id author title date pages extension mime words sentence flesch summary cache txt crl-14877 Frazer, Stuart Specialized Accreditation and Academic Libraries 1994-03-01 8 .pdf application/pdf 3957 174 32 An em- phasis on collection size, facilities, staffing, and networking or cooperative agreements can be expected from ac- creditors.18 There is general agreement that measures of library use are not emphasized in regional accredita- tion.19 Moreover, regional accrediting bodies do not make use of standards for academic libraries developed by the As- sociation of College and Research Li- braries.20 Casserly's work suggests that better guidelines for evaluation, from ACRL or other sources, are needed to carry out effective self-studies.21 To explore whether specialized ac- crediting group library guidelines share the same characteristics as their regional counterparts, a study was made of the content of guidelines from seventeen specialized accreditors (see appendix A). The literature on academic libraries and accreditation has concentrated pri- marily on regional accreditation. cache/crl-14877.pdf txt/crl-14877.txt