ACRL News Issue (B) of College & Research Libraries O ctober 1986 / 605 deacidification, paper fills, and non-adhesive binding. •Pennsylvania State University, University Park, has issued a progress report stating that some $400,000 of a planned $1 million has been raised for the Paterno Libraries Endowment. The project started two years ago with a five-year planned du­ ration in support of the Penn State Libraries. Major benefactors include the R ich ard King M ellon Foundation and friends, alumni, and several ma­ jor corp orations. T h e Paterno E nd ow m ent is named in honor of longtime Penn State football coach Joe Paterno, an outspoken supporter of aca­ demic libraries as well as a generous donor. •The State University of New York at Albany’s School of Library and Information Science became one of four independent graduate schools of the University as of June 2. W ith the Schools of Crim i­ nal Justice and Social W elfare and the Graduate School of Public Affairs, it now comprises part of the Nelson A. Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy and is known as the School of Inform a­ tion Science and Policy. The name change is part of substantial planned curricular growth, with an in­ terdisciplinary Ph.D . program scheduled for 1989. To be included in an enlarged MLS program are re­ vised specializations in records management and archives, information systems development and management, and information policy. The new curriculum is being designed in consultation with the New York State Archives staff. ■ ■ P EOPLE Profiles J o h n W i l l i a m B e e c h e r has been named direc­ tor of libraries at North Dakota State University, Fargo, effective September 1. Beecher had been acting co-director of the St. Pau l C am pus L i ­ braries at the University of Minnesota. Prior to his service at M in n n eso ta, B e e ch e r was education and psy­ chology lib r a r ia n at New Mexico State Uni­ versity (1 970– 73), and agriculture librarian at the U niversity of I l l i ­ nois, U rb a n a -C h a m paign (1973–82). He re­ Joh n W illiam B eech er ceived his bachelor’s de­ gree in ornamental hor­ ticulture from the University of Illinois in 1964 and his MLS at Illinois in 1966. From 1966-68 Beecher served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay, and was library consultant for the U.S. Agency for In ­ ternational Development and Mexico State Uni­ versity in 1970. Beecher is the author of recent publications in­ cluding “Implementing and Managing a Fee-based Inform ation service in an Academic L ib ra ry ,” published in a guide for health science librarians, and “Use of Random Alarm Mechanisms for Ana­ lyzing Professional and Support Staff Activities in Scence Libraries: Methodology,” published with three other authors in L ibrary Research. J a m e s A. D a m i c o has been named director of li­ braries at the University of South Alabama, Mo­ bile. D a m ico earned his M LS degree from Rutgers University and his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Long Island Uni­ versity’s C .W . Post Col­ lege. His most recent po­ sitio n was at the University of Southern M ississippi, w here he was D ire cto r of Cook M em orial L ibrary . As associate professor in the Jam es A. D am icoSchool of Library Ser­ vice at U SM , D am ico taught courses in library automation and library management. Damico has served at Rice University, Brown University, and the University of Dayton, and has worked in the special libraries at General Precision (HRB Singer), Thiokol Chem ical Corporation, and the American Institute of Aeronautics and As­ 606 / C &R L News tronautics. His consultantships in academic li­ braries include the Universidade Estadual de Cam ­ pinas in Brazil and Abadan Institute of Technology in Iran. D o n a l d G . D a v is J r . has been promoted to pro­ fessor in the Graduate School of Library and Infor­ mation Science at the University of Texas at Austin. Since joining the fac­ ulty in 1971, Davis has taught courses in refer­ ence and bibliography, collection development, and the history of books and libraries. Since 1976 he has edited the Journal o f Library History, pub­ lished quarterly by the U n iversity of Texas Press. D avis has d irected two n a tio n a l L ib r a r y D onald G. Davis Jr. History Seminars— 1980 in Austin and 1985 in Chapel H ill— and edited their proceedings. He also organized and directs the annual Texas L i­ brary History Colloquium, held every spring in Austin. Active in many professional associations, Davis has been invited to give nearly twenty papers since coming to Austin and has served as consultant to six library agencies and publishers. Davis received his bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles, his master’s in history and his MLS from UC-Berkeley, and