ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 20 / C&RL News ■ January 1999 C&RL News submission guidelines Editorial purpose College & Research Libraries News (C&RL News) publishes articles written by practitioners address­ ing philosophy and techniques o f day-to-day m an­ agem ent of academic library services and collec­ tions. C&RL News provides current information re­ lating to issues, activities, and personalities of the higher education and academ ic/research library field. User education, technology, professional edu­ cation, preservation, governm ent actions that af­ fect libraries, public relations, acquisitions of sp e­ cial collections, grants to libraries, reports on meet­ ings, products, and the business of ACRL are cov­ ered in C&RL News. Established in 1966, C&RL News is the official newsm agazine and publication of record of the Association of College a nd Research Libraries (ACRL). It maintains a record of selected actions and policy statem ents of the association and publishes timely reports on the activities of ACRL and its units. It is published 11 times per year. Content The editor bears full responsibility for the content of each issue of C&RL News and selects material for publication. The editor also reserves the right to make appropriate revisions in material selected for publication in order to standardize style or im­ prove clarity (except official ACRL documents). Note: Formal, theoretical, or research-oriented ar­ ticles inappropriate for C&RL News will be for­ w arded to the editor of College & Research Librar­ ies for review. Material selected should fall into o ne o f the fol­ lowing categories: 1. Reports on a project, program, or service deal­ ing with a topic relevant to academ ic librarianship (e.g., “Teaching undergrads Web evaluation,” July/ August 1998). 2. Reports for “Conference Circuit” that sum ­ marize the highlights o f a recent conference, work­ shop, or meeting of interest to academic or research librarians (e.g., “Integrating information literacy into the curriculum,” May 1998). 3. Essays for “The Way I See It” that offer rea­ soned and informed speculation or comm ent on re le v a n t to p ic s (e .g ., “N e ith e r P a n d o ra n o r Cassandra: Library services and distance education in the next d ecade,” June 1998). 4. Topics for the “Internet Resources” column. Submit a topic idea and brief information about the com piler’s knowledge of the proposed topic. Compilers w hose topics are selected will receive specific manuscript preparation information (e.g., “Distance Education,” May 1998). 5. Essays for “Focus on Libraries” w hich de­ scribe new and renovated libraries and innovative library services (e.g., “Renovating for technology: Partnerships produce quick results,” June 1998). 6. Essays that explore the ACRL President’s theme. The theme for 1998-99 is “Leadership and Learning” (e.g., October 1998). 7. Humorous essays and cartoons related to is­ sues of academic librarianship and higher educa­ tion (e.g., cartoons in the “News from the Field”). 8. Essays for the “Scholarly Communication” column (new). 9. Standards, guidelines, or recommendations of an ACRL committee or other official ACRL group (e.g., “ACRL guidelines for distance learning library services,” October 1998). 10. Requests for the donation of books or mate­ rials to libraries. C&RL News may occasionally print requests for the donation of books or materials to libraries, especially foreign libraries, which have suf­ fered extensive loss through fire, hurricane, or natu­ ral disaster. Other libraries soliciting contributions for other reasons will be referred to the rates for classified advertising in C&RL News. Instructions to authors 1. Style. Articles should be practical and written in an informal, accurate, and informative m anner. Manuscripts should be original and not published elsewhere. (Exceptions may be made for items pre­ viously published in institutional newsletters.) Foot­ notes, charts, and tables should be kept to a minimum. 2. Length. News notes may be 150-350 words; reports of meetings for the “Conference Circuit” should be 750-1,000 words; essays for “The Way I See It” should be 750-1,000 words; articles should be no m ore than 2,000 words. 3. Graphics. W henever possible, photographs, illustrations, images from Web sites, etc., should accompany article submissions. Authors are respon­ sible for obtaining permission to use graphic ma­ terials. Submit camera-ready artw ork for all illus­ trations. O n the back of each photograph include: a brief caption, credits (if appropriate), and your name, address, phone number, and e-mail. 4. Submitting manuscripts. Authors should sub­ mit tw o copies, double-spaced, following The Chi­ cago M a n u a l o f Style, 14th ed., to C&RL News Edi­ tor, ALA, 50 E. Huron, Chicago, IL 6 θ 6 ll. {Note: An e-mail note of inquiry may precede submission of the article.) If the manuscript is prepared on a word processor, please supply an electronic version of the manuscript as a text file in an IBM-compatible fo rm a t, p r e f e r a b ly in M ic ro so ft W ord 97, WordPerfect for Windows 6.0 or ASCII. Note: Please label 3-5" disks with your name, phone number, e-mail, and filename. Manuscripts may also be sub­ mitted via the Internet: Ed. n o te : These guidelines were reviewed by the C&RL News Editorial Board at the 1998 Annual Con­ ference in Washington, D.C. and adopted by it in the fall of 1998. ■ C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s news C&RL N ew s ■ J a n u a ry 199 9/2 1