id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14529 Trevvett, Melissa D. Information Literacy: Revolution in the Library (Book Review) 1990-01-01 2 .pdf application/pdf 960 48 52 In Information Literacy: Revolution in the Library Patricia Senn Breivik and E. Gor­ don Gee urge top-level academic adminis­ trators to look beyond the traditional role for libraries in colleges and universities and to consider how library personnel and resources can be used to accomplish cam­ pus priorities. Concerned about the infre­ quent references to libraries in many of the recent reports on educational reform, Breivik, director of the Auraria Library of the University of Colorado at Denver, and Gee, president of the University of Colo­ rado, suggest a wide range of possible roles for the library and librarians on cam­ pus . cache/crl-14529.pdf txt/crl-14529.txt