his Ph.D . in Library Science from the University of Il­ linois. From 1964 to 1968 he was senior reference librarian at Fresno State College, later becoming head of Special Collections. E i l e e n D u b i n has been named director of li­ brary services at Stockton State College, Pomona, New Jersey, effective August 25. In her former post as director of library ser­ vices at William Rainey H arper College, P ala­ tine, Illinois, Dubin was an a ctiv e m em ber of ALA and the Illinois L i­ brary Association. She is president-elect of the Il­ linois Association of Col­ lege Research L ib r a r i­ ans (A C R L ’s Illin o is Chapter) and is chair of A C R L ’s C om m u nity E ileen Dubin and Junior College L i­ braries Section. Dubin holds a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Hunter College. She pursued graduate study in library science at Indiana University and the University of Chicago, earning her MLS at North­ ern Illinois University where she began work to­ ward a doctorate in education. Dubin’s publications include many articles in professional journals and a book, co-authored with May Brottman, Independent Research: A R efer­ en ce G uide (Greenwood, 1986). She was selected to participate in the Institute for Leadership Devel­ opment sponsored by the League for Innovation in Community Colleges and the American Associa­ tion of Women in Community and Junior C ol­ leges, held in Mays Landing, New Jersey. J o a n n e R . E u s t e r , library director at San F ran­ cisco State University, has been named director of the Rutgers University Libraries, New Jersey, ef­ fective September 1. In her new position Euster will administer a library system that in­ cludes 17 branches at R u tg ers’ New B ru n s­ w ick , C am den and Newark campuses. She succeeds H endrik Edelm an, who left the post last year to return to the faculty of the School of Communication, In ­ formation and Library Joan n e R. Euster Studies. E u ster received a bachelor’s degree from Portland State College, O r­ egon, in 1965 and went on to earn an MLS from the University of Washington in 1968 and an MBA from the same institution in 1977. She received a doctorate from the School of Library and Informa­ tion Studies at the University of C aliforn ia at Berkeley in 1986. Euster served as assistant librarian at Edmonds Community College, Washington, from 1968 to 1973, later becoming head librarian (1973– 77). She was named university librarian at Loyola Uni­ versity, New Orleans, in 1977 and remained there until 1980, when she assumed the library director­ ship at San Francisco State University. At both Loyola and San Francisco, Euster super­ vised the automation of the libraries and was noted for her leadership in the areas of collection develop­ m ent, improvement of programs and services, management systems and personnel policy, and public relations. E u ster was recently elected vice-president/ president-elect of ACRL for 1986–87. She served as ch a ir of the A C R L P u b lica tio n s C o m m ittee (1982-86), and has been a member of the ACRL Appointments and Nominations Committee and the Constitution and Bylaws Committee. Euster has numerous publications to her credit and cur­ rently serves as a contributing editor to Library Is­ sues: Briefings fo r A cadem ic Officers. B a r b a r a J . H u t c h i n s o n has been named direc­ tor of library services at Georgian Court College, Lakewood, New Jersey. O ctober 1986 / 607 Hutchinson formerly served at Monmouth Col­ lege, Florida Atlantic University, the University of Virginia Law Library, Nova University, Princeton University, New Mexico State University, and the University of Nevada. Most recently she was adult services librarian at the Lakewood Public Library. A graduate of Drew University, Hutchinson earned a master’s degree from New Mexico State University and her MLS from Rutgers University. M i c h a e l A. K e l l e r has been appointed associ­ ate university librarian for collection development at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, ef­ fective August 1. Keller served most re­ cen tly as head of the M usic L ib r a r y at the U niversity of C a lifo r ­ nia, Berkeley, where he served as ch a ir of the B erk eley C o lle c tio n M anagem ent and D e ­ velopment Com m ittee. He was also m usic l i ­ brarian and senior lec­ turer in musicology, and later acting undergrad­ M ichael A. K eller uate librarian at Cornell U n iv e rsity , and has taught at Stanford and Berkeley. Keller has served as a consultant to libraries in North America and Italy. He was a member of the Music Library Association Board of Directors from 1976 to 1978. G e r a l d R. L o w e l l has been appointed associ­ ate university librarian for technical services at Yale University, effective August 1. As former