may07c.indd Ann­Christe Galloway P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Nguyen Thi Bac, director of the Gener­ al Sciences Library of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, has received a Simmons College Graduate School of Library and Information Science 2007 Alumni Achievement Award. Thi Bac, who received her MLIS from Sim­ mons in 1995, was one of the fi rst library students from Vietnam to study at Simmons under a new program designed to help the Vietnamese rebuild and expand their country’s library services. She returned to Vietnam after completing her studies and created new library services for the people of Ho Chi Minh City, while assuming top leadership roles in the Vietnamese library profession. Inspired by children’s libraries she visited while in the United States, Thi Bac created a children’s library in the Gen­ eral Sciences Library with assistance from local groups and the French Consulate and Consular Wives Group. She also brought free Internet access to library patrons by establishing a new media center in the library. This year, she secured a grant to outfit a bookmobile (mobile library) to pro­ vide services to Ho Chi Minh City residents who live far from the library. Joel Patrick Berger, president of C. Berger Group, Inc., a library consulting and staff­ ing firm, was elected president elect of the Special Libraries Association’s Wisconsin Chapter. John Campbell, Purdue University’s as­ sociate vice president for teaching and learning technologies, has been appointed a scholar­in­residence with the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative, a community of higher education institutions and organizations Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@; fax: (312) 280-2520. committed to advancing learning through information technology innovation. Dur­ ing Campbell’s one­year appointment with EDUCAUSE, he will be testing whether an­ alytics can be used to improve student suc­ cess as measured by retention and gradu­ ation rates. Deborah Lee, coordinator of library in­ structional services at the Mississippi State University Libraries and associate director of the university’s Center for Teaching and Learning, will be serving as a fellow at the 2007 Frye Leadership Institute. The Frye Leadership Institute provides an intensive two­week residential program held in early June for faculty, librarians, and university information technology professionals who aspire to more significant leadership roles. The program, which focuses on creative leadership and the qualities needed to con­ front strategic changes in higher education, includes both the residential program and a year­long practicum, where participants explore some of the issues raised in the institute within the context of their home institution. Brian E. C. Schottlaender, university li­ brarian at University of California­San Di­ ego and a key partner of the San Diego Supercomputer Center on a variety of proj­ ects involving the management, steward­ ship, and preservation of digital data, has been awarded the inaugural 2007 Ross At­ kinson Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS). A p p o i n t m e n t s Lynn Baird has been named dean of li­ brary services at the University of Idaho. 324C&RL News May 2007 Mona C. Couts has been named director of Triangle Research Libraries Network. Melissa E. Jadlos has been named library di­ rector at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York. Mar y K. Moeller has been named chief operating officer of the Linda Hall Library in Kansas City, Missouri. Julia Zimmerman has been named direc­ tor of University Libraries at Florida State University, effective July 1. Zimmerman, who currently serves as dean of University Libraries at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, succeeds F. William Summers, who has been serving as interim director since Al­ thea Jenkins (former ACRL executive direc­ tor) retired in 2006. As director of University Libraries, Zimmerman will oversee a staff of 129 and a budget of about $15 million. She will have daily oversight of six of the university’s ten libraries. Before joining OU in 1999, she served in several capacities at the Georgia Institute of Technology Library. Beginning in 1979, she has held positions as the head of the systems department, as­ sistant director for information services, and associate director. In that capacity, she was responsible for the day­to­day operation of the library. Before that, she was an assistant librarian and serials cataloger at Pennsylva­ nia State University. She has been active in ACRL and most recently served on the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Awards Committee. In addition, she serves as chair of the Board of Trustees of OhioNet, a mem­ bership organization that provides Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) and other products and services to libraries in Ohio, West Virginia, and western Pennsylvania. Laurel Bliss has been appointed fi ne arts librarian