nov12_b.indd November 2012 625 C&RL News Jane Hedberg is senior preservation program officer at Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@; fax: (617) 496-8344 COSTEP MA Coordinated Statewide Emergency Preparedness of Massachusetts (COSTEP MA) has launched a Web site to provide access to immediate as- sistance, as well as, resources for emergency mitigation, planning, response, and recovery. COSTEP MA’s mission is to promote emer- gency preparedness statewide and foster links between the emergency management and cul- tural communities. For example, COSTEP MA coordinates meetings between local emergency managers and representatives of local cultural institutions in Massachusetts cities and towns. It also encourages public libraries to become prescreened Disaster Recovery Centers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency. Partners in COSTEP MA come from a variety of state and federal agencies and private institutions. The URL for the Web site is http://mblc. For more information, contact Michael Comeau at the Massachusetts Archives, e-mail: michael.comeau@sec.state., or Gregor Trinkaus-Randall at the Mas- sachusetts Board of Library Commissioners, e-mail: Constructing conservation labs The Association for Library Collections and Technical Services has published Planning and Constructing Book and Paper Conserva- tion Laboratories: A Guidebook. The 230-page book, edited by Jennifer Hain Teper of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Eric Alstrom of Michigan State University, provides advice for planning a new lab or remodeling an existing one. It covers project management; space planning; designing labs for special, general, and hybrid collections; ergonomic considerations; fume hoods and ventilation systems; water purification; lighting; custom-built furniture design; and quarantine and segregation space planning. The book costs $67.95 and is available from the ALA bookstore at /detail.aspx?ID=3982. Light damage calculator The Canadian Conservation Institute has mounted three Web pages that present the fad- ing of colors that are exposed to light. These pages are intended to help in predicting the damage an object could sustain during exhibi- tion. The first page estimates fading of a single colorant under a single set of conditions, the second provides side-by-side comparison of the fading of single colorant in three different exposure scenarios, and the third presents the fading of collections of colors. The Web pages are available free-of-charge at /index-eng.aspx. Audio digitization guidelines The Audio-Visual Working Group in the Fed- eral Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative has published the Audio Analog-to-Digital Converter Performance Specification and Test Method: Guideline (High Level Perfor- mance), version 1.0. The nine-page guide is accompanied by a 33-page introduction. The guide specifies a set of metrics and methods for the performance of the highest-quality audio analog to digital converters (ADCs), which are central to audio digitization system performance. It doesn’t cover interstitial errors (dropped or altered samples) or the impact of other devices, cables, or interfaces in the signal chain. Chris Lacinak of Audio Preserva- tion Solutions is the principle investigator and primary author. The guide and introduction are available as free PDFs at www.digitizationguidelines. g o v / a u d i o - v i s u a l / d o c u m e n t s / A D C _performGuide_20120820.pdf and www. /documents/ADC_performIntro_20120820.pdf. P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w sJane Hedberg