chief of the Cataloging Distribution Service at the Library of C ongress, L o w ell was responsible for all b ib ­ liographic products and services produced and sold by LC to libraries throughout the world. He was vice president and managing director for North A m erica for th e F axo n C o m p an y , and was instrumental in G erald R. L o w ell the design of Faxon’s se­ rials control system and online serials management workshop. Lowell began his career at the University of Washington, where he served in the Slavic and East European Division and later in the Serials D i­ vision. He has been a member of the National In ­ formation Standards Subcommittee on the Com­ pact Disc D ata Format Standard, and was chair of the American Standards Committee from 1979 to 1980. E m i l y R. M o b l e y has been appointed associate director of libraries and associate professor of li­ brary science at Purdue University, West L afay­ ette, Indiana, effective August 14. Mobley received her bachelor’s degree in ed­ u ca tio n and her M LS from the University of Michigan. She has also com pleted all course- work through the Ph.D . ca n d id a cy stage at Michigan. Mobley has served as engineering librarian at the Chrysler C orp ora­ Em ily R. M obleytion, science librarian at Wayne State University, supervisor of reader services at General Motors Re­ search Laboratories, and library director of GMI Engineering and Management Institute. She has also held appointment as adjunct lecturer at the University of Michigan’s School of Library Science. H er p ro fessio n al a c tiv itie s in clu d e: v ice- president of the Board of Trustees of the Library of Michigan; president of the Michigan Chapter of the Special Libraries Association, and various of­ fices in the SLA Engineering and Library Manage­ ment Divisions. She is currently president-elect of SLA. Mobley has written several extensive bibliogra­ phies and other papers, as well as a book, Special L ibraries at W ork. J a c q u e l y n M . M o r r i s has been named college librarian at Occidental College, Eagle Rock, C ali­ fornia, effective October Morris had most re­ cently served as associ­ ate dean of university li­ braries at the University of the Pacific. She has held positions at Cornell U n iv ersity and the SUNY College of Envi­ ronmental Science and F o re s try . M orris r e ­ ceived her M LS from Sy racu se U n iv e rsity , later serving as adjunct professor there. Jacqu ely n M. Morris M orris’ activ ities in A C R L have most r e ­ cently included chairing the ad hoc College L i­ brary Standards Committee which developed the 1986 College Library Standards. She is currently serving as chair of the Professional Association L i­ aison Committee and is a member of the A CRL Appointments and Nominations Committee and the Committee on Performance Measures. W ithin California she is chairing a task force on coopera- O ctober 1986 / 609 tive retrospective conversion in Private Academic Libraries under the auspices of the Association of Independent California Colleges and Universities. Morris recently co-authored a book with Mignon Adams entitled Teaching L ibrary Skills f o r A ca­ dem ic Credit. H . R o b e r t M a l i n o w s k i has joined the faculty of the University of Wisconsin School of Library Sci­ ence, Milwaukee. Malinowski is past president of the Special Libraries Association. Malinowski was president of the Geoscience In­ formation Society in 1970, president of the Moun­ tain Plains Library Association during 1977–78, and governor’s appointee to the Kansas State L i­ brary Advisory Commission from 1974–79. Prior to joining the University of Illinois at Chi­ cago in 1985 as associate professor and bibliogra­ pher for science and engineering, he was editorial consultant for the Oryx Press (1984–85); general manager of Libraries Unlimited, Littleton, Colo­ rado (1983-84); and science librarian at the Uni­ versity of Kansas (1967–83). Malinowski received his bachelor of science in geological engineering from the University of Kan­ sas and his MLS from the University of Denver. He is the author of Science and Engineering L itera ­ ture: A G uide to R eferen ce Sources, now in its fourth edition. L a r r y R . O b e r g has been appointed director of the library at Albion College, Michigan, effective August 18. Prior to coming to Al­ bion, Oberg served at Lewis Clark State Col­ lege, Lewiston, Idaho, first as head of reference and, from 1983, as di­ rector. W hile there he taught lib rary science courses in a program leading to state certifica­ tion of librarians at the secondary level. He has also held appointments at the University of Cali­ L arry R. Oberg fornia at Berkeley and Stanford University. A Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Berkeley, he received his MLS there