id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-11269 Birnbaum, Henry Annual Report of the Librarian of Congress for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1958 (Book Review) 1959-06-30 2 .pdf application/pdf 1449 51 53 However, it may be noted that there were eighty-two fewer people employed on June 29, 1958, than were employed July 14, 1957, each being the end of a pay period; growth was controlled by disposing of more than was received—5,560,000 pieces—through the ap- plication of increasingly rigid selection pol- icies; time required to process subscriptions and payments was reduced by 50 per cent in the order division by placing the Li- brary's periodical subscriptions on a three- year payment basis; the cataloging in source experiment was a major develop- ment, as well as the 9 per cent increase in cooperative cataloging which produced near- ly 12,300 titles during the year; the arrear- age of unsearched publications was reduced in the descriptive cataloging division from 105,000 in 1955 to 64,000 at the end of fiscal 1958; 1,075,000 cards, an increase of 16 per cent, were received in the Union Catalog division; 25 per cent more volumes were bound, for a total of 87,700; 928 new sub- scribers for LC cards accounted for a 5 per cent increase in the number of sub- scribers to this distribution service and a 6 per cent increase in the amount of money received, resulting in a recovery of 93 per cent of the total appropriations; nearly 1,600 American publishers, 300 more than last year, sent their new publications in advance of the date of issue and also printed the Library's catalog card numbers in the books themselves; the Legislative Reference Serv- ice's research and reference work for mem- bers and committees of Congress climbed to an all time high with a 14 per cent in- crease in the number of questions answered, to a total of 67,843, and other departments handled 37,346 congressional inquiries; in the reference department, one record that was broken is particularly laudable, in that the number of books lent to members of Congress rose by 42 per cent to a total of 77,000, thus becoming the largest single category of loans out of a record high of 207,141 loans; answers to reference questions reached a record high of 573,187, and an increase of 53 per cent in direct reference services in science and technology, supports Mr. Mumford's statement; the administrative department undertook an intensive study of the Library's requirements for a third building in view of the fact that the fifteen acres of floor space in the old building, and the twenty acres of floor space in the Annex, with a total capacity for 15,000,000 volumes, is becoming overcrowded; and the earned revenues from fees received by the Copy- right Office in pursuance of the copyright business were the largest in its history, JULY 1959 325 totaling $954,231. T h e r e is no disputing the primary ob- jective of this volume which is to present a reliable and annotated bibliography of Old Testament studies during the past dec- ade. cache/crl-11269.pdf txt/crl-11269.txt