiarity with a broad range of li­ b ra ry fu n c tio n s g a in e d th ro u g h p ro fe s s io n a l a d v a n c e m e n t; academ ic or research library adm in istrative experience; strong lead­ ership , m anagem ent, a n d com m un icatio n skills; k no w led ge of OCLC a n d other autom ated systems; and a strong c om m itm ent to service. Position available July 1, 1988. T enure trac k with fa culty . rank a n d benefits. Salary range $45,000 to $60,000. Send curricu­ lum vitae an d nam es with tele phone num bers of three refe rences by February 1, 1988, to: Jam es Parins, Chair, Library D irector Search Committee, Ottenheim er Library, U niversity o f A rkansas at L ittle Rock, Little Rock, AR 72204. The University of Arkansas at Little R ock is an Affirm ative A ctio n, Equal O pportunity E m ployer a n d a c­ tively seeks th e c an did acy of m in orities an d w omen. M ED IA/R EFERENCE LIB R ARIA N. The M edia /R eference Librar­ ian supervises the m ed ia departm ent in cluding th e acquisition, cata­ log ing a n d s ervicing of nonprin t m aterials. T he Libraria n is a lso re­ s p o n s ib le f o r th e p u rc h a s e , m a in te n a n c e a n d o p e ra tio n of audiovisual an d m icrocom puter eq uip m e nt an d th e pro du ction of slides an d other audiovisual materials. The position requires a non- traditional w ork schedule in cluding hours a t a public s ervice desk. Qualifications: A LA-accredited M LS; however, a m aster's d egree in educational m edia a n d technology plus a ppropriate trainin g or e x­ perie nce m ay be substitu ted fo r the MLS. It is preferred that appli­ cants have know ledge of no np rin t materials and equipm ent, knowl­ e d g e o f o n lin e s yste m s a n d th e a b ility to us e O C LC . S tro ng interpersonal an d com m unication skills are desired. Salary $17,988, 12-month appointm ent, position available imm ediately. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts an d list o f three references, in­ c luding addresses an d tele phone num bers, to: M elba H arvill, Direc­ tor o f Libraries, M offett Library, M idw estern S tate U niversity, Wi­ chita Falls, TX 76308. Review o f applications will begin imm ediately an d will continue until th e position is filled. M id w estern State U niver­ sity is an A A/EO Employer. M USIC C A TA LO G ER , College-Conservatory of M usic Library, U ni­ versity of Cincinnati. Responsible for the cataloging o f m usic scores an d m aintenance of catalogs. Receives directio n from and reports to th e H ead o f th e College-Conservatory of M usic Library. Supervises on e sup po rt staff m em ber. T he CCM Library is one of tw elve branch libraries in th e U niversity Librarie s system a t th e U niversity of C incin­ nati. The CCM Library houses 87 ,000 volumes an d serves over I , 30 0 faculty and s tu dents in th e seven divisions o f th e C ollege. Re­ quire d Qualifications: ALA-Accredited MLS D egree; bachelor's de­ gree in m usic; reading know ledge of at least on e European lan­ guage; ability to com m unicate clearly both orally and in writing. Preferred: Master’s d egree in m usic; m usic c ataloging experience; experience w ith O CLC system; successful supervisory experience. Salary an d rank is com m ensurate w ith qualifications an d experi­ ence, range, $2 1,3 00 -$ 24 ,0 00 . Send resume w ith c over letter a nd th e nam es an d addresses of th ree refe rences no late r than January I I , 1988, to: J u d y W ernicke, Personnel Assistant, U niversity of Cincinnati Libraries, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0033. T he U niversity of Cincinnati is an Affirm ative Actio n, Equal O pportunity Employer. NO N B O O K LIB R AR IA N . University of N evada, Las Vegas, seeks energetic, creative librarian to fill new N onbook Libraria n position and assume responsib ility fo r m anagin g, planning and im plem ent­ ing an exp an din g nonbook program . N on bo ok sectio n is sta ffed b y 3.5 classified em plo yees an d 10 part-tim e student assistants. Ser­ vices include pro vid ing access to variety o f AV materials; operating a c op y service; pro vid ing a g ro w in g faculty developm ent c enter that currently in cludes m icrocom puters and g ra ding m achines; cooper­ atin g w ith C om pu ting C enter in housing a com puter trainin g lab. This person w ill w ork closely w ith faculty, librarians a n d other university com m unity m em bers to ensure th at appropriate services, collections an d eq uip m e nt are available. The p erson will also address relation­ ship betw een com puter technologies an d nonbook services. Qualifi­ cations: A LA-accredited MLS; tw o years professional aca de m ic li­ brary experience; strong planning, supervisory, com m unication skills; high tole rance for am big uity; trainin g in use of no nbook materi­ als, sources, equipm ent; ability to relate harmoniously w ith clients an d staff; an d com m itm ent to responsive, innovative public services. Salary: $2 2,50 0-$2 5,00 0 de pe nd ing upon experience and qualifi­ catio ns. Twelve-m onth, tenure track appointm ent w ith excellent be n­ efits including TIAA/C REF, 24 days vacation, an d no state income tax. Send application letter; resume; nam es, addresses, phon e num ­ bers ofth re e references by J anuary 15, 1987, to: M ary Dale Deacon, Director o f Libraries, U niversity of N evada, Las Veg as, Las Ve­ gas, NV 89154. U N LV is an A A/E EO institution. O FF-CA M PU S S ERVIC ES L IB R AR IA N . Serving off-cam pus adult learners enrolled in external degree program s through Central M ic h­ igan University. Will m aintain a refe rence an d referral service an d co­ ordin ate th e delivery of library services to stu dents and faculty in W ashingto n, D.C., a n d south eastern states. Library office is located . 