ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 36 / C&RL News . p E O P L E . Profiles Hiram L. Davis has been named dean of library services at New Mexico State University, Las Cru­ ces, effective January 1. He was formerly dean of libraries at the Univer­ sity of the Pacific. Davis had been in his position at UOP since 1979. His prior positions include head of the Un­ dergraduate Library at the University of Cali­ fornia, Los Angeles (1976-79), and associate director of University Libraries at the Univer­ sity of O klahom a (1973-76). Davis has Hiram L. Davisheld other professional positions at Northwest­ ern University, Kalamazoo Valley Community College, and the University of Kansas. He earned a C hina visit Five Washington State University librarians recently spent two weeks visiting academic li­ braries in the Sichuan Province of the People’s Republic of C hina. D elegation members Donna McCool, Mary Nofsinger, Carolyn Ta- keuchi, Kay Vyhnanek, and Louis Vyhnanek studied patterns of library service at the four Chinese universities and lectured on current li­ brary developments in the United States. Areas for future cooperation between libraries at WSU and the Chinese institutions were also dis­ cussed. There has been a steady exchange of scholars and students between Pullman, Washington, and Sichuan since bilateral exchange agree­ ments were signed in the early 1980s. Partici­ pating Chinese institutions are Sichuan Univer­ sity, Chengdu University of Science and Technology, Sichuan Agricultural University, and the Sichuan Foreign Languages Institute. The WSU librarians’ visit will be returned when five Chinese librarians travel to the Pnll- man campus later this year. bachelor’s degree a Missouri Valley College (1966) and his MLS from Em poria State University (1969), receiving a doctorate from the School of Li­ brary and Information Studies of the University of Michigan in 1984. While at UOP, Davis was involved in the plan­ ning and development of the recently completed William Knox Holt Memorial Library. He assisted in the organization of the California Private Aca­ demic Libraries under the auspices of the Associa­ tion of Independent California Colleges and Uni­ versities, and has served as a member of the Planning Committee for the California Confer­ ence on Networking and subsequently as a member of the Networking Task Force. Davis has served as a member of the ACRL Planning Committee and on the C&B.L News Editorial Board. Richard De Gennaro, director of libraries at the University of Pennsylvania and former associ­ ate university librarian at Harvard University, has been named director of the New York Public Li­ brary, effective Febru­ ary 1. De Gennaro started his professional career in the Reference D epart­ ment of the New York Public Library in 1956. He went to Harvard in 1958 where, for the next 12 years, he held in ­ creasingly responsible positions, including as­ Richard De Gennarosistant librarian, associ­ ate university librarian for systems development, and senior associate uni­ versity librarian. He established Harvard’s auto­ mation program and initiated and directed the computer-based Widener Library shelflist conver­ sion and publication project. During a leave from Harvard in 1967-68 he was visiting professor at the University of Southern California. He assumed the directorship at Pennsylvania in 1970. De Gennaro has participated in a wide variety of professional activities, including membership in the Board of Governors of the Research Libraries Group, Inc., of which he was chairman (1984-85). He was president of the Association of Research Li­ January 1987 / 37 braries (1975), president of ALA’s Information Sci­ ence and Automation Division, and chairman of the ASIS Special Interest Group on Library Auto­ mation and Networks. He has served on numerous other committees, councils, and advisory boards. De Gennaro is an internationally recognized au­ thority on library and information technology and library management, and is the author of more than 40 papers in addition to having completed more than sixty consulting assignments. A book of his selected papers, Libraries, Technology, and the Information Marketplace, will be published this year. De Gennaro was awarded ALA’s Melvil De­ wey Medal in 1986. After serving four years in the Navy in the Pacific during World W ar II, De Gennaro earned bache­ lor’s (1951) and master’s (1960) degrees from Wes­ leyan University. He received his MLS from Co­ lumbia University in 1956. De Gennaro has also studied at the Universities of Paris (Sorbonne), Poitiers, Barcelona, Madrid, and Perugia and is a graduate of Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program (1971). Barbara M . Jones was named director of library services at the University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, effective October 1, 1986. Jones served most re­ cently as director of the lib ra ry at New York City’s Fashion Institute of Technology, a Col­ lege of the State Univer­ sity of New York. Prior to that she was head of cataloging at New York University, and head of bibliographic control at the Teachers College Li­ brary of Columbia Uni­ versity. Jones began her Barbara M. Jonescareer in the catalog de­ partm ent at the Univer­ sity of Cincinnati. A member of Phi Beta Kappa, Jones earned her MLS, with honors, from Colum­ bia, and her bachelor’s degree, with high honors, from the University of Illinois. In 1986 she received a master’s in history from New York University and will soon complete a certificate in archival m an­ agement and historical editing. Jones has served on the editorial board of the F .I.T . Review and as chair of the Preservation Committee which prepared the Library Disaster Plan Workbook at NYU. She is co-author of “D u­ plicate Becords in the Bibliographic Utilities: A Historical Review of the Printing Versus Editing Problem,” which appeared in Library Resources and Technical Services. Jones is chair of the ALA Intellectual Freedom Round Table for 1986-87. Robert Maloy, director of the Smithsonian In­ stitution Libraries in Washington, D .C ., since 1979, has been appointed professor of church his­ tory and director of the lib ra ry a t S outhern M ethodist University, D allas, Texas. Maloy will assume his new po­ sition d u rin g the 1987-88 academic year. Prior to his position w ith the Smithsonian, Maloy was director of the library and a profes­ sor of history at the Un­ ion Theological Semi­ nary in New York City. Robert MaloyHe holds a bachelor’s de­ gree from the University of Dayton, a master’s from the University of Chi­ cago and a doctorate from the University of Frei­ burg in Switzerland. He is also an ordained priest of the Catholic Diocese of Basel in Switzerland. A specialist in Western Church History with exper­ tise in Late Antiquity, Maloy has edited Latin manuscripts. Joseph J. Mika was named director of the gradu­ ate library science program at Wayne State Uni­ versity, Detroit, effective August 1986. Mika had served as assistant dean of the School of Library Science at the University of Southern Mississippi since 1983. He was previously on the faculties of the University of Pittsburgh, Johnson State College and Ohio State University. Mika holds bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from the University of Pittsburgh and has pub­ lished widely in professional library journals. People in the News Charlene Baldwin, science librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson, spent three months late last year in Niamey in the Republic of Niger working as a consulting librarian to establish a functional documentation center for the Ministry of Planning. Baldwin helped train the documental­ ist at the center in computer use and advised in the development of policies and procedures for all as­ pects of the center’s operation. Susan Klimley, geological sciences librarian at the Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia University, New York, was awarded the Geoscience In fo rm atio n Society’s Best Paper Award at a November 11 luncheon in San Antonio. The paper, entitled “Saving Geology Libraries: W hat’s Available,” addressed the problems of pre­ serving large, often colored and folded, maps which accompany geoscience texts. The paper was particularly recommended for the wealth of tech­ nical detail presented and for tackling a long­ standing, difficult problem in the geoscience litera­ ture. Eleanor Pinkham, director of library and media 38 / C&RL News services at Kalamazoo College, received the Li­ brarian of the Year Award from the Michigan Li­ brary Association during its annual conference in October, 1986. Pinkham has been at Kalamazoo since 1971 and was president of the Michigan Li­ brary Association in 1983-84. She was instrumen­ tal in the planning and establishment of the Michi­ gan L ib ra ry C onsortium and served on its Executive Council for eight years. She is an active member of ACRL and is currently serving on the ALA Awards Committee. Appointments (Appointments are taken from library newslet­ ters, letters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appoint­ ment appears, write to the Editor, ACRL, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) Ralph Alberico has been appointed head of ref­ erence at James Madison University, Harrison­ burg, Virginia. Duncan Aldrich is now assistant government publications librarian at