C&RL News November 2014 554 The city of Portland is known by many nicknames—Stumptown, the Rose City, Bridgetown, Rip City. No matter what you call it, that name refers to a city renowned for its diverse and vibrant neighborhoods. The vast majority of these pedestrian- friendly neighborhoods are easily accessible by foot or bike (rent a bike at one of the many shops in town). Portland’s world-class public transportation (trimet.org) will get you to each neigh- borhood by bus, MAX light rail, or streetcar. Getting around is easy, since most of the city is laid out on a grid that spreads across the city quadrants: North, Northwest, Northeast, Southwest, and South- east. (Remember, Port- land has to keep it weird by having a fifth quadrant.) The Willamette (rhymes with Janet) River separates the city into east and west. Burnside Street separates north and south. Look for the N, NW, NE, SW, SE in the street address to help figure out where you are. One of the highlights of a visit to the Rose City is visiting these neighborhoods and discovering their unique offerings. Deciding what neighborhood to explore can be diffi- cult, but rest assured no matter where you go there will plenty to do and see. While you’re out and about, get in some guilt-free shop- ping—there’s no sales tax in Oregon! Some suggestions for neighborhoods and places to visit, shop, and play follow. The public transportation serving the neighborhood is included, but check with Trimet for specif- ics. Take some extra time to find your own favorite park, gallery, or boutique. If you want a more guided experience, walking and bicycling routes are available from city planners. Check out the architectural, culinary, and “weird Portland” group tours. To learn more about neighbor- hoods of Portland and find the perfect way to spend your time, visit www.travelpor- tland.com/things-to-do / n e i g h b o r h o o d s -regions/. We’ll be profiling neighborhood restaurants, breweries, and coffee shops in an upcoming article, stay tuned. The Lloyd/Broadway district in NE Portland is one of the closest neighborhoods Angie Beiriger and Dan Kelley Neighborhoods of Portland Visit. Shop. Play. ACRL 2015 Angie Beiriger is digital assets librarian and liaison to Classics & Religion at Reed College Library, email: beiriger@ reed.edu, and Dan Kelley is faculty outreach librarian at Lewis and Clark College, email: dkelley@lclark.edu © 2014 Angie Beiriger and Dan Kelley Pioneer Courthouse Square signpost. Photo credit: Cavale Doom, https://www.flickr.com/photos /cavale/8376789007/. November 2014 555 C&RL News to the Con- v e n t i o n Center. It’s h o m e t o the Lloyd C e n t e r , O r e g o n ’ s l a r g e s t m a l l a n d p o p u l a r family des- t i n a t i o n . S h o p a t one of its more than 150 stores (Made in O r e g o n , Macy’s, and H&M), catch a movie at one of the 18 screens, or rent some skates at the indoor ice rink. If the mall isn’t your thing, stroll over to Broadway Street to check out one of the city’s best independent bookstores, Broadway B o o k s . C o o k i n g enthusiasts should vis- it Kitchen Kaboodle, a l o c a l l y o w n e d shop full o f g a d - gets, home a c c e s s o - r i e s , a n d cookware. High-end c o n s i g n - ment store H e r e We Go Again features a great selection of vintage and mod- ern fashion. (Bus, MAX, Streetcar) A short distance to the south of the con- vention center is the up-and-coming Lower Burnside Area. Burnside may be one of the busiest streets in town, but that hasn’t stopped stellar res- t a u r a n t s and funky boutiques from tak- ing a hold o n t h e neighbor- hood. East B u r n s i d e is divided into upper and lower d i s t r i c t s . The lower district is closest to the Con- vention Center. Peruse the offerings at one of the vintage shops like Modo Boutique, Bombshell Vintage, or Rock n’ Rose. A visit to the iconic Hippo Hardware is on many a Port- land visitor’s bucket list. Catch an indie rock s h o w a t the Doug Fir Lounge (located in the Jupiter Hotel) or j u s t v i s i t t h e b a r u p s t a i r s to experi- e n c e t h e m o d e r n log cabin ambiance. T a k e a walk over t h e m a s - sive Burn- side bridge into down- town Portland to catch stellar views of the river, bridges, and skyline. (Bus, Streetcar) One of the hippest neighborhoods in Stumptown is Historic Mississippi Avenue (N). The street’s recent transformation and development has made it a destination for Downtown Portland at sunset from the Burnside Bridge. Photo credit: C.M. Keiner, https://www.flickr.com/photos/cmkeiner/6178373872/. Wall of salts at The Meadow. Photo credit: lesleyk, https://www.flickr.com/photos/lesleyk/5851679537/. C&RL News November 2014 556 shoppers, diners, and people watchers. The Meadow features an extensive selec- tion of salt, chocolate, and flowers. In fact, the owner, Mark Bitterman, actually wrote the book on salt—the James Beard award winning Salted: A Manifesto on the World’s Most Essential Mineral, with Recipes. Check out Paxton Gate, a true curiosity shop with a huge selection of fossils and minerals, taxidermy and bones, plant oddities, and really funky jewelry. After perusing one of the many vinyl, comic book, or paper