id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-10773 Brainard, Edith M. The Use and Administration of Audio-Visual Materials in Colleges in the Pacific Northwest: Report of a Survey 1953-06-30 3 .pdf application/pdf 2210 103 59 T h e reasons which are JULY, 1953 317 given for this may be listed under headings such as ( i ) improved services, which include a better system of ordering and scheduling of films and improved techniques for keeping faculty informed of materials available; (2) more materials available in a larger number of fields, they can be obtained from nearby sources, quality is improved, the cost is less, and colleges have made more filmstrips and enlarged their slide collections; ( 3 ) physical equipment and facilities—new buildings have audio-visual facilities, equipment is better and there is more of it; (4) administration and faculty are more sympathetic toward the use of audio-visual teaching aids, they are more aware of the wide range available and of their value in instruction; too, more faculty mem- bers are prepared to use them; ( 5 ) more publicity given these materials, for coordina- tors and directors of audio-visual centers and librarians have carried on a continuous cam- paign to increase their use. T h e questionnaire was designed to gather information regarding audio-visual aids used, the subject fields in which used, selection of materials, the handling of those of which the library has charge, the records kept to facili- tate ordering, scheduling, lending of films and other materials, and suggestions for improve- ment of their present programs. cache/crl-10773.pdf txt/crl-10773.txt