july09a.indd July/August 2009 385 C&RL News In theIn the Welcome to the July/August 2009 issue of C&RL News. Summer can offer a much need- ed time for academic and research librarians to refl ect on the just completed academic year, work on the projects left lingering on the to-do list, and plan programming for up- coming semesters. The upcoming ALA Banned Books Week, held September 26–October 3, provides an opportunity to educate the campus com- munity about censorship and freedom of expression issues. Melissa Hubbard outlines Southern Illinois University-Carbondale’s programming in her article “Banned Books Week and the Freedom of the Press.” Summer break also offers a time to pre- pare orientation sessions for new students and faculty. “The huge hubbub” by Alice Wasielewski provides tips for planning fun and informative freshman orientations. In addition to students and faculty, libraries themselves can benefi t from orientation-style programs. Uta Hussong-Christian, Sue Kunda, and Hannah Gascho Rempel describe the Oregon State University Libraries In-Service Day in “By the people, for the people.” In our continuing look at the impact of the current economic climate on academic and research libraries, Kate Joranson and Eve Wider examine ways librarians can as- sist students preparing for an uncertain job market in “Librarians on the case.” Make sure to take a look at all of the other great articles and columns, including Sarah Anne Murphy’s overview of implementing and evaluating the Vocera voice communica- tion system at Ohio State University, survey- ing strategies using convenience sampling from Dolores Skowronek and Larry Duerr, and Sidney Lowe and Susie Skarl’s Internet Resources article on generations. Thanks for reading the News! —David Free, editor-in-chief dfree@ala.org THE MOST POWERFUL TOOL IN MEDICAL RESEARCH. • Health sciences specific electronic book platform • More than 650 titles in medicine, nursing, allied health, and consumer health. All integrated in one platform • Enables the purchase of individual resources • Purchase one time – for life of edition • More than 30 leading publishers in STM • Fully searchable, topic driven database Have You Experienced The R2 Digital Library?