june04b.indd C o l l e g e & R e s e a r c h L i b r a r i e s Reinforcing information and technology literature The Plattsburg tip sheet by Holly Heller-Ross This article describes a Plattsburgh State University Library and Information Ser­ vices (LIS) faculty workshop on information and technology literacy. The workshop was developed in response to a call for the redraft­ ing and submission for academic curriculum review of all courses intended for General Education approval and credit to meet new college General Education requirements. The focus of this article is on the infor­ mation and technology literacy specifi cs of the new requirements, the particular style of tip sheet developed for the workshop, and its potential for use by other librarians. The essence of the Plattsburgh Tip Sheet is a practical approach to rethinking lectures, class activities, and assignments to reinforce information and technology literacies. University requirements Plattsburgh State University of New York (PSU) is one of the 64 campuses in the State University of New York (SUNY) and is a medium­sized comprehensive college enrolling 5,400 undergraduate students and about 650 graduate students. Since 1997 a series of reports, requirements, and student learning outcomes that mention and defi ne information and technology literacy have been written and circulated within the university, in addition to the national standards and guidelines librarians are familiar with. PSU requirements A 1997 Strategic Planning Task Force at PSU proposed “Information Literacy and Computing Across the Curriculum” to “ensure that our students are fully prepared for and can take advantage of opportunities in an increasingly technological world.”1 PSU established student learning outcomes in June 2001, including the ability to “access, evaluate, and use information and technology effectively and effi ciently.”2 As a follow­up to these proposals, the college Information and Computer Literacy Task Force recommended specific literacy definitions for campus use. The task force also recommended that: “Information and technology literacy concepts and skills be introduced, reinforced, and expanded on three curricular levels.”3 General Education requirements The new General Education program (October 2002) did in fact follow these recommendations and listed the following among other abilities or skills expected of a Plattsburgh graduate: the ability to use technology effectively and the ability to filter, analyze, and critique information and experience. The program also added a About the author Holly Heller-Ross is LIS Instruction Services Unit Coordinator at the Plattsburgh State University of New York, e-mail: holly. hellerross@plattsburgh.edu © 2004 Holly Heller-Ross C&RL News June 2004 / 321 mailto:hellerross@plattsburgh.edu T h e P la tt sb u rg h T ip S h e e t: R e in fo rc in g I n fo rm a ti o n a n d T e ch n o lo g y L it e ra cy i n G e n e ra l E d u ca ti o n C o u rs e s H o ll y H e ll e r- R o ss , P la tt sb u rg h S ta te U n iv e rs it y, 2 0 0 3 If y o u c u rr e n tl y r e q u ir e s tu d e n ts t o : C o n si d e r re q u ir in g t h e m t o : Y o u ’l l re in fo rc e t h e i n fo /t e ch l it e ra cy sk il l o r co n ce p t o f: D o n ’t f o rg e t th e se L IS s u p p o rt se rv ic e s: 1 ) A tt e n d l e ct u re s • Tr a n sf e r th e ir n o te s in to w o rd - p ro ce ss e d d o cu m e n t th re e t im e s a se m e st e r • C re a te a c o n ce p t m a p o f th e m a in le ct u re i d e a s • Lo ca te a n d e va lu a te o u ts id e re so u rc e s o n t h e l e ct u re t o p ic s • U si n g a w o rd p ro ce ss in g p ro g ra m • In fo rm a ti o n o rg a n iz a ti o n • D ig it a l re p re se n ta ti o n s • Su m m a ri zi n g t h e m a in i d e a s • C o n st ru ct in g a n d i m p le m e n ti n g se a rc h s tr a te g ie s • R e tr ie vi n g o n li n e a n d p ri n t in fo rm a ti o n • IT D e p a rt m e n t: M ic ro so ft W o rd w o rk sh o p s • In sp ir a ti o n S o ft w a re i n ( FL 1 0 8 ) • Li b ra ry : R e fe re n ce S e rv ic e s • C o u rs e -R e la te d I n st ru ct io n • R e se a rc h g u id e s o n li n e - R e se a rc h G u id e s b y Su b je ct - R e se a rc h G u id e s fo r C la ss e s 2 ) R e a d a t e xt o r o th e r co u rs e r e a d in g • U se a t e xt p u b li sh e r’ s W e b s it e : e .g ., w w w .d u sh k in .c o m / • G e t re a d in g s fr o m P la tt sb u rg h ’s E le ct ro n ic R e se rv e s • E -m a il a s u m m a ry o f th e r e a d in g s to yo u ( th e i n st ru ct o r) o r a c la ss m a te • U si n g t h e I n te rn e t (b ro w se rs , se