may04c.indd W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e Bernadette Murphy Register to Vote @ your library Libraries are essential to our democracy and, thanks to a new partnership, libraries throughout America will have an opportu­ nity to make it easier than ever for people to become registered voters. Through Register to Vote @ your library, ALA and Working As­ sets will cosponsor a voter registration page at, where in­ dividuals can register to vote or update their registration information. Voters in all states except New Hampshire, North Dakota, and Wyoming are eligible to complete registra­ tion via this Web site. The Your Vote Matters site was created and customized by Working Assets for par­ ticipating nonpartisan, nonprofi t organiza­ tions. When citizens register to vote through, they help raise funds for ALA thanks to a generous grant from Working Assets. All donated funds will be used to support ALA’s library advocacy efforts nationwide. “Libraries have always served their communities by providing the information resources needed to be informed citizens,” said ALA President Carla Hayden. “Libraries are community centers offering information on voter registration, hosting forums, and providing resources about issues of concern in the community and the nation. Our public libraries are a perfect fit for this critical civic activity. We are delighted to have Working Assets support in this effort.” ALA will highlight Register to Vote @ your library on its homepage and via press releases and member publications. Through these ef­ forts, ALA will not only encourage members to become registered voters, but also will ask librarians to promote voter registration through this site in their local libraries. ALA will award a grant of $1,000 to the library that registers the largest number of voters through the site and grants of $500 to the fi rst five libraries that register 500 individuals. Bernadette Murphy is communications specialist at ALA’s Washington Offi ce, e-mail: In addition to helping to support advocacy at ALA, Working Assets will underwrite the costs of producing tip sheets, bookmarks, and buttons for library workers to use in promoting voter registration in their com­ munities. These materials can be requested online at by any library interested in participating in this voter registration initiative and grant contest. Materials will be mailed to libraries until early September. “When it comes to defending our democ­ racy, librarians have always been on the front lines,” said Working Assets President Michael Kieschnick. “We’re proud to be their partner in this crucial campaign to register new voters in library branches nationwide.” For more information about Register to Vote @ your library, please contact Lainie Cas­ tle at (800) 545­2433, extension 5050. Contact Your Vote Matters at (877) 205­VOTE(8683) with technical or voter registration questions. For more information about Working Assets, visit  (“Authentication...” cont. from page 270) It should not be dictated by the conve­ nience of other units or the passive accep­ tance of standard license agreements. Notes 1. Two articles that do consider the privacy aspects of authentication from somewhat dif­ ferent perspectives are: Lynn Sutton, “Advo­ cacy for Intellectual Freedom in an Academic Library,” in Crossing the Divide : Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference of the As­ sociation of College and Research Libraries, March 15–18, 2001, Denver, Colorado, ed. Hugh A. Thompson (Chicago, ACRL: 2001), 54–56 and Virginia Rezmierski and Aline Soules, “Security vs. Anonymity: the Debate over User Authentication and Information Access,” EDUCAUSE Review 35 (March­April 2000): 22–30. 2. Nancy Courtney, “Unaffiliated Users’ Ac­ cess to Academic Libraries: A Survey,” Jour­ nal of Academic Librarianship 29 (January 2003): 3–7.  C&RL NewsMay 2004 / 277