742 / C & R L N ew s in F airfax, Virginia . B ib lio grap hic instruction a n d m arketin g o f th e Li­ b ra ry P rogram a re k ey elem ents o f th is position. Libraria n will c olla b­ ora te w ith fo u r othe r external de g re e librarians (one in Fairfax, Vir­ ginia, o n e in T roy, M ic h iga n, a n d tw o in M t. P leasant, M ichigan) plus o n -c am pu s librarians. T he individ ua l s elected w ill rep ort to th e M an­ ag er, O ff-C am pus Lib ra ry S ervices. Q ualifications: AL A -accred ited M LS de gre e; o n e year of professional e xp erien ce o f a qualifyin g n a­ ture; bib lio g ra p h ic instruction e xp erien ce; w illingness to travel, and to w o rk a flexib le s chedule; a n d a te am orientation required. D ata­ base sea rching e x p erien c e a n d exp erien ce w ith Xenix preferred. M in im um salary $ 2 0,55 0, c om m en surate w ith qualifications. Salary c urren tly a u gm e nte d b y a 1 4 .4 % area differential. E xcelle nt benefits in c lu d in g un iversity fu n d e d h ealth c are; life, travel, a n d disability in­ surance; p a id s ick leave; p a id holidays, retirem ent a n d 2 0 v acation da y s a year. S u bm it letter o f applica tion , resume, an d th e nam es an d addresses o f three references to: C hairperson, Selection C om m it­ tee, 20 7 Park Library, C en tral M ich ig a n U n ive rsity , Mt. Pleasant, M l 48 859; (517) 774-6419. A p plic atio ns receiv ed prior to Jan ua ry 15, 1988, will be g ive n priority c onsideration. C M U is a n a ffirm ative actio n a n d e q ua l o p p o rtu n ity institution. P U B L IC S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N , Instructor o r A ssista nt Professor Level. S tockton State C olleg e offers fo ur-ye ar u n d e rgrad ua te pro ­ gra m to 5,0 0 0 s tudents in th e a rts a n d sciences a n d professional studies, a n d is located in s outhern N ew Jersey be tw ee n P h ila delphia an d A tla ntic C ity. Responsibilitie s: G eneral reference, colle ction d e ­ v elopm ent, online sea rching (DIALO G ) bib lio g ra p h ic instruction, othe r d u ties a s a ssigned. Q ualifications: M LS from ALA -accred ited institution, co m p u te r skills, g o o d interpersonal an d com m un icatio n skills. R ank de pe nd en t u p on experience. Salary: $22,835.91 to $ 2 8,95 5.7 3 (12 m onths) plus State m an da ted benefits ba sed u p on qualifications, exp erien ce a n d increases in th e N ew J e rse y State C om pe nsa tion Plan. Send a pplica tion , resum e a n d n am es o f three references to: Eileen D ubin, D ire ctor o f L ib ra ry Services, S to c k to n S ta te C o lle g e Library, Pomona, N J 0 8 24 0. Review o f ap plica tion s will b e g in o n D ece m b er 1, 1987. H ow ever, ap plica tion s w ill be ac­ c e p te d until position is filled. S tockton State C olleg e is an A ffirm ative A ctio n, Equal O p po rtun ity E m ployer. W om en a n d m inorities a re en­ c o u ra g e d to apply. P U B L IC S E R V IC E S L IB R A R IA N . M L S fro m A L A -a c c re d ite d school a n d c om m itm e nt to pu b lic s ervice in ac a de m ic libraries re­ qu ire d. Successful c an did ate w ill pa rticip ate as te am m em be r in p la nn ing a n d im plem entation o f p u b lic s ervice policie s a n d pro c e ­ dures, p a rticularly in areas o f reference, library instruction, a n d data­ base s earching. H ig h c om m itm e nt to all aspects o f library operations Decem ber 1987 / 743 is expected. Preference given to subject expertise in sciences o business. This is a 12-m onth, full time, tw o-year repla cem ent position with th e possibility of renewal. Salary range is $1 8,00 0-$2 2,00 0. Benefits inclu de tuitio n remission, m edical, TIAA/C REF, holidays, vacations, etc. Deadline for ap plications is J anuary 1 5 ,1 9 8 8 . A p pli cation plus three letters of recom m endation sho uld b e sent to: K ath Flynn, W age a n d Benefits Office, C o lle ge of S a in t B en e dict, St. J o seph, MN 56374. REFERENCE A N D IN FO R M ATIO N SE RV IC E LIB R A R IA N . Fac ulty tenure-track position in Refe rence a n d Inform ation Service. Can didates sho uld h ave s pecific c apabilitie s in sub-areas such as use needs analysis, com m unications skills an d ad van ced te chniq ues. An ability to te ach g raduate level courses in th e operation o f special libraries a nd an em phasis o n th e health sciences o r other scientifi subjects is also desirable. A p plican ts sho uld have a Ph.D . de gre e o be in the final stages o f th eir Ph.D . program . Evidence o f experienc in th e planning a n d executio n o f scholarly research p roje cts will als be a selection fa ctor. R ank an d salary are de pe nd en t upon qualifica tions and experience. 