in 1979. Oberg has participated in the Fred Meyer Chari­ table Trust’s Library and Information Resources for the Pacific Northwest program of regional col­ lection assessment. He has been assistant editor of C ollege & R esearch Libraries since 1984, and is the author of Human Resources in Postrevolutionary C uba (Greenwood, 1985). People in t he News R o b e r t H . B l a c k b u r n , librarian emeritus of the University of Toronto, received an honorary doc­ orate in June at McGill University, Montreal. B e n - A m i L i p e t z , professor at the School of In ­ ormation Science at the State University of New ork at Albany, has been elected president of the merican Society of Indexers for 1986–87. Lipetz as also recently elected to the Board of Directors f Documentation Abstracts, In c ., the parent orga­ ization for the secondary journal and database In ­ orm ation Science Abstracts, for which he was edi­ or from its establishment in 1966 until 1981. F a y Z i p k o w i t z has been appointed visiting pro­ essor for 1986–87 at the Graduate School of the L i­ rary and Information Science at the University of hode Island, Kingston. She is on leave from her osition as director of the Rhode Island Depart­ ent of State Library Services. ppointments (Appointments are taken from library newslet­ ers, leters from personnel offices and appointees, and other sources. To ensure that your appoint­ ent appears, write to the Editor, A CRL, 50 E. uron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795.) S t e p h e n A b y has been appointed reference li­ rarian at Northeastern University, Boston. V i c t o r i a A d a m i t i s is the new preservation offi­ er at Stanford University, California. T e r r y A l l i s o n has been appointed assistant ead of the Acquisitions Department at the Univer­ ity of California, San Diego. T o n y A n g i l e t t a has been appointed head of the General Reference Department at Stanford Uni­ ersity, California. R i c h a r d A r s e n t y has been appointed science/ eference librarian at the State University of New ork at Purchase. J u d i t h A v e r y has been named head of the L i­ rary Science Library at the University of Michi­ an, Ann Arbor. B r e n t B e r n a u is now documents/media librar­ an in the Law Library at Golden Gate University, an Francisco. M e l i s s a B e r n h a r d t has been appointed assis­ ant librarian in the Technical Services Depart­ ent at the University of California, Los Angeles. A m a n d a B o w e n has been appointed assistant art ibrarian at Stanford University, California. B a r b a r a A . B u r g has been appointed reference ibrarian at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mas­ achusetts. B r i d g e t C a n a v a n has been appointed general onographic cataloger at Northwestern Univer­ ity, Evanston, Illinois. J e r Is C a s s e l has been appointed reference libra­ ian/online services coordinator at the Kilmer Area ibrary of Rutgers University, Piscataway, New ersey. J u s t i n e V . C l a n c y has been appointed head of pecial Collections at Loyola Marymount Univer­ t f Y A w o n f t f b R p m A t m H b c h s v r Y b g i S t m l l s m s r L J S 610 / C &R L News sity, Los Angeles. S t e p h e n C o r r s in has been appointed deputy as­ sociate librarian for technical services and princi­ pal cataloger at Brooklyn College, New York. M . R i t a C o s t e l l o is now associate librarian in the Management Library at the University of C ali­ fornia, Los Angeles. M a r y C r o s s has been appointed director of tech­ nical services at Columbia College, South Caro­ lina. J a m e s R . C u b i t has been named assistant college librarian at W illiam s College, W illiam stow n, Massachusetts. G e n e D a m o n has been appointed associate dean for technical services and systems development at Northeastern University, Boston. R e b e c c a D a v is has been appointed reference li­ brarian/coordinator of online services at the Uni­ versity of California, Davis. J a m e s D e n d y has been appointed reference li­ brarian at Northeastern University, Boston. L e s l i e D o n n e l l y is now business and adminis­ tration librarian at Drexel University, Philadel­ phia. P a t r i c i a M . D u c k has been named head librar­ ian at the Greensburg Campus Library of the Uni­ versity of Pittsburgh. M a r y B e t h F e c k o has been appointed cataloger at Lander College, Greenwood, South Carolina. T a y l o r F i t c h e t t has been named head law li­ b rarian at the University of C in cin n ati Law School, Ohio. K a y F l o w e r s is now assistant university librar­ ian for automated systems at Rice University, Houston, Texas. J a n e t F r e d e r i c k has been appointed head of the Bibliographic Database Management Department