the University of Nevada- Reno. Christina Young Allen has been appointed head of the Cataloging D epartm ent at W arren Wilson College, Swannanoa, North Carolina. Susan Andrews has been appointed European languages cataloger at the University of British Co­ lumbia, Vancouver. Virginia Andrews is now automation coordina­ tor at Texas Technical University, Lubbock. Oleta Armstrong has been appointed general reference coordinator at Texas Technical Univer­ sity, Lubbock. Brian Aveney has been appointed systems li­ brarian at San Francisco State University, Califor­ nia. Marcia E. Baker has joined the reference staff of the Tarlton Law Library at the University of Texas at Austin. Debabrata Basu is now head of circulation ser­ vices in the Cabot Science Library of Harvard Uni­ versity, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Stella Bentley has been appointed assistant di­ rector for public services and collection manage­ ment at Case Western Reserve University, Cleve­ land, Ohio. James L. Bingham has been named director of the Dykes Library of the Health Sciences at the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City. Joann Stewart Bissell is now reference librar­ ian at the Ogontz Campus of Pennsylvania State University, Abington. Elaine Boychuk has been appointed associate u n iv ersity lib ra ria n for tech n ica l services at Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. Joseph Branin has been named director of the Humanities/Social Sciences Libraries at the Uni­ versity of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Donald M. Buchwald has been appointed to the reference staff at Corpus Christi State Univer­ sity, Texas. Margaret N. Buckholz has been appointed as­ sistant serials librarian in the Serials Division at the University of Washington, Seattle. Mary Burchill is now associate director for ad­ ministration and public services at the University of Kansas School of Law Library, Lawrence. Paul Cairns has been named deputy university librarian at James Madison University, Harrison­ burg, Virginia. Jennifer Cargill is now associate director of li­ braries for information access and systems at Texas Technical University, Lubbock. Lewis Cartee is the new systems librarian at Tulane University, New Orleans. Susan Chickering has been appointed serials li­ brarian at James Madison University, Harrison­ burg, Virginia. Dan Clark has been appointed music librarian at James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Vir­ ginia. Jeffery Clark has been appointed director of the Media Resources Center at James Madison Uni­ versity, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Cynthia Crooker has been appointed catalog librarian in the Rare Book Division of the Catalog Department at Yale University, New Haven, Con­ necticut. Emerita Cuesta has been appointed circulation librarian at the University of Miami Law Library, Florida. Robert Curtis is the new music librarian at Tu­ lane University, New Orleans. Darien Daries is the new head of bibliographic records at the University of California, Riverside. Frieda Davison is now assistant health sciences librarian for access and technical services at Co­ lumbia University, New York City. Vera Dear has been appointed music cataloger at Brandeis University, W altham , Massachusetts. Deborah DeCorso is now social sciences librar­ ian and head of computer services at Manhattan- ville College, Purchase, New York. Paula DeStefano is now a preservation intern at Columbia University, New York City. Amy L. DiBartolo has joined the staff of the In­ formation Services Departm ent at the State Uni­ versity of New York College at Buffalo. Eugene H. Dickerson has been appointed seri­ als cataloger at Villanova University, Pennsylva­ nia. Martha Dragich has been named associate di­ rector of the Law Library at Georgia State Univer­ sity, Atlanta. John R. Druesedow Jr. has been named direc­ tor of the Music Library at Duke University, D ur­ ham, North Carolina. Stewart W. Dyess has been appointed assistant director of libraries for physical facilities and sup­ port services at Texas Tech University, Lubbock. January 1987 / 39 Terry Fahy is now head acquisitions librarian at the University of Arizona, Tucson. Donald Fork has joined the staff of the Public Library Support Unit in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Library Programs, of the U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. Gary Fouty has been appointed science/ref- erence librarian in the Science/Engineering Li­ brary at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. James Fox has been appointed catalog librarian in the Rare Book Division of the Catalog Depart­ ment at Yale