may12a.indd May 2012 237 C&RL News In the Welcome to the May 2012 issue of C&RL News. In the face of reduced budgets and continu- ing economic uncertainty, many academic and research libraries are examining new ways to extend their resources while providing essen- tial services and access to information. Working together on projects across institutions is one way for all partners to extend their resources. Catherine Palmer, Char Booth, and Lia Fried- man outline the “Creative customization” of a local adaptable library tutorial across a variety of institutions in California as one way to share ideas and stretch resources. Budget cutbacks and other economic factors can hit smaller academic libraries especially hard. In her article “Individual title requests in PDA collections,” Debbi Dinkins shares the Stetson University Library’s success in saving collections funds while providing just-in-time access to e-books relevant to faculty and student needs. Librarians at smaller institutions are also look- ing to creative solutions to keep up with trends in the profession and the ways in which user access information. Christopher Chan of Hong Kong Baptist University discusses his institution’s experiences in providing an affordable solution to the increasing use of library resources via smartphone in his ACRL TechConnect article “Mobile sites made simple.” We continue our look at art and exhibits in libraries with a discussion of mainstream and underground comic book collections and exhib- its at Northwestern University. Jason Nargis and Benn Joseph outline the importance of comics to their library in their article “From the Heroic to the Depraved.” This issue’s The Way I See It essay, features Michele Santamaría and Denise Petrik discuss- ing the concept of metacognitive awareness as it relates to libraries in “Cornering the informa- tion market.” Make sure to check out the other features and columns this month, including Internet Resources on “Muslim Americans” by Allison A. Cowgill, new ACRL “Information literacy competency standards for journalism students and profession- als,” and brief information about ACRL activities at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim. Thanks as always for reading the News. —David Free, editor-in-chief, The Content You Need. The Format You Want. Just in Time. l Free freight and competitive discounts l One-stop shop for print and eContent from leading health-sciences publishers l Online Approval Plans, Core Collection Update Program and Doody’s Core Titles subscription access Save Money Save Time Manage Smartly 511 Feheley Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 800-345-6425