at San Diego State University Library and Information Access. DeAnn Buss has been named associate university librarian for digital programs and systems at Syracuse University Library. Xi Chen is now East Asian and Web development librarian at Oberlin College Library. Michael Creech has been appointed Web content manager at the University of Michigan. Sue Diehl, reference and instruction librarian, has been promoted to associate professor at Montreat College in Montreat, North Carolina. Dean Farrell is the new information systems librarian at the University of North Carolina­Wilmington. Alexandra Rosen Gagne is now temp reference and instruction librarian in the So­ cial Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California­San Diego. Steven Gailbraith is now the Andrew W. Mellon curator of books at the Folger Shakespeare Library. Sally Gibson has been promoted to head of technical services of the Reinert­Alumni Memorial Library at Creighton University. Rebecca Graham has been named as­ sociate librarian for administrative services at Harvard College, effective July 1. David James has joined Southeast Mis­ souri State University as head of the informa­ tion services department. Steven Kiczek has been appointed li­ brarian in the cataloging department at San Diego State University Library and Informa­ tion Access. Advertisers ACM cover 3 Alliance of Library Service Networks 297 Annual Reviews 282 Archival Products 309 ARL 304,AC-16 Chemical Abstracts Services cover 2 Choice 301 EBSCO cover 4 H. W. Wilson 281 Modern Language Association 323 National Resource Center for First-Year Experience 312 Nature Publishing 285 Perry Dean Architects 316 Rittenhouse Books 293 May 2007 325 C&RL News Loyd Mbabu has joined the staff of the Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library at the Uni­ versity of Michigan as the African Studies librarian. Pamela McLaughlin has been appointed director of communications and external rela­ tions at Syracuse University Library. Susan Metcalf has been appointed reference librarian/social sciences liaison at Western Carolina University’s Hunter Library. John Osinski has been appointed public services librarian at the University of North Carolina­Wilmington. Janet Pease has been named head of Syracuse University Library’s Science and Technology Services. Rachel Radom is now instructional services librarian at the University of North Carolina­Wilmington. Angel a R amnarine-Rieks has been named Web administrator at Syracuse Uni­ versity Library. Kevin Ross is now associate dean of Chapman University’s Leatherby Libraries. Katherine Silton is now outreach ser­ vices librarian in the Scarborough­Phillips Library at St. Edward’s University. Gayatri Singh is now temp reference and instruction librarian in the Social Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California­San Diego. Annelise Sklar is now political science/ government librarian in the Social Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California­San Diego. Michael Smith is map librarian in the Social Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California­San Diego. Ken Varnum has joined the University Library at the University of Michigan as Web systems manager. Lauren Wahman is the new reference/ instruction services librarian in charge of collection development at the University of Cincinnati’s Raymond Walters College Library. M a r g a r e t Wa r n e r i s n o w h e a d o f public services librarian in the Scarbor­ ough­Phillips Library at St. Edward’s University. M a r g a r e t We s t b u r y i s n o w t e m p reference and instruction librarian in the Social Sciences and Humanities Library at the University of California­San Diego. Mary Wickline is now instruction and outreach librarian in the Medical Center Library at the University of California­San Diego. R e t i r e m e n t s Karen I. Junker, director of Lavery Library at St. John Fisher College in Rochester, New York, retired in 2006 after 12 years of ser­ vice. (“Reviews” continues from page 320) “HIV Data” contains the UNAIDS and World Health Organization’s (WHO) collection of information on the estimation of HIV prevalence and projections. Also, the current “Report on the Global AIDS Epidemic” is found here. “Policies” provides a compilation of policy documents related to HIV issues. “Publications” contains a list of UNAIDS publications that are available for downloading in English, Spanish, French, and Russian languages. Also, an order­ ing form for printed copies is accessible. An extremely helpful feature of the Web site is the keyword search box. The search results screen allows options for displaying by date, relevance, and language. Results from a search will yield UNAIDS Web pages, press releases, and publications. Overall, UNAIDS is a valuable resource for students and researchers around the world who are interested in the latest developments in the HIV/AIDS epidemic. —Nancy Allen, University of South Florida­Sarasota/New Col­ lege, 326C&RL News May 2007