9 m onth m onth a p po intm e nt w ith opportunit for sum m er teachin g. M in imum startin g salary: $2 8,50 0. Ap po int ment date: Fall, 1988. A pplicatio n deadline: February 15, 1988, o until appro priate candidates are identified. Send applications to Chair, R efe rence F aculty Search Com m ittee, C ollege of L ibrary an Information Services, U niversity o f M ary lan d , C ollege Park, M 20742; (301) 454-5441. T he U niversity o f M aryland is an affirm ativ action a nd equal op po rtun ity em plo yer. REFERENCE A N D IN FO R M ATIO N SE RV IC ES LIB R A R IA N . In structor or Assista nt Professor. Provides general reference service t all disciplines. Inform ation d esk reference assignm ent includes eve ning schedule. M aintains an d develops th e reference collection. A s sists w ith online searching an d bib lio grap hic instruction. Does liaiso work w ith U niversity faculty fo r developm ent of library services. Par ticipates in library com m ittees a n d library faculty council, an d pro vides U niversity com m ittee service. Follows U niversity library fa cult policies. Reports to the Assistant Director fo r R eader Services. Re quired: A LA -accredited M LS a n d dem onstrated excellent oral an written com m unication skills. Preferred: O n e to tw o years’ aca de m i professional experience; evid en ce of ability to w ork w ell w ith faculty students, an d colleagues in a university e nvironm ent a n d ability t meet university standards fo r te nure-track ap po intm e nt inclu ding re search an d service. 12-m onth tenure-track ap pointm ent, 24 day annual leave plus holidays. Paid state o r TIAA/C REF retirem ent plan C ontrib utory health insurance plan. Salary from $ 1 9,000, c om m en surate w ith qualifications. N o sta te incom e tax. R eview of ap plica tions begins J anuary 4, 1988, an d continues until th e position i filled. Send letter of application, resume, names, addresses an phone nu m be rs of three references to: Personnel O ffice, East T e n nessee S tate U n iversity, P.O. Box 24070A, J ohnson C ity, T 37614-0002. ETSU is an affirm ative actio n, equal o p po rtun ity em ployer. REFERENCE L IB R A R IA N . Christian liberal arts colle ge seeks refe r ence librarian. Responsibilities: general reference service, referenc collection de velopm ent; liaison to fo ur o r five ac a de m ic depart ments; bib lio grap hic instruction; online searching e xperience desir able. Education: M LS from A LA -accredited school; s econd m aster' in subject area desirable. Faculty rank, 10 m onth te nure-track a p pointm ent; m in im um salary: $19,000. TIAA/C REF. S ubm it letter o application, resume, transcripts, an d three references to: Marily Starr, C hairperson of Library Resources, Sp ring A rb o r C ollege Spring A rb o r M l 49283, by M arch 1, 1988. R EFERENCE LIB R A R IA N . O nline searcher w ith excellent refe r ence a n d te achin g skills to d o refe rence, bib lio grap hic instruction and adm in ister th e U.S. G overnm ent D epository Collectio n. H elp u im plem ent ou r NOTIS Autom ation System an d develo p new technol og y such as CD-ROM. AL A M aster o f Library Science. $2 2,00 0. Ex cellent frin g e benefits. Send letter o f ap plication, resume, transcrip and 3 letters o f recom m endation to: C harles H. Kemp, H ead L ibrar ian, M issouri Sou th ern S tate C o lle g e , Joplin, M O 6 4 801. Dead line: 1 Jan ua ry 1988. Starting date : negotiable, no late r than 1 Jun 1988. EOE/AA. R EFERENCE LIB R A R IA N . To pro vid e general refe rence servic including desk cove rag e (with regular eve nin g an d w eekend hours) bib lio grap hic instruction; c oo rdina tion o f online s earching services book selection in s ciences, inclu ding liaison w ork w ith s cience fa c ulty. Required: ALA/M LS; 2 years professional experience in refe r ­ y ­ ­ ­ r c r e o ­ y ­ r : d D e ­ o ­ ­ n ­ ­ y ­ d c , o ­ s . ­ ­ s d ­ N ­ ­ e ­ ­ s ­ f n , ­ , s ­ ­ t ­ ­ e e ; ; ­ r­ ence; trainin g o r experience in online searching. Desired: D egree in natural science discipline o r s ignificant interest in science inform a­ tion services; experience w ith m ap s an d docum ents. Instructo r or Assistant Professor rank. Salary: $2 0,0 0 0 -$ 2 3 ,0 0 0 de pe nd ing on experience/qualifications; 12 m onth contract. H ealth an d life insur­ ance, state retirem ent, 2 0 d ays v acation. FLC is a state s upported, liberal arts institution w ith 3,700 undergraduates, located in south­ western C olorado. A p p ly to: Ju d y Paterson, Chair, Refe rence Librar­ ian S earch Com m ittee, 154 R eed Library, Fort L ew is C o llege, D u­ ran go , C O 8 1 30 1, w ith le tter, resum e, a n d nam es a n d ph on e num bers of 3 professional refe rences, postm arked no late r than Jan­ uary 8, 1988. AA /EE O em plo yer. R EFER EN C E L IB R A R IA N /B IB L IO G R A P H E R (P hilo sop hy an d Theology). Boston C ollege, O 'N eill Library invite s nom in atio ns a nd applications fo r th e position of Refe rence Libraria n/Bibliographer (Philosophy a n d Theology). Responsibilities: Participate s in colle c­ tion developm ent an d serves as liaison w ith the philosophy an d the­ olo gy departm ents an d possibly other assigned aca de m ic depart­ m ents. Provides general reference service at th e reference desk, including one evening, particip atio n in w eekend rotation, an d o cca­ sional holidays. Provides bib lio grap hic instruction, both to freshman English classes a n d a dvan ced classes in philosophy a n d theolo gy. Performs ap pro priate com puterized literature searches. Participates on library an d d epartm ental com m ittees an d task groups. Performs other a p pro priate assigned tasks. Boston C ollege offers its 14,0 00 stu dents a n d alm ost 700 faculty the advantages o