at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. M o n i c a J . F u s i c h - C h e e s e m a n has been ap­ pointed information services librarian at St. Mary’s College, Moraga, California. M a r y W . G h ik a s is now director of network de­ velopment at Gaylord Brothers, In c., Syracuse, New York. W i l l i a m A. G o s l i n g has been appointed assis­ tant director for technical services at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. P a t r i c k G r a c e has been appointed government documents librarian at Brooklyn College, New York. J a n i e H a r r is has been appointed deputy collec­ tion development librarian at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. N a t a l i e H assan is now a serials cataloger in the Baker Library of the Graduate School of Business Administration of Harvard University, Boston. D an C. H a z e n has been appointed associate li­ brarian for Hispanic Collections at the University of California, Berkeley. F r a n c e s F . J a c o b s o n has been appointed refer­ ence librarian and user education coordinator in the Reference Library at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. S a n d r a L . J a n i c k i has been appointed instructor in the Reference Division at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. D o n a l d F . J a y has been appointed field director of the Library of Congress office in Cairo, Egypt. D a n a E . J o h n s o n is now online reference ser­ vices coordinator at Western Washington Univer­ sity, Bellingham. N a n c y P . J o h n s o n has been named director of the law library at Georgia State University, At­ lanta. R e b e c c a K r o l l has been appointed public ser­ vices librarian in the Science & Engineering L i­ brary at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illi­ nois. C a r o l A . L a w r e n c e has joined the staff at Yale University Library. L in d a L e a h y has been appointed associate dean for user services and collection development at Northeastern University, Boston. R o b e r t L e s h has been appointed monographic cataloger in Africana at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. D a v i d L i e has been appointed catalog librarian at the State University of New York College at Pur­ chase. A l i c e L i t t l e j o h n has joined the staff at Califor­ nia State University Library, Long Beach. H a r r y L l u l l has been appointed head of the Science & Engineering Library at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque. D e b o r a h K . M CA na l l e n is now assistant head of online shared cataloging at Michigan State Uni­ versity, East Lansing. J e r r y M c B r i d e has been appointed music li­ brarian at Middlebury College, Vermont. B e t t y N . M c F a l l has been appointed user ser­ vices librarian at Middle Tennessee State Univer­ sity, Murfreesboro. J o h n M a d d e n has been appointed assistant law librarian at the University of Idaho Law Library, Moscow. T h o m a s W . M an n J r . is now a manager in the m anagem ent consulting departm ent of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & C o., San Francisco office. A n t o n C. M a sin has been appointed reference and library instruction librarian at Mercy College, Dobbs Ferry, New York. J o s e p h R . M a z u r a n i c is now head of circulation at the University of Massachusetts, Boston. L i n d a M e i s e l e s has been appointed principal serials librarian at Brooklyn College, New York. J o s e p h J . M ik a has been named director of the graduate library science program at Waynè State University, Detroit, Michigan. N a d e n e M i l l e r has been appointed reference li­ brarian at the University of Portland, Oregon. S i g r i d D o c k e n M o u n t has been appointed arts bibliographer at Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. J a m e s W . O l i v e r has been appointed chemistry O ctober 1986 / 611 librarian at Michigan State University, East Lans ing. L a w r e n c e W . O n s a g e r has been named library director at the Kirksville College of Osteopathic Medicine, Missouri. D a n i e l J . P e d e r s o n has been appointed refer­ ence librarian at the Cabot Science Library of Har­ vard University. L a w r e n c e P e i c k has been appointed reference librarian at Northeastern University, Boston. M i c h a e l J . P e t i t has been appointed acquisi­ tions librarian at the University of Miami Law L i­ brary, Florida. L a n c e Q u e r y is now assistant university librar­ ian for planning and personnel at Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois. W i l l i a m R a t l i f f has been appointed curator of the Latin and North American collections at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Califor­ nia. R it a R e u s c h is the new director of the Univer­ sity of