march13_b.indd C&RL News March 2013 158 ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, January 2013 Highlights of the Board’s Midwinter meetings During the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle, Washington, the ACRL Board of Direc- tors met on January 26 and January 28 and took the following actions: Value of Academic Libraries Goal: Academic libraries demonstrate alignment with and impact on institutional outcomes. • Confirmed approval of ACRL’s partner- ship in the IMLS “Salary and Demographic Trends” grant proposal submitted by the University of North Carolina-Charlotte in partnership with the Association of Research Libraries. The grant proposes to field a comprehensive survey of academic library positions and salaries, enhancing the body of research for the profession. • Confirmed approval of the formation of a College and University Professional As- sociation for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) Position Descriptions Task Force. The task force is charged with reviewing the exist- ing library job positions used by CUPA-HR in its salary survey in order to determine if revisions, eliminations, or additions to these descriptions are required. Student Learning Goal: Librarians transform student learning, pedagogy, and instructional practices through creative and innovative collaborations. • Confirmed approval of the formation of a new Information Literacy Standards Review Task Force to revise the “Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.” The task force is charged with reviewing the recommendations of the initial Informa- tion Literacy Competency Standards Review Task Force, collecting feedback from the ACRL membership and the broad constituen- cies within the higher education community regarding these recommendations, revising, and extensively updating the standards ac- cordingly. • Adopted a memorial resolution in honor of Joseph J. Branin, editor of College & Research Libraries from 2007 to 2012. The Board ex- tended its gratitude to the C&RL Editorial Board and the ACRL Publications Coordinating Com- mittee for developing a resolution to recognize Branin’s life and his significant contributions to the profession. (Note: See next page for full text of Branin’s memorial resolution.) Research and Scholarly Environment Goal: Librarians accelerate the transition to a more open system of scholarship. • Confirmed approval of a resolution of thanks to the University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Libraries for digitizing the back files of College & Research Libraries. The reso- lution recognized the important work that the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Libraries has undertaken to make the entire archive of College & Research Libraries pub- licly accessible. • Confirmed approval of ACRL’s partner- ship in the University of Tennessee Value of Research Data Services in Libraries (ValData) March 2013 159 C&RL News Memorial resolution honoring Joseph J. Branin First adopted by the College & Research Libraries Editorial Board, January 9, 2013 Whereas, the Association of College & Re- search Libraries and the broader community of academic and research libraries and librarians lost a valued member, mentor, and leader on December 30, 2012, with the death of Joseph J. Branin, director of libraries at the King Abdul- lah University of Science and Technology (KAUST); and Whereas, he provided leadership with distinction for academic libraries in the United States and abroad for over 30 years, including KAUST, The Ohio State University, the State University of New York-Stony Brook, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Georgia; and Whereas, he provided leadership for nu- merous institutions in the library, archives, and museums community, including the Columbus (Ohio) Art Museum, OhioLINK, the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, and the Associa- tion of Research Libraries, where he served as a member of the Board of Directors from 2001 to 2003; and Whereas, he made important contributions to the literature of academic librarianship for over 30 years in areas such as collection management, scholarly communication, and library leadership, including his coauthor- ship of “The Changing Nature of Collection Management in Research Libraries” (2000), which won the Blackwell Scholarship Award as the year’s outstanding article “in the field of technical services, including acquisitions, cataloging, collection management, preserva- tion, continuing resources and related areas in the library field”; and Whereas, he served as a valued member of the editorial boards of a number of lead- ing publications in academic librarianship, including Technical Services Quarterly and the Journal of Academic Librarianship, and served as a mentor for many colleagues as a member of the Library and Information Sci- ence Editors Group; and Whereas, he served as editor of College & Research Libraries from 2007 until his untimely death, during which time he suc- cessfully advocated for the journal’s embrace of key principles in the movement toward open access, including the posting of digital preprints, the provision of free access to the journal’s historical back-file, and, in 2011, the decision by the ACRL Board of Directors to transform the journal into a fully digital, openly- accessible title; and Whereas, the Editorial Board of College & Research Libraries, the Publications Coordi- nating Committee of the Association of College & Research Libraries, and the ACRL Board of Directors wish to recognize and honor Joseph J. Branin’s many significant contributions to the life of the association and to the enrichment of the scholarly literature of academic librarian- ship, now therefore let it be Resolved, that the Association of College & Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, joins his family, friends, colleagues, and associates in remembering and celebrating the life and accomplishments of Joseph J. Branin; and, be it further Resolved, that the ACRL Board of Directors commends the contributions and leadership that Joseph J. Branin provided to the association and to the profession; and, finally, be it Resolved, that the Association of College & Research Libraries, on behalf of its 12,000 members, expresses its sincere sympathy to Joseph J. Branin’s wife, Anita, and to their family. C&RL News March 2013 160 grant proposal to IMLS. This proposed re- search will provide academic institutions with evidence of the costs and benefits of research data services that will help them see how they can remain central to their university’s data management. Enabling Programs and Services Goal: Strategic goal areas will be supported by financial and operational planning, and will guide the development and implementation of programs and services that target education, advocacy, and member engagement. • Approved support for the establishment of a standing ACRL committee to address issues of intellectual freedom and ethics, as well as the establishment of ACRL liaisons to ALA committees relating to these core values. The Board convened a working group to cre- ate a charge for a proposed Intellectual Free- dom and Ethics Committee and anticipates taking action resulting in the establishment of the new committee at the close of the 2013 ALA Annual Conference. • Approved a revised Section Basic Ser- vices funding model providing all sections with a base of $1,000 plus an additional $0.75 per each Section Member over 400. • Approved the discontinuation of two standing subcommittees of the ACRL Bud- get and Finance Committee: the Friends Fund Subcommittee and the Friends Fund Disbursement Subcommittee. This action, effective at the close of the 2013 ALA Annual Conference, will support a related Board deci- sion to use Friends of ACRL funds to better support strategic initiatives while honoring donor intent. ACRL Board 2012–13 (l to r): (back) Loretta R. Parham, Lisabeth A. Chabot, Marilyn Nabua Ochoa, Ann Campion Riley, Mary Ellen K. Davis, Mark Emmons; (front) Irene M.H. Herold, Trevor A. Dawes, Steven J. Bell, Joyce L. Ogburn, Cynthia K. Steinhoff, Mary Ann Sheblé; (not pictured) Julie Ann Garrison, Maggie Farrell.