f a s tron g liberal arts institu tion w ith ou ts ta n d in g g ra d u a te an d professional p ro ­ gram s. Library collections nu m be r over on e million volumes. The new O ’Neill Library provid es an attractive, inte nsively used, highly autom ated e nvironm ent fo r s tu dy an d learning a n d also houses the cam p us com puter cente r. The library adm in istration is com m itted to developing leadership, m anagem ent an d pla nn ing skills a, all levels of th e library staff. Q ualifications inclu de an A LA-accredited MLS; g o od inte rpersonal an d com m unication skills. A m in im um of tw o years relevant experience in a n a ca de m ic library, inclu ding e xperi­ ence w ith collection developm ent o r reference w ork is required. A p ­ propriate s ub ject b a ckgro un d necessary; an advan ced de gre e in appropriate sub ject area an d k now ledge of a foreign language strongly preferred. Benefits: Excelle nt benefits pa ckag e inclu ding tu­ ition remission, a w id e range of insurance pro gram s an d 22 days an­ nual v acation. Salary from $23,100 d e pe n d in g o n qualifications. To apply: Send resum e w ith n am es an d te le ph on e num bers o f 3 refe r­ ences to: M ary M cM illan, E m ploym ent M anager. D epartm ent of H u­ m an Resources, Boston C o llege, Chestnut Hill, M A 0 2167. A p pli­ c a tio n s re c e iv e d b y J a n u a r y 15 , 19 8 8 , w ill r e c e iv e p rio r ity consideration. Boston C ollege is an equal opportunity, affirm ative actio n em plo yer. R EFERENCE LIB R A R IA N /B U SIN ES S. New p osition a t N orth D a­ kota State U niversity Library. Position in a lan dg ra nt university library serving 8,50 0 un de rgraduate students, 1,000 graduate students, an d 7 0 0 fa culty. U nder the d irectio n of th e H ead o f R efe rence a nd th e C ollectio n M anagem ent Libraria n, duties inclu de general refe r­ e n ce w ork in th e M ain Library, particip atio n in an active library in­ structio n program , online database searching, collection de velo p­ m ent in business a n d other fields as assigned, an d liaison w ith the C ollege o f Business Administration. Q ualifications: Required: gra d u ­ ate de gre e from an ALA-accredited school. Preferred: reference an d collection developm ent e xperience in an aca de m ic or special library; e x p erien c e w ith o n line da ta ba s e s ea rching ; d e g re e or coursew ork in business; ability to w ork effectively w ith faculty, staff, an d students. Refe rence staff consists of 5 FTE librarians, 1 parap ro­ fessional, 1 clerk, an d student em plo yees. The NDSU Lib ra ry is a m em ber of Tri-College University, a successfu l consortium (NDSU, M oorhead State U niversity, C on cordia C ollege) w ith online c atalog an d circulation links to th e M in nesota State U niversity System 's PALS netw ork. NDSU is located in F argo, an educational, cultural, a n d m edical c enter fo r th e U pp er Plains. T he total population o f the m etropolita n area, w hich includes M oorhead, Min nesota, exceeds 145,000. T he area is w ithin a short driv e of th e Min nesota lake c ou n­ try and 4 hours from M in neapolis an d W in nipeg. Salary; $20,000. TIAA/C REF an d Blue C ross/Blue S hield/HM O options. A p plicatio ns an d nom in atio ns should b e received n o late r than Jan ua ry 1 5 ,1987. Send letter o f application; c urren t resum e; an d names, addresses, an d p hon e num bers of three references to: Personnel O ffice, North D ako ta S tate U n iversity, P.O. Bo x 5227, Fargo, ND 58105. NDSU is a n equal opportunity institution. R EFERENCE LIB R A R IA N /B U SIN ES S S U B JE C T S P EC IA L IST , 74A / C & R L News Assistant Professor (tenure-leading). C entral R eference Services D e­ pa rtm e n t startin g A p ril 1, 1988. 1) Serve o n th e Reference/lnform a- tion D esk. 2) Select m aterials fo r th e general library colle ction fo r the C olleg e o f Business Adm in istra tion a n d in Actuarial Science. (In­ c lud es colle ction m anagem ent, assessm ent, an d fu n d m an ag e­ m ent.) 3) Provid e user e d uc a tion in assigned s ub ject area(s). 4 ) Liai­ s on w ith fa c u lty , sta ff, a n d s tu d e n ts in th e C o lle g e o f Business Adm in istra tion a n d affiliated ag en cies. 5) O nline s ea rc hing in th e hu­ m anitie s an d social sciences. R equired: M LS from a pro gram ac­ c red ited b y the A m eric an Lib ra ry A ssociation; stro n g interpersonal skills; de m on stra te d oral a n d w ritten com m un icatio n skills; business de g re e o r eq uiva len t exp erien ce. Preferred: Exp erien ce in online sea rching ; e x p erien c e in reference s ervice; g ra du ate d e g re e in the social s cien ces o r hum anitie s; rea d in g k no w led ge of on e o r m ore for­ eig n language(s). $ 1 9,00 0 m inim um fo r a 12-m onth c ontract. Salary m a y b e h ig he r d e p e n d in g u p on th e qualifications o f th e successful ap plica nt. A p p ly w ith full resum e p lu s nam es a n d cu rre n t addresses/ te le ph on e nu m b e rs o f three references by J a n ua ry 15, 1988, to: Kent H en drickson , D ean o f L ibrarie s, 106 L o ve L ib ra ry, U n ive rsity o f N eb ra sk a-L in co ln , Lin coln , N E 68588-0410. A ffirm ativ e A ctio n, Equal O p p o rtu n ity E m ployer. R E F E R E N C E L IB R A R IA N /G O V E R N M E N T D O C U M E N T S L I­ B R A R IA N , Case L ibrary, C olg ate U niversity. Participates fu lly w ith 5 o th