Utah Law Library, Salt Lake City. C a m i l l e R i l e y has been named director of the Law Library at West Virginia University, Morgan­ town. D a v i d G. R o b in s o n has been appointed auto­ mation librarian at Middle Tennessee State Uni­ versity, Murfreesboro. L in d a S. R o n a n is now head of reserves and cir­ culation at the Lamont Undergraduate Library of Harvard University. M a r k Sa n d l e r has been appointed coordinator of graduate library selectors at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. L e i n a a l a R o b in s o n Se e g e r has been appointed associate librarian for public services in the Law School Library at Harvard University. T i m o t h y Sh e e h y has been appointed associate librarian in the Law Library at the University of California, Los Angeles. C h r i s t o p h e r S u g n e t has been appointed head of the new Monographic Cataloging and Classifi­ cation Department at the University of New Mex­ ico, Albuquerque. St u a r t A . Su t t o n is now public services librar­ ian in the Law Library at Golden Gate University, San Francisco. B a r b a r a Sy k e s - A u s t in has been appointed ref­ erence librarian/library instruction coordinator at the Kilmer Area Library of Rutgers University, Pis cataway, New Jersey. M e l a n i e R . T h o m a s has been appointed user services librarian at Middle Tennessee State Uni­ versity, Murfreesboro. V i c t o r T o r r e s has joined the staff of the Uni­ versity of Illinois Library, Urbana-Champaign. N ancy A. VERSTREATE has been appointed assis­ ta n t lib rarian in ch arg e of serials at Siena College, L oud on ville, New York. T e d W a l l e r has been appointed technical ser­ vices librarian at Meredith College, Raleigh, North Carolina. A l e x W a r r e n has been named head of the orrison Library at the University of California, erkeley. G w e n d o l y n W e a v e r is now associate librarian or administration in the Baker Library of the raduate School of Business Administration of arvard University. J u d i t h W e l s h has been appointed reference li­ rarian in the Health Sciences Library of the Uni­ ersity of California, Davis. G e o f f r e y W e x l e r has been appointed manu­ cripts librarian/university archivist at the Univer­ ity of California, San Diego. S h e r r y W i l l h i t e has been appointed informa­ ion services librarian/chemistry specialist at the niversity of California, San Diego. M a r t h a Y e e is now associate librarian in the Ar­ hives of Film, Television and Radio at the Univer­ ity of California, Los Angeles. G a r y E . Y e l a has been appointed assistant li­ rarian for rare books at the University of D ela­ are, Newark. P a m e l a F. Y o r k s has been appointed assistant ngineering librarian in the Engineering Library t the University of Washington, Seattle. R e b e c c a Y o u n g has been appointed reference li­ rarian at Maryville College, Tennessee. etirements R o s a n n a P . A l l e n , chief of the Humanities and ocial Sciences Department at Pennsylvania State niversity, retired June 30 after 19 years of service. ppointed initially as chief reference librarian, Al­ en came to Penn State from Cornell University, here she served as associate librarian in the Engi­ eering and Veterinary Libraries. During 1964–65 he worked in Liberia as a consultant in a project ponsored by Cornell and the U.S. Agency for In ­ ernational Development to upgrade the library at he U niversity of L ib e r ia . A g rad u ate of ilmington College with an MLS from Columbia niversity, Allen also worked in private industry, onprofit organizations and the government, and as been active in ALA and ACRL. L e o n a r d N. B e c k , subject collections specialist in the Rare Book and Special Collections Division f the Library of Congress, retired June 30 after 40 ears of service. Beck joined the staff of the Divi­ ion in 1973 in the newly created position of curator f special collections, later known as subject collec­ ions specialist, and became identified with the L i­ brary’s resources on magic in the Harry Houdini and McManus-Young collections and with the Third Reich collection. Beck received a master’s degree in European history from New York Univer­ sity, doing further graduate work at Columbia and studying library science at the Catholic University of America. During World W ar II he worked in military intelligence and later for the Office of M B f G H b v s s t U c s b w e a b R S U A l w n s s t t W U n h o y s o t Strategic Services. 