id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-10693	Thompson, Lawrence S.	Biblioteksproblem; nagra synpunkter pabiblioteksarbetets organisation och rationalisering (Book Review)	1952-06-30	2	.pdf	application/pdf	1519	69	55	Carl Bjorkbom, librarian of the Royal Technological University in Stockholm, con- tributes a study of Principles of Bibliographi- cal Classification in which he expounds the virtues of a synthetic classificatory language as opposed to natural language. He points out that clas~ification is not to be viewed primarily as a scheme for arrangement of books on the shelves but rather as 'a device for the codifica- tion of knowledge (thus making it an indis- pensable tool in the mechanization of bibli- ography).	cache/crl-10693.pdf	txt/crl-10693.txt