University. Richard Fyffe has been appointed librarian/cu- rator of books and printed materials at the Essex Institute, Salem, Massachusetts. Ray Gerke is now b ranch lib ra ria n at the Yonkers Branch Campus of Mercy College, New York. Carolyn Gray has been appointed associate di­ rector for reader and technical services at Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts. Roderick Gregory is now network coordinator for the Western North Carolina Library Network. David Gunn is the new reserve librarian at the Tarlton Law Library of the University of Texas at Austin. Beth Gwynn has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Miami Law Library, Florida. Connie H. Holland has been appointed assis­ tant director of libraries for development at Texas Technical University, Lubbock. Dianne T. McAfee Hopkins has joined the fac­ ulty of the School of Library and Information Stud­ ies at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Fang-Lan Hsieh has been appointed music cata- loger at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Dorothy Jacobs is now reference librarian at CBN University, Virginia Beach, Virginia. John M. Kelly has been appointed university bibliographer at the University of Southern Missis­ sippi, Hattiesburg. Arlene Klair is now head of the Catalog Man­ agement Department at the University of Mary­ land, College Park. Mary Layman has been appointed Desert Re­ search Institute L ibrarian at the University of Nevada–Reno. Robert Lockard has been appointed public ser­ vices librarian at the Moon Township Campus of Robert Morris College, Coraopolis, Pennsylvania. Lyonette Louis-Jacques has joined the refer­ ence staff of the University of Minnesota Law Li­ brary, Minneapolis. Mon Yin Lung has been appointed head of tech­ nical services at the University of Kansas Law Li­ brary, Lawrence. Tim McAdam is now serials librarian at Appala­ chian State University, Boone, North Carolina. Katherine McCain has been appointed assis­ tant professor in the College of Information Studies at Drexel University, Philadelphia. Brenda McCallum is the new head of the Popu­ lar Culture Library at Bowling Green State Uni­ versity, Ohio. Larry D. Marquardt has been named director of the library at the University of Osteopathic Med­ icine and Health Sciences, Des Moines, Iowa. Thomas Mikolzyk has been appointed assistant librarian at Lake Forest College, Illinois. Sandra N. Milevski has been appointed pro­ gram, planning, and research officer in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement of the U.S. D epartm ent of E ducation, W ashington, D.C. Emily Miller has been appointed assistant li­ brarian at Lake Forest College, Illinois. Isamu Miura has been appointed Japanese cata- loger in the C.V. Starr East Asian Library at Co­ lumbia University, New York City. Ellie Munn has been appointed head of biblio­ graphic control at the State University of New York College at Buffalo. Chere Negaard has been appointed reference librarian in the Public Affairs Reference Library at the University of California, Los Angeles. Catherine Nelson has been appointed serials cataloger at Tulane University, New Orleans. Deborah A. Nolan has been appointed college director of educational support services at Mont­ gomery Community College, Rockville, Mary­ land. Marilyn Parrish is now a half-time reference li­ brarian in Information Services at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Faye Phillips has been appointed head of the Louisiana and Lower Mississippi Valley Historical Collections at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. Alan P. Pollard has been appointed Slavic bib­ liographer at Princeton University, New Jersey. Bruge Preslan has been named associate direc­ tor of the OCLC Pacific Network, Claremont, California. Janet Pursel is now coordinator of Library User Education at Bowling Green State University, Ohio. Leslie Arden Reicher has been appointed pres­ ervation coordinator at Brandeis University, Wal­ tham, Massachusetts. Steven D. Robertson has been appointed assis­ tant professor in the School of Library and Infor­ mation Science of the University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Marlyn Robinson is the new serials/acquisitions librarian at the Tarlton Law Library of the Uni­ versity of Texas at Austin. Pamela Rost is now head of circulation at the University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee. Donna Rubens has been appointed science refer­ ence librarian in the Science/Engineering Library at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. R . Neil Scott is now a management consultant 40 / C&RL News in university libraries at the National Office of P eat, M arw ick, M