612 / C &R L News R i l e y P a u l B u r t o n is retiring from the Law Center of the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, after 33 years of service. Burton was law librarian and assistant professor (1953–56), as­ sociate professor (1956–59), professor (1959–72), and curator and professor (1972–86). W i l h e l m e n A B . C u r r y , senior manuscript li­ brarian in the Preparation Section of the Manu­ script Division at the Library of Congress since 1978, retired June 3 after more than 31 years of ser­ vice. After receiving her master’s degree in history from Howard University in 1948, Curry taught at the State Teachers College, Fayetteville, North Carolina, later working for the Department of De­ fense and the Veterans Administration. She joined the Library’s Gifts and Exchange Division in 1954 and the Manuscripts Division in 1961, serving as an editor of presidential papers indexes from 1965 to 1973. M a r g a r e t H o r n retired August 1 as a cataloger at Concordia College, St. Paul, Minnnesota. Her 30 years at Concordia included service as head li­ brarian from 1958-67. Earlier, Horn had been li­ b ra ria n at the Ames L ib ra ry of South Asia (1949-56). W o m e n ’s Studies R esource Guide “Women’s Studies in Western Europe,” a pub­ lication of the Association of College and Re­ search Libraries, is now available from the American Library Association Order Depart­ ment. The book includes a review and annotated directory of women’s publishing in 27 Western European countries, compiled by Virginia Clark, editor of Books fo r College Libraries (3d edition). The directory covers independent and government organizations, archives, libraries, documentation and information centers, re­ search centers, bibliographies, databases, dia­ ries, directories, journals and bookshops. Women’s studies courses and research in the major Western European countries are reviewed by Beth Stafford, women’s studies librarian at the University of Illinois at Urbana. The devel­ opment of collection management policies at the Fawcett Library, England’s leading women’s studies research center, is described by Rita Pankhurst, head of library services there. “Women’s Studies in Western Europe: A Re­ source Guide” (ISBN 0-8389-7037-0) is edited by Stephen Lehmann, humanities librarian at Swarthmore College, and Eva Sartori, modern languages bibliographer at the University of N ebraska-Lincoln. Copies may be ordered from the ALA Order Department, 50 E . Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. The 129-page paper­ back sells for $18 ($15 to ACRL members). H e n r y K o c h rector emeritus of Michigan State University after 1 years of service. After two years at the Cleveland Public Library, Koch began his career at Michigan State as head of the Literature and Social Sciences Division. During his tenure as associate director the university added some 2.5 million volumes. P a u l P a r h a m resigned effective September 16 from his position as university librarian at Texas Christian University for reasons of disability. T a d e u s z Sa d o w s k i retired May 30 as senior legal specialist in the European Law Division of the Law Library of the Library of Congress after 30 years of service. A native of Russia, Sadowski served in the Polish government prior to World W ar II and came to the United States in 1949, becoming a citi­ zen in 1955. He received a master’s degree in Slavic languages and literatures from Harvard University in 1952. Sadowski joined the Library of Congress in 1956 in the Aerospace Technology Division of the former Reference Department, becoming re­ search analyst and later senior lexicographer. In 1969 he transferred to the European Law Division as a specialist in the Polish and Soviet legal systems. R o d n e y G. Sa r l e , chief of the Library of Con­ gress’s Overseas Operations Division since 1976, re­ tired May 30 after nearly 28 years of service. Sarle came to the library in the Special Recruit (now In­ tern) Program after receiving his MLS from the University of North Carolina. He also holds a bach­ elor’s from Brown and an MBA from Harvard Busi­ ness School. Initially assigned to the General Refer­ ence and Bibliography Division, Sarle spent the balance of his career in the Processing Services De­ partment, becoming head of the Gift Section in the Exchange and Gift Division in 1961. He became di­ rector of the P .L . 