a rc h e n g in e s, c h a t) • C o m m u n ic a ti n g v ia c o m p u te r • Su m m a ri zi n g t h e m a in i d e a s • In te g ra ti o n o f n e w k n o w le d g e • C o m p u te r la b s a n d s m a rt c a rt s fo r in st ru ct io n • E * R e s Se rv ic e : co n ta ct p e rs o n i s < e -m a il l in k h e re > • E -m a il H e lp g u id e o n I T W e b si te 3 ) P a rt ic ip a te i n c la ss d is cu ss io n s • U se a c la ss e le ct ro n ic l is t • P o st a r e sp o n se t o a c la ss W e b s it e • Lo ca te a n d c it e a n o u ts id e s o u rc e a s e vi d e n ce i n t h e ir r e sp o n se • C o m m u n ic a ti n g v ia c o m p u te r • V a li d a ti n g n e w u n d e rs ta n d in g s th ro u g h d is co u rs e • R e tr ie vi n g o n li n e / p ri n t in fo rm a ti o n • Li b ra ry : R e fe re n ce S e rv ic e s • C o u rs e -R e la te d I n st ru ct io n • R e se a rc h G u id e s O n li n e ( se e li n k s a b o ve ) 4 ) Ta k e q u iz ze s o r e xa m s • U se e -m a il i n a s m a ll g ro u p s tu d y re ci ta ti o n • U se r e vi e w n o te s o n y o u r fa cu lt y W e b s it e • A n sw e r q u iz q u e st io n s th a t re q u ir e in fo rm a ti o n r e se a rc h • C o ll a b o ra ti o n • Sy n th e si zi n g m a in i d e a s • C o n st ru ct in g n e w c o n ce p ts • C o m m u n ic a ti n g v ia c o m p u te r • U si n g i n st ru ct io n a l tu to ri a ls • Li b ra ry : R e fe re n ce S e rv ic e s • C o u rs e -R e la te d I n st ru ct io n • R e se a rc h G u id e s O n li n e • IT D e p a rt m e n t: F a cu lt y w o rk sh o p s o n W e b d e ve lo p m e n t, in cl u d in g f o rm s 322 / C&RL News June 2004 If y o u c u rr e n tl y r e q u ir e s tu d e n ts t o : C o n si d e r re q u ir in g t h e m t o : Y o u ’l l re in fo rc e t h e i n fo /t e ch l it e ra cy sk il l o r co n ce p t o f: D o n ’t f o rg e t th e se L IS s u p p o rt se rv ic e s: 4 ) Ta k e q u iz ze s o r e xa m s (c o n ti n u e d ) • U se a n o n li n e t u to ri a l o r cl a ss W e b si te f o r st u d yi n g • Ta k e a t e st o n li n e • U si n g t h e I n te rn e t (b ro w se rs , se a rc h e n g in e s, c h a t) • Li b ra ry : R e fe re n ce l ib ra ri a n a ss is ta n ce i n l o ca ti n g r e so u rc e s/ tu to ri a ls 5 ) W ri te r e sp o n se o r re se a rc h p a p e rs • Su b m it a w o rk in g t h e si s a n d b ib li o g ra p h y e a rl y o n • In cl u d e a v a ri e ty o f so u rc e s a s e vi d e n ce o f th e ir r e se a rc h • In cl u d e s o u rc e e va lu a ti o n i n t h e ir p a p e r’ s te xt • Sa ve o n to a fl o p p y d is k a n d s u b m it a fi rs t a n d a fi n a l d ra ft p a p e r • Su b m it p a p e rs a s: • E -m a il a tt a ch m e n ts • In p ri n t (o n p a p e r) w it h a n a b st ra ct e -m a il e d t o y o u • D e fi n in g a n d a rt ic u la ti n g t h e in fo rm a ti o n n e e d • Id e n ti fy in g t yp e s a n d f o rm a ts o f so u rc e s • A rt ic u la ti n g a n d a p p ly in g e va lu a ti ve cr it e ri a • Sy n th e si zi n g m a in i d e a s • C o n st ru ct in g n e w c o n ce p ts • E xt ra ct in g , re co rd in g , a n d m a n a g in g in fo rm a ti o n • U si n g a w o rd p ro ce ss in g p ro g ra m • C o m m u n ic a ti n g v ia c o m p u te r • Li b ra ry : h a n d o u t/ W e b p a g e s o n : • C ri te ri a f o r e va lu a ti o n o f so u rc e s • C it a ti o n a n d d o cu m e n ta ti o n • IT D e p a rt m e n t: M ic ro so ft W o rd w o rk sh o p s/ h e lp g u id e s 6 ) G iv e a p re se n ta ti o n • Lo ca te a n d e va lu a te i n fo rm a ti o n so u rc e s fo r th e ir p re se n ta ti o n s • Il lu st ra te t h e ir p re se n ta ti o n s w it h d ig it a l im a g e s • C re a te W e b p a g e s a s th e ir p re se n ta ti o n s • U se p re se n ta ti o n s o ft w a re s u ch a s P o w e rP o in t • P ro vi d e a b a ck g ro u n d r e a d in g fo r th e c la ss a w e e k b e fo re t h e p re se n ta ti o n • Id e n ti fy in g t yp e s / fo rm a ts o f so u rc e s • C o n st ru ct in g a n d i m p le m e n ti n g se a rc h s tr a te g ie s • R e tr ie vi n g o n li n e / p ri n t in fo rm a ti o n • Sy n th e si zi n g m a in i d e a s • C o n st ru ct in g n e w c o n ce p ts • A p p ly in g i n fo rm a ti o n t o p la n n in g / cr e a ti o n o f a p ro d u ct o r p e rf o rm a n ce • U si n g a g ra p h ic s o r a rt p ro g ra m • C o m m u n ic a ti n g t o o th e r a u d ie n ce s • U si n g t h e I n te rn e t (b ro w se rs , se a rc h e n g in e s, c h a t) • Li b ra ry : R e fe re n ce S e rv ic e s • C o u rs e -R e la te d I n st ru ct io n • R e se a rc h G u id e s O n li n e • IT D e p a rt