sept11b.indd C&RL News September 2011 488 ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, June 2011 Highlights of the Board’s Annual Conference meetings During the 2011 ALA Annual Conference in New Orleans, the ACRL Board of Directors Strategic Area: Higher Education and Research Goal Area: Advocacy—ACRL has greater influence on the higher education and research environment. met on June 23 and 28 and took the follow- ing actions: Confirmed its virtual vote held 4/13/11 –4/20/11, which approved the ACRL 2011 Legislative Agenda ( /ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/about/whatisacrl /strategicplan/index.cfm). Confirmed its virtual vote held 2/24/11 –3/1/11, which approved Alison S. Ricker as ACRL’s recommendation for ALA Represen- tative to the American Association for the Advancement of Science Section Committee Computing and Communication (Section T) for a three-year term. Strategic Area: The Association Goal Area: Organizational Vitality and Effectiveness—ACRL will have the fiscal resources, staff expertise, and organizational structure to advance the association’s strategic plan by de- ploying data-driven decision making to drive entrepreneurial activities. Confirmed its virtual vote held 4/13/11 –4/20/11, which approved the adop- tion of the ACRL Plan for Excellence ( /washingtonwatch/11agenda.cfm), effective July 1, 2011, and rescinded the previous strategic plan, Charting Our Future: ACRL Strategic Plan 2020, also effective July 1, 2011. Considered the Communities of Practice Board Working Group recommendations. The Working Group was tasked with two main goals: 1) design an effective structure for member-initiated groups to be created, function, and evolve as the profession and interests evolve, and 2) refine practices and procedures to efficiently manage ACRL’s finite resources (staff time and funding). To accommodate members’ desire for an uncomplicated system that supports both informal and structured groups, the Board: • Adopted the Working Gr oup’s recommendation that, as of August 2013, ACRL offer just two types of member- initiated groups: 1) discussion groups and 2) sections. • Approved the creation of the Com- munities of Practice Implementation Task Force, with representation from the ACRL Board, ACRL staff, and ACRL Communities of Practice, and charged it with developing the specific operating details for sections. A draft of the specific operating details is due for discussion at the 2012 ALA Midwinter Meeting, and the final version is scheduled to be approved Spring 2012. The roster and September 2011 489 C&RL News full charge are available at /ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/about/committees /roster.cfm?committee=acr-tfimp. • Anticipates that by August 2013 current interest groups will be able to easily transition to the type of group (section or discussion group) that best meets their goals and activities. Current discussion groups and sections can also take this opportunity to evaluate if they wish to transition to a dif- ferent type of group. Confirmed its virtual vote held 2/24/11 –3/1/11, which approved the Procedures for Renewing and for Disbanding Interest Groups, available at /divs/acrl/resources/policies/chapter4.cfm. Appr oved the ACRL Boar d Candi- date Guidelines as detailed in document #2.6a, available at /node/143584. Appr oved the Budget and Finance Committee’s recommendation for the ACRL FY12 budget with: • Total ACRL revenues of $2,302,073 • Total ACRL expenses of $2,854,571 • Net ACRL revenues of ($552,498) • Total CHOICE revenues of $3,191,561 • Total CHOICE expenses of $3,258,199 • Net CHOICE revenues of ($66,638) As ACRL members vested the Board with the authority to raise membership dues rates within the constraint of the increases in the Higher Education Price Index (HEPI) and whereas the HEPI forecast is a 2.2% increase, the ACRL Board voted to approve a dues increase of $1 to each of its personal member dues categories, providing the final annual HEPI index is in line with this forecast. This increase resulted in the following personal dues rates for FY12: • Personal members: $56 • Student members: $36 • Retired members: $36 Raised ACRL institutional membership dues by $15. This increase resulted in the following dues rates for FY12: • Organizational members: $125 • Corporate members $125 ACRL Board 2010–11 (l to r): (back) Mary Ann Sheblé, Mary Ellen K. Davis, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Mark Emmons, Elizabeth A. Dupuis, Maggie Farrell, Michael J. LaCroix (front) Lori A. Goetsch, Linda A. Kopecky, Janice Welburn, Joyce L. Ogburn, John A. Lehner, Lizabeth Chabot, Ann Campion Riley. C&RL News September 2011 490 Authorized a transfer of $75,000 from the FY12 operating budget to invest in the ACRL Long Term Investment (LTI). Transfers to LTI have been stopped by ALA since FY09 to improve ALA’s cash position. ACRL had budgeted to transfer $100,000 in FY09. The Board determined that a $75,000 transfer was a good investment in ACRL’s long-term financial stability and authorized such for FY12 should ALA allow transfers to resume. Established the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Awards Committee (charge and roster at /divs/acrl/resources/leadership/committees /acr-awards.cfm) and dissolved the current Excellence in Academic Libraries Award (nomi- nations) and Excellence in Academic Libraries Award (selection) Committees. Confirmed its virtual vote held 2/22– 3/1/11, which approved the creation of the Information Literacy Competency Standards Review Task Force as detailed at www.ala. org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/resources/leadership /taskforces/acr-tfils.cfm. Confirmed its virtual vote held 3/9–3/16/11, which approved the ACRL Board Midwinter Meeting Minutes posted at /file-manager/group/64091/Approved%20 Board%20Meeting%20Minutes. Approved the Academic Library Services to International Students Interest Group renewal request for another three-year term (July 2011– June 2014) with its current charge. Approved the Image Resources Interest Group renewal request for another three-year term (July 2011–June 2014) with its current charge. Approved the Residency Interest Group renewal request for another three-year term (July 2011–June 2014) with its current charge. Approved removing ACRL Guide to Policies and Procedures item 11.6 Waiver of preconfer- ence registration fees. ACRL Board 2011–12 (l to r): (back) John A. Lehner, Maggie Farrell, Irene M.H. Herold, Ann Cam- pion Riley, Linda A. Kopecky, Lizabeth Chabot, Mary Ann Sheble, (front) Loretta R. Parham, Mary Ellen K. Davis, Joyce L. Ogburn, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Cynthia K. Steinhoff, Mark Emmons (not pictured) Steven J. Bell.