april17_b.indd C&RL News April 2017 226 Carrie Russell is director of the Program on Public Access to Information, ALA’s Washington Office, email: crussell@alawash.org W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n eCarrie Russell More access to more digitized materials The Library of Congress (LC) has initiated a significant partnership to share digitized materials unique to the LC with the Digital Public Library of America (DPLA). This is the first official collaboration made with DPLA and reflects the new Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden’s commitment to greatly expand access to the LC collec- tion—the world’s largest library. DPLA provides a portal to all the col- lections submitted from more than 2,000 libraries, museums, archives, and universi- ties. Many resources found in DPLA can be downloaded and are a boon for students, educators, and faculty to use for educational purposes. DPLA has also curated educational sets of primary source materials that can shape curricula. The LC will serve as a “content hub partner” along with other libraries with mas- sive collections like the Harvard University Library. All hub partners are responsible for curating, digitizing, and maintaining digital content and metadata, so the commitment is an ongoing one. Five thousand items have already been shared with DPLA, including maps from the Revolutionary and Civil Wars and panoramic maps. Other collections will be added, including photos and sheet music. Ultimately, a significant percentage of the entire LC collection will be digitized and available from both the LC website and through DPLA. Copyright award nominations open ALA is accepting nominations for the 2017 L. Ray Patterson award, which recognizes particular individuals or groups who “em- body the spirit of the U.S. copyright law as voiced by the framers of our Constitution: to advance the knowledge of science and useful arts.” Appropriate nominees for the Patterson Award are persons or groups who—over a stretch in time—have made significant and consistent contributions in the areas of aca- demia, law, politics, public policy, libraries, or library education to the pursuit of copyright principles. Letters of nomination outlining a candidate’s qualifications for this award can be submitted by email to Carrie Russell at crussell@alawash.org. Nominations will be accepted through May 15, 2017. Staff developments in Washington Office Right after welcoming Emily Wagner as the new information manager in January, Emily Sheketoff, executive director of ALA’s Wash- ington Office, announced her retirement af- ter 17 years heading the office. At the same time, a search is also underway for a lobby- ist in the Office of Government Relations to replace Jessica McGilvray, who left in Feb- ruary after more than nine years of service. Search committees hope to fill the positions before the ALA Annual Conference in July. In the meantime, you are invited to honor Emily and recognize her accomplishments in advocating for libraries with ALA at a reception during the 2017 National Library Legislative Days (May 1-2) in Washington, D.C. Register for the event at districtdispatch. org.