ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries 3 Meeting of the ACRL Committee to Revise the 1959 Standards for College Libraries The ACRL Committee to Revise the 1959 Standards for College Libraries met in Chicago on November 6, to continue its work toward the preparation of a national set of standards for college libraries. The committee discussed the correspondence it had received from the field and reviewed the status of recent state, re­ gional, and foreign activities in the develop­ ment and use of standards for academic li­ braries. At the meeting, various members of the com­ mittee presented working papers for use in de­ fining and categorizing those colleges for which the standards are to be used. David L. Perkins, head bibliographic librarian at California State University in Northridge, and James W. Pirie, librarian at Lewis and Clark College, are re­ searching typologies currently used in analyzing colleges. Herman L. Totten, associate dean of the College of Library Science at the Univer­ sity of Kentucky, is attempting to identify and codify those library elements that should be in- ADDITIONAL ACRL NOMINATING COMMITTEES ANTHROPOLOGY SECTION Marilyn L. Haas, Reference Librarian, Lock- wood Memorial Library, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14214, Chair­ man Two to be appointed. EDUCATION AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES SECTION Barbara S. Marks, Chief Reference Librarian, Bobst Library, New York University, 70 Wash­ ington Square South, New York, NY 10012, Chairman Two to be appointed. UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES SECTION W. David Laird, University Librarian, Uni­ versity of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, Chair­ man Willis E. Bridegam, Director of Libraries, State University of New York at Binghamton, Vestal Parkway East, Binghamton, NY 13901 Anita R. Schiller, Reference Bibliographer, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92037 eluded in the standards. Barbara G. LaMont, librarian at Vassar College, is preparing a pro­ jection of future trends for colleges. The com­ mittee agreed to release the papers at the Mid­ winter Meeting in January and to announce in February the availability of the papers for re­ view and use by the membership. The commit­ tee continued its examination of whether or not a single set of standards can be applicable to the wide range of colleges and educational pro­ grams that exist today. In its desire for comprehensive review and expression from the membership, the commit­ tee is scheduling a series of open hearings dur­ ing the New York Conference in June. In addi­ tion, the committee requests information input and exchange from members, officers, and pro­ gram chairmen of state and regional profession­ al associations. Please contact the chairman of the committee, Johnnie E. Givens, librarian at Austin Peay State University in Clarksville, Tennessee. ADDITIONAL ACRL NOMINEES FOR OFFICES 1974/75 EDUCATION AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES SECTION ice-C hairman/Chairman-E lect Wayne Gossage, Director of Library Ser­ ices, Bank Street College of Education, 610 est 112th St., New York, NY 10024 Emil Greenberg, Professor and Chief Librari­ n, Borough of Manhattan Community College, he City University of New York, 134 West 1st S t, New York, NY 10020 LAVIC AND EAST EUROPEAN SECTION ice-C hairm an/Chairman-E lect Andrew L. Makuch, Bibliographer for Col­ ction Development, University of Arizona Li­ rary, Tucson, AZ 85721 Wasyl Veryha, Catalog Librarian, University f Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada ember-at-Large (one-year term) Joseph Szeplaki, Head, Serials Department, hio University Library, Athens, OH 45701 Wojciech Zalewski, Curator, Russian and ast European Materials, Stanford University ibraries, Stanford, CA 94305 V v W a T 5 S V le b o M O E L