id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-12394 Anderson, James F. Break-Even Point for a Proof Slip Operation 1972-03-01 3 .pdf application/pdf 1343 67 74 Aside from th·e many other uses of proof slips, a medi- um-sized library can realize a definite savings in processing costs by utilizing a proof slip subscription and a Xerox 914 copier instead of ordering card sets from the Library of Congress. He is now director, First Regional Libmry, Hernando, M issis- sippi. machine than through mere reproduc- tion of catalog cards from proof slips; on the contrary, it will be assumed that the reproduction of catalog cards from proof slips must defray the entire cost of the Xerox 914. cache/crl-12394.pdf txt/crl-12394.txt