itchell & C o., W ashington, D.C. Jacqueline Sellers has joined the staff of the McKeldin Reference Library at the University of Maryland, College Park. Kathy A. Shelby has been appointed science li­ brarian at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Ten­ nessee. Cynthia Shelton has been appointed special collections cataloger in the Technical Services Li­ brary at the University of California, Los Angeles. Kathryn Showers has been appointed coordi­ nator at the OCLC Pacific Network, Claremont, California. Ronald SImmer has been appointed patents li­ brarian at the University of British Colum bia, Vancouver. Jean Simmons has been appointed assistant head of catalog management at the University of Mary­ land, College Park. Alan Solomon has been appointed head of the Reference D epartm ent at Yale University. Ramona J. Steffey has been appointed autom a­ tion project librarian at V anderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. Kenneth Tanaka has joined the staff of the East Asia Collection at the University of Maryland, Col­ lege Park. Sonya Thelin has been appointed coordinator at the OCLC Pacific Network, Claremont, Cali­ fornia. Paul Thompson has been appointed assistant professor in the College of Information Studies at Drexel University, Philadelphia. Suzanne Tronier has been appointed catalog­ ing librarian at the University of Kansas, L aw ­ rence. Theresa K. Trost has been appointed user in­ struction coordinator at Texas Technical Univer­ sity, Lubbock. Rebecca Van Campen has been appointed li­ brary instruction coordinator at the University of Maryland, College Park. Eric Welsh has been appointed law reference librarian in the Law Library at CRN University, Virginia Beach, Virginia. Nevenka West has been appointed original cat­ aloger at the Elizabeth Dafoe Library of the Uni­ versity of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Harvey Wheeler has been named M artha Boaz Research Professor in Academic Inform ation Sys­ tems at the University of Southern California, Los Angeles. George White has been named director of the library at Marymount College, Salina, Kansas. Wayne A. Wiegand has been appointed associ­ ate professor in the School of Library and Inform a­ tion Studies at the University of Wisconsin, Madi­ son. Martin Wisneski is now head of technical ser­ vices at the W ashburn University Law School Li­ brary, Topeka, Kansas. Chien–Cheng (Charles) W u has been a p ­ pointed head of technical services in the C. V. Starr East Asian Library of Columbia University, New York City. J acqueline W ulff is th e new head of the Biomedical Information Service at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Retirements Elizabeth G. Ellis, assistant to the head of the reference and instructional services division at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, since 1984, has retired with the rank of librarian emeritus after 17 years of service. Appointed ini­ tially as undergraduate librarian, Ellis was pro­ moted to coordinator of instructional programs and head, library studies, in 1977. She came to Penn State in 1969 after serving as head of the Doc­ uments Departm ent of the State Library of Penn­ sylvania and adjunct professor of library science at Drexel University. Ellis was also chief of the serials departm ent at North Carolina Central State Uni­ versity and head of the Pennsylvania D epartm ent of Health Library. An active member of ALA, Ellis served as chair of the GODORT State Task Force on Education, and was named Librarian of the Year by the North Carolina Library Association. She began her career as a high school librarian in High Point, North Carolina, after earning BA, BS and MLS degrees from North C arolina C entral University. H allie Perry, supervisor of the Interlibrary Loan Unit at Stanford University, California, for the past five years, retired at the end of November 1986. Prior to then she served in the Cubberley E d­ ucation Library and in the Departm ent of Special Collections. Elvin E. Strowd, special projects librarian at Duke University, D urham , North C arolina, re­ tired December 31 after 31 years of service. Irene J. Wernstedt, head of the receiving unit of the Pennsylvania State University Libraries’ bib­ liographic and resource services division, Univer­ sity Park, has retired after 13 years of service. W ernstedt edited the PSU Serial Headings List, used at Penn State and elsewhere in the state, and has served on ALA and Pennsylvania Library Asso­ ciation committees. Erma P. Whittington, librarian in the M anu­ script Departm ent of the J.B. Hubbell Center of the Duke University Library, Durham , North C ar­ olina, will retire February 28 following 38 years of