e r professionals in refe re nce de s k s ervice (general reference, do cum e nts, an d science), da ta ba se s ea rching , an d library instruc­ tion. C oo rd ina tes U nited States G overnm ent, N ew Y ork S tate G ov­ ernm ent, a n d U nite d N atio ns d o c u m e n ts op era tion . S upervises one FTE paraprofessional a n d s tu de nt staff. Lib ra ry h a s been a federal de po s ito ry s ince 1902 a n d c urren tly receiv es o v e r 4 5 % o f d e po si­ to ry items. R equired: A L A -accred ited M LS; tw o yea rs e x p erien c e in G o v ernm en t D ocu m e nts in a de po s ito ry library; d e m on stra ble c o m ­ m itm e nt to full particip atio n in refe re nce s ervices; reference e x p eri­ e n c e in g o v e rn m e n t d o c um e nts or in a gene ral reference collection; stro n g analytical a n d o rganizational skills. Desirable : Experience in o r k no w led ge ab o u t th e au tom ation of go v e rn m e n t d o c um e nts op e r­ atio ns. Salary: $ 2 3,00 0 + . A p p lic a tio n d e adline: J a n ua ry 15, 1988. Prelim in ary inte rvie w s a t A L A M id w in ter. Send letter o f a pplica tion , resume, a n d th re e letters o f refe re nce to: J u d y G reen, U niversity Li­ brarian, C ase Library, C o lg a te U n ive rsity , H am ilton, N Y 13346. W om en an d m inorities en cou ra g e d to ap ply. C olg a te is an A A , EOE. U N IV E R S IT Y L IB R A R IA N . T he U niversity o f S outhern Mississippi invites nom in atio ns an d a p plica tion s fo r th e po sition o f U nive rsity Li­ brarian. T he U niversity L ibraria n is th e c h ie f ad m in istrato r fo r th e J o ­ s ep h A n de rs o n C o o k Lib ra ry (m ain collection), th e W illiam D avid M c ­ C ain Lib ra ry a n d A rc h iv e s (specia l collections), an d th e T eaching Le arn in g R esource C enter. T he U niversity Lib ra ria n rep orts to th e Vice P resident fo r A c a d e m ic Affairs. T he libraries s erve a stu de nt b o d y o f ap pro x im a tely 12,000 u n d e rgrad ua te a n d gra d u a te stu­ de nts an d a fa culty o f 6 5 0. C an did ate s s ho uld possess substantial professional exp erien ce, fa m iliarity w ith a bro ad ran ge of library fu nctio ns, adm in istrative c om p ete nc y , kno w led ge of new library te chn olog ies, com m un icatio n skills, an d a stro n g c o m m itm e n tto ser­ vice. C an did ate s m us t a lso ha v e a re c o rd of sign ifican t a c a d e m ic a n d / o r p ro fe s s io n a l a c h ie v e m e n t. R e q u ire m e n ts a re a n A L A - accre d ite d m aster’s de g re e plus an additio na l a d v a n c e d de gre e (prefe rab ly th e d o ctorate) in Lib ra ry S ervice o r a n othe r a p pro priate ac a de m ic area. Evid en ce o f con tinu ing professional d e ve lo p m e n t is exp ected . D e p en din g u p on qu alifications, th e U niversity Libraria n m a y also h o ld a n a c a d e m ic a p po intm e nt o n the library s cien ce fac­ ulty o r in an othe r ap p ro p ria te de p a rtm e n t o f th e University. C oo pe ra­ tion w ith th e A L A -ac c red ited library s c ien c e pro g ra m will b e ex­ pe cte d. Salary w ill b e na tionally com p etitive an d com m en surate w ith qualifications a n d e xperience. N om inations a n d a p plica tion s w ill be review ed be g in n in g J a n ua ry 4 ,1 9 8 8 , a n d w ill b e r e ce ive d until a p ­ po intm e nt is m ad e. Prelim in ary intervie w s w ill b e c o n d u c te d at the A L A M id w in te r M eeting to be he ld in S an A n to nio, Texas, J a n ua ry 9 - 1 1 , 1988. Prosp ective c an did ate s s ho uld ind icate w he the r they w ill b e atten din g th e A L A M id w in te r M eeting. Position is ava ilab le on o r after J u ly 1 ,1 9 8 8 . Send letter o f applica tion , resum e, a n d nam es a n d a d dre sses o f th re e references to: S earch C om m ittee fo r U niver­ sity L ibraria n, O ffice o f th e Vice P resident fo r A c a d e m ic Affairs, U n i­ ve rs ity o f S o u th e rn M iss is sip p i, S outhern Station, B ox 50 02 , H at­ tiesburg, M S 39 406-5002. AA/E O E. LATE JOB LISTINGS ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN, Ruth A. Haas Library, Western Connecticut State University. Anticipated: Full-time, tenure-track library faculty position. Includes budgeting, materials purchasing and receipt, training and supervision of acquisitions staff, and coordinating purchasing requests and acquisitions development. Participates in liaison and bibliographic instruction programs. Reports to the Director of Library Services. Minimum Qualifications: ALA-accredited MLS. Experience with automated acquisitions system. Acquisitions experience in an academic library. Minimum Rank: Assistant Professor (Librarian II). Minimum Salary: $26,000. Send resume with cover letter and names of three references by January 20, 1988, to: John Barton, Chair, Library Faculty Search Committee, Western Connecticut State University, Danbury, CT 06810. ACQUISITIONS LIBRARIAN. Supervise, develop, and maintain library services for all non-print and print serial and monographic acquisitions whether by purchase or by gift. MLS or MA in library science; five years in acquisitions and technical services, hands-on experience with automated system(s), supervision of support staff, and ability to qualify for at least Assistant Professor rank are all required. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate experience with integrated library systems, planning and managing library services, collection development and supervision of librarians. Academic rank of Assistant or Associate Professor; salary to $40,000 for 213 duty days, usual fringe benefits. Apply by February 15, 1988, to: Thomas M. Peischl, Dean of the Library, Mankato State University, Box 19, Mankato, MN 56001. Applications from minorities are encouraged. December 1987 / 745 ARCHIVIST, REGIONAL CULTURAL HISTORY COLLECTION. The University of Southern California Libraries is seeking a Librarian for its unique Regional Cultural History Collection in East Library. Reports to Head Librarian, Special Collections, and is responsible for managing Collection, preparing finding aids for manuscript collections and research use, and providing public service. Continuing liaison with donors, assisting in solicitation of additions to Collection, and promoting its use through instructional literature and exhibits. Attend to conservation and preservation needs. MLS from ALA-accredited program with archival training or substantial archival experience. Able to work independently and maintain confidentiality of sensitive and closed records. Good written and oral communication skills are essential. Preferred: interest in contemporary California and American history. Experience with archival and/or photographic conservation and preservation needs. Minimum two years archival or professional library experience. Rank and salary: Negotiable, depending on background and experience. Minimum: Librarian I, $25,800; Librarian II, $28,500. Deadline: Open until filled. Applications received prior to January 15, 1988, will be given priority. Apply to: Carolyn J. Henderson, Director of Personnel and Organizational Development, Doheny Memorial Library, University of Southern California, University Park, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0182. Applicants should submit letter of application, a resume, and the names and telephone numbers of three references. Refer to position title, and Position #110 CRL on all correspondence. AA/EOE. ASSISTANT DEPARTMENT HEAD, Special Collections Department, Minneapolis Public Library. Librarian III. Duties include: Reference work and online searching, assisting with scheduling and training staff and with collection development, managing day-to–day workflow, related duties as assigned. Minimum qualifications: Master’s degree from ALA-accredited library school and 3 years’ professional library experience, preferably in public libraries. Experience with historical collections or rare book collections desirable. Minimum salary: $32,084; generous benefits. Closing date: January 22, 1988. MPL application form, transcripts, 3 letters of reference required. For application forms, further information, and to apply, contact person is: Elizabeth Shelver, Personnel Officer, Minneapolis Public Library, 300 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55401; (612) 372-6614. An equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. CHAIR/LIBRARY DIRECTOR, Rutgers University Institute of Management and Labor Relations. Rutgers University seeks a senior administrative officer to chair the Department of Library and Information Services in the Institute of Management and Labor Relations. The chair is responsible for all aspects of the IMLR Library’s programs, resources, and services. Candidates must have demonstrated expertise in library administration as well as broad knowledge of information technologies and demonstrated organizational, leadership, and interpersonal skills. The candidate must exhibit a commitment to academic excellence and have sufficient scholarly and professional achievements to merit appointment at senior faculty rank. A competitive salary will be offered, commensurate with experience and qualifications, $45,000-$55,000. Deadline for applications is February 15, 1988. Nominations and applications should be sent to: Charles Nanry, Institute of Management and Labor Relations, Rutgers University, Ryder’s Lane/Cook Campus, New Brunswick, NJ 08903. An affirmative action, equal opportunity employer. COORDINATOR OF DATABASE CONTROL, Gelman Library, The George Washington University. Appointment salary minimum (negotiable, based on qualifications and experience): $20,000. Library assignment: Cataloging and Systems Department. Position description: Responsible for planning and managing the 746 / C& RL News creation of bibliographic and item data for the library's CD–ROM public access catalog and online catalogs; for planning and maintaining the quality of this data to maintain the integrity and consistency of the database; and for assisting in planning and implementing procedures for phasing out the card catalog. The incumbent supervises eight full-time support staff members responsible for copy–cataloging through OCLC and for card catalog and database maintenance, and serves as a resource person for questions relating to machine-readable processing and formatting of records for staff. As one of five full-time professional catalogers, the incumbent reports to the department head and shares responsibility for original and difficult copy-cataloging; as with all professional librarians, the Coordinator of Database Control serves as a subject specialist in selective academic disciplines depending on background and experience. Qualifications: Required: ALA–accredited MLS; working knowledge of AACR2, LCSH, LC classification, OCLC/MARC