may05c.indd Jane Hedberg P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Exhibiting photos The Photographic Materials Group (PMG) of the American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works (AIC) pub­ lishes and sells individual chapters of its Photographic Materials Conservation Cata­ log. Chapter 1, published in 2004, is Ex­ hibition Guidelines. The 71­page reference covers the purpose of exhibition guidelines for photographic materials, factors to con­ sider before exhibition, effects of exhibi­ tion, standards, guidelines, recommenda­ tions, equipment and materials, exhibition techniques, and traveling exhibitions and loans. In addition, it contains a list of stan­ dards organizations, a glossary, and a bib­ liography. The guidelines cost $11.25 for AIC mem­ bers or $17.50 for nonmembers, plus ship­ ping and handling. Prepayment by check or money order is required. For more infor­ mation or to order, contact the AIC, 1717 K. Street, NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20006; phone: (202) 452­9545; fax: (202) 452­9328; e­mail: info@aic­; URL: aic. Emergency preparedness The International Federation of Library As­ sociations (IFLA) has published Preparing for the Worst, Planning for the Best: Pro­ tecting our Cultural Heritage from Disas­ ter, edited by Nancy Gwinn and Johanna Wellheiser. It contains the proceedings of a three­day conference held in Berlin, Ger­ many, in the summer of 2003. The confer­ ence, sponsored by the IFLA Preservation and Conservation Section, the IFLA Core Activity for Preservation and Conservation, and the Council on Library and Information Jane Hedberg is preservation program offi cer at Harvard University Library, e-mail:; fax: (617) 496-8344 Resources, Inc. (CLIR), focused on prov­ en strategies for dealing with many types of disasters, both natural and manmade. Speakers from countries that have insti­ tuted national policy planning for disaster response described their efforts to protect a variety of cultural resources. Other speak­ ers described practical experiences plan­ ning to protect individual institutions. The proceedings also include international case studies. The book costs EUR 78 (EUR 58 for IFLA members). It is available from K.G. Saur Verlag, P.O. Box 701620, 81316 Munich, Germany; phone: +49 89 76902 300; fax: +49 89 76902 150/250; e­mail:; URL: IFLA Publications; 111. ISBN: 3­598­21842­7. Preservation education The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) and the Simmons Graduate School of Library and Information Science (Simmons GSLIS) are partnering to develop a graduate­level preservation curriculum. Supported by an Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) grant, the partners will work with the Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET), Amigos Library Servic­ es, the Center for Conservation of Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA), and the Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) to devise ready­to­use lesson plans, downloadable slides, and a textbook for a semester­long course. This project is intended to create consensus about the preservation curricu­ lum and to provide documentation, making it easier for library schools to include pres­ ervation among course offerings. For more information, contact Lori Foley, NEDCC, 100 Brickstone Square, Andover, MA 01810­1494; phone: (978) 470­1010; fax: (978) 475­6021; e­mail:; URL: May 2005 399 C&RL News