service. Matthew R. Wilt, executive director of the Catholic Library Association, H averford, Pennsyl­ vania, has announced his retirem ent effective June 30, 1987, completing 26 years of service. Maria Woodman, technical services librarian and cataloger in the library of the Museum of Com­ parative Zoology of H arvard University, will retire January 1987 / 41 February 1 after 29 years of service. Woodman joined Harvard in 1958 as a cataloger in the G or­ don M cKay Library and was named acting librar­ ian there in 1965, remaining until 1968. From 1968 to 1970 she was a part-tim e cataloger in the Wid- ener library, becoming editor of the catalog at the Fine Arts Library (1 9 7 0 -7 2 ), and serving as cata­ loger in the Geological Sciences Library (1971-74). From 1974 to 1978 Woodman was cataloger in the Manpower and Industrial Relations Collection at the Littauer Library. Deaths F r e d e r i c k H e n r i c h , associate librarian emeri­ tus of the State University of New York at Buffalo, died November 10, 1986, at the age of 74. Prior to his retirement in 1982, Henrich was head of the D ocu m en ts and M icroform s D e p a rtm e n t. He joined the staff in 1964 as a reference librarian for history, economics, and business administration, following a career in accountancy. Henrich held a bachelor’s degree from Princeton University, a master’s degree from Harvard University, and a P h .D . and M LS from SUNY-Buffalo. E m i l y O l s o n , head of the Cubberly L ibrary of Stanford University from 1954 to 1976, died late last year in Osceola, Wisconsin. Olson earned a b a c h e lo r ’s d eg ree from th e U n iv e rsity of Wisconsin-Superior and taught in Wisconsin pub­ lic schools for several years before receiving her M LS from the University of Southern California. She worked in the USC Library before coming to Stanford. Following her retirement Olson returned to her hometown where she became the town’s un­ official archivist and secretary of the Historical So­ ciety. ■ ■ N E W T E C H N O L O G Y •The H. W . Wilson Company now offers a C D ­ ROM retrieval service called W IL SO N D ISC that allows both CD -RO M access to bibliographic data on an optical disc searchable through a microcom­ p u te r , and o n lin e access th ro u g h th e W I L S O N L I N E r e tr ie v a l system and W I L - SEA R C H softw are to the most current data or other Wilson databases not yet available in CD for­ mat. W IL SO N D ISC features four different access modes of increasing complexity: Brow se, W IL - SEA RCH , W IL S O N L IN E , and Expert. The latter m ode o ffe rs th e sam e sea rch c a p a b ilitie s as W IL S O N L IN E , but with expanded screen han­ dling and windowing functions, and a continuous view of search strategy development through the use of a log screen. Twelve different databases, in­ cluding the Humanities Index, the Index to Legal Periodicals, and Library Literature, will be acces­ sible when the service begins later this year. Full details will be announced at the ALA Midwinter Meeting. C ontact the H .W . Wilson C o., 950 Uni­ versity Ave., Bronx, NY 10452; (212) 588-8400. • K -F Industries is marketing a surface water alarm system that immediately detects surface w a­ ter incursion and displays the distance to the leak on a digital read-out. W hen water touches the sens­ ing cable of the Model #333 alarm system, an alarm sounds in the controller that calculates the distance to the point on the cable first contacted by the leak. Contact: K -F Industries, In c ., 2310 N. American S t., Philadelphia, PA 19133; (213) 425-7710. • Lundia has introduced an improved mobile storage system, the Fullspace FS 2000, that offers three operational options— manual, mechanical assist, and electrical. The primary design criterion was to provide a cost-effective mobile carriage sys­ tem to meet the m ajority of medium-size to large mobile shelving requirements with carriages up to 21 feet long. The new model incorporates a new carriag e design w ith an increased strength-to- weight ratio. The electric drive model features op­ tions for increased fail-safe operation including a safety sweep, w aist-high safety b ar, and safety cord. Contact: Harry L . Ford, Lundia, 600 C api­ tol W ay, Jacksonville, IL 62650; (217) 243-8585. • Memphis State University L ibraries, working with the university’s O ffice of Handicapped Stu­ dent Services, are developing an online catalog workstation for the blind and sight-impaired. The system is now in test mode to determine the best method for allowing public access. The worksta­ tion is composed of a Zenith Z-158 microcomputer with 512K memory, a Vert Plus speech synthesizer and keyboard control software, and the Acculink