id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14162 Millson-Martula, Christopher The Effectiveness of Book Selection Agents in a Small Academic Library 1985-11-01 7 .pdf application/pdf 3887 160 49 A review of the literature indicates that smaller academic libraries are not un- dertaking studies of the relationship of book use and book selector responsibility, or, if they are, the results are not being broadly disseminated to the profession. Although the Hardesty study seems to be the only reported study of book use and selection responsibil_ity in a small aca- Books Circulations per Book Circulated for Books Circulated 157 2.01 80 2.25 42 1.71 demic library, several such studies have been conducted in university libraries. cache/crl-14162.pdf txt/crl-14162.txt