
Ann­Christe Galloway P e o p l e  i n  t h e  N e w s  

Charlotte R. M. Derksen Michael M. Noga 

Charlotte R. M. Derksen, head librarian of 
the Branner Earth Sciences Library and Map 
Collections (emerita) at Stanford University 
until 2004, and Michael M. Noga, earth and 
planetary sciences librarian and collection 
manager for science at MIT, received profes­
sional awards at the 2005 annual meeting of 
the Geoscience Information Society (GSIS). 
Derksen was presented with the Mary B. 
Ansari Distinguished Service Award, which 
recognizes significant contributions to the 
geoscience information profession. At Bran­
ner, Derksen instituted instruction, database 
searching, and extensive collection develop­
ment programs, and added map catalogers 
and geographic information systems experts 
to the staff. Since her retirement from Stan­
ford, she has been working on indexing 
projects for the database GeoRef. Noga was 
presented with GSIS’s 2005 Best Paper Award 
for his publication “Conference proceedings 
in Geoscience journals: What’s the use?” pub­
lished in volume 34 of the Geoscience In­
formation Society Proceedings. Noga’s study 
examined citation frequencies of conference 
papers published in earth science periodicals 
and monographic proceedings and compared 
their usage to that of research articles. Noga 
is active in GSIS and the Western Association 
of Map Libraries. 

Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is 
considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe 
Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron 
St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@ 
ala.org; fax: (312) 280-2520. 

A p p o i n t m e n t s  

Gladys Smiley Bell has been named direc­
tor of Hampton University’s William R. and 
Norma B. Harvey Library. Bell has served as 
the interim library director since 2004 and 
as assistant director for public services prior 
to that position. She has previously worked 
in libraries in New York, Washington, D.C., 
and Ohio. Bell was recently honored with the 
2005 Demco/Black Caucus of the American 
Library Association Excellence in Librarian­
ship award. She is cochair of the fi rst ever 
Joint Conference of Librarian’s of Color and 
is active in local and national library orga­
nizations. Bell has served as an elected ALA 
councilor­at­large and as past president for 
the ALA’s Black Caucus. 

Tula Giannini has been named dean of the 
School of Information and Library Science 
(SILS) at Pratt Institute. Giannini, who served 
as acting dean for the 
year prior to her ap­
pointment, introduced 
courses taught on loca­
tion such as “Museum 
and Library Research” 
at the Watson Library, 
Metropolitan Museum 
of Art, and “Science 
Museums and Librar­
ies” at the American 
Museum of Natural History. Her work was 
instrumental in securing an Institute of Museum 
and Library Services grant for $591,207 for a 
project with the Brooklyn Historical Society 
to support archives training for SILS graduate 
students. She initiated the Pratt school’s fi rst 
international program, a summer institute in 
Florence, Italy, and launched an Archives Certifi ­
cation Program registered with New York State’s 
Department of Higher Education. Giannini has 
taught at Rutgers University, Long Island Uni­
versity, and the Catholic University of America, 
where she headed the program in archives and 

Tula Giannini 

January 2006  41 C&RL News 

special collections. Her other positions have 
included curator of the collection of musical 
instruments at the Library of Congress and 
head of collection management at Adelphi 

Sherle Abramson-Bluhm has been ap­
pointed head of monograph acquisitions at 
the University of Michigan Library. 

Jim Agee is now technical services man­
ager­acquisitions/serials at the University 
of Northern Colorado’s James A. Michener 

Shantel Agnew is now a minority librar­
ian resident at the University of Tennessee. 

Kristine M. Alpi has been appointed 
associate library director of the Samuel J. 
Wood Library and the C.V. Starr Biomedical 
Information Center at the Weill Medical Col­
lege of Cornell University. 

Nathan E. Bender is now head of special 
collections and archives at the University of 
Idaho Library in Moscow, Idaho. 

Aslihan Ashley Bulut is now a refer­
ence librarian in Columbia University’s Law 

Dennis T. Clark has joined the Texas 
A&M University Libraries as head of refer­

Donia Conn has been appointed head 
of conservation services at Northwestern 
University Library. 

Gregory Gossellin is now head of library 
information technology support services at 
Northwestern University Library. 

LaVer ne Gray has been appointed a 
minority librarian resident at the University 
of Tennessee. 

Jennifer Green is the numeric and spatial 
data librarian at the University of Michigan 

Victoria Heiduschke has joined the staff 
at Illinois State University as a preservation 

Christina Hoffman has joined Texas 
A&M University Libraries as the undergradu­
ate specialist librarian. 

Terry Kirchner is now director of access 
services at Columbia University. 

Janice Lathrop is the new reference librar­
ian at Anne Arundel Community College. 