goods stores, round out your visit by catching some live local music at Mississippi Studios. (Bus, MAX with walk) Want to check out one of the m o s t d i - v e r s e a r t scenes in town? Take some time to stroll the more than 20 blocks of the Al- berta Arts D i s t r i c t . In addition to myriad established art galler- ies, the street is brimming with boutiques, shops, and cafes, many of which line their walls with work by local artists. The biggest draw to the neighborhood is the almost anything-goes Last Thursday festival. Art vendors line the streets and galleries host new exhibitions in what has become one of Portland’s largest street parties. It should be in full swing on March 26 during the conference. The district is a great place to shop for a locally designed clothing at boutiques like Tumbleweed or designer shoes at PedX. Check out the fascinating selection of art books, photographs, and ephemera at Ampersand Gallery & Fine Arts. Parents of young children may want to pop into Grass- hopper to choose a gift from a well-curated selection of toys. A visit to the neighbor- hood should include a short walk north to the Kennedy School, a historic elementary school converted into a mixed-use build- ing featuring hotel rooms, a movie theater, several bars and restaurants, a soaking pool, and (of course) walls lined with murals and artwork. (Bus) Division, Hawthorne, and Belmont are parallel streets in SE Portland, located close enough to be easily accessed via a quick bus or bike ride or even a brisk stroll. T h e s e three older streets all had busy streetcars l i n k i n g them with downtown before the rise of the a u t o m o - b i l e . A f - t e r s o m e r o u g h d e c a d e s following World War II, they have all bounced back and now are brimming with restaurants, boutiques, bars, and Portland’s quirky vibe. They are a short distance from one of Stumptown’s jewels, Mt. Tabor. With a forest-like setting and pan- oramic views of the city, the 196-acre park situated on an extinct volcanic cinder cones in the middle of the city is another must-visit for bikers, hikers, and trail enthusiasts. (Bus) The furthest south of the three streets, Division Street, has developed rapidly recently and now boasts some of the best restaurants in the city. Visit some of the boutiques and witness the transformation of a sleepy neighborhood into a culinary des- Jugglers at Last Thursday on Alberta Street. Photo credit: MookieLuv https://www.flickr.com/photos/mookieluv/4747558427/. November 2014 557 C&RL News tination. Hawthorne Boulevard is P-town’s original hippie neighborhood. While some of the peace and love vibe may have mel- lowed a bit, you can still catch glimpses of its patchouli, t i e - d y e past. The p o p u l a r neighbor- hood is a great place for people- w a t c h i n g a n d o f - fers great shopping. Browse the shelves of P o w e l l ’ s Books on Hawthorne o r c h e c k o u t t h e huge cookbook selection at Powell’s Books for Home and Garden. Catch a film at McMe- namin’s Bag- dad Theater and Pub or pick up some of the city’s best cheese and import f o o d s a t Pastaworks. If soccer is your thing, c h e c k o u t 4 - 4 - 2 , a great place t o c a t c h a T i m b e r s , Thornes, or English Pre- mier League match. The n e i g h b o r - hood is also a great place to look for col- lectibles, antiques, and vintage clothing. The business strip on Belmont Street isn’t as big as the other two neighborhoods, but it’s great place to hang out and pretend you’re a local. The Avalon Theatre offers old-school video games and pinball for kids of all ages. The boutiques Noun and S u p e r - Maker fea- ture vin- tage and m o d e r n gifts. Grab a cup of coffee at S t u m p - town and stroll over to beauti- f u l L a u - r e l h u r s t P a r k t o s e e h o w Portland- ers play in rain or shine. For a more historic and contemplative experience, visit Port- land’s oldest c o n t i n u - ously used c e m e t e r y and de facto arboretum, L o n e F i r Cemetery. The west side of the river hosts s o m e o f P o r t l a n d ’ s oldest neigh- b o r h o o d s and iconic landmarks. D o w n - town, Chi- n a t o w n , Old Town, and the Pearl District may look like sepa- rate neighborhoods on a map, but they flow into each other without any clear divi- Shops on Hawthorne Boulevard. Photo credit: Curtis Perry https://www.flickr.com/photos/curtisperry/8375296421/. Portland’s living room, Pioneer Courthouse Square. Photo credit: A. Davey https://www.flickr.com/photos/adavey/8699673325/. C&RL News November 2014 558 sions. Portlanders are rightly proud of the Downtown area (SW), which is brimming with food carts, cultural i n s t i t u t i o n s , a n d (of course) tons of cyclists. The South Park Blocks link the Portland Art Mu- seum and Oregon Historical Society with Portland State University and are beautiful to walk through. The blocks f e a t u r e P o r t l a n d largest Farmer’s Mar- ket, which runs on Saturdays from mid- March through mid- December. Water- front Park, close to the Willamette River, is also a great place to explore. Closer in, the beautiful Multnomah County Library main b r a n c h should be o n e v e r y l i b r a r i a ns bucket list. P