m e n t. : O n li n e H e lp g u id e f o r P o w e rP o in t C&RL News June 2004 / 323 requirement for technology literacy to the previous program’s library skills (or information literacy in current terminology) requirement.4 The new Information and Technology Literacy requirement was placed in the Skills Category and assigned one credit in the 39­credit General Education Program. The library faculty are currently planning for the implementation of the new General Educa­ tion requirements in fall 2004, and will offer courses that include coverage of introductory skills and concepts in technology literacy as well as information literacy. These significant changes to the educational program raised several questions that inspired the workshop and tip sheet. How would the college faculty revise their courses to meet these new requirements? What information did they need in order to be successful? How could LIS and the library faculty assist in this process? Faculty development workshops PSU’s faculty development workshop program includes basic and advanced technology skill components for electronic communication, word processing, academic uses of spreadsheets and databases, Web page development, and management. These workshops are taught by staff members in the LIS Instructional Technology Unit. In addition, library research strategies, graduate student research, general information literacy, and plagiarism prevention and detection workshops are prepared and taught by library faculty members. In 2002–2003, the Instructional Technology Unit offered 64 separate workshops reaching 515 participants in total. Participants included faculty, professional, and clerical staff. Each June, a series of weeklong workshops have been offered with specific attention to the technology needs of teaching faculty. In June 2003, another series was developed specifi ­ cally for faculty in the education departments. This series was motivated in part by education faculty preparation for an upcoming national accreditation review. When an October deadline was announced for review of new or revised General Educa­ tion courses, several department chairs and individual faculty began planning for summer course revision work. Instead of offering a general introduction to information literacy, LIS decided to develop a focused workshop to help faculty with their course revisions. The workshop idea The concept underpinning the practical workshop was derived from previous faculty brochures for distance­learning services. In 1994 when PSU began its distance­learning program, the library invested materials, staff, and faculty resources in distance­learning support. Brochures describing the available services were developed and distributed, but didn’t have much effect until a very practical style was tried. For example, instead of just listing interli­ brary loan as a service that was available to distance students, the brochure was changed to read, “if your on­campus students use library books and journals, your off­campus students can request the same materials through our electronic interlibrary loan system.” The very explicit connection between what students and faculty were already doing and what they could also do in a distance­learning environment seemed to make the services more relevant. Since we were now hoping to assist faculty in revising their courses to include information and technology literacy in a short amount of time, the same idea of providing clear and practical suggestions for small adjustments made sense. The course­revision workshop was devel­ oped in the late spring and offered in June 2003. Topics included the General Education Program specifics; tips on designing assign­ ments; information about using existing library and computing resources; tutorials and teach­ ing tools; strategies for reducing plagiarism; and citation styles and guides. Faculty were asked to bring course de­ scriptions and syllabi with them to work on during the two­hour session, and most participants did. While all the topics were ad­ dressed to some extent, the tips on designing assignments were quickly identified by the participating faculty as the most valuable. The Plattsburgh Tip Sheet Designing assignments for effective research is a well­developed area of librarianship. The Plattsburgh Tip Sheet was designed to focus exclusively on concrete strategies for reinforcing the use of technology and research sources. Several excellent guides from other libraries were included in the workshop, in addition to the Plattsburgh Tip Sheet. These were helpful in more conceptual ways, 324 / C&RL News