Tina Mason has been appointed manager 
of preservation services for SOLINET (South­
eastern Library Network). 

Patricia Pettijohn has been appointed 
collection and technical services librarian at 
Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, University 
of South Florida­St. Petersburg. 

Mark Puente is now a minority librarian 
resident at the University of Tennessee. 

Jeff  Ridinger has accepted the position 
of access services librarian at Illinois State 

Roberta B. Schwartz has been named 
technical services manager/acquisitions li­
brarian at Bowdoin College Library. 

Susan Singleton has been appointed 
assistant vice president and executive direc­
tor of CARLI, a newly formed academic and 
research library consortium that provides 
services to more than 180 member institutions 
throughout Illinois. 

Walter Slater is now Slavic cataloger at 
the University of Michigan Library. 

Shilo Smith has been appointed instruc­
tor of library science and reference librarian 
at Valdosta State University. 

Jennifer Tur ner is now the technical 
services coordinator at the Luise V. Hanson 
Library at Waldorf College in Forest City, 

AARP 24 
American Economic 

Association cover 3 
Annual Reviews 2 
Archival Products 40 
ARL 32, 38 
Choice 5 
College of DuPage 26 
EBSCO cover 4 
Idea Group 1 
Library Technology Alliance I­17 
Nature Publishing I­18 
Project Muse 22 
RLG cover 2 

C&RL News January 2006  42 

Sarah Wenzel has been named head of 
reference programs in the humanities and 
history divisions at Columbia University. 

Brandy Whitlock is now the instruction 
librarian at Anne Arundel Community College. 

R e t i r e m e n t s  

Nicholas C. Burckel, dean of libraries at 
Marquette University, has retired. Before 
joining Marquette ten years ago, Burckel 
was the associate dean of libraries at Wash­
ington University in St. Louis. His career as 
library administrator, archivist, and historian 
included serving as fellow and president of 
the Society of American Archivists, presi­
dent of the Midwest Archives Conference, 
board member of the Center for Research 
Libraries, presidential appointment to the 
National Historical Publications and Records 
Commission, and editorial board member of 
Portal: Libraries and the Academy. Burckel 
is the editor or coauthor of six books, more 
than a dozen articles, and 100 reviews in ar­
chival, library, and history journals. In 2002, 
Burckel received the Distinguished Alumnus 
Award from the University of Wisconsin­Mil­
waukee and, in 2003, he received the Wis­
consin Library Association’s Librarian of the 
Year Award. 

Laurence Miller, executive director of li­
braries at Florida International University, 
has retired. He had held this position since 
January 1981. During his tenure, the librar­
ies more than doubled in size. Two library 
building projects were complete, a fi ve­story 
addition to the library at University Park and 
a new library building serving Biscayne Bay 

Eleanor A. Wilson, director of library collec­
tion development at Sul Ross State University 
in Alpine, Texas, has retired after nearly 25 
years of service. Wilson held the positions of 
acquisitions librarian, director of library pub­
lic services, and interim director. 

D e a t h s  

Ilene Rockman, 55, manager of the infor­
mation competence initiative for the Offi ce 
of the Chancellor of the California State Uni­
versity (CSU) system, passed away on Novem­
ber 26 from nonsmoker’s lung cancer. Rock­
man worked at CSU for more than 30 years 
as librarian, faculty member, and administrator 
at California State Poly­
technic University­San 
Luis Obispo and CSU­
East Bay before joining 
the CSU Chancellor’s 
Office in 2001. Rock­
man was active na­
tionally and locally as 
a speaker, author, and 
consultant and held 
leadership positions in 
She received the ACRL Instruction Librarian 
of the Year award in 2005 and the ACRL Dis­
tinguished Education and Behavioral Sciences 
Librarian award in 2003. She was the editor of 
and contributing author to Integrating infor­
mation literacy into the higher education cur­
riculum (Jossey Bass, 2004). She served as a 
consultant to the Educational Testing Service 
on the development and implementation of a 
new performance­based test to assess higher 
education students’ information and commu­
nication technology literacy skills. She also 
served as editor­in­chief of Reference Services 
Review and was on the editorial boards of 
American Libraries, Library Administration 
and Management, the Journal of Academic Li­
brarianship, Reference Quarterly, and Library 
Hi Tech. In 2005, she received the Leading Edi­
tor award from Emerald Publishing Company 
of the United Kingdom for her 20 years of edit­
ing Reference Services Review. 

In the November 2005 issue (page 751), 
Linda Watson was erroneously listed as hav­
ing been appointed director of Health Sci­
ences Libraries at the University of Virginia. 
Her appointment was at the University of 
Minnesota.The editors regret the error. 

Ilene Rockman 

January 2006  43 C&RL News