480 Project in Cairo, Egypt, in 1964 and in 1967 was named field director of the LC office in Karachi, Pakistan. Between 1969 and 1975 he served as field director on New Delhi and then in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. P e t e r B . Sh e r i d a n , an analyst in American na­ tional government in the Congressional Research Service (CRS) of the Library of Congress, retired May 30 after 30 years of service. Sheridan joined the Library in 1956 as reference assistant in the His­ tory and General Research Division of the former Legislative Reference Service (LR S), becoming in­ formation librarian in the Office of the Director the following year. In 1967 he was promoted to head of the Special Reference Section of CRS after holding various other positions and was assigned to the post from which he retired in 1974. Sheridan received his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Pennsylvania State College in 1945 and 1950 and a Ph.D. in American History from Georgetown Uni­ versity in 1957. B e t t y T h o m s o n retired August 31 as head of the Catalog Department at East Texas State University after 22 years of service. Thomson joined the staff in 1964 as a catalog librarian and became depart­ ment head in 1975. During her tenure she super­ C. retired October 1 as associate di­ 3 O ctober 1986 / 613 vised the university’s conversion from the Dewe Decimal system to LC classification and from manual cataloging system to O CLC. Deaths H e l e n F . C o n o v e r , a former bibliographic spe cialist at the Library of Congress, died May 25 at Chapel Hill, North Carolina. A 1919 graduate o Bryn Mawr College, Conover also studied at Co lumbia and New York Universities and at the Sor bonne and taught in private schools. Prior to join ing the Library in 1931 she worked as an editor, researcher and librarian for several publishing firms. She was a pioneer in developing African bib liographic and reference programs while serving i the L C ’s Division of Bibliography, and served als in the European and General Reference and Bibli ography Divisions. As the Library’s African area specialist, Conover was the first appointee to the LC African Section upon its establishment in 1961. She retired in 1963 after 32 years of service, contin uing to work independently. A l e x a n d e r H r o m o c k y j , science reference li brarian in the Science and Technology Division o the Library of Congress, died of a heart attack a his home April 18. Born in Poland and educated i Germany, Hromockyj came to the United States i 1949 and studied at Millard Fillmore College an the University of Buffalo, earning a B.S. degree i 1967 from American University. He joined the L i brary in 1959 as a library assistant, becoming tech y a ­ f ­ ­ ­ ­ n o ­ ­ ­ f t n n d n ­ ­ nical information specialist in the Aerospace Refer­ ence Project in 1969. Hromockyj was promoted to science reference librarian in 1971. J o h n E d w i n Sm i t h , university librarian emeritus at the University of California, Irvine, died July 28. Smith became founding university librarian at Irvine in 1963 as part of a 39-year career. After earning his certificate of librarianship from UC- Berkeley, Smith served as a junior professional librarian for the Library Association of Portland, Oregon, and later at the U.S. Department of Ag­ riculture as a junior pro­ fessional (1941–42). He later became the first li­ brarian of the newly- John Edwin Smithformed Institute of In ­ d u strial R elatio n s at UCLA, returning to that institution in 1949 as head of the Acquisitions Department after a period with the U .S . Army M edical D ep a rtm en t. From 1952-61 Smith was chief librarian for the City and County of Santa Barbara, California, and later spent two years in Pakistan as a library resources adviser for the University of Southern California. Invited to join the library at UC-Irvine two years before it opened in 1965, Smith supervised the growth of the collection to some 800,000 volumes and 12,400 journals by the time of his retirement in 1979. PUBLICATIONS •Alaska Place Names, by Alan Edward Schorr (144 pages, 3d ed., 1986), is a 20-year cumulation of all decisions on Alaska rendered by the United States Board on Geographic Names from January 1966 through December 1985. It supercedes earlier editions published in 1974 and 1980. The book is divided into sections on new names, new names representing a change in an earlier decision or his­ torical reference, previously established names with revised descriptions, and references from pre­ vious decisions and variant spellings to the ap­ proved name. A new feature in the third edition is an index to personal names, corporate bodies, ves­ sels, and other significant information contained in the body of each entry. Copies may be ordered for $15.95 (plus $1.50 shipping) from the Denali Press, P.O. Box 1535, Juneau, AK 99802. ISBN 0-938737- 11- 2 . •The Alma College Archives Guide (119 pages, 1986) describes a century of the holdings of this four-year liberal arts college in Michigan. The guide includes papers of administrators, faculty and students; records of academic growth; 250 lin­ ear feet of records; more than 8,000 photographs, slides, films, and tapes; oral history interviews with people involved in 20th-century wars; and the Alma College Centennial history. The guide is available for $9.00 from Larry Hall, Archivist, Alma College, Alma, MI 48801. •Bibliographies o f Louisiana State University