sept07c.indd Ann-Christe Galloway G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s The University of Akron (UA) and the Guitar Foundation of America (GFA) have received a $10,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to develop online access to classi­ cal guitar music scores. The grant proposal was prepared by GFA and UA library experts and calls for a three­phase project to digitize histori­ cally significant scores in the GFA archives and create an improved Web portal for the archives to interface with a newly designed GFA Web site. The GFA archives are housed at the UA University Libraries, and include scores that are rare or unique editions written and published before 1906. A panel of experts will select the first 100 scores to be digitized and made avail­ able for download from the archives Web site. UA and GFA plan to seek additional grants to digitize all signifi cant holdings. Historically Black Colleges and Universi­ ties (HBCU) Library Alliance has received a $1.2 million grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to improve the preservation of photographic collections. The University of Delaware’s Art Conservation Department and the Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET) have formed a partnership with the HBCU Library Alliance and the Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts for this 30­month, four­phase initiative to improve the signifi cant photographic collections held within HBCUs. A recent survey of the HBCU libraries revealed that only 22 percent had completed a conservation assessment of their photographic holdings. The University at Albany (UA) was awarded a $180,000 grant from the Getty Foundation’s Campus Heritage Initiative to develop a long­term plan to preserve and enhance the university’s uptown campus, designed in 1961 by architect Edward Durell Stone. UA’s plan will address the preservation of existing structures Ed. note: Send your news to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: and identify issues for future campus growth, while maintaining Stone’s vision. The plan will examine current conditions of the main campus and recommend refurbishment opportunities; assess landscaping and possible enhancements; and advance efforts to educate chief constituents and surrounding community about the main campus’ quality and character. Acquisitions A collection from Erica Jong has been acquired by Columbia University’s Rare Book and Manu­ script Library. The noted novelist, poet, essayist, and best­selling author’s collection provides a full and intimate portrait of Jong, from her under­ graduate years at Barnard College to the present, said Michael Ryan, director of the library. The Jong archive includes correspondence, manu­ scripts, and research notes on a wide variety of topics, much of which is unpublished. Of special note are Jong’s letters to and from John Updike, Henry Miller, and Louis Untermeyer. Jong’s best known work, Fear of Flying, has sold more than 18 million copies and been translated into 30 languages. The library of David E. Pingree, internation­ ally renowned historian of the exact sciences in antiquity and Brown University faculty (1971–2005), has been acquired by Brown. The late Pingree’s collection focuses on the study of mathematics and exact sciences in the ancient world, especially India, and the relationship of Eastern mathematics to the development of mathematics and related disciplines in the West. The collection contains some 22,000 volumes, 700 fascicles, and a number of manuscripts. The holdings consist of both antiquarian and current materials published in Sanskrit, Arabic, Hindi, and Western languages as well as microfi lm and photocopies of manuscript material from around the world, much of which is now lost in its original format. C&RL News September 2007 538