feb12b.indd February 2012 113 C&RL News Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@ ala.org; fax: (312) 280-2520. Rod Hersberger has retired as dean of university libraries and information security Offi cer at California State University-Ba- kersfi eld after nearly 28 years of service. He previously held posi- tions at the University of Oklahoma, North- ern Illinois University, and Indiana Univer- sity. Hersberger was ALA treasurer from 2007 until 2010. By vir- tue of that offi ce he also served on ALA’s Executive Board and Executive Committee and as an ex-offi cio Endowment Trustee. D e a t h s D. Whitney Coe, Russian cataloguer and then Anglo-American bibliographer at Princ- eton University’s Firestone Library for 36 years, passed away October 8, 2011. He was an active member of the ALA, particularly the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services and the International Re- lations Round Table. Coe was a member of the Bibliography Section of the International Federation of Library Associations, where he was part of the working group developing guidelines for national bibliographies in elec- tronic and other formats. Whitney spent the 1993–94 academic year in Korea evaluation the Seoul National University Library’s Eng- lish-language collections under a joint ALA- USAID grant. A p p o i n t m e n t s Tina Adams has been appointed distance education librarian at George Mason University. Tara Baillargeon has been named head of research and instructional services at Marquette University Libraries. Yvonne Carignan has been appointed head of special collections and archives at George Mason University. Alison Dickey has been appointed head of reader services at The Morgan Library and Museum. Kimberley Edwards has been appointed information analyst for technical services at George Mason University. Laurie Hunter has been named physical sciences librarian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill. Ellen Jarosz is now the special collections and archives librarian at the Delmar T. Oviatt Library at California State University-Northridge. Vince Mariner has been appointed deputy director of the Virtual Library of Virginia program at George Mason University. Tricia Wall Mackenzie has been appointed cataloging and metadata services librarian at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Kent Randell is now librarian/archivist at Boise State University’s Albertsons Library. Kate Sawyer has been promoted to assistant vice chancellor at South University’s University Libraries in Savannah, Georgia. R e t i r e m e n t s Inge Dupont has retired as head of reader services after 25 years at The Morgan Li- brary and Museum. P e o p l e i n t h e N e w sAnn-Christe Galloway 113 C&RL News Advertisers ACRL 106 ASBMB 61 Annual Reviews 62 Association of Research Libraries 109 Cabell Publishing cover 4 Choice Reviews Online 78 EBSCO cover 3 John Wiley cover 2 Rittenhouse Book Distributors 65 Rod Hersberger