july11a.indd C&RL News July/August 2011 386 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free (From left): Sara McCaslin, WKU Library skills coordinator, WKU mascot Big Red, and award-winner Andrew Alvey. WKU library research awards On April 26, Andrew Alvey and Megan Stoh- ner received the first Western Kentucky Uni- versity (WKU) Libraries and University Ex- perience Undergraduate Research Awards. Alvey was recognized for the best career essay and Stohner was recognized for the best annotated bibliography. Both students received a $100 cash award and a plaque honoring their achievement. The awards recognize the important role of good library research in college academic success. WKU general education students complete a project tied to their research instruction class as part of University Experi- ence. For these first awards, a committee of WKU librarians reviewed 50 essays and 61 annotated bibliographies. The award pool will be larger in fall 2011, and the committee is planning to expand the award to include first-year students in declared majors, as well. EBSCO, Wilson to merge EBSCO Publishing (EBSCO) and the H.W. Wilson Company recently announced a merger of the two companies. Wilson con- trolled vocabularies will be integrated into EBSCO’s controlled vocabularies, resulting in improved subject indexing for EBSCO databases. The EBSCOhost platform will be enhanced to take advantage of this index- ing in its search and relevancy ranking algo- rithms. All Wilson indexing, abstracts, and full text will be fully searchable via EBSCO Discovery Service for subscribers of Wilson databases. Wilson databases will be loaded onto EBSCOhost over the coming months. EBSCO will continue to maintain Wilson- Web until such time that all Wilson databas- es are available on EBSCOhost and custom- ers have been transitioned to EBSCOhost. For more information, visit the merg- er FAQ at http://support.epnet.com /knowledge_base/detail.php?id=5482. Digital Milwaukee civil rights project wins awards The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Li- braries digital collection “March On Milwau- kee: Civil Rights History Project” recently earned two prestigious awards. The Soci- ety of American Archivists (SAA) honored the team that put the project together with the 2011 Philip M. Hamer and Elizabeth Hamer Kegan Award in recognition of its outstanding efforts in pro- moting the knowledge and use of the Archives Depart- ment’s civil rights materials. SAA also commended the li- braries’ public outreach and educational programming re- lated to the digital collection. The American Association of State and Local History se- lected “March On Milwaukee” to receive its 2011 Award of Merit—a high honor from an organization at the forefront of supporting the research, preservation, and interpretation of state and local history. The collection provides online access to key primary sources on the history of the civil rights movement in Milwaukee. Included are selected papers of individuals representing a variety of positions on the civil rights issue, photographs, unedited footage from the libraries’ WTMJ-TV news film archives, and oral history interviews capturing the recol- lections and perspectives of individuals who participated in the movement. It also offers contextual materials, such as brief explana- July/August 2011 387 C&RL News New ACRL publications ACRL announces the release of three new publications, Embedded Librarians: Mov- ing Beyond One-Shot Instruction, Strategic Planning in College Libraries (CLIP Note #43), and Zotero: A Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Educators. Embedded Librarians: Moving Beyond One-Shot Instruction, edited by Cassandra Kvenild and Kaijsa Calkins of the Univer- sity of Wyoming is a collection of 16 insightful essays is the first book- length treatment o f t h e gr o w i n g embedded librari- anship movement. E m b e d d e d L i - brarians: Moving Beyond One-Shot Instruction show- cases strategies for successfully embedding librarians and library services across higher education. By joining varied groups of patrons and assisting their research over the long haul, embedded librarians commit themselves to service in a very different way than they did in traditional one-shot bibliographic instruction. Case studies and reports on projects from a wide variety of institutional types and sizes demonstrate ways the embedded model helps academic librarians become valuable collaborators, trusted instructors, and partners in shaping curriculum and institutional goals beyond the boundaries of the library. The latest edition in ACRL’s CLIP Note s e r i e s , S t ra t e g i c Planning in Col- lege Libraries, com- piled by Eleonora Dubicki of Mon- mouth University, provides detailed information on the strategic planning process in college libraries. The book incorporates sample plans from 25 academ- ic libraries, ranging from one-page strategic plans to documents offering more than 20 pages of detailed goals, objectives, action plans, timelines, and assessment measures. Dubicki’s work is an indispensable resource for community college, college, and uni- versity libraries engaged in the strategic planning process, as well as a pedagogical tool for library and information schools. Authored by Jason Puckett of Geor- gia State University, Zotero: A Guide for Librarians, Re- searchers and E d u c a t o r s i s the first book- length treatment of this powerful re s e a rch t o o l . Written for end users, librarians, a n d t e a c h e r s , the book intro- d u c e s Z o t e r o and presents it in the context of bibliography managers and open source software. Puckett then provides detailed instructions on using the software in re- search and writing, along with a wealth of useful information, including instructional best practices, examples, support tips, and advanced techniques for those who teach and support Zotero. A perfect guidebook to a robust open access research tool that allows the user to manage all aspects of bibliographic data, Zotero: A Guide for Librarians, Research- ers, and Educators is essential for librar- ians, classroom faculty, and students alike. Embedded Librarians: Moving Beyond One-Shot Instruction, Strategic Plan- ning in College Libraries (CLIP Note #43), and Zotero: A Guide for Librarians, Researchers and Educators are available for purchase through the ALA Online Store (www.alastore.ala.org), Amazon.com, and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the U.S. or (770) 442-8633 for international customers. C&RL News July/August 2011 388 Hot on the Web The following are the top five most read articles on C&RL News online from January to April 2011. 