id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-12815	Ferguson, Douglas	Information Systems and Networks. Eleventh Annual Symposium, March 27-29, 1974 (Book Review)	1976-01-01	1	.pdf	application/pdf	646	53	56	Some of the m·ore substantive presentations are Roy Kid- man's statement of the harsh constraints on aqademic libraries in offering on-line ser- vices; Thomas Martin's review of alterna- tives in designing interactive retrieval soft- ware; ·Donald King and :Raymond ·Brown's eronomic model for deeiSions · on · using interactive services; Bennet· Lientz' s quanti- fication of factors in deciding to :secure computer services through a network; Ken- neth Siler's ;description of criteria for evalu- ating data base management systems; and Paul Zurkowski's discussion of the role of the marketplace in access to in- formation. profes- sional, and governmental groups must do to make interactive services better and sup- portable.	cache/crl-12815.pdf	txt/crl-12815.txt