formats; minimum 2 years recent professional experience cataloging on OCLC; successful supervisory experience; flexibility; good oral and written communication skills. Desirable: Teaching or training experience with OCLC or local online systems; experience using the OCLC micro­ enhancer and with retrospective conversion; experience working with integrated online systems; experience cataloging serials and/or government documents; knowledge of German or East Asian languages. Deadline for applications: the search was originally open in July and is now extended; applications will be reviewed until the position is filled. Please send current resume and names of three references to: Andrea W. Stewart, Executive Coordinator, Gelman Library, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052. GWU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. ENGLISH & AMERICAN LITERATURE SUBJECT SPECIALIST. MLS and two years' professional experience in an academic or research library are minimal requirements. Must also be conversant with at least one Western European language. Tenure track position at Senior Assistant/Associate Librarian rank. Salary: $26,000 or higher commensurate with qualifications. To apply or obtain detailed description, write: M.E. State, State University of New York at Buffalo, University Libraries, 432 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260. An EO/AA Employer. HEAD, CATALOGING AND SYSTEMS DEPARTMENT. Appointment salary minimum (negotiable, based on qualifications and experience): $28,000. The Gelman Library, George Washington University, seeks an innovative manager for the position of Head of the Cataloging and Systems Department. The Library has been in a period of expansion of services and collections for the past several years. Currently, it has 1.2 million volumes and catalogs approximately 35,000 volumes each year. It has been an OCLC library since 1975 and has used the OCLC LS/2 system since 1980. The Library implemented the Marcive/PAC compact disk catalog and long-term backup catalog to the integrated NOTIS system, which is being implemented as a project of the Washington Library Consortium. The card catalog is being phased out. The Cataloging and Systems Department: Staffed by 16 FTE (including 5 librarians and 2 computer operators), the department is responsible for the cataloging of all materials added to the Gelman collection, including monographs, serials, and non-print material. In addition, the department is responsible for the maintenance of the bibliographic databases as well as the operation and maintenance of the systems themselves. These activities require effective interaction with the various units and departments throughout the library and will require close cooperation with other members of the Washington Library Consortium. The department is one of the four major areas within the Collections Division: Acquisitions, Cataloging and Systems; Preservation/Binding; and Special Collections. Responsibilities: Under the general direction of the Assistant D ecember 1987 / 747 University Librarian for Collections, the department head will have major responsibility for working effectively with the Washington Library Consortium in planning and implementing NOTIS in Gelman Library and phasing out the systems it replaces. The department head is responsible for assuring that workflow and departmental organization are efficiently adapted to changes in automated systems and service priorities. In addition to responsibilities within the department and based on academic background and experience, all librarians at the Gelman Library serve as subject specialists for particular areas: serving as liaison to departments, providing consultation services, and performing collection development activities. Qualifications: ALA-MLS required. Well-developed managerial skills and cataloging experience required; 5 years professional experience in the cataloging department of an academic or research library preferred. Also required: demonstrated organizational, leadership, communications, and human relations skills; extensive working experience with an integrated online system in a research library; demonstrated ability to work effectively with public and collections staff at all levels. Deadline for applications: For full consideration, please send current resume and names and addresses of three references by February 1, 1988, to: Andrea Stewart, Executive Coordinator, Gelman Library, The George Washington University, Washington, DC 20052. The position will also be posted at ALA Midwinter in San Antonio and search committee members will be available there to meet with potential candidates. GWU is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. MANAGEMENT & ECONOMICS SUBJECT SPECIALIST. MLS and two years’ professional experience in an academic or research library are minimal requirements. Tenure track position at Senior Assistant/Associate Librarian rank. Salary: $26,000 or higher commensurate with qualifications. To apply or obtain detailed description, write: M.E. State, State University of New York at Buffalo, University Libraries, 432 Capen Hall, Amherst, NY 14260. An EO/AA Employer. REFERENCE LIBRARIAN, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg. Provide reference services in business and public administration. Duties include desk coverage in general 191,000 volume library (with scheduled