feb12b.indd February 2012 107 C&RL News Jane Hedberg is senior preservation program officer at Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@ harvard.edu; fax: (617) 496-8344 Preservation Week The third annual Preservation Week will be April 22–28, 2012. All cultural institutions, especially libraries, are encouraged to use Preservation Week events, activities, and resources to promote what we can do to preserve our personal and shared heritage collections. For more information about Preservation Week, access to an event toolkit with sug- gestions for planning and promoting events, and to add your event to the 2012 Preserva- tion Week Google map, go to www.ala.org /ala/mgrps/divs/alcts/confevents/preswk /index.cfm. This year Preservation Week also has a Facebook page at www.facebook.com /preservationweek. ALCTS CE programming The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) has announced its upcoming online continuing education schedule. They will again offer “Fundamen- tals of Preservation,” an introductory course designed to provide all types of library staff with a basic understanding of how to pro- long the useful life of collections. The course consists of four sessions, spread over approximately eight months. Session one will be held from March 26 to April 20, session two from May 21 to June 15, session three from September 10 to October 5, and session four from October 22 to November 16. Instructors include Karen Brown (SUNY-Albany), Andy Hart, (University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Julie Mosbo (Southern Illinois University- Carbondale), Jacob Nadal (UCLA), and Peter Verheyen (Syracuse University). ALCTS is also offering three one-hour preservation Webinars. “Preparing for the Worst” on February 22nd will be taught by Jennifer Hain Teper (University of Illinois) and Bobbie Pilette (Yale University). “Taking Care: Family Textiles” on April 24 will be taught by Bronwyn Eves (Il- linois State Museum). “Preserving Your Personal Digital Photographs” on April 26 will be taught by Bill LeFurgy (Library of Congress). The Fundamentals course is $109 for ALCTS members and $129 for nonmembers. Each Webinar is $39 for ALCTS members and $49 for nonmembers. For more infor- mation or to register, go to www.ala.org /ala/mgrps/divs/alcts/confevents/index. cfm. Newspaper archive summit “A Mandate to Preserve: Assessing the Inau- gural Newspaper Archive Summit,” a white paper written by Victoria McCargar, reports about the first Newspaper Archive Summit held April 10–12, 2011. The summit brought together archivists, librarians, historians, news publishers, and news content ven- dors to consider the perilous state of news preservation. As more newspapers cease print publica- tion or go out of business, more paper and digital content is put at risk. Participants considered the importance of preserving the “first draft of history,” the urgency of the threat, stakeholders who should be consulted, digital challenges, funding, out- comes, and possible topics for consideration at a second summit. The first summit was sponsored by Reynolds Journalism Institute, University of Missouri (MU) Libraries, Miz- zou Advantage at MU, and the Library of Congress. The white paper is available as a free PDF at rjionline.org/sites/default/files /archives-whitepaper1.pdf. For more information about Summit I and the proposed Summit II, contact Kelly Peery, phone: (573) 882-9650; e-mail: PeeryK@ missouri.edu. P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w sJane Hedberg