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crl-11807	Schick, Frank L.; Carl, Herbert A.	Magazines in the Twentieth Century (Book Review)	1965-08-31	1	.pdf	application/pdf	669	36	62	Chapter headlines include: The Birth of the Modern Magazine (treats the shift from agrarian to an industrial economy, ad- vances in printing, the effects of low prices, mass production, and mass distribution) ; Advertising: Its Growth and Effects; The Expanding Magazine Market; The Eco- nomic Structure of the Industry; The Log- istics of Magazine Publishing (includes the economic plight of the freelance au- thor); The Old Leaders That Died; The Troubled Giant (Curtis Publishing Co.); The Old Leaders That Survived; New Leaders: The Missionaries; New Leaders: The Merchants (Conde N ast Publications, Inc.; Esquire, Inc.; Cowles Magazines and Broadcasting, Inc.; Fawcett Publications, Inc.; and the Dell Publishing Company); Success by Imitation; Expansion by Com- pression; (includes treatment of Time and Life as well as the comic books); Mag- azines for Everybody; Magazines for Cul- tural Minorities (two broad types: literary and political); and finally, Magazines, 1900-64: An Assessment. Princeton University Press, 1946) and Mary Noel's Villain's Galore; the Heyday of the Popular Story Weekly (New York: Macmillan, 1954).	cache/crl-11807.pdf	txt/crl-11807.txt