june11b.indd C&RL News June 2011 362 change to the status quo. Accord- ingly, it is important to recognize that achieving a legislative solution to any of these issues will be dif- ficult, if not impossible. …The orphan works bill [S. 2913] passed by the Senate in the 110th Congress would have provided little practical relief to libraries with respect to large scale digitization projects…. Thus, S. 2913 as passed by the Senate should not represent the starting point for discussion of orphan works legislation, at least with respect to libraries. Instead, orphan works legislation for librar- ies should begin with a clean slate. In addition, LCA would support an effort to amend the Copyright Act to benefit librar- ies only if it offered significant benefits over the status quo. Thus, a proposal must contain the following features: • The noncommercial use by a nonprofit library or archives of a work when it pos- sesses a copy of that work in its collection: — would not be subject to statutory damages; — would not be subject to actual damages if the use ceases when the library or archives receives an objection from the copyright owner of the work; and — would be subject to injunctive relief only to the extent that the use continues after the library or archives receives an objection from the copyright holder of the work. • The limitation on remedies would ap- ply to the employees of libraries or archives, as well as to a consortium that includes the library or archives. • Copyright owner objections would have no effect on a library’s rights under fair use. At this time, orphan works legislation has not been introduced in the 112th Con- gress. Jenni Terry is press officer at ALA’s Washington Office, e-mail: jterry@alawash.org W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n eJenni Terry Copyright reform and Orphan Works The Library Copyright Alliance (LCA), com- prised of ALA, ACRL, and the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), issued a statement May 16, 2011, describing the key features copyright reform proposals should include in order to constitute significant improvement over current law for libraries and their users. According to LCA, the Google Books set- tlement rejection by Judge Denny Chin of the Southern District of New York on March 22 ignited vigorous discussion of orphan works, mass digitization, and even modernization of Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act. Orphan works are works whose copyright holders cannot be identified or found, and are not made publicly available by libraries for fear that rights holders will come forward, initiate legal action, and demand statutory damages of up to $150,000 a work. LCA, which represents the needs of library stakeholders in these debates, released its statement to provide helpful guideposts for these discussions. Primarily, the statement underscores how libraries have always advocated for reason- able copyright policy in the courts as well as in the U.S. Congress. Library activities already benefit from broad, flexible protection under the fair use doctrine and related provisions in current law. Excerpts from the statement are below. To view the entire document, go to www. librarycopyrightalliance.org/bm~doc/lca _copyrightreformstatement_16may11.pdf. … Congress and the affected stake- holders have been unable to reach consensus on these [copyright law] issues for many reasons: the is- sues are complex, there are many stakeholders; their interests diverge significantly; and some oppose any