id	author	title	date	pages	extension	mime	words	sentence	flesch	summary	cache	txt
crl-13137	Bobinski, George S.	A History of the Principles of Librarianship (Book Review)	1978-03-01	1	.pdf	application/pdf	705	44	60	A History of the Principles of Li- brarianship would, of course, be of special value to students of library history. Briefly, these principles are: li- braries are created by society; libraries are conserved by society; libraries are for the storage and dissemination of knowledge; li- braries are centers of power; libraries are for all; libraries must grow; a national library should contain all national literature, with some representation of other national litera- tures; every fiook is of use; a librarian must be a person of education; a librarian is an educator; a librarian's role can only be an important one if it is fully integrated into the prevailing social and political system; a librarian needs training and/or apprentice- ship; it is a librarian's duty to increase the stock of his or her library; a library must be arranged in some kind of order, and a list of its contents provided; since libraries are -- Recent Publications I 151 storehouses of knowledge, they should be arranged according to subject; practical con- venience should dictate how subjects are to be grouped in a library; and a library must have a subject catalog.	cache/crl-13137.pdf	txt/crl-13137.txt