June 2004 covering ideas such as the use of working bibliographies and preparing students with library tours and research sessions. As with the distance­learning brochure, the goal of the tip sheet was to explicitly link what faculty were currently doing in their classes with what they could now do to incorporate technology and research. The tips covered common classroom activities and assignments, such as lectures, readings, quizzes and exams, presentations, and papers. Each activity or as­ signment was listed with integration options for faculty to consider, information about the information and technology literacy concept or skill the option reinforced, and resources for faculty to use as they planned the changes or taught the content. For example, if a faculty member fre­ quently gives lectures, they might consider requiring students to submit word­processed lecture notes several times a semester in order to reinforce the use of academic software and information organization skills. LIS resources and services available to faculty would in­ clude word­processing software, software workshops, and use guides. Several options were included for each classroom activity. As another example for faculty using classroom lectures, the tip sheet listed a possible assign­ ment to create an electronic concept map of the main lecture ideas to reinforce the use of graphical digital representations and skill in summarizing main ideas. LIS resources include the concept mapping software and guides for its use. These were all very simple practical op­ tions that allowed instructors to make small revisions in their courses with signifi cant support available from LIS faculty and staff. The importance of this practical approach cannot be overstated. Participants expressed enthusiasm at seeing so many options for integrating and reinforcing information and technology literacy. They also expressed great relief as they realized how simple some of the changes might be. The greatest benefi t of program­wide reinforcement for faculty is that no single course has to cover all the information and technology literacy learning outcomes. An important benefit for students is in the consistent reinforcement that allows them to retain and deepen their conceptual understand­ ings and their mastery of the applied skills. Future uses PSU will continue to offer the workshop, anticipating other course revisions as General Education proposal reviews continue. The workshop Web page is kept up­to­date with new information and teaching tools as we identify them. We’ll also be testing the tip sheet as a library liaison discussion handout at department meetings. It is our hope that departmental faculty will share their ideas and strategies so that the tip sheet evolves into an even more practical and field­tested resource. As initial indicators of the direct positive effect of the workshops, one workshop participant has revised several assignments and another has assigned electronic journaling in his spring classes. Potential uses of the workshop and the Plattsburgh Tip Sheet by other librarians include use of the workshop as it is, use of the tip sheet as a stand­alone reference, incorporation of the tip sheet into other workshops, or use of the tip sheet as a faculty discussion handout. Institu­ tions with well­integrated information literacy programs may want to use only the technology literacy integration suggestions, while the oppo­ site may be the case at other institutions. We’d like other librarians to review, im­ prove, revise, customize, and use the Platts­ burgh Tip Sheet. Just let us know, and share your improvements!5 References/notes 1. Plattsburgh State University. 1997. Report of the Strategic Planning Task Force. Section VII. Strategic Initiative 6. Proposal One. 2. Plattsburgh State University. 2001. Un­ dergraduate Learning Outcomes. www2. plattsburgh.edu/acadmicaffairs/assessment/ docs/stuoutcomes.doc. 3. Plattsburgh State University. 2001. Fi­ nal Report of the Computer and Information Literacy Task Force. faculty.plattsburgh.edu /holly.hellerross/Infolittaskforce.htm. 4. Plattsburgh State University. 2002. Platts­ burgh State University of New York General Edu­ cation Program Information and Technology Literacy. faculty.plattsburgh.edu/ray.guydosh/ pfs/GenEdProgramProposal101702b.doc. 5. Workshop URL: faculty.plattsburgh.edu/ holly.hellerross/InfoTechLiteracy.htm.Platts­ burgh Tip Sheet URL: faculty.plattsburgh.edu/ holly.hellerross/InfoTechLitHandout.doc.  C&RL News June 2004 / 325 http:faculty.plattsburgh.edu http:faculty.plattsburgh.edu http:faculty.plattsburgh.edu