1. “2010 top ten trends in academic libraries: A review of the current literature” by ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee (June 2010) 2. “Ten simple steps to create and manage your profes- sional online identity” by Susanne Markgren (January 2011) 3. “QR codes and academic libraries” by Robin Ashford (November 2010) 4. “From friending to research: Using Facebook as a teaching tool” by Anne Pemberton (January 2011) 5. “Setting up a library iPad program: Guidelines for success” by Sara Q. Thompson (April 2011) Visit C&RL News online at crln.acrl.org to find your favorite current and past articles. And discover something new. tions of relevant people, places, events, and organizations; a timeline; a bibliography of relevant published sources; and maps high- lighting important locations. The collection is available online at http:// marchonmilwaukee.uwm.edu. UCSB launches digital library The University of California-Santa Barbara (UCSB) recently launched a new digital li- brary, making images and audio recordings from the Special Collections Department of UCSB’s Davidson Library freely available online. The digital library currently contains approximately 3,000 items, with more being added regularly. Current formats in the collection include historic and artistic photographs, poster prints, music scores, audio recordings, videos, and picture discs. Among the highlights are photographs from Ghana, Britain, and Aus- tralia from 1910 to 1921; poster prints from contemporary San Francisco artists; picture discs from the 1940s; and artistic photographs of California and the United States from 1970 to 1990. The collection also includes a geolocation feature, allowing researchers to view satellite images and street views of image locations through Google Maps. There is also an ad- vanced search feature that allows users to find all items by proximity to a specific location —an address, a city or state, or geographic coordinates. A collaborative effort with assistance from audio and scanning technicians, faculty members, librarians, and even scholars from the community who access the material and contact the library with additional information about items, the digital library is available at http://digital.library.ucsb.edu. Free PDF e-books from National Academies Press As of early June, all PDF versions of books published by the National Academies Press (NAP) will be downloadable free of charge. This includes a current catalog of more than 4,000 books plus future reports. The mission of NAP—publisher for the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Med- icine, and National Research Council—is to disseminate the institutions’ content as widely as possible while maintaining financial sustainability. To that end, NAP began offering free content online in 1994. Before the announcement, all PDFs were free to download in developing countries, and 65 percent were available for free to any user. Printed books will continue to be avail- able for purchase through the NAP Web site and traditional channels. The free PDFs are available exclusively from the NAP’s Web site at http://www. nap.edu and remain subject to copyright laws. Columbia University Libraries approves open access resolution Columbia University Librar- ies is joining a growing move- ment among universities and research institutions to make scholarly research free and available to the public online. The libraries are among the first departments at the university to adopt an open access resolu- tion, which calls for faculty and other researchers to post their journal articles in online reposi- tories such as Columbia’s Aca- July/August 2011 389 C&RL News 2011 ACRL President’s Program Innovation Contest winners demic Commons. In January, the Lamont- Doherty Earth Observatory became the fi rst program at Columbia to adopt an open access resolution. The resolution for the libraries, which went into effect June 1, 2011, requires librarians and other professional staff members to deposit their published schol- arly works into Academic Commons or another repository that makes the work publicly available. The resolution covers only scholarly journal articles and is not retroactive. There is an opt-out feature built into the resolution, with respect to publishing an article in a journal that insists on exclusivity. The resolution will also cover Health Sciences Library professional staff. The full open access resolution policy can be found online at http://bit.ly/columbiaoa. ProQuest acquires BNI ProQuest has acquired BNI, a cornerstone database for nursing and midwifery in the United Kingdom. BNI—shortened from Brit- ish Nursing Index—indexes more than 240 English-language titles, including essential international nursing and midwifery journals and selective content from medical, allied health, and management titles. Its editorial process relies upon indexing by librarians with experience in providing information ser- vices to nurses and midwives. The database is updated monthly. ProQuest plans to invest in BNI, making it a full-text resource that ex- pands well beyond the U.K. market. Content will continue to be accessed through the new ProQuest Dialog service and will ultimately be available on the all-new unifi ed ProQuest platform, where it will be cross-searchable with all ProQuest content. In conjunction with the ACRL President’s Program at the 2011 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, the association sponsored a contest to identify exciting library innova- tion projects using teams to implement new ideas. Given the high quality of the proposals and innovative thinking demonstrated in the projects, the President’s Program Committee selected three winners from the 28 teams of academic librarians who submitted proposals. The “Cook Library Civility Project” from the Towson University Albert S. Cook Library was named the winner in the “in progress” category. The Cook Library demonstrated a unique way of dealing with a common prob- lem. Their video empowers the students to handle noise problems themselves. Through this project, the Cook Library benefi ts from the diverse strengths of every member of the team, a truly innovative and collaborative venture. The reviewers admired this positive-oriented approach and the library’s goal of expanding the campaign to other formats. “The Nightmare on Vine Street: A Team of Zombie Librarians Take On Freshman Orienta- tion” from the University of Tennessee,-Chat- tanooga Lupton Library and “3-Hour School Library Field Experience for Pre-Service K-12 Teachers” from the Lavery Library at St. John Fisher College were named the winners in the “implemented” category. “The Nightmare on Vine Street” video game demonstrates creativity by transforming the traditional library tour into an engaging online encounter. Taking full advantage of the current zombie craze, this project relied on ex- tensive teamwork in order to develop a highly successful and enticing instructional experi- ence. The team was thoughtful in building an assessment component into the project. The zombie hook provides a high-impact factor. The St. Johns Fisher College project looks outside the campus and reaches out to the community, another department, and to a specifi c group of students. The students get a unique and practical opportunity that benefi ts their future careers, and fosters the sense of collaboration between teacher and librarian in a K–12 atmosphere. The committee added that the project is a great example of interde- partmental collaboration that impressed the committee with its innovative qualities. Information on all entries is available on the program Web site at http://acrl.ala. org/2011presprogram/?page_id=8.