dec08c.indd Ann­Christe Galloway P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s A p p o i n t m e n t s Michael J. Moran is the new director of library and information services at Bay Path College in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Gregg Sapp has been appointed dean of library and media services at Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington. He was pre- viously head of the science library at University at Albany-SUNY, and has held positions at the University of Miami, Richter Library; Montana State University, Renne Library; and Idaho State University, Oboler Library. A member of ACRL and LAMA, Sapp has published in College and Research Libraries, RQ, Portal, the Journal of Academic Librarianship, Library Administra­ tion and Management, and Library Journal. José L. Aranda is now instructor for the library science program at Doña Ana Commu- nity College of New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, New Mexico. Mary S. Buchanan has been appointed information literacy/reference librarian in the Rena M. Carlson Library of Clarion Uni- versity. Dawn Cadogan has been named refer- ence librarian and instructor of library science at Valdosta State University’s Odum Library. Monifa Carter has been appointed af- filiate assistant librarian and the 2008/2010 Pauline A. Young resident at the University of Delaware Library. Marisa Conte has joined the staff of the Health Sciences Libraries at the University of Michigan as the liaison to the university’s Clini- cal and Translation Science Award program. David D’Onofrio has joined the Nimitz Li- brary at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, as special collections librarian. Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@; fax: (312) 280-2520. Jennifer Doty is now city and regional planning librarian for the F. Stuart Chapin, Jr. Planning Library at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. E. Evan Echols has been appointed assistant librarian in the special collec- tions department at the University of Delaware. Pamela Gabourie is the new library development director at Portland State Uni- versity Library. Erin Germ is now systems librarian for the U.S. Naval Academy’s Nimitz Library Sara Godbee has been appointed school of business librarian at Stevenson University (formerly Villa Julie College) in Maryland. Meagan Griffi n is now electronic re- sources access librarian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Margaret Grotti has been appointed reference librarian and coordinator of library instruction at the University of Delaware Library. Lynn Holdzkom has been appointed head of technical services in the Wilson Special Collections Library at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Douglas “Biff” Hollingsworth has been appointed collecting and public programming archivist in the Southern Historical Collection (a one-year appointment) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Chad Hutchens has joined the University of Wyoming Libraries as electronic resources librarian. Hongyu (Lisa) Li has been appointed ref- erence librarian for the Ottenheimer Library at the University of Arkansas-Little Rock. Alexis Linoski is now electronic access librarian at the U.S. Naval Academy’s Nimitz Library. Christina Baxter Mayberry is the new science and engineering librarian for the Oviatt Library at California State University- Northridge. C&RL News December 2008 746 Peter Riedel is now reference and instruc- tion services librarian at Bay Path College in Longmeadow, Massachusetts. Jessica Sedgwick was appointed manu- scripts processer (a one-year appointment) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Mark Shelton has been named head of collection development at Monroe C. Gut- man Library at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Holly Smith has been appointed Grace McSpadden Overholser archival fellow in African American Studies (a one-year ap- pointment) at the University of North Caro- lina-Chapel Hill. Kirill Tolpygo has been appointed Andr Savine Collection monographic cataloger (a one-year appointment) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Jason Tomberlin has been appointed public services librarian for the North Carolina Collection at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill. Larry Wentzel is now digital conversion production manager in Digital Library Produc- tion Services at the University of Michigan. Brian Westra has been appointed Lorry I. Lokey Science data services librarian at the University of Oregon-Eugene Libraries. Kerri Willette is now Web services co- ordinator and reference/instruction librarian at Columbia College-Chicago. Lixia Zhao has been named cataloging and electronic resources librarian for the Ottenheimer Library at the University of Ar- kansas-Little Rock. D e a t h s Agnes F. Peterson, who served as reference librarian and curator of the Central and West- ern European Collections of the Hoover In- stitution at Stanford University for 41 years, died September 1, 2008. Peterson found her forte as West European curator, fi rst defacto and then officially in 1958, a position she held until she retired in 1993. She ordered tens of thousands of books for thousands of scholars. She facilitated the acquisition of some of the most valuable archival collec- tions at Hoover, such as the Louis Loucheur papers, additional Rosa Luxemburg materi- als, Himmler’s early diaries, the Karl B. Frank papers, oral histories with European public figures conducted by Keith Middlemas, and videos and posters relating to German reuni- fication. In 1980, she was awarded the Order of Leopold II by Belgium. In recognition of her research and writing, she was appointed Hoover Institution research fellow in 1986. While at Hoover, together with Grete Heinz, Peterson compiled a guide to the content of 146 reels of microfilm containing Nazi party documents: NSDAP Hauptarchiv: A Guide to the Hoover Institution Microfi lm Collection. In 1980 she compiled the fi rst guide to the Ho- locaust research materials in the Library and Archives. Peterson was recognized as a leading expert on the work of the German communist heroine Rosa Luxemburg, and wrote several pieces on the life of Luxemburg’s previously little-known assistant, Matilde Jacob. Her book reviews, published in Library Journal, History: Review of New Books, German Studies Review, Central European History, and on H-Net, were especially esteemed by scholars as an insider’s analysis. She was active in the American His- torical Association and ALA. Advertisers Annual Reviews 677 Antioch University 694 Archival Products 685 Association of Research 662, 745 Libraries Chemical Abstracts Service 661, 691 Choice 699 CRC Press cover 2 EBSCO 673 Entomological Society of America 739 H. W. Wilson 748 MIT Press Journals cover 3 Modern Language Association cover 4 Perry Dean Architects 694 Project Muse 665 December 2008 747 C&RL News