i o n e e r Courthouse Square has been called “Portland’s l i v i n g room” and is great for p e o p l e - w a t c h i n g anytime of day. Union Way, Port- l a n d ’ s e c l e c t i c shopping arcade, features high-end retail and a true hipster vibe. Hugging the Wil- lamette River on the edge of downtown, Old Town and Chi- natown (NW) were pretty sketchy until a few years ago, and can still be a bit gritty, but its his- toric architecture and lively night- life make it very worthwhile. A true Portland institution, Darcelle XV has hosted some of the area’s most iconic “female imperson- ators” for almost 50 years. Other dance and burlesque clubs mix with dim sum restaurants and herb shops to make up one of the most eclectic areas of the city. Find out about Portland’s seedy past with the free Secrets of Portlan- d a n i a o r a g u i d e d P o r t l a n d U n d e r - g r o u n d t o u r. T h e hub of the area is the i n c r e d - i b l e L a n Su Chinese Garden, an a u t h e n t i c M i n g D y - nasty style garden that is the epit- ome of an urban ref- uge. Stroll through the breathtaking gardens then relax in the Teahouse in the Tower of Female Fu Lion in Front of Chinatown Gate. Photo credit: camknows, https://www.flickr.com/photos /camknows/4148599230/. Pearl District Go by Streetcar sign: Photo credit: Steve Boland. https://www.flickr.com/photos/sfcityscape/4997559367/. November 2014 559 C&RL News Cosmic Reflections while you enjoy the best tea in Portland. Stop into the Pendleton flag- ship store for a lovely selection of goods from the iconic Oregon company. (Bus, MAX, Streetcar) With its high-rise condos, wall-to-wall shopping, and endless dining options, the Pearl District is one of Bridgetown’s most urban residential centers. Any visitor’s first stop should be to the legendary Powell’s Bookstore. You may need a whole day to explore the exceptional selection of books, gifts, zines, and maps. A shoppers paradise, the Pearl is home to outdoorsy shops like REI, Patagonia, and North Face, as well as retailers like West Elm and Anthropologie. Antique and interior design shops abound. Paper aficionados will love Oblation Papers & Press, a letterpress print shop, paper maker, and retail store. Stroll down the South Park Blocks to watch the old-timers playing Bocce, tech workers eating lunch, and young neighborhood kids on the playgrounds. Nestled on a corner next to the blocks is the historic DeSoto Building, which hosts high-profile art institutions like Blue Sky Photography Gallery, Charles A. Hartman Fine Art, The Museum of Contemporary Craft, and Augen Gallery. 4. Michelle Armstrong and Julia Stringfel- low, “Promoting Faculty Scholarship through the University Author Recognition Bibliogra- phy at Boise State University,” New Review of Academic Librarianship 18, no. 2 (2012): 171. doi:10.1080/13614533.2012.717901. 5. Bai, Sheryl, and Pamela Kelly, “Devel- opment of a Web-based faculty publications database,” Bulletin of the Medical Library Association 88, no. 2 (2000): 189. 6 Sara Tabaei et al., “Building a Faculty Publications Database: A Case Study,” Public Services Quarterly 9, no. 3 (2013: 200. doi:1 0.1080/15228959.2013.816127. 7. Connor, “Using Wiki Technology,” 16. 8. Julia Stringfellow and Michelle Arm- strong, “The University Authors Recognition A bit further out from the city center is one of Portland’s original destination neighborhoods, the Northwest District/ Nob Hill district. NW 23rd and 21st streets feature high-end boutiques like the jewelry haven Twist as well national retailers like Urban Outfitters, Restoration Hardware, and Pottery Barn. Historic homes and elegant vintage apartment buildings line the side streets. Catch the most recent indie docu- mentary at Cinema 21. With breathtaking views of the surrounding forests, bridges, and mountains, the vast historic Pittock Mansion is another must-see jewel of the city. (Bus, Streetcar) Find your own adventure at those de- scribed here or go off the beaten path by exploring other the notable neighborhoods, such as St. Johns/North Portland, Upper Burnside/Laurelhurst, Alameda/Fremont, Montavilla, Williams, Woodstock, Sellwood /Moreland, and so many more. Whether you prefer the bustling vibe of an urban center or a quiet encounter with one of the many Bridgetown parks, there’s a neighborhood in Portland waiting for you to explore. And remember, we’ll be profiling the bars, breweries, and restaurants in theses neigh- borhoods in an upcoming article. Reception at Boise State University: A Cel- ebration of Scholarship,” The Idaho Librarian 62, no. 1 (2012): 2. http://theidaholibrarian. wordpress.com/2012/05/09/the-university -authors-recognition-reception-at-boise-state -university-a-celebration-of-scholarship. 9. Tabaei et al., “Building a Faculty Pub- lications Database,” 202. 10. Barbara Blummer, “The Availabil- ity of Faculty Publication Databases from Library Web Pages,” Journal of Web Li- brarianship 1, no. 2 (2007): 35. doi:10.1300/ J502v01n02_03;Vanette Schwartz and Bruce Stoffel, “Building an Online Faculty Publica- tions Database,” College & Undergraduate Libraries 14, no. 3 (2007): 5. doi:10.1300 /J106v14n03_01. (“Let’s get this party started” cont. from page 553