evening and weekend hours), research referrals, instruction, computer-based literature searching, collection development. Ability to communicate and work effectively with students, faculty and administrators in operation of library programs. MLS from an ALA-accredited school; 2 years’ professional experience as public services librarian. Faculty rank; minimum salary: $22,008; liberal insurance, retirement and other benefits. Send letter of application and resume to: Charles Townley, c/o Robert Hamill, Box ALA, Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, Middletown, PA 17057. Closing date January 8, 1988, or until position is filled. EO/AA employer. Women and minorities encouraged to apply. TWO PROFESSIONAL VACANCIES, The University of Texas at Arlington. Head of Central Library Reference. Position description: The Head of Central Library Reference is a new position and the incumbent will supervise a department that is being created through the amalgamation of a subject divisional arrangement. The department will consist of seven subject specialist librarians, two half­ time computer search librarians, and four classified staff; it will provide reference service from a single desk for government publications as well as LC materials in all subject areas except Art & Architecture and Science & Technology. The Head of Central Library Reference will coordinate staffing of the reference desk, integrate computer-assisted reference with general reference, coordinate reference collection management, work with the Head of Government Publications/Maps to integrate documents and LC reference, develop 748 / C& RL News and maintain a reference policy manual, collect appropriate statistics, plan for the mix of services that best satisfies the Library’s clientele, and supervise and evaluate the department’s librarians and staff. The Head of Central Library Reference will be one of six department heads who report to the Assistant Director for Public Services. Qualifications: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; at least four years’ experience providing reference service in an academic or research setting with progressively more responsible positions; some supervisory experience; experience in online database searching; a record of professional and/or scholarly activity. Desired: Administrative experience; M.A. or Ph.D. degree in a relevant subject discipline. Head of the Science and Technology Library. Position description: The Head of the Science and Technology Library will administer a new branch library that will begin operations in 1988 with a satellite information center at the Automation & Robotics Research Institute reporting to it. The Science and Technology Library will serve all engineering and scientific fields taught on the UTA campus except for biomedical and psychology programs. The head of the library will supervise and evaluate a staff of two professional and two classified staff and bear responsibility for reference collection management, reference service, circulation, reserve, binding of current journals, an online search service, the determination of library hours, and management of the Robotics Information Center. The Head of the Science and Technology Library will also collect appropriate statistics, analyze service needs, and make recommendations to the Assistant Director for Public Services on the mix of services that will best serve the library’s clientele. The Head of the Science and Technology Library is one of six department heads who report to the Assistant Director for Public Services. Qualifications: Required: Master’s degree from an ALA-accredited program; advanced subject degree or the equivalent combination of education and experience in the sciences and/or engineering; at least four years* library experience in public services in progressively more responsible positions; some supervisory experience; experience in online database searching; a record of professional and/or scholarly activity. Desired: Administrative experience; M.A. or Ph.D. in the sciences or engineering. Employment: Both positions are full-time with a non-traditional work week. Location: The University of Texas at Arlington is located in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, has a current enrollment of approximately 23,000, and offers 97 degrees, 18 at the Ph.D. level. The University Libraries presently have more than 1,000,000 items in the collections, a staff of 100, and an FY 1987-88 budget of nearly $5,000,000. The Libraries participate in AMIGOS, OCLC, DIALOG, BRS, and are installing the NOTIS automated system. Salary and benefits: $25,000 annual minimum for both positions, dependent on qualifications and experience. Benefits include State contribution to health insurance premiums, payment of 88 percent of Social Security premiums for the first $16,500 of annual salary for a total of $965.00, and 8.5 percent of annual salary contributed by the State to match the employee contribution of 6.65 percent for optional retirement programs. Applications: Applications should include a resume and the names of three professional references. Consideration for the positions will begin January 22, 1988, and will continue until a satisfactory candidate has been found. Applications should be addressed to: Chair, Head of the (appropriate search committee), The University of Texas at Arlington, P.0. Box 19497, Arlington, TX 76019.