November 2019 541 C&RL News Welcome to the November 2019 issue of C&RL News. Many academic libraries have begun focusing efforts on addressing the mental health and well being of their popu- lations. Marshall University in West Virginia, one of the states hit hardest by the recent opioid crises, focused on their libraries as mental health safe spaces. Sabrina Thomas and Kacy Lovelace discuss their collaborative campus project in “Combining efforts.” Learn more about resources available for “Mental health awareness” in this month’s Internet Resources article by Emily Underwood. Working with underserved communities continues to be a focus, as well. A group of New York-area librarians provide tips for “Academic librarians serving diverse popula- tions of multilingual students.” At Penn State- Brandywine, librarians expanded the focus of a student book club to increase outreach to in- ternational students. Annie Jansen provides an update in “Building bridges with book club.” In this issue’s Scholarly Communication column, Arthur “A.J.” Boston discusses impli- cations for research in the Age of Machines in his article “What do you mean?” Dis- playing graduate student research through visualizations is the focus of Kalli Damschen and Hannah Gascho Rempel’s article “Mak- ing research visible,” while Trina J. Magi reflects on reconnecting with reference sources in her The Way I See It essay “Why discovery tools and information literacy are not enough.” Make sure to check out the other features and departments this month, including an ACRL TechConnect article on the life cycle of digital learning objects by Valerie Beech and Eric Kowalik, and a look at library outreach to student entrepreneurs by Emily Mross and Lauren Reiter. —David Free, editor-in-chief, The MIT Press Direct DRM-free . Unlimited simultaneous users . Tiered pricing based on library budget and FTE . Subscription and perpetual options . OCLC MARC records and KBART files . COUNTER usage statistics and SUSHI reports . No ongoing maintenance fees . Consortia discounts available . Full and subject collections eBook Collections Visit for additional details, updates, and information about free trials.