id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-11325	Wilson, Eugene H. 	Issues in University Education: Essays by Ten American Scholars (Book Review)	1960-04-30	2	.pdf	application/pdf	1481	72	61	Eight representative American scholars were selected to describe aspects of the American university, each contributing his own independent reflections on the facts he describes, with the interests, needs, and criti- cisms of scholars from abroad fundamentally in mind, and the editor prepared the con- cluding and summary essay. Americans interested in the general subject will find the essays interesting as an attempt to provide such an introduction and to make some relation of the distinctive and special problems on the American edu- cational scene to the problems of teachers and scholars whose mission, in the final anal- ysis, is the same as that of scholars anywhere.	